Hello to all! The next and final chapter of The Maze Runner: The Untold Story is up and ready! Everyone has been so great and supportive! I cannot wait to write some more! Enjoy and review if you can!


"So what?" he snapped catching everyone's attention.

"If Alby were here, he'd say pick your ass up and finish what you started," Newt demanded quietly.

"Because if we do nothing that means Alby died for nothing."


"And I can't have that," he finished and Thomas nodded quickly.

"Alright then," Thomas said and they quickly formed a plan.

Gally's boys had collected Thomas from the pit. He was pretending to still be unconscious. They dragged him to the maze entrance and everyone was silent. Gally turned to Kiera and Newt tensed slightly.

"The only reason you're in the clear is because I respect him," he growled pointing to Newt and she stared at him.

Then he turned to Teresa.

"Tie her up," Gally said and they grabbed Teresa and began dragging her to a pole.

"Gally, stop! What are you doing?!" Teresa pleaded nervously.

"I thought you were banishing them," Minho spoke up and Gally shook his head.

"No, we're sacrificing them," he said calmly.

"Sacrificing them?" Kiera spoke up and he nodded.

"Then everything will go back to normal. The grievers will be satisfied and we'll all be okay," he said convinced.

Kiera walked up to Gally and he stared at her. Everyone tensed.

"Gally...we can fight another way," she whispered and he shook his head.

"Ever since Thomas came up in that box you've changed. You were always a pain in the ass, but you never put any of us in danger. You were loyal to us; our friend. Alby's dead because of them. Why can't you see that?" he asked and she shook her head.

"Alby died believing we could get out," she tried, but Gally wouldn't hear it.

"Grab the greenie and let's get this over with," he said turning from her.

Two boys reached for Thomas when he woke up and incapacitated them. Blades were drawn and Minho tapped Gally's shoulder with his blade halting him. Frypan freed Teresa.


"So you all planned this," Gally said hiding his hurt behind his anger.


Chuck moved behind Thomas. Newt and Minho followed suit. A few other boys also followed. Only Gally and a handful remained.



Kiera stepped forward.

"It's over Gally. Drop the tough guy act and let's go. We have to move now," she said and he stared at her, as well as the others.


Kiera fidgeted.

"I've known you for a long time. I know you. You're a part of this too. There's still hope for us. Come with us and we'll be okay," she tried.

She couldn't help it. She still loved the idiot. He was family to her like they all were.

"You're one of us. And you're scared and so am I. But we have to take this chance. We have to try," she said and he seemed to crack slightly.

"The grievers are going to kill you. We have something good here. It's just him! He ruined this for us!" Gally snapped and Kiera shook her head.

"Thomas woke us up, Gally. He woke us up from this terrible nightmare. He's given us a way out. Please come with us," she pleaded and he hesitated.


"I'm not dying today. You want to go, you better get going," he said calmly.

Kiera stepped forward, but Newt grabbed her hand, stopping her.

"We have to go," Thomas said quietly.

Kiera wiped at her eyes and nodded.

"Let's go," she whispered and they took off into the maze.

The Maze...

They ran for a while with no griever encounters, which was odd to Kiera. They turned the bend and came to a bridge where a griever stood guard. The kids stopped running and paused around the bend.

"That wasn't there before," Minho said breathlessly.

"Chuck, stay behind us," Thomas said and Teresa tied her hair back.

"He'll stay with me," she said and Chuck nodded.

"Once we kill the griever...then what?" Frypan asked.

"One step at a time, boys," Kiera said lightly and Thomas looked at them all.

"It's guarding our way out. Let's do this!" he yelled and everyone joined in racing with him around the bend and attacking the griever.

In the ensuing chaos, the griever swung its tail and Teresa lost her grip on the device.

"The machine!" Chuck yelled and ran for it as it rolled to the edge of the bridge.

He caught it and Teresa grabbed his backpack.

"Pull me up!" he yelled as he watched a griever climb up the wall toward him.

Teresa yanked him up and they ran to the front as another griever emerged from below the bridge. The kids never stopped fighting, but they lost a few including Jeff. Minho went down and Kiera plunged her blade into its head, allowing him to escape. Teresa and Chuck backed up and watched the walls open revealing a door. They ran to it, observing it quickly.

"It needs a code to unlock it," Teresa said staring at the buttons.


"It needs a code!" she shouted.

Thomas turned to Minho.

"What's the arrangement of the sections?!" he asked and Minho thought a minute.

He shouted out the code and Teresa punched it in quickly. The door opened and everyone flew in.

In W.C.K.D.'s Lab...

The kids looked around silently, taking in the place. They began following the lights until they came to a dead body next to a door labeled 'Exit.' Kiera took Newt's hand unconsciously and he gave it a small squeeze of reassurance. And suddenly, for just a moment, Kiera regretted leaving the Glade. It brought a lone tear down her eye at the very thought of wanting to turn back; even if it was for just a split second. Newt wiped the tear gently and she looked at him, seeing concern etched onto his features.

"Would it be completely insane to say that just for a moment I thought about turning around and going back to the Glade?" she asked in a whisper and he offered her a weak smile.

"No, I think everyone here thought about it at least once, even if it was just for a split second," he admitted.

Her grip tightened as they walked through the door and into an office type setting. Kiera bit back a gasp seeing the dead bodies lying everywhere. The kids spread out, looking over the lab quietly. Thomas looked at a button and pressed it, turning on a television next to him. The group gathered as a woman in white appeared on the screen.

"Hello. My name is Doctor Ava Paige. I'm Director of Operations of the World Catastrophe Kill zone Department. If you're watching this, that means you've successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you, but circumstances seem to have prevented it. I'm sure by now, you must all be very confused, angry, frightened. I can only assure you that everything that's happened to you, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason. You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost; fire, famine, suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. What came after was worse. We called it the Flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable, and incurable. Or so we thought. In time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed, inside harsh environments, where their brain activity could be studied. All in an effort to understand what makes them different, what makes you different. You may not realize it, but you're very important. Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun. As you'll no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods. Progress is slow, people are scared. It may be too late for us, for me, but not for you. The outside world awaits. Remember...W.C.K.D. is good."

The audio ended with her shooting herself causing Kiera to take a step back.


Thomas looked towards the hallway that led to a door.


"That's the way out," he said heading for it.

The group followed.

"What do you think is out there?" Kiera asked quietly.

"Nothing you'll be seeing," a voice came from behind them and they all turned to see Gally aiming a gun at Thomas.

Kiera's heart broke and she went forward when Newt stopped her.

"He's been infected," Teresa said nervously.

Thomas raised his hands.

"We can get you help, Gally. We can help you. Come with us," he said and Gally shook his head.

"Gally, please don't hurt him," Kiera said softly and he looked at her.

"We would have been alright if we just stayed in the Glade. Come back home," he said and she nodded.


"Okay, I'll go back with you," she said and everyone looked at her.

"Kiera," Newt said, but she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"It's alright. He's family and we shouldn't have left him behind in the first place, right?" she asked and Gally's arm quavered.

"There's no need for anyone else to die. Let them go and I'll go back with you. We'll be okay," she said and Gally slowly began lowering the gun.

Minho eyed Newt, who slowly handed him his spear.

"But he needs to pay. If he doesn't, he wins," Gally said and Kiera shook her head.

"There's no victory here for anyone Gally. After so much death, there are no winners. Just...survivors," she said and Gally seemed to relax.

He held out his hand and she went forward when Thomas grabbed her hand. This set something off in Gally and he raised the gun.

"Gally, no!" Kiera screamed.

"Thomas!" Chuck yelled and all the voices mixed together in panic as a gun was fired and a spear was thrown.

Kiera covered her mouth as Gally hit the floor, Minho's spear embedded in his chest. Newt pulled her to him, looking her over.

"I'm alright, I'm n-not hit," she choked out and Newt seemed to breathe again.

"Thomas?" Chuck said weakly and they all looked to him.

Kiera's heart stopped seeing the red dot spread wide over his clothes.

"Chuck," she mumbled and watched Thomas go down to his knees with Chuck in his arms.

"No, no Chuck, stay with me! Stay with me!" Thomas yelled as Chuck put something in his hand.

"T-Thank you. T-Thank you..." Chuck choked out and Kiera watched the light fade from his eyes.

"I promised him!" Thomas screamed.

"I promised I'd save him, take him home! I promised him!"

Newt covered his mouth, tears falling from his eyes. Minho looked away. Kiera stared at the dead boy in shock. Thomas hugged Chuck to his chest clinging to him.

"T-Thomas," Teresa mumbled crying as well.

The doors behind them down the hall opened and everyone turned except Kiera and Thomas, whose eyes were focused on Chuck.

"Come on, get them to the chopper!" one of the men in all black yelled.

The boys began running, but Kiera didn't move until she felt someone pull her and followed, realizing it was Newt. They all climbed into the helicopter and stood quiet as it began to take flight. Kiera buried herself in Newt's chest and only looked up when the others did to view the maze and the outside world, scorched by the sun.

"Glad to see you kids are alright. Everything's about to change," the man said and the kids stared out the window, wondering if he was right.

In W.C.K.D.'s Lab...

Ava Paige sat down with the rest of the alleged dead people at her round table.

"Well…I think it's safe to say the Maze Trials were a complete success. I wasn't expecting so many survivors, but the more the merrier. Thomas continues to surprise and impress. And for now, they seem to have taken the bait. It's too soon to say, but they could be the key to everything. So let's move forward. It's time now to begin Phase Two."


Look out for The Scorch Trials: The Untold Story later to come.

"Adversity draws men together and produces beauty and harmony in life's relationships, just as the cold of winter produces ice-flowers on the window-panes, which vanish with the warmth."