1 year, 2 months and 6 days ago

Chloe opens her locker with a smile on her face. It was their first month as a couple together, and surely it was supposed to be celebrated. As she took her books for first and second period, a pair of hands covered her eyes.

"Guess who?" Says a voice from behind her that was too familiar for her.

"Gee...I wonder who this is." Chloe playfully goes along, a smirk showing on her lips.

"You'll get a prize if you get it right." The voice whispered in Chloe's ear with a bit of a nip on her ear lobe that made her shiver a bit.

"Mm...I can't wait." Chloe bits her lip as she flirted back. "Could it be a certain hot brunette with a badass personality?" She continued.

Instead of getting a confirmation, she was given a kiss on the neck and the hands on her eyes were removed.

Chloe turns around and saw Beca with a bright grin. "I got it right, didn't I?" She asked.

"You got it perfectly." Beca answered as she gave the redhead a quick peck on the lips. "I'll walk you to your class, then I'll see you on lunch...sounds good?"

Chloe closes her locker and links her arm around Beca's. "Sounds perfect."

They walked with arms linked to each other towards Chloe's class and before they said their 'see you later's, Chloe gave Beca a sweet kiss, leaving her to want more.

Time might have been on their side because class periods went by fast and before they knew it, it was lunch already.

"And that concludes my first monthsary celebration-bash-super-ultra-awesome date." Beca tells Jesse with her arms spread wide with a smirk on her face.

Jesse smiled and shook his head. "I gotta tell you Beca, you're gone whipped!"

Beca punches him on the arm and yelped, rubbing his arm to soothe the pain. "Asshole." Beca muttered, but silently agreeing to what Jesse said. She IS whipped.

Not long enough, Aubrey and Chloe arrived with their tray of food. Aubrey sat beside Jesse, while Chloe with Beca.

"Where's Stacie?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, she's in a group meeting in her history class." Jesse informed.

"So Beca, what plans do you have for today's special day?" Aubrey asked the brunette, Chloe looked at Beca expectantly. Beca and Jesse exchanged smirks.

"Well that's top secret." Beca said as she puts her arm around Chloe's shoulder. "I don't want to spoil the excitement, do I?"

Aubrey rolled her eyes at the cockiness of the brunette, but still find it amusing.

Chloe just looked at her with pure awe. "I'm sure it's gonna be awesome."

Beca winked at her. "You'll sure do."

Dismissal came and as usual, Beca drives Chloe home. They both went out of the car as Beca walks Chloe to her door.

"I'll see you later at 7." Beca smirks.

"Yeah sure. Do you prefer something I should wear?" Chloe asked with a smile.

"Just casual. Actually, anything you put on still makes me love you, so yeah." Beca confessed with a blush. Chloe giggles at her and pinched her cheek with a swift kiss on the other cheek.

"You're so cute."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Beca muttered with an amused grin on her face.

Chloe was about to give Beca a kiss on the lips when the door opened.


The two women looked down to see Chloe's little brother, Trevor smiling up at the brunette.

"Hey Trevs, my man!" Beca greeted as they high-fived each other, while Chloe rolled her eyes at the dorkiness of the two.

"You do remember your role for tonight, right?" Beca asked the little boy with a wink while pointing at him.

The boy winked and pointed back at her. "You got it." He answered.

Chloe's eyes furrowed.

"Wait a minute..."

Before Chloe could say anything else, Trevor went inside, closing the door. Chloe turned to Beca and raised an eyebrow at her. Beca clamped he lips, looking guilty.

"Do you really have to include him?"

"Hey, I needed a wing-man." Beca said in a surrender pose. "Trevor's a cool kid. He really helped me out a lot about this date. Trust me Chlo, everything's gonna be perfect." She concluded.

Chloe just shook her head, giving up. "Fine. Don't disappoint me, Mitchell." She said with a challenging smile.

"Never will, babe." Beca winked. She turned around to walk back to her car, but turned around again. "Oh, right! I got something for you." She said as she jogged back to Chloe.

"What is it?" Chloe asked.

Beca took something from her pocket to reveal a folded piece of paper. "Here." She handed it to Chloe.

Chloe looked at the paper, and smiled at the handwritten name of hers by Beca. "What's this for?"

"Just something...fluffy. But! Don't read it until we finished the day. I want you to read it when you're about to go to sleep. alright?" Beca said.

Chloe smiled.

"I mean it Beale! No sneak peak!" Beca demanded.

Chloe laughed and nodded.

"Alright. See you later!" Beca gave her one last sweet kiss on the cheek, then walked off.

Chloe went inside with a bright smile on her face. She held tightly and he letter on her hand, excited to read it later after her date with Beca.

"Someone's happy." Her mother voiced out as she walked from the kitchen. "What's today's plan?" She asked her daughter.

"I don't know...but Beca had it all planned out. I am very excited about later. Can't wait for what she had planned." Chloe said dreamily, a big smile on her face.

Christine smiled at her daughter. She was glad that her daughter's happy.

When Chloe came out to her parents, she was surprised that they didn't really care if she was gay or straight. They love her no matter what, and she can love whoever she wants to love.

Chloe went up to her room and put the letter inside the baby blue box full of her and Beca's memoirs. Making a mental note that she has to read before she goes to sleep later that evening.

Soon, it was 6:30 pm and she was now in the living room, fiddling with her phone. She was wearing a loose white long sleeves button-up blouse, its sleeves folded mid-part of her arms. And for the bottom, a worn out knee-length jeans. And for the shoes, just white Keds. She glanced at the wall clock, and saw that it's already 6:45pm. Time does fly quickly, and her excitement is getting the best of her. She breathes deeply and tried to relax.

At exactly 6:55pm, the doorbell rings and she stood up on her feet and walked towards the front door. By the time she opened it, she saw Beca wearing a gray V-neck shirt, black skinny jeans, black Converse and a badass persona. She smiled.

"Damn." Beca breathed out as soon as she saw Chloe.

"You're early." Chloe greeted.

"Well, i-is that a good thing?" Beca smiled nervously.

Chloe grinned at the brunette's nervousness. Yeah she does look like a badass but still, there's the little girl who's so cute and adorable.

"Of course silly." Chloe chuckled, and then she linked her arm through Beca's and walked towards the car. "Now tell me, where are we going?" Chloe asked.

"No can do madame. Everything will be a surprise from here on." Beca said with her signature smirk. Chloe just nodded with a light chuckle.

"Lead the way then."

To say that Chloe had a lot of fun would be an understatement. First off, Beca took her to a seaside diner wherein there was a part of the porch that was reserved for only the two of them, and surprisingly Trevor was their personal waiter - with complete uniform, may I add. Since Beca's uncle is the owner of the diner, she owed him a big favor.

Next stop was the carnival. Beca knew that Chloe digs the rides and play booths so she thought it would be awesome to spend time with Chloe in her favorite place. They rode almost all of the main rides, then playing all of the play booths, especially the shooting booth that Beca got the pride of winning a big teddy bear for Chloe. The redhead, in all of her giddyness because of the big teddy, went as far as imitating Agnes from Despicable Me, saying: "It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!"

Beca couldn't help the laugh that burst out from the sight in front of her. Soon, Trevor appeared out of nowhere, surprising Chloe once again.

"Where have you been all this time?" Chloe asked.

Trevor just shrugged. "I was in stealth mode, but I'm actually right behind you two."

Then he brought up two tickets and showed them to his big sister.

"Here's your final destination." He said.

Chloe took the tickets from her brother's hand and looked at it. Her eyes widened and looked at Beca.


"I saw a poster like weeks ago, and knew it was perfect. I got lucky, I was still able to purchase two tickets." Beca explained. Instead of an answer, she got a tight hug from the brunette.

They got concert tickets of Chloe's favorite band, A Rocket to the Moon.

Trevor stayed with them during the drive towards the concert. While the two went to the concert, he'll be inside the gaming station until Beca and Chloe picks him up and then they'll go home all together.

After the concert, the two were quite exhausted but it was shown in their faces that they had a lot of fun. They picked Trevor at the gaming station and then they were home bound.

The drive was comfortably silent with the the radio playing softly in the background. Until a song played and Beca and Chloe shared a look. Chloe eagerly turned up the volume and Beca laughed.

It'll was Price Tag by Jessie J. One of Chloe's favorite songs. She began to sing out loud and Beca was just laughing hard, and it wasn't long enough before she and Trevor joined the redhead.

It was already past midnight and the road was pretty much empty, but Beca still followed the traffic rules by stopping at red light even though only a few cars were crossing the intersection. She stepped on the gas as the green light appeared, while Chloe and Trevor were still belting their hearts out.

Not until a loud horn on Beca's left side and a scream from Chloe emerged.


The bright light from the truck's head lights strucked Chloe's eyes that made her close her eyes and the next thing was...total darkness.

"Chloe...!" Beca voiced out and it echoed the to Chloe's ears.

Time seemed to slow down as she felt arms around her before a loud crash and impact made everything so fast and in a split of a second, everything was still. Everything became quiet.

The smoke of the two vehicles were hissing. Debris scattered around the highway.

Next scene was that police cars surround the area, an ambulance in place and the medics trying to get the trapped bodies inside the wrecked car. Yellow police lines surround the incident area, and some people tried to crane their neck to try to know what had happened as some policemen try to block them out.

Christine Beale and her husband, Howard, got out of the car as they rushed towards the hospital lobby.

"Chloe and Trevor Beale?" Howard asked the nurse at the front office.

The nurse looked at her lists and looked up.

"She's in the Emergency Room 5. Please follow me." She informed as she went out of the front office and walked to the hallways, Chloe's parents following.

As they reached the room they saw Beca's parents talking with the doctor.

"Helen, Arthur!" Christine called out as they jogged toward the couple and the doctor with them.

Helen, Beca's mom went to hug Christine and started to sob. Christine rubbed her back comfortingly as she looked at Arthur, Beca's dad.

"Where's Beca? Is she alright?" Christine asked. Helen's cries started to get louder as Christine hushes her softly.

Arthur was just quiet for a second, and a mix of shock, horror and sadness were shown in his face.

"B-beca...she..." He stuttered.

Howard puts his hand on Arthur's shoulder for support.

"Beca's dead."

Christine and Howard looked at him with wide eyes. They went quiet and Helen's whimpers made the air a bit more dramatic.

The doctor clears his throat and they all turned towards him.

"Ms. Mitchell suffered death as the impact were landed directly to her back that cause her spinal cords to snap." He informed calmly. "And...are you Mr. and Mrs. Beale?" He asked.

Christine and Howard nodded.

"Uhm...I am very sorry to inform you that your son, suffered the same fate as Ms. Mitchell."

"No!" Christine cried.

"He was in the same side of the car as Ms. Mitchell, hence the impact on him was also hard. He was hit mostly on the rib cage that caused one rib to plunge to his heart...and, we weren't able to do anything else. We are very sorry." The doctor continued.

"What about my daughter?" Howard asked.

"Fortunately, she was able to survive the crash. Although she does have an injury on her right arm and Leg due to being pinned on the wreck of the car. And she has an amnesia. Her head got damaged a bit, and I'm afraid that it's possible that when she wakes up she won't remember a single thing before the accident. Her coma would most likely last for a month, but I'm not promising anything." The doctor said.

The two couple were very silent, it was deafening.

"If there would be no more questions, I'll be going now. And again, I'm very very sorry for your loss." The doctor said sincerely before walking off.

By this time, Helen stopped sobbing and Christine was sniffing. The two fathers were quiet.

The two mothers stood up and walked away a bit from their husbands.

"I'm glad Chloe survived." Helen voice after minutes that seemed like hours of quietness.

"Yes...I just hoped she wasn't the only one." Christine said.

"Me too." Helen sighed. "I have a favor to ask...if that's okay."

"Anything. It's the least I can do." Helen answered.

"Please...when Chloe finally wakes up, don't mention Beca to her. I know they love each other...and it's not like I don't want Chloe to be a part of Beca's memory...I just don't want her to know that she lose someone she really loves. I don't want her to suffer that kind of pain." Helen said. "I hope you understand."

Christine smiled gently. "If that's what you want. And I understand, don't worry."

They hugged each other before going back to their husbands. The four of them went inside Chloe's room and still saw the redhead unconscious, lying on her bed.

Days after, the funeral of Beca and Trevor occurred at the same day at the same time. Family and friends came, and it was a sad day. Aubrey, Jesse, and Stacie was there too...even Tom was there.

"Mrs. Beale, could we see Chloe in the hospital?" Aubrey asked after the ceremony.

Christine smiled sadly at the blonde and Chloe's other friends. "I'm sorry dear...but she's still not awake."

"It's ok. I mean, at least we get to see her and to know that she's fine and alive. Please, Chloe's a very dear friend to us, Mrs. Beale." Aubrey insisted.

Chloe's mom sighed, but nodded. "Alright, but when she wakes up...I think it's for the best that you don't visit her, because she might freak out when she finds out that she knows a lot of people. Maybe when I send her back to school, you're the first person I'd call."

Aubrey pursed her lips, but nodded silently.

It took a week or so when Howard and Christine were visiting Chloe, and then they heard a groan from her. They went by her side of the bed and by the time she opens her eyes, a confused look was shown in her face accompanied by pain. She looked at the couple in front of her and managed to voiced out,

"Who are you...?"

A/N: And so you now know what happened.

Thank you once again for the love and support, I can't believe you guys loved this despite the tragic event of this story. Although I might consider the idea of someone who reviewed about making Beca come back in another body. HAHAHA who knows?

Ahem...anyway, I'm still in the process of continuing Not Allowed's Chapter 19 - and I'm so sorry about that! Been so caught up in the horrible pit of writer's block.

Then, I'm also starting to layout the story plot line of What We Had Was Real...so yeah.

Now! Once again thank you for the reviews, the follows and the favorites. Sorry for any mistakes, I admit typing on the phone can be very hard especially when there's the stupid auto correct.

Til next time! Review for thoughts.

You guys are awesome!