Chapter 9

A/N: Once again thanks again for all of the support that you guys are giving this story, I can't get over the response.

I've been getting a lot of questions about Bella allowing herself to be bullied, this will be addressed a little later in the story. I have dropped a couple very subtle hints that things aren't always what they seem.

Also I'm sorry for the delay, I hurt my back and sitting up to write was impossible, so in order to make up for the delay I present you with the longest chapter yet.

WARNING: The whole chapter is pretty much all graphic lemon. If that's not your thing, you can skip, it's not full of plot.

Pulling away from the restaurant, I tried to control my rage before I spoke to Bella, I didn't want her to think that any of my anger was directed at her. Just then I heard her sniffling quietly and I turned to look at her and I noticed her shaking as if her body was being wracked with sobs.
She was the first one to speak "I'm so sorry Edward, I didn't mean to embarrass you." Her tears were falling more freely now.

I couldn't believe that she thought that I was embarrassed by her. I knew that there was a rest area about a mile away, and I planned to pull over, so that I could have a chance to try to comfort her.

"Would you just take me to my house please?" She begged.

"Bella, don't make me do that please." I said as gently as I could.

Finally I was at the exit ramp for the rest area and I pulled off and brought my car to a stop in a spot that was furthest from the doors to the building, I didn't want to be interrupted.

I turned to look at her and my heart broke; "Bella, sweetheart, please don't cry, I consider myself the luckiest guy in the world tonight."

Using the pads of my thumbs to wipe the tears from her eyes I bent my head so that she could see the truth in my face "They are the ones with the problems, not you." "They should be embarrassed by their deplorable behavior."

"It just doesn't make sense though Edward." She cried.

"What doesn't make sense?" I was thoroughly confused.

"For a guy like you to want me, I'm not special, I'm plain."

Was she out of her mind, how was it possible that she didn't know how special she is?

"Bella, you have no idea how wrong you are, I have had plenty of opportunities to be with girls like that, but I despise their shallowness; you have no idea how long I have waited for you."

"You're everything that I've been waiting for, you're smart, and kind and so very beautiful, you have depth way beyond your years, so it's me that should consider myself lucky that you would even look my way."

"Baby, please don't cry." I begged.

She stared at me for a moment or two, I guess trying to figure out if I was being sincere, and finally her tears stopped.

"I'm sorry, you went out of your way to make this night special and I ruined it." She said. "And it was my first date ever."

Really, she had never even been on a date before? Shit, I should have planned more.

"It's not ruined, and I am so honored that you chose me to take you on your first date." I desperately wanted to kiss her luscious lips at that moment, but if it was going to also be her first kiss, I didn't want it to be in the car while parked in a rest area. Instead I gave her a quick kiss to her forehead and started the engine of the car, ready to get back home.

Throwing the car into reverse, I tore out of the parking lot and was on the entrance ramp of the interstate in record time. I wanted to resume our date and Bella was still being even more quiet than usual.

The drive took only a little over twenty minutes, but it seemed to take hours. Bella had not said a word since we left the rest area, and I was freaking myself out over how to get her mind away from those bitches and back to where I wanted it to be, on us.

After I parked the car in its' usual spot in the garage, I led Bella back into the house, my hand never leaving the small of her back, at least she didn't shy away from my touch.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" I asked, while loosening the knot from my tie and laying my jacket over one of the stools that were lined against the breakfast bar.

"Sure, if you do" She said softly, while staring at the floor and worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.

"Well, why don't you go pick something out, and I will get us something to drink." I offered, remembering the bottle of champagne that I had picked up earlier in the day.

"Uh, do you mind if I go change first, these shoes are kind of uncomfortable."

Instead of saying anything, I dropped to my knee in front of her and gently lifted her foot and began unbuckling the delicate strap that surrounded her ankle and removed the shoe. Repeating the process on her other foot, before saying "Go get comfortable."

I noticed a small smile appear as she said "thank you" and took off for the guest bedroom.

I gathered that she had forgotten that her bags were still in my room because it took her a lot longer than I expected for her to make it back down to the family room.

"So what's it going to bbbbbb?" I asked, my jaw probably hit the floor. While she wasn't wearing anything particularly sexy, something about the simple ivory, satin pajama shorts and matching tank top began driving me out of my mind.

"Edward, is everything ok?" Bella asked, obviously ignorant to the riot that her mere presence was causing in my pants.

"Everything is perfect love." At least my voice was working again. "So, what are we watching?" I asked, willing my erection to go away and then taking a huge gulp from my glass.

Bella walked over to the bookshelves that houses our Blu-rays and DVDs and began browsing the titles. I really expected her to pick some silly romantic comedy and I would have been perfectly fine with that, as long as I was watching it with Bella. Instead she surprised me by picking a case that I was very familiar with.

"Really?" I questioned, taking the case from her hand. It was my favorite feature length episode of Doctor Who; The Day of the Doctor.

"I haven't seen this one, but I've been wanting to." She said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I can't believe that you're a Doctor Who fan."

"Yeah well when I lived with my mom, we didn't have a lot of money, so instead of cable we used Netflix. After a couple of episodes I was hooked."

I patted the seat of the sofa next to me and said "come and watch with me my little Anglophile."

I knew that she loved British invasion music, and last night while I was moving her bags from the guest room to my room, I saw a copy of Wuthering Heights in a bag. I was beginning to get some insight to Bella and I planned on using it to my advantage.

Bella walked over to the sofa and curled up in the corner with her feet tucked underneath her. The fragrance of her hair as it settled around her face was driving me insane. I offered her the glass of champagne that I had poured for her.

She took a tentative sip and then licked her lips with her little pink tongue.

"Mmm" She said appreciatively.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"It's good, I've only had it once before at my mom and stepfather's wedding, but it didn't taste like this."

"I'm glad that you like it, and there is more if you would like, but you might want to take it slowly, the stuff can hit you kind of hard."

"Maybe just one more glass in a little while." She said.

"Whatever you like, Bella." I said as I slid the disk into the blu-ray player.

I grabbed both of our glasses and went into the kitchen to refill them. On my way back into the family room, I stopped to watch Bella for just a moment; she was fidgeting and biting her lip, a habit I discovered that she had whenever she was nervous.

"On or off?" I asked. Her head jerked up as if I startled her.

"What?" She responded.

"The lights, on or off?" I asked again.

"Whichever you prefer" she said softly, the slightest hint of a blush tinting her cheeks.

I can't help but wonder what is making her so nervous, after all we had shared a bed last night, surely, watching a movie in the dark is something that we can handle. I flipped the light switch and made my way over to the sofa and handed Bella her glass.

We watched the movie in relative silence, I enjoyed hearing her laugh at some of the more humorous parts. It was like seeing it for the first time all over again.

"Matt Smith is hilarious." She giggled.

"You've never seen his seasons?" I asked her.

"No, I had just finished with the David Tennant seasons when I moved here and we don't have Netflix at home."

"Well, sometime soon we will have to binge watch them, I have them all on blu-ray." I offered.

"I'd like that." She said shyly.

Just as the end credits were rolling I saw Bella yawn, I knew that if I didn't man up now, I just might miss my chance.

"Bella, I had a really good time tonight." I started.

"I did too Edward." She was biting her lip once again, and I wanted to do that.

"Bella, I would really like to kiss you now." I told her my eyes never leaving hers.

"Please." She whimpered.

Gently I cupped her cheek in my hand and she nuzzled into my touch.

Slowly, in an attempt to keep from attacking her, I gave her a soft, fairly chaste kiss. Fuck, her lips tasted better than I had imagined, strawberries and just a hint of the champagne that she had been drinking earlier. I needed more. More firmly this time I captured her lips between mine and gently prodded her lips apart with my tongue begging for entrance.

Without any hesitation, she brushed my tongue with hers and the dance began. Each of us battling for domination of the other. I wrapped my hands in her hair trying to keep them from developing a mind of their own and push her too far, too fast.

What I didn't count on was having to control her passion also, she raised up onto her knees and began to attack my mouth with a ferocity that I could not have imagined. Finally, due to the need for oxygen, we broke the kiss, both of us gasping for air. I began kissing my way down her jaw to her neck and began biting her at the juncture of where her neck met her shoulder blade, leaving a nasty mark, but it seemed that neither of us cared.

"Ugh God yes Edward, more, I need more." She whimpered.

I had resumed kissing her again, and now she was straddling my lap.

"More what baby?" I asked, I would have promised her the world, just to not stop kissing her.

"I don't know, just more please." She was begging now.

On pure instinct, I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled flush against my rock hard cock, without even wondering if I was going too far.

"Yes Edward yes," She moaned and began grinding herself against me.

I swear to God that I could feel her heat through her pajamas and my suit pants. As amazing as it felt I knew though, that if we didn't stop now, I wouldn't be able to stop at all.

"Bella, stop baby." I panted. The look of frustration on her face must have mirrored my own.

"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry." She stuttered, trying to disentangle herself from me and falling on her butt.

She started crying and all that I could think was fix this you asshole, she thinks that you don't want her.

"Bella please don't cry, believe me, that's not what I meant by stop." "I was afraid" I continued "that if I didn't stop us at that point, I wouldn't have been able to stop at all, and I didn't want to push you." "Believe me, I want you, I have never wanted anyone before you, and I was losing control."

"Really, you want me?" She sniffled.

"Are you kidding, didn't you feel how much I wanted you?" I asked her. "I just didn't want you to feel pressured into anything, I swear this isn't what I intended for tonight."

"I want you too Edward" She said while looking me directly in the eyes, her voice never wavering.

I held out my hand to help her up and said "let's go to bed."

I flipped off the TV and took her hand, slowly we walked up the stairs, as we arrived at the hallway of the second floor, I let go of her hand and went to go search Emmett's room, praying that he had condoms.

"Where are you going?" Bella asked, confusion showing on her face.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared, I'm going to check and see if Emmett has any condoms."

"It's ok, I'm covered. Mom made me go on the pill as soon as I started my period." Her face was beet red now.

"And since I'm a virgin…" She dropped off, I didn't know anyone could blush that much.

"That's nothing to be embarrassed about, when I said that I never wanted anyone before you, I meant it, I've never either."

"Really?" She asked "But you've graduated from college and you're so gorgeous, I don't understand." She continued.

"I know it's old fashioned, but I wanted to wait until it meant something." Now I was beginning to blush. I was afraid that if I said much more, Bella would be running for the hills.

This time she grabbed my hand and continued waking towards the stairs leading to my room.

Once we arrived to my room the awkward silence returned. I could tell that Bella was nervous and truthfully I wasn't feeling the most self-assured. I wanted to please Bella more than anything, but with no previous experience, I could only hope that I wouldn't embarrass myself.

"Bella, I want you to know that you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do; we don't have to do anything all in fact." "Your just sleeping by my side, and letting me hold you, would be more than enough."

Her only response was to stand on her tip toes and give me a soft kiss to my lips, before excusing herself to the restroom. I took advantage of the time alone to change into a pair of soft flannel sleep pants and an old t-shirt.

I also pulled the covers back from the bed and considered turning on some light jazz music, but decided against it. No matter what happened, I didn't want to risk missing a single sound that came from Bella's gorgeous mouth.

Bella soon exited the bathroom, and I could smell the mint from her toothpaste as soon as the door opened. I told her to make herself comfortable as I excused myself.

A few minutes and one good pep talk later, I walked into my bedroom and noticed that Bella had turned off all of the lights and had lit a few candles. The golden light reflected off her skin as if she were surrounded by a halo. She stood with her back turned and was looking out into the night sky from the glass door.

I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and propped my chin on her shoulder.

"It's really beautiful isn't it?" She asked

"Breathtaking." I responded, doubting that we were talking about the same thing.

She turned in my arms and wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest. We stood there for a moment or two without speaking. "Let's go to bed." She said.

We each climbed into our respective sides of the bed. My heart was threatening to beat out of my chest and I wondered if Bella was as nervous as I was.

We both rolled over onto our sides to face each other and I kissed her gently and said "no pressure, ok?"

The glow from the candlelight allowed me to watch her face easily, and she showed no sign of wariness. She kissed me back and whispered "we'll just play it by ear."

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me and kissed her again, this time more passionately.

The kisses were endless and my body had discovered that as long as I was kissing Bella, it no longer needed oxygen. In fact I was beginning to suspect that she is my oxygen.

The longer that we kissed the more adventurous my hands became. I couldn't help myself, at one point a change in positions caused her satin tank top to rise up and left her flat stomach exposed. I began rubbing my hands up and down her torso, daring to go a little higher with each pass, just stopping short of her breasts.

"It's ok Edward, please touch me." Bella begged.

Not needing to be told twice, I carefully removed the satin top and sat back on my knees in order to get the best view possible. I must have been staring for too long because she began to squirm and she tried to cover herself. I grabbed her arms before she could manage it and said "please don't, you're so fucking beautiful."

"I'm too small" She argued.

"You're perfect." I countered.

After a moment, my hands refused to be still, I had to touch her. She fit my hands perfectly, it was if her breasts were made for my hands. The way that her nipples pebbled under my touch was driving me wild.

I began kissing my way down her body, stopping to pay a little extra attention to the place that I had already marked as mine, finally my lips reached their destination and softly kissed each hardened tip. I was unprepared for Bella's reaction, instead of pushing me away like I expected, she grabbed my hair and pulled hard.

The sting from her pulling my hair spurred me on, it shocked me to discover that a little bit of pain made me impossibly harder. I began ravaging her breasts with my mouth, the taste of her skin made me want to devour every inch of her.

The sounds of her sighs and moans encouraged me as my gentle kisses turned to more experimental sucking and nibbling, loving the way that any time that I bit lightly on her hardened tips, she pulled my hair.

I was almost past the point of no return and I had to give her one more out. Crawling my way back up her body I began ravaging her mouth again, pausing only to remove my t-shirt. Rolling us both onto our sides, I really wanted the skin on skin contact.

"Bella, are you sure?" I whispered into her mouth.

Instead of answering me verbally, Bella wrapped her leg over mine and began grinding against my rock hard cock.

I allowed this to go on for a minute or two, using her perfect ass as leverage to hold her closer, in order to for us to both get the friction that we both craved.

The problem was, I was going to come if she didn't stop, and I really wanted to be inside her body when I did. I know that most women don't orgasm from penetration alone, especially not their first time, which I've heard can be actually unpleasant. I wanted to make this as good for her as possible.
I started kissing down her body, stopping for a minute to worship her luscious tits.

Then I made my way down her abdomen taking the time to tongue her adorable navel. I continued my trajectory and resumed kissing her, stopping just above the elastic of her sleep shorts.

Hooking my fingers under the elastic I looked at her to get permission, with a look of utter trust on her face, she raised her hips to help me remove her shorts and panties.

I wasted no time on ridding her of her shorts, but when I caught sight of her baby pink, satin and lace panties, I almost lost it. The crotch was absolutely drenched.

Scooting my body down the bed, using the friction for a little relief.

"What are you doing? Bella asked.

"What do you think I'm doing, unless you object?"

"It's just that I've heard that guys don't really like doing that" She said.

"I have a feeling that I will, you smell delicious" "If you don't like it I will stop, I promise."

She simply nodded her head and I gently kissed her through the wet fabric of her panties. Her hips jerked and I took that as a good sign, it was a damn good thing because I didn't think that I could another minute without that exquisite fluid directly from the source.

With no attempt at trying to be gentle, I hooked my fingers under the elastic of the panties and began trying to rip them off of her body. Bella raised her hips in an attempt to help me.

After what felt like endless seconds, I had all but ripped them from her body and threw them under the bed, in hopes that tomorrow, she wouldn't think to look for them.

Those are mine, I thought selfishly.

I was now being controlled by pure animal instinct. I may not have any experience, but still I knew what to do. Parting her folds gently, I gave her soft kisses on both the outer then inner folds, before I grabbed her hips and began licking from bottom to top.

Fuck! I could easily live on her juices for the rest of my life and die a very satisfied man.

Not stopping my movements, I looked up at Bella in order to gauge her reactions. She was panting and clenching the comforter in both of her hands. I took that as a sign that I could continue.

After the last swipe, I started sucking lightly on her clit, and she began bucking her hips wildly and moaning like nothing I have ever heard before.

"Fuck Edward, more!" She was pleading.

"I've got you, baby" I cooed.

I could see her fluids running down her toned thighs now, knowing that she prepared for me now, I slowly inserted one finger into her impossibly tight channel, wondering if I would even be able to squeeze myself in there.

With my thumb on my other hand, I began gently rubbing circles on her hardened bundle of nerves and she began working herself on my finger.

"Ung Edward, yes!" She cried.

Slowly I worked a second finger in while never slowing the rubbing of her clit.

I checked her face to make sure that she wasn't showing any signs of pain, but all that I could see was sheer, unadulterated lust. He head was thrown back and she was licking her lips. Her breathing was erratic and I began to feel a light fluttering against my fingers, Bella was close.

"That's it baby, come for me." I begged.

"So close Edward." She whimpered.

I needed another taste of her, so I removed my thumb and started sucking firmly, with a final nibble to her clit, I felt her inner walls clamp around my fingers and with a shout of my name Bella came undone. I slowed the pumping of my fingers but not completely stopping in order to let her come down gently.

Once her breathing was back to normal, I removed my fingers and discreetly licked the juices from my skin, before crawling back up the bed to be by her side.

I was painfully hard, but I wanted to take care of Bella and make sure that she was ok to continue.

She surprised me when she grabbed my face and began to kiss me, I didn't think that she would want to do that considering where my lips and tongue had just been, but as long as she was good with it, I wasn't going to complain.

"That was amazing." She whispered.

"I agree" I told her, before cupping her cheek to kiss her again."

After a few more minutes of just kissing and holding each other, Bella began to let her hands wander and she began rubbing my dick through the fabric of my sleep pants.

"Holy fuck!" I almost exploded the moment that she touched me.

"I'm ready" She whispered.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure" She said, not showing any sign of hesitation.

I reached down between her legs to make sure that she was ready for me before wiggling out of my pants.

"Holy shit! Are they always that big?" She asked.

I could only chuckle at that, now didn't seem like the time to start bragging.

"You can tell me to stop at any time, if you need to." I told her.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." She promised and placed a kiss on my lips.

Once I was above her, I settled all of my weight on my forearms in effort to keep from crushing her.

I tangled my fingers with hers and began to enter her. I was trying so hard to keep from thrusting and taking her with all of the finesse of a caveman.

About half of the way in, I reached her barrier and knew that this was it; "I'm so sorry Bella, but this is going to hurt" I told her.

"I know, it's ok, do it." She said.

I took a deep breath and with one hard thrust of my hips, I broke through the symbol of her innocence. Instantly I fought the urge to keep thrusting, knowing that she would need time to adjust and I needed it too. I had never felt anything as hot as her body and I knew at that moment, Bella was the one for me, no one else would ever do, now I just needed to make her no it also.

I looked down at Bella and saw tears forming in her eyes.

"Are you ok baby? Do you want me to stop?" I asked, hoping that if she said yes that I would be able to.

"Don't stop, I just need a minute, I promise."

Oh thank God, I thought selfishly.

After a minute or two, my body was literally humming with need, Bella said "It's ok, I'm ready."

After a few minutes of experimentation, Bella and I found a comfortable rhythm and while I knew that she must be sore, she seemed to be enjoying herself.

I wasn't going to be able to hold on much longer and I wanted, no make that needed, Bella to come one more time, I released one of her hands and began rubbing her clit in time with my thrusts. In no time I felt her walls begin to squeeze me tightly, and I knew that it was over. With a gentle pinch to her clit Bella shattered and brought me with her in the process.