A/N: Some of the dialogue here is directly from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, by J.K. Rowling, as well as the accompanying movie for the Half-Blood Prince.

This is part one of a two-shot. Hopefully you will enjoy reading :)

Bellatrix had not felt this alive in years. Her master would be so pleased with her. She had managed to kill Sirius Black and was so very close to completing the important task her master had entrusted her with. She laughed in delight as Potter chased her through the Ministry of Magic, attempting to catch her with his pitiful hexes. In the Atrium, Potter ducked behind the golden statue of the goblin.

"It smashed!" he yelled at her, "The prophecy smashed. Your dear old Voldemort won't be happy now, will he?"

Bellatrix Lestrange screamed, half in manic pleasure and half as denial tore through her, as she desperately tried to summon the prophecy. Her dark hair flew behind her in a tangled halo, hooded dark eyes alight with malice. The prophecy that her master had specifically ordered her to return with from the Department of Mysteries, after Harry Potter and his little group of friends had been baited there with the false idea that Black was being held prisoner there. The prophecy that Potter had just claimed had been smashed in the ensuing fight as Potter's little friends were joined by half the Order of the Phoenix.

"ACCIO PROPHECY!" A mad smile lit up her eyes as something moved. That had to be the prophecy. Her master would punish her if he did not get it, the boy was lying. He must be lying. She would succeed. She had to succeed. But no prophecy came into her waiting hand.

"No!" she screamed, "It isn't true, you're lying! MASTER, I TRIED, I TRIED –"

"Shut up!" Potter shouted from his hiding corner, "He can't hear you from here!"

"Can't I, Potter?" A tall, thin figure in a black hooded robe appeared in the Atrium. Bellatrix heard her master, Lord Voldemort, as he appeared from nowhere in the Atrium. She felt her mad smile fade as she saw the disappointment in her master's blood red pupils as he surveyed her failure. She knew any chance of reward was gone, replaced now by the threat of endless pain.

The voice of her master reached Bellatrix's ears. She smiled once more. Her master would punish the boy for his lies, and finally kill the pest. Perhaps she would yet be rewarded? But she knew that hoping for rewards from Lord Voldemort was a dangerous game to play.

"It is smashed?" Voldemort asked quietly, staring directly at Potter.

Bellatrix was sure that the boy would try and fight. He always did. He always foolishly tried to oppose her master. But, to her surprise, he nodded mutely. His eyes locked with her master's. She opened her mouth to protest, but was immediately quietened at the sight of Voldemort's raised hand.

"No. He is not lying, Bella. I can tell in his eyes." Voldemort spoke quietly as he approached Potter, neither of them averting their gaze. Bellatrix thought for a moment of legillmency. Potter was acting oddly. As though he knew something, and was completely unafraid. An strange gleam was in his eyes, quite different to the anger and grief from before. Bellatrix had the feeling that she was looking at someone else entirely. But he could not possibly anything but worthless against her master, could he? Her master would punish the boy, surely he would.

But Voldemort reached Potter without hexing him, nor even harming him at all. He instead placed one pale, long-fingered hand on Potter's shoulder and bent down slightly to whisper in his ear. Had not Lucius told her that Potter had screamed in pain at her master's touch? Why was he not in pain now? Why was he not already begging? Bellatrix could not hear what her master was saying to Potter, or even properly see either of them, as Voldemort was turned away from here, obscuring Potter from view. But she did see an insane smile cross Potter's face as her master straightened to face her. She almost took a step back under the force of her master's glare and rage. She bowed to him, shaking as she dared to raise her head to meet her master's gaze.

"Go." He snapped at her. She stared with wide eyes for a moment, before hastily apparating to Malfoy Manor, not able to see any more of the odd interaction between her master and Potter.

She landed in the grand entrance hall of the manor and stared pacing in excitement and nervousness. Her master had not given her any further instructions, so she could only think to wait. Trying to run or hide would only prolong her punishment. Even if she was rewarded, there was always punishment. She continued to pace, twisting her wand around in her hands, unable to remain still. It was almost twenty minutes before her master apparated into the manor, and she had worked herself well into fear. Bellatrix threw herself onto the floor at her master's feet and begged for mercy.

"Master, I am sorry, I knew not, I was fighting the Animagus Black! Please, please-!"

"Be quiet, Bella." Voldemort said dangerously. "You failed."

"Please master, please." Bellatrix sobbed. She had tried so hard to please her master.

"Crucio." Bellatrix screamed as the curse hit her, limbs twisting on the floor as she tried to twist away from the searing pain in every nerve on her body, burning every part of her. Finally, her master lifted the curse on her, mouth curled in disgust as she struggled to kneel, head dipped in shame.

"I have no wish to listen to you excuses, Bella. Although," Voldemort said with a contemplative air as he inspected his fingernails, "I do suspect that you are quite…curious." He grabbed her hair and yanked to force her to face his scarlet eyes, blazing in anger, despite the tone of his voice. "You will see me at noon tomorrow."

Bellatrix dropped her head again and continued to kneel as her master swept out of the room, leaving her with no more information on the strange encounter she had just been witness to. Just the knowledge of failure.

Bellatrix knocked quietly on the door to the room her master used as a study in Malfoy Manor. She was frightened to face her master again, so soon after her failure to retrieve the prophecy.

"Enter," the cold voice ordered from inside. Bellatrix swung the door open and stepped into the room, her eyes fixed on the polished timber floor.

Voldemort shifted a few of the papers off his overcrowded desk into a pile and leaned his elbows on the desk, hands clasped in front of his face. "You have at least not had to foresight to gossip, Bella."

Bellatrix merely nodded, knowing that taking a statement as a compliment from Voldemort was a dangerous mistake to make. She stood in the centre of the room, unsure of herself and the purpose for which her master had summoned her here. Was she to receive her punishment or would she be rewarded with the answers to her questions? For she could think of no reason that Potter would have acted in the way he had, as her sister, Narcissa, and the other Death Eaters had described the boy to her.

Voldermort cocked his head to once side, and a slow smile formed over his face, making her feel very much like prey. She always longed to be near her master, but was painfully aware of the dangers. "You had questions."

It was a statement of fact. Not an invitation to ask anything. Bellatrix nodded again, not trusting herself to open her mouth, the confidence from the battlefield depleted in the quiet and the wait. She did notice her master glance at the fireplace alight despite the relative warmth of the day, as though he were expecting a visitor. She almost scoffed at her own, misguided logic. No one would be able to have access to her master's own floo network and interrupt him so rudely.

Bellatrix shook slightly under Voldemort's stare, feeling very much a target. "Y-Yes," she said.

"About anything in particular?" He was baiting her now, not letting her know if the rope he was giving her was to hang herself with or to reward her with answers. She closed her eyes and took a plunge, knowing that pain would come sooner or later.

"Yes," she drew a deep breath, "About Potter."

"Potter," he rolled the word around in his mouth as though tasting it.

"He seemed to be acting oddly."

"Did he now?" Her master was now openly playing with her. He knew, but that was hardly enough to ensure her that her questions were allowed or merely a way to prolong her torture.

"Yes. My sister. She described him, his personality. And he seemed different, even in that short space of him in-in the Atrium."

"A changed man to you, perhaps." Voldemort leaned back in his chair, staring at the flames of the fireplace, as though waiting for his visitor. He lazily drew his wand and Bellatrix once more found herself under the Cruicatus, as green flames leapt in the fireplace and a black-robed figure emerged, she struggled not to scream.

The figure was flung from the fireplace in an awkward heap, and struggled up to his feet, wiping the soot off of his robe. Bellatrix could tell the figure was male, as Voldemort's attention was focused on the figure and the curse lifted, although his face was covered by his hood.

Evidently, her master had been expecting this particular visitor as he relaxed back into his chair, staring at the figure. "At last," he said, as greeting.

The figure simply nodded in return, continuing to stand before the fireplace. Bellatrix opened her mouth to chastise him, for not affording her master the proper respect. She was stopped by a look from Voldemort, causing her to catch herself before speaking out of turn.

"He was told to keep his silence before coming here, Bella."

Voldemort conjured a chair next to his own and the figure sat down, comfortably arranging his robes around him. Whoever he was, he seemed to be comfortable there. He was lounged back in the chair, slouching even. Bellatrix knew that all of the Death Eaters she knew, who would sit straight in a chair, alert and even afraid. She had not yet been told she was allowed to sit and yet the person felt comfortable enough to just take a seat without asking?

Voldemort pointed his wand at Bellatrix and she flinched slightly, expecting to be cursed. But he instead conjured a chair for her to sit down.

"Thank you, my lord," Bellatrix said as she took her seat, perched on the edge, her back straight. She heard a soft snort from the figure, who seemed to find her positioning funny.

Voldemort heard this soft noise as well and turned to the figure. "Now, now, she hasn't yet been informed, has she?"

"I suppose not." The stranger spoke for the first time. His voice was soft and controlled.

"Bellatrix." Voldemort said.

Bellatrix once more felt her master's eyes looking directly at her. "Yes, my lord?"

"In the Ministry, I am aware that you had the opportunity to make some observations."

"I did."

"Regarding Potter, in particular?" Voldemort prompted her.

Bellatrix nodded eyes wide. "He appeared," she paused, trying to find the right words to describe the boy's odd behaviour, although her master would have surely observed so himself, "…different."

"Different," repeated Voldemort shortly, "I am sure that you observed so. Particularly as you were ordered to simply retrieve the prophecy and then leave."

"I am sorry, my lord, I didn't-"

"Silence, Bellatrix. I will not listen to your excuses. No. For whatever reason, you were able to witness, and therefore be made aware of, certain facts."

The stranger sat forward in his chair, clearly listening closely.

"It has been my intention to let you know these facts," Voldemort continued, "although not nearly as soon. Potter is different than how I would presume has been described to you. He has the appearance of a model Gryffindor student. He appears to be rash, likely to find trouble and stubborn."

"He appears, my lord?"

"He appears to be." Voldemort confirmed. He leaned towards the stranger, who was listening quietly, and seized the fabric of the hood between his long fingers, twisting and caressing it almost lovingly. He hissed something in Parseltongue, and to Bellatrixs shock, the stranger answered back in the same, sibilant language. Voldemort chuckled at whatever the stranger had said and dragged the hood from over his head. The stranger had his head bowed and eyes shut, but Bellatrix could see the pale skin and the distinctive round glasses around closed eyes and up to messy black hair, spiked in every direction. Bellatrix knew that the hair was hiding the distinctive lightning-shape scar on his forehead and the eyes would be bright green if he opened them.

"Potter," she breathed.

Potter's eyes snapped open and looked straight at her. She had leaned forward to see who was beneath the cloak, but she now sat up straight, surprised at the intensity of Potter's gaze. He was holding himself differently than he usually did, and it seemed to change his entire demeanour. He seemed to be more serious, his eyes sharper and more intelligent. He smiled slowly at her, a slight gleam on insanity shining in his green eyes.

"Hello, dear Bellatrix."

Voldemort openly smirked as her watched Bellatrix squirm, unsure of how to react to a boy she had so far known as only a foolish boy and enemy. He placed a long-fingered hand in Harry's black hair and began to caress his head, speaking softly.

"Harry, Bella, has been on the right side for some time now. He has been so, so clever. Fooling Dumbledore and together we have bided our time as each piece falls in place, each piece of knowledge is known and each trap is set."

Bellatrix nodded her eyes wide as she realised how close her master already was to victory. He continued, "I had planned to tell you of dear Harry's alliance with us. See to it that I do not regret this early information." Voldemort removed his hand from Harry's head, who slunk back into the chair with a careless grace, quietly listening.

Voldemort eyed Bellatrix, who once again squirmed in her chair under the gaze of her master. "I have plans, Bellatrix and you will be made aware of them soon enough. However," his gaze turned deadly again, blood red eyes pinning her in place, "if a single word of this is discovered, I will not give you the luxury of death."

"Yes, master," she whispered. She bowed, recognising dismal and left the room, only sparing on last glance at Potter who had already leaned forward to engage her lord in conversation with the air of someone who knew him well.

It wasn't until Narcissa was hysterically screaming at her that their lord had ordered her son Draco to murder Dumbledore that Bellatrix had some clue of the Dark Lord's designs. She watched impassively as her sister sobbed and wailed for the situation that her only son had been placed into. Bellatrix wondered silently if Draco would be told of his hidden ally in the castle, or would continue to see Potter as a petty rival. She somehow doubted that her master would have. She herself, most loyal, most faithful, had only known through circumstance and accident. A mere boy who had been marked for punishment rather than loyalty as one of her master's faithful would never be told.

She followed Narcissas to Spinner's End to meet with the greasy and brooding Severus Snape, with his long black hair and usual black robes. He was a traitor in the eyes of Bellatrix; far too close to Dumbledore. He wove around her questions, never giving her a direct answer, and she only hoped that her lord had a very close watch on him. Although, she supposed it was a good thing that he had not laid a hand on Harry Potter. Her master had seemed…protective of the boy, and she knew instinctively that pain would befall anyone who dared touch what was his.

But now, Narcissa was opening her mouth and spilling the secrets that she had been directly ordered to keep. Bellatrix was sure that Snape would latch onto the facts that Narcissa would spill and destroy her master's carefully laid plans.

But Snape merely looked out of the window and onto the cobbled street and broke Narcissa off abruptly. "If he has forbidden you it, you ought not to speak. The Dark Lord's word is law."

Bellatrix smirked, pleased for the first time that her master's secrets would not be spilled to those who could not be trusted.

Snape wrenched the curtains shut over the window and turned to Narcissa, "It so happens that I know of the plan. I am one of the few the Dark Lord has told. Nevertheless, had I not been in on the secret, Narcissa, you would have been guilty of great treachery to the Dark Lord."

Bellatrix snarled at Snape, he, a traitor and a spy was told along with others and she was not? "Liar," she snapped, "You are merely trying for information."

Snaped frowned at her, "I suppose then, you have not been informed."

"I hold my tongue. We are leaving, Narcissa." Bellatrix grabbed onto her sister's cloak and yanked her towards the door, determined that she would not spill the secrets of the Dark Lord.

A soft snort came from Snape. "Narcissa?" he said softly, "Did you want something by coming here?"

Narcissa was becoming hysterical again. She flung herself out of Bellatrix's grip and slid onto the ground in a kneeling position. "My only son…my only son…" she sobbed.

"Silence!" Bellatrix warned her, fearing that she would have to sentence her own sister to death for the treachery that was unfolding in front of her eyes.

"Narcissa that is enough. Listen to me. It might be possible…for me to help Draco."

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed, now merely listening to the words for evidence. Snape was merely playing along, pretending that he had knowledge.

"Severus – oh, Severus - you would help him? Would you look after him, see he comes to no harm?"

"I can try."

Bellatrix sneered. "Try. You'll find a way to weasel out of that. Though I suppose that the Dark Lord would have ordered precious Snape to not get his fingernails dirty," she mocked.

Snape ignored her and took Narcissa's hands in his own. Narcissa's eyes were wide with hope, "If you are there to protect him…Severus, will you swear it? Will you make the Unbreakable Vow?"

"The Unbreakable Vow?" said Snape, his expression blank, he had clearly not expecting to be held so accountable for his little pretence, before Bellatrix saw him school his expression and try to worm his way into more information to further to betray the Dark Lord. "Certainly, Narcissa, I shall make the Unbreakable Vow."

Bellatrix's eyes were wide as Snape swore to protect Draco from a task of which he had no knowledge of. The man was stupid, if he thought that her master could not twist every situation to his own advantage.

She snarled at him again as they left. "You have dug a very big hole for yourself, traitor."

Narcissa apparated away before Bellatrix, leaving her in the muggle dunghill to try and figure out if she should track her down and talk sense into her or go straight to her master. The decision was made for her, as she spotted a movement in the dark gap between two of the houses causing her to raise her wand, but a familiar voice made her lower it.

"I already heard everything," Potter said and he walked towards her, black hood obscuring his face. "Why don't we walk together for a bit?"

She nodded, unsure of how much power the boy had over her. He had seemed close to her master, but there had been no real indication of where their respective ranks lay.

"How were you listening?" she dared asked.

Potter smirked at her; she should just make out his face against the gloom that his hood cast. "I have my ways. Or, rather, our lord has his ways. I can hardly take claim to his genius."

How odd. Potter referring to the Dark Lord as his own master.

He was silent for a while as they walked out of the town and long the grimy banks of the rubbish-strewn river. "Our lord has informed me that you would perhaps benefit from a few facts regarding this mission of Draco's."

She nodded, eyes wide at the thought that her master would entrust her with such delicate information. Potter let out a bark of laughter at her obvious eagerness. "Draco is to kill Dumbledore," he said shortly.

Bellatrix stared. The Dark Lord had ordered… This was punishment for Lucius, surely. "He expects Draco to…" she trailed off, unsure of how to ask if her master honestly expected such a task to be completed without sounding as though she were accusing him.

"Yes, Bellatrix. How exactly the Dark Lord envisions his plans being revealed and carried out is not something for you to know. But do not think that he has not thought through every possibility and that everything will fall in place to his favour. Fate favours Lord Voldemort," he said, echoing her master's words at his resurrection.

"You will merely have this piece of knowledge to be able to assist Draco should he ask for it. He has been ordered to tell no one of his mission, but he will request help before he is able to complete his task."

Bellatrix bowed, sensing that it was appropriate. "I will do everything I can."

She only heard passing comments from the Death Eaters who had children in Hogwarts about Harry Potter over the passing year. Draco was yet to approach her, and she had been told he would and her lord continued to bide his time. There were barely two months left of the school year left and Bellatrix was jumpy with excitement and nervousness. She would either see her own nephew murdered in front of his parents for failure to her master or would rejoice in the knowledge that Dumbledore, a constant hindrance to her master's brilliance was dead.

But then she was asked, along with a small group, to come to the old derelict shop in Knockturn Alley: Borgin and Burkes. Her eyes lit up with anticipation as the day came.

A vanishing cabinet. Clever of Draco, really. She was sure that her master had not expected him to get so far. But no matter, she knew that either outcome would be advantageous to her lord. She could hear Draco's voice and the voice of the pathetic headmaster as he tried to coerce Draco as she walked in the group to the top of the Astronomy Tower having snuck into Hogwarts School through the twin vanishing cabinets. She flung the wooden door open, almost laughing at the scene before her.

Dumbledore was weak and slumped against the railings, his wand in Draco's hand and pointed against him.

"Well now, look what we have here. Dumbledore. Wandless and alone," she mocked, coming forward to Draco's side, "Cornered in his own castle. Well done, Draco." She praised the boy. He deserved it for this feat, and she knew that her master would not.

"Good evening Bellatrix," Dumbledore started sounding serene as ever. As if he had a clue of the plans her master had, and the alliance of one Harry Potter. "I think introductions are in order."

"Love to, Albus," Bellatrix sneered, "But I'm afraid we're on a tight schedule. Do it." She nudged Draco, urging him to deliver the final blow to Dumbledore. Draco raised his wand, but Bellatrix could see it visibly shaking in his hand and knew that he would not have the will to complete the task.

Fenrir Greyback snarled at the boy from his place amongst the group. "He doesn't have the stomach. Just like his father. Let me finish him." He smiled, showing his pointing teeth in an expression reminiscent of his werewolf form, "In my own way."

Bellatrix shook her head at him. Her master had ordered Draco to kill Dumbledore. She knew that whatever happened, her master would find advantage in it. But it was always best to follow his orders. Especially a direct order for such an important task. Fenrir was a fool for thinking that he could do better than her master.

"No! The Dark Lord was clear. The boy's got to do it. Go on, Draco. Now!" she urged the boy, who still could not bring himself to the task. He was fighting back tears and he was moving his mouth, being to panic. She spun round as the door swung open once more, revealing Snape, dressed in his usual billowing black robes and a scowl set on his face.

"Severus…" Dumbledore murmured, desperately trying to get his last few manipulations in place. "Severus…Please…"

He slumped against the railings, struggling to hold himself up. Bellatrix was at least pleased that there was little the old man could do with anything the traitor told him – the worry was what the traitor would do with anything Dumbledore said. But said traitor did not apparently think that this was the time to speak to Dumbledore. Unless he already had? Bellatrix felt her breath catch and panicked slightly, that this was some complication rouse from the headmaster. Should they cast an identifying charm on him, to check for Polyjuice?

"Avada Kedavra," Snape said, not breaking out of his usual boring voice. Dumbledore was engulfed in a blast of green light that forced him backwards, out over the railing. Despite her misgivings, Bellatrix cackled and clapped her hands together, abruptly stilling as she heard the satisfying thump on the ground as the useless corpse of Albus Dumbledore fell, the Dark Mark lighting the night sky.

Potter had put on a good show, Bellatrix thought. He had run screaming through the grounds of Hogwarts, chasing Snape. But she did not quite know his reasoning. He could not care for Dumbledore's death, given his alliance with her master. Was he angry at Snape for ruining the Dark Lord's plans or merely staying in character as the famed Boy-Who-Lived?

Bellatrix was deliriously happy nonetheless. She spun around the room, cackling and dancing with glee. Fenrir sneered at her antics before stalking off. The other Death Eaters, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow and Thorfinn Rowle sat in chairs at the Malfoy Manor's entrance, uncomfortable at Bellatrix's antics could draw their master's attention.

"Leave." The Carrows and Rowle scrambled for the exit as Voldemort appeared in their midst. He turned to Bellatrix, who immediately bowed.

Voldemort tipped his head to one side. "He is dead?"

"Yes, my lord," Bellatrix replied. Voldemort smiled mockingly, his lipless mouth stretched over his teeth.

"And who…" he trailed off.

"Severus Snape, my lord."

"Snape," Voldemort repeated shortly. He was evidently displeased with the news that it had been Severus Snape to murder Dumbledore. "Draco did not succeed in his task then."

Bellatrix closed her eyes and sucked in a gulp of air. "My lord, Draco succeeded in making the task possible, he-"

"I will have my information from more…reliable sources." Bellatrix was cut off before she could make her excuses for Draco. But Bellatrix took his reliable source to mean Potter.

"But Dumbledore is dead." He sounded pleased at least; perhaps pleased enough to not torture them for not obeying orders and forcing the boy kill Dumbledore as he had ordered.

"Get up, Bella," he snapped at her. She scrambled to her feet, head still bowed, looking at the polished floor. Voldemort studied her for a moment, before a crack of apparition announced the arrival of a cloaked figure on the porch.

"Harry." Voldemort greeted the figure as Potter removed his hood, grinning openly.

"Voldemort." Potter replied formally, although still grinning. "It is done."

Voldemort's lips curled into a smile. "I know. There shall have to be celebrations."

For some reason, Potter blushed and turned his head away before gathering himself and facing the Dark Lord again. "Bellatrix told you what happened?"

Voldemort nodded. "Yes, but only an overview. I would desire the details from you."

Potter flashed a wide smile. "True," he said, and turned to Bellatrix, "you are correct in thinking that Snape is a traitor. Let him run. Let him stew. He will be caught at the most opportune moment."

He stepped closer to Voldemort. Too close for Bellatrix's liking. She longed to gain her master's attention once more, but knew that she would be tortured for interrupting. She swayed on the spot a moment more, as they looked directly at one another, before her master snapped her dismissal and she left the room and the pair before her drew each other in.