Disclaimer: I do not own The Flash or any other DC properties. Just the storyline of this set of fics and a Flash t-shirt. This story comes from a prompt sent by backstagetwentyfourseven on tumblr. They asked "day off with the gang at some other location (farm, beach, apple picking etc.)." I went instead with laser tag, taking place in 2x16 instead of the club.

"What we need is some downtime. Downtime leads to increased productivity. Ergo, we have to have fun." Cisco explains, throwing popcorn into the air.

"Cisco's right. And you know that if I'm agreeing with Cisco, it's serious." Caitlin replies, hand on her hips.

Barry just looks at the two and sighs.

"Alright, I fold. Let's go out tonight."

Cisco jumps from his seat and starts to air pump. He pulls himself together long enough to plop back into his seat, furiously going to work on the nearest computer. Barry, Caitlin and Jesse just laugh at the man's behavior. Barry begins to walk behind him, and Cisco quickly turns the monitor off.

"Nuh-uh." Cisco tisks. "Sorry but this is going to be a surprise. I'll text everyone the time and address tonight. Until then, be on standby. Also I want you all to report in all dark colors. Blacks and blues if all possible."

The three line up in front of Cisco's station and give mock salutes to the man. A chorus of "Yes sir" rings out through the lab. The group splits into separate entities, with Caitlin going home to change, Barry planning on telling Iris and Wally the plans, and Jesse to bother her father.

"I'll see you guys later." With that, Barry flashes out of the lab, completely blowing Caitlin's hair out of place.

"I hate that he still does that." Caitlin mutters, grabbing her purse and giving her goodbyes to the other scientists.

Jesse and Cisco remain in the cortex, Cisco typing away while Jesse bounces on her heels. She tries to sneak a peek at the screen but Cisco once again powers it down.

"Sorry but no special treatment for you." Cisco says.

"Come on Cisco. How am I supposed to know what to wear, especially if this happens to be something we don't have on my Earth?"

"Fair point, but no luck. I am a fortress, and you'll never get anything from me."

Jesse cocks an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"I fear no woman. Not even the daughter of Harry."

Jesse doesn't respond. Instead she just moves behind Cisco's chair and slowly spins it around until he faces her. Cisco lets out a quiet gulp. Jesse reaches down and quickly flicks the engineer's earlobe. Two sounds erupt from the motion; the first being the distortion of the air, while the second is the whiny yelp that escaps Cisco's mouth.

Jesse readies a second flick and Cisco can't help but flinch.

"Are you sure about that Cisco?"

"I'm sure Jesse."

She readies another attack and leans further down. The second she tries to launch it, Cisco pushes forward with his chair and connects with the Earth-2 woman. The two slide across the floor and Cisco falls out of the chair, knocking them both onto the ground. Cisco is on top, while Jesse lets out a gasp.

It is at that moment that Harry walks into the lab, obviously searching for his daughter. The moment he catches the two on the ground, with Cisco laying on her, his blood begins to boil. Harry's face becomes still as Cisco begins to blubber, no clear words escaping his mouth.

"Harry, this isn't what-"

"Shut it Ramon. Would you get off my daughter?"

"What? Oh yeah sure."

Cisco jumps to his feet and tries to offer a hand to the still fallen Jesse. Harry smacks it away and instead helps his daughter from the floor. He gives Cisco a death glare and leaves the cortex, expecting Jesse to follow.

"That was fun Cisco. But how about next time you buy me dinner first?" Jesse asks, her tone playful.

"Yeah sure. I'll have to do that." Cisco just mutters, his mouth on autopilot.

"Now are you going to tell me what we're doing tonight?"

"Laser tag, but don't tell anyone else."

"Thanks Cisco. I gotta go see if I can't get dad to let me out after dark."

Jesse darts out of the room, leaving a blushing and confused Cisco. Cisco's eyes widen and he calls out to a Jesse that he isn't sure is out of earshot yet.

"Wait! Dinner?"

"Dad, please."

"Jesse I already said no."

"But you told me that I need to live my life on this Earth. How can I do that if you hold me in here like a prisoner?" Jesse asks, pacing back and forth.

"I hate that you've gotten so smart." Harry replies, running a hand through his hair. "But after what I just walked in on, I think my fear of these people corrupting you is coming true."

Jesse blushes at this comment. She all but leaps to defend herself.

"That wasn't what you thought it was. I was just messing around and Cisco fell out of his chair and pulled me down with him. There was no corrupting doing on."

"Are you sure? From my perspective, Ramon pinned you down and was planning on doing terrible things with you."

Jesse's face went from a bright pink to absolute crimson at the remark. Behind his glasses, Harry's eyes were light with amusement. He just sat there watching Jesse flounder for something to say.

"Dad, I promise there is nothing going on with Cisco. Can I please go out with the team tonight?" Jesse final asks, trying to divert the conversation.

"I don't know Jesse."

"Please. No one is going to corrupt me. The old married couple's going to be there, and I'm sure they'll make sure I don't get into any trouble."

"Old married couple?" Harry questions.

"Barry and Caitlin. Don't tell me they don't remind you of one. I mean even their reactions and body language seem to be in sync. Plus they're always making gooey eyes at each other."

"I'm glad I wasn't just imagining it. Snow wears her heart on her sleeve sometimes. And Allen is like an overgrown puppy dog." Harry explains.

"They are. So can I go please?" Jesse begs.

"Fine but be back before midnight. And stay with the married couple the entire time." Harry demands, hugging his daughter.

"I promise dad."

"I vote that next time anyone but Cisco gets to make the plans." Iris grumbles.

"Let's give whatever this is a chance." Wally says diplomatically.

"I'd rather be at home with Netflix." Barry states, standing as close as physically possible to a certain brunette geneticist.

"I agree with Barry." Caitlin responds.

"Of course you do." Iris mutters loud enough for Wally to snicker at. The other two look at the sibling confused by the laughter.

Barry pulls his phone from his pocket and starts to dial Cisco. Before he has a chance to finish, Cisco and Jesse appear from the other side of the street, chatting as they cross.

"Sorry for the delay. We had to pass the Harry mini-boss level."

Jesse flicks Cisco's ear once again. "That's still my dad you're talking about."

"Sorry. Sorry." Cisco replies holding onto his wounded ear.

Barry and Caitlin look at one another, and quickly exchange glances, smiling at the interaction between Cisco and Jesse. Everyone else just scoffs and rolls their eyes at the 'totally platonic' eye conversation going on between the two.

"So what are we doing here Cisco?" Wally asks, weirded out by the group dynamics.

"My first thought was for the group to hit the club and get turn." Cisco whoops and gets a blank responses from every other person. "But then I thought what we really needed was something in line with trust/team building. Then it hit me. Laser tag."

The five just stare at Cisco, who is beaming at his amazing idea.

"Laser tag was your super secret plan?" Barry asks.

"Of course it was. I know the guy who runs the place and I managed to get it reserved for tonight. That way you all don't get your asses handed to you by a bunch of ten year old boys."

"Wow Cisco. Why am I not surprised you know the guy who runs a laser tag place." Iris says, crossing her arms.

"Ouch. You wound me." Cisco clasps his hand above his heart.

"Anyways, I've divided us into two person teams to play. Iris, Wally, you're team number 1. Barry and Caitlin will be team 2. Leaving team 3 to be Jesse and I. Now my friends, the game awaits."

Cisco opens the door to the building and ushers everybody in, trying to pump everyone up for the all out death match that awaits.

"Sometimes, I really hate Cisco." Caitlin says, turning a corner.

"Come on Cait, try and have a little fun." Barry responds, covering her back.

The two walk down an empty walkway, both with their weapons ready to fire at any second. Caitlin turns back to Barry and gives a little pout.

"I can have fun if I wanted to." Caitlin states. "But this is a childish way to spend an evening."

"I don't know. It's a different experience." Barry shrugs. "Plus the other option was the club and you know how Cisco gets at those."

The two exchange another glance and laugh at the image of Cisco dancing. Turning another corner, Caitlin holds her breath and in an instant two beams of light escape her pistol. They both land on Jesse's chest, setting off the scoring machine. The young women lets out a gasp and turns to run from the duo. Barry smiles and pats Caitlin on the shoulder.

Before Barry comments, Caitlin fires another shot and hits a creeping Wally on the other side of their path. He lets out a curse and retreats in the same direction as Jesse. Barry just stares at Caitlin as they sweep through, trying to find Cisco.

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Barry finally asks.

"I had Joe teach me how after the Everyman incident."

"Remind me to thank him for that."

Caitlin giggles and shakes her head at Barry's comment. The two reach the end of their route and consider which way to turn.

"I think we should go left." Caitlin states, looking around the wall.

"I was thinking right." Barry responds. "But taking into consideration you're the badass here, I'll follow you wherever."

Caitlin starts left, smiling a Barry's reasoning. She chooses not to respond, a grin across her face. Caitlin enjoys leading the charge for once. That alone is enough to justify playing this game. They take another left and a right, and find themselves at a three way stop. Both face the wall and can't seem to decide the best course of action. There's no sound around the duo and Caitlin starts biting her lip.

"What's wrong Caitlin? You're doing the lip thing."

"Doesn't it seem odd that we've been able to make every shot possible so far? Plus it seemed like Wally and Jesse were trying to sneak up on us. Almost as though they wanted us to shoot them."

"That sounds a little far fetched don't you-"

Before Barry can finish, three sets of feet echo from the three hallways. Barry and Caitlin line up back to back, finding themselves surrounded by Wally and Iris. The three flash smiles at the two and ready their guns.

"Barry." Iris begins. "You really should listen to Caitlin more."

Iris pulls the trigger first, her red beam blasting Caitlin straight in the chest. Wally then fires, landing a solid hit on Barry's shoulder. Blinking lights flash, forcing the two to wait.

"Damn it." Caitlin mutters, loud enough for only Barry to hear.

"Don't worry. We'll get them." Barry mutters back.

"I know." Caitlin responds. "I've got a plan."

Cisco and Jesse find themselves side by side, stumbling through a portion of the course with lower than usual lights. They both hold their breath, only letting small gasps of air out on occasion. About halfway down the hall they land a couple shots on Iris who then disappears into the dark. After a couple more twist and turns, Cisco gets shot by Caitlin, her eyes dancing with unwavering glee.

Jesse starts to shoot at the geneticist, and before the beam hits, Barry takes the bullet. Caitlin recovers and lets off her own shot, hitting Jesse once again this evening. Cisco grabs Jesse's hand and makes a break through the open area, pulling the two behind a barricade. The two crouch, catching their breath.

"Listen. I'll distract them from behind here. You go around and try to double back on them." Cisco says, standing and letting out a couple of blasts.

"Are you sure Cisco? We might not be able to regroup for a while. Can you manage solo?"

"I think so. You?"

Jesse raises an eyebrow. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Fair enough."

Cisco takes his place to begin a sprint, but before he can leap into action he turns back to Jesse. He pulls her close and looks straight into her eyes. Cisco leans over and gives Jesse a quick kiss. It is simple, and gentle, the man hesitant. Jesse responds by deepening it, wrapping her arms around him. The two break for air after a few moments, silly grins on both their faces.

"I love you." Cisco states, about to make his move.

"I know." Jesse responds, glad Cisco had loaned her the movie.

Cisco smiles as he jumps from the hiding spot, letting the barrage of lights hit his body. He pretends to spasm as each one hits, fueling his love of the game. Barry and Caitlin approach him, both ready to fire the moment his vest resets.

"Where's Jesse?" Caitlin asks, jamming her gun into the man's side.

"I'd tell her Cisco. She's out for blood." Barry states, shrugging.

"I'll never tell. Might as well kill me." Cisco drops his gun and holds his arms out, dropping to his knees.

"Dude, you're already sorta dead." Barry points out.

"So true." Cisco remarks, suddenly more energetic.

"Not for long." Caitlin responds, aiming at Cisco's chest, ready to fire.

Cisco's vest returns to normal, and Caitlin once again hits the man. Before anyone can comment, Jesse appears from behind and wildly fires. She misses both players, and Caitlin turns to fire back. Her hit is successful and Jesse drops down across from Cisco. Barry and Caitlin turn to run, leaving the two to lie on the floor, laughing at their turn of events.

"Great. I knew we should've gone right." Caitlin says, standing in the middle of a crossroads.

Barry stands to her side, glancing down each of the four paths. Nothing indicates the correct one, and they know they're lost.

"I'm sorry Cait. I should've listened to you."

"It's fine Barry. We'll just have to try and retrace our steps." Caitlin responds.

"Our we could just wait for them to come to us."

Caitlin examines Barry's face, looking for a hint of humor. Noticing that there is none, she scoffs at the idea.

"What we wait for someone to come across and pick us off?"

"No. We stay low, and quiet. Then when the first group comes down the hall, we jump up and fire." Barry explains, taking a seat against the wall.

"Why not." Caitlin shrugs, dropping down next to him.

A few quiet moments follow, Barry and Caitlin stealing glances when they think the other isn't looking. Neither is sure where to start the conversation. Once again, both afraid to figure out what they mean to one another.

Barry opens his mouth, Caitlin's name on the tip of tongue, when the sound of footsteps ring out from one of the walkways. The two stand and nod at the other, ready for whoever is coming. After a few moments, and no one crossing the two, Barry turns to Caitlin.

"You heard that right?"

"I did."

"Then where are they?" Barry asks, his body tense.

"I don't know." Caitlin responds.

The two walk, footsteps in sync, into the center of the crossroad, and from the shadows of each path, a figure emerges. Surround Barry and Caitlin is none other than Wally, Cisco, Iris and Jesse. All four seem to be working together, not firing at one another. Large smiles plaster their faces, guns blazing in their hands.

"We figured the two of you'd be hiding of somewhere." Iris states.

"Either to try and jump us." Jesse says. "Or to have a little couples time."

At this the two object. "We are not a couple."

"Come guys, we've been friends for almost two years. You're a couple." Cisco replies, tired of their arguing.

"I might be new here, but even I see it." Wally weighs in.

"Though I guess now you're a dead couple." Cisco chimes, leveling his weapon.

Before anyone can fire a shot, an odd color beam shines from the second floor of the building. It moves from one person to another, leaving only Barry and Caitlin standing. They look up to Harry standing there, a gun resting in his hands, a wicked smirk on his face.

"I know I wasn't invited but this should prove I don't like being excluded from team building exercises. Especially ones where you get to shoot Ramon and Allen."

Wells readies his shot once again, aiming for Caitlin first. Before she can be hit, Barry makes a swan dive to let the light hit him, forcing him on his side, sliding across the floor. In the few moments that follow, Caitlin uses the opportunity to launch an attack at Harry, hitting after the third shot, ending the game. He grunts and makes his way from the high ground.

Caitlin moves over to where Barry lies and offers a hand to the speedster. Barry takes it and Caitlin hoists him up, smiling.

The group finds itself at the food court, enjoying greasy snacks before the night ends. Cisco, Jesse and Harry sit at a table, some making pleasant small talk and some frowning. Under the table, Jesse and Cisco hold hands, leaving Harry anger at the world.

Wally and Iris have their own table talking about school and work, catching up as siblings do. They trade stories of their childhoods, laughing at the antics of the West family.

At the far side of the court, Barry and Caitlin manage to enjoy peace at a small table. Barry picks at his fries, pretending not to notice each time Caitlin reaches over and steal one. The two laugh at the behavior of the others, and how they were the ultimate winners.

"I can't believe they all think we're a couple." Barry states.

"Me either. I mean it's crazy isn't it?"

"Yeah. I mean sure we might be a little be more touchy than most friends."

"But that's because we're just super close." Caitlin responds.

"Exactly." Barry agrees. "Plus if we were a couple, I wouldn't object to you eating all my fries."

Barry moves the basket closer to his chest, leading Caitlin to cross her arms and puff.

"Come on Barry. I'm hungry from all the, what did you call it? Ass kicking."

Barry just laughs and Caitlin swipes a couple of fries from the basket. She smiles and enjoys the fried potatoes, her eyes never leaving Barry's. The two sit there, just staring into each other's eyes for what feels like an eternity. Caitlin is the one to break the silence.

"How about we actually go on a date sometime?"


"You know, to see if something is really there. It might be we just can't see it."

"I think I would enjoy that Dr. Snow." Barry replies, smiling.

"So would I, Mr. Allen."

The two return to staring, the fries going cold as time starts to stretch. It's Cisco's voice that finally breaks them from the gaze.

"Come on lovebirds. Next rounds about to start. You two and Harry against the rest of us." Cisco calls out, the team heading into the course once again.

Barry stands first, offering a hand to Caitlin. She takes it and the two begin to descend back into the chaos of everything.

"Barry, I'm really glad we got to enjoy the evening together." Caitlin states, kissing him on the cheek before entering.

Barry watches her go into the arena, his hand tracing his cheek. He chases her down, and returns the favor by planting a gentle kiss on Caitlin's lips. The two don't linger, instead holding hands and chasing after Jesse and Cisco, ready to just enjoy the night.

"I'm glad we got to do this too, Caitlin." Barry whispers, ready for whatever comes next.

Author's Notes: I am back, and ready to go. Between the end of the school year, trying to actually put myself out there and the show losing Snowbarry momentum, I've let this just sit. I found some heartbreak, and this feels theaputic to write, trying to focus on the happiness of characters. But I finished my first year of college, wasted a moment that I know I'll never have again and now I'm ready to try and actually work on this story some more.

Until the next time, I hope you enjoy this story and can forgive me for such a late reply. Please read and review. It helps my writing flourish.