"Scott's a werewolf?" it was a question to a ridiculous statement however the expression on Stiles face was anything but ridiculous when he reiterated, yes a werewolf. The words rolled off Stiles tongue and into Liam's ears with such authority it made Liam wonder if he in fact were the crazy one. When Liam met Scott a few months ago his first thought was, perhaps being kicked out of his old school wouldn't be so bad after all. He wasn't sure if the older teenager was gay however the idea of seeing his naked body on a regular basis in the locker room after lacrosse practice and matches made finding out an afterthought. Scott was hot and to Liam perfect.

Their relationship began more like a mentor and student. Scott was so helpful to Liam when it came to navigating the in-and-outs of teenage life in Beacon Hills. Sure he often seemed a bit spaced out and had a bad habit of being late and cancelling plans but that puppy dog grin usually made up for it. Usually being the key word.

Just two short hours ago Liam hated Scott with all the passion in the world. After two months of long, intense glances, stuttered goodbyes, accidental touching followed by blushed apologizes, Liam got up the nerve to take his chances and ask Scott out. After a long and painful pause Scott said yes and smiled nervously. Liam wanted to kiss him but resisted. He didn't want to scare Scott off in case Liam would have been the first guy he ever went on a date with, well in the romantic sense; accounting for Stiles.

Liam spent a week planning everything out. Scott loved talking about his favorite places and things to do in Beacon Hills, and Liam was going to take him to all of it. The date would go as followed bowling, a walk in the park and finally Joe's Mexican Café. It was going to be the first date to end all first dates. However after postponing their meeting time twice Liam ended the pending date with a "If you don't want to hang out with me Scott just say so," followed by an abrupt hang up. Liam's mom said such hang-ups were more dramatically effective during the days of land-lines and wall-phones. Slamming the phone down and smashing it into tiny pieces would have made Liam feel much better in that moment.

Liam hadn't had a blow up in months and coming out to his family and friends had made his intermediate explosive disorder a lot easier to deal with. He no longer had this secret hanging on him like an iron coat. He imagined that that was how Scott had been feeling those past few weeks.

"So that what he had been keeping from me?" Liam asked Stiles.

"Yeah," Stiles sighed. "He didn't want to risk scaring you off." Liam chuckled.

"I thought I was scaring him off," Liam mused. Stiles grimaced.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought he was freaking out about going out on a date with me." Liam explained. "You know because I am a guy." Liam finished. Stiles scoffed.

"His last relationship with was a guy," Stiles responded.

"Really?" Liam tone was curious.

"Yeah. Scott and Isaac were like bunnies in heat. Constantly on top of each other. It was" Stiles trailed off after noticing the frown on Liam's face. "Anyway Isaac moved to France. Far away, they don't even talk anymore. Not even a text message." Stiles assured. Liam sighed as his mind tried to process this new information. Two hours ago he was being chased in the bowling alley parking lot by some misshapen creature. Stiles told him what the monster was but at the moment he couldn't remember. All he could remember was the fear of knowing he was going to die. All he could think about were all of the things he never got to do in his 16 years on earth and how many times his never told his parents he loved them and how amazing it would have been if that night ended with a kiss from the hottest, sweetest most amazing guy he ever met, instead of how he now thought it was going to end, him dead.

Liam thought of the moment he tripped and fell hard on the pavement. He felt so stupid knowing he was going to die because he couldn't pick his feet up when he ran, a criticism he always got while playing sports. The monster was coming at him and though he didn't want to scream hoping in his final moments he'd be brave enough to keep silent, a cry escaped his throat, followed by the sound of a deep, throaty howl. The creature was no longer in front of him having been tackled by something else. Someone else as Liam would come to realize. In the dark underneath the poor lighting of the parking lot Liam witness an intense battle between the fastest, and agile man and a raging beast. It lasted only minutes but felt like hours as everything moved in slow motion from Liam's point of view.

Liam found himself moving toward the fight trying to get a better look at his hero. The man's frame seemed familiar but there was something unusual about his face. When the creature was down and down for good Liam looked on at the man standing over it. He was breathing heavily and it looked as if steam was coming off his body. The man slowly turned towards Liam and glazed at him with bright red eyes. Liam stared at the man's face, it was mangled but he knew it somehow. He knew had seen this face before but his mind couldn't fix it in the right order.

"Are you okay," the man asked and then it all became clear. The carefully chosen words, the concern in the tone and the sweetness of the meaning behind them; he had heard a thousand times before over that last month.

"Scott." Liam said. The rest was a blur. Stiles and their friend Derek showed up. Malia and Kira taking Liam back home, Stiles coming over to explain, explaining that Scott wanted to explain but couldn't because they were still trying to save the town from whatever Stiles kept calling those creatures. It was a dream, a nightmare.

Liam fell asleep so quickly when Stiles left. It couldn't have been real. His mind made the whole thing up and in his sleep his mind replayed the nightmare. However it was even more frightening in his sleep. Liam woke up in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. His hands were sore for gripping the bed sheet too tightly and his legs were numb from clenching them. "Are you okay," the voice scared Liam. He quickly reached over for his lamp flicking the switch. There at the foot of the bed was Scott, this time really Scott. His face was full of concern and also fear.

"What are you doing here," Liam questioned. He glanced at his alarm clock 2 a.m. "How did you get in?" Liam's father would have never allowed a boy to come up to Liam's room at this time of night. Scott motioned to the window which was opened letting in the night air and the glow of the full moon.

"That's like 20 feet up," Liam stated.

"I can jump really high," Scott explained. Liam's mind was reeling as he tried to remember his night, but he couldn't separate the dream from the reality. He knew he was supposed to meet Scott, but Scott never came. He was mad at Scott. Stick with that, Liam thought to himself, be mad at Scott.

"What are you doing here," he demanded. The tone of Liam's voice took Scott by surprise. He seemed to keep starting and stopping what he wanted to say.

"I know," were the first words to come out of his mouth, which annoyed Liam because he knew Scott didn't know anything. He had no idea the time and energy Liam had put into their date. He had to beg his dad for the money and promise to volunteer in at Beacon Hills Hospital as a candy stripper to even get the money. Liam hated hospitals. "I know," Scott continued. "That this is a lot to take in." that was an odd thing to say. Liam thought.

"I was going to tell you," Scott confessed. "I tried to a thousand times, but," Scott's face looked pained. It was obvious to Liam now. Scott didn't like him. Sure they shared awkward stares and seemed to have this amazing connection but Liam must have read too much into it. Scott may have been somewhat attracted to him, but he didn't want Liam. Liam just wanted Scott to want him. Scott was the nicest guy in the world, and possibly the only one who would agree to go out on a date with someone he wasn't interested in dating. It frustrated Liam and made him want Scott even more.

"I get it," he said forcefully. "You don't have to explain." Liam swung his legs over to the side of the bed, creating space between himself and Scott.

"I do need to explain," Scott protested as he moved over to Liam.

"No you don't," Liam's voice was shaky and it squeaked which he hated. He wished his voice was deeper so when he was angry it didn't sound like a little boy who go his toy taken away but a man who'd been wronged and wanted justice. He knew he was going to cry. He just wanted to be brave enough to say what he wanted to say without crying in front of Scott. The feeling felt familiar. "You don't like me. I get it."

"What" Scott said confused.

"That's why you bailed," Liam continued. "I understand you're not gay. You don't have to be nice about it anymore." His voice was getting higher. He was losing control of it. Liam desperately tried to think of his mental exercising. Hold breath for three seconds and exhale. Hold breath for four seconds and exhale etc.

"Liam," Scott started as he reached out to touch him, but Liam was too fast. He got up from the bed.

"You don't have to keep pretending," Liam said. "I'm not some fragile thing, Scott. I can handle you not liking me." Hold breath for five seconds and.

"I do like you, Liam," Scott stressed. "I like you so much, I can't even, even" Scott trailed off. Liam stared at him. He didn't realize but he was still holding his breath. Scott stood up "I like you so much it scares me." Liam exhaled now he really wanted to cry. Scott sighed as he looked at Liam. There was something he wanted to say but couldn't seem to say it. Scott turned around, facing away from Liam.

"I've lost so much and so many people because of this, this thing," Scott said his voice frustrated and heavy. Liam didn't understand. Scott had everything, an amazing mom, great friends, hell he was captain of the lacrosse team. What had he lost by being gay? "No matter how hard I try the wolf keeps taking over my life." The wolf keeps taking over my life. The phrase was like a kick in the gut to Liam's ears.

The night came rushing back to him, but this time more clearly and more fresh. It wasn't a dream. Liam was almost killed by a large, horrify creature. A man with a distorted face and Scott's voice saved him. Liam could smell the blood from the creature oozing on the pavement, he could felt the wind that whistled through the air, and he could see those bright red eyes staring at him, concern and fear. Are you okay.

"Show me," Liam said in a whisper. Scott didn't move. Liam moved in front of Scott. He got close so that their bodies were just touching. "Show me," he said again trying to match the sweetness that Scott often used when he spoke to Liam. There was hesitation in Scott's face but he sighed heavy and in seconds the beautifully intense yet soft structure of Scott's face was changed. A heavy, hard brow, a ridged nose and fangs that crept over a parted mouth appeared like a hideous mask. Even his jaw looked more intense. Liam couldn't look away though his body screamed at him to run and hide. His eyes traced every inch of Scott's face before they looked up and landed on Scott's eyes.

The bright red of Scott's eyes glowed so strong it almost hurt to look at them, though Liam couldn't look away. It was like their intense stares, the stares that Liam finally knew meant as much to Scott as they did to him. Liam could see the sweetness in Scott's wolf eyes. "You're still here." Liam said though it was a statement more for himself than for Scott. Scott eyes darted away but with a gentle nudge to his jaw Liam made them refocus back on him. The two stood there trying to read each other's face.

"I was praying for this," Liam said with a smile, rethinking his last thoughts from the parking lot. Scott seemed confused.

"For what," he asked and with that Liam raised up on his toes, closing the gap between their mouths and sharing with Scott the kiss he had perfectly planned all week.

Chapter 2 Everything is real, most likely: Stiles and Lydia give Liam a crash course on all things supernatural which freaks Liam out. Can he handle beginning a relationship with Scott knowing what he knows about the world of monsters?