Hi guys I'm back with another two-shots from an episode.

In Mighty Mad, I noticed that Kaz said he could sing but he was getting over a sore throat the day Skylar heard him.

I had to come up with a story on the event revolving around that sentence. Why and how did Skylar hear him sing? That's what I give you, enjoy!

Kaz was still in his pj's watching some TV when he got a text from Oliver saying he was sick today and couldn't hang out with him and Skylar like they had planned. Well, that just crashed his plans. What was he supposed to do instead?

Kaz pondered on if he should still ask Skylar to do something. She also was his friend after all even if they pretended they weren't. Would it be weird without Oliver? Would she get the wrong idea and think he was asking her out?

He finally decided that they could spend the day together without it being awkward. He texted her saying Oliver was sick and asking if she still wanted to hang out. He thought it was silly for him to be nervous as he waited for her answer.

Skylar was doing her hair, almost prepared for the day when her phone went off. She looked at it and saw it was a text from Kaz. Weird, he texted her very rarely. She frowned taking it in her hand before opening the message.

Hey Skylar, Oliver's sick 2day, he had 2 cancel. Do u still wanna hang?

She felt a little twinge of nervousness. Spend a day with Kaz…alone? Sure, she had to admit he was also her friend no matter what she says but she was surprised he would suggest such a thing. She started wondering on how this day would go. That boy was dangerously charming…this couldn't be good. Then again he didn't seem to have any tendency to flirt with her...she didn't know if she should feel relieved or offended by that. She did enjoy his company though…and besides what could possibly go wrong? Once she made up her mind, she texted him back and got prepared to head to his house.

After what felt like hours, Kaz heard his phone beeping and surely enough it was Skylar's answer. He immediately opened it.

Sure, it will be fun! Meet u at your house!

Kaz smiled, relieved that she seemed to not make a big deal out of it…why was he even doing one? He was still in his pyjama though, he should take a shower before they met. He texted her back saying to meet him in an hour and headed for the shower.

Skylar arrived at Kaz's. She loved this place, so full of love and chemistry. Being not just an only child but also a child without parents, she always were intrigued by the dynamism of a family, especially a big one like Kaz's. Plus everyone was so nice here, not that she was surprised, it was Kaz's family after all. If Kaz was great, it had to be in part because of the context in which he grew up.

Lucy, Kaz's mom went to open the door when she heard the doorbell. She was surprised to see Connie there…especially without Oliver. Lucy really liked this girl ever since she first met her. She was well-behaved, polite, had a great sense of humor and was a real sweet-heart. Kaz might not realize it but she was one of the two people he talked about the most, first one being Oliver of course.

"Hey Connie, come on in. To what do we owe the pleasure?" asked Lucy.

"Thanks. I'm supposed to meet Kaz here, we're gonna hang out today!" said Skylar thinking that came out way too perky.

"Oh really?" started the woman thinking that her son and that girl would be quite the cute couple. "Well, I think Kaz is upstairs!"

"Thanks!" said Skylar heading for the stairs.

The more she got close to the top, the more the sound of water drops became clear. And accompanying that sound was a voice…Kaz's voice. She entered Kaz's room which was right beside the bathroom and sat down on his bed. She smiled widely as she listened to Kaz singing. He wasn't that bad…of course he wasn't gonna do a record anytime soon but it wasn't torture to the ears either.

He was really giving it his all, screaming at the top of his lungs. What he was singing was definitely interesting though. She could tell he was improvising.

I'm going out today

Without my best bud

But gladly anyway

I'm still gonna have fun

Cause I'm gonna hang

With a great little lady

That's why I just sang

This short melody

Skylar cracked up at this. Well that was really cute. She heard the shower turn off and wondered what his reaction was going to be like when he was gonna see her.

Not long after, Kaz entered his room fully dressed with a towel around his neck he was using to soak his hair. His eyes went big when he saw her.

"SKYLAR!" he yelled jumping backwards.

Skylar felt guilty about the thought that crossed her mind but she had to admit he looked good with wet hair. The water dropping from his hair on the side of his face was not helping.

"Hey Kaz!" she started feeling bad that she took him by surprise like that. "I'm sorry, I did not know you weren't ready!"

"I texted you to meet me in an hour!" he said confused.

"Oh! I…I think I left my phone at Mighty Med." She realized checking her pockets.

"Oh um…did you…did you hear that?" asked Kaz embarrassed.

"Hear what?" asked Skylar faking ignorance. She didn't want to make him even more self-conscious than he already was.

"Never mind!" he replied relieved. "So, you ready?"

"Don't you wanna blow dry your hair before?" she asked.

"Nah! It will dry like this." He said before taking Skylar's hand to help her get up.

He immediately let go. He didn't even seem to notice what he just did. It was so automatic but very gentlemanly.

"Come on!" he invited her before they left his room. They came face to face with Kaz's older brother Julian.

"Sup girl!" said the boy with a wink.

Skylar thought with a smile that he really was Kaz's brother.

"Don't even think about it Julian!" said Kaz really serious.

Julian smirked before replying: "Don't worry bro…I know this one's all yours."

With that he patted him on the back and headed towards his room.

"Sorry about that…Julian loves making people uncomfortable." apologized Kaz.

"No problem!" said Skylar blushing a bit.

They decided to go to the park and they had a blast. They played freeze bee for a while and then decided to buy ice cream from a little cart.

"What will you two love birds take?" asked the man.

"Oh…we're not…" stuttered both friends.

The man smiled but let it drop.

"What will it be?" he asked again.

"Umm…I'll take a chocolate soft ice cream and…what will you take Sky?" asked Kaz.

"Oh…umm same as you!" replied Skylar.

Before she even had time to take out her wallet, Kaz had already paid for both of them.

"There you go!" he said giving her the ice cream.

"Thanks but you didn't have to pay for mine!" she told him.

Kaz shrugged before saying: "Well…you won't be able to say that I never gave you anything!"

He gave her a smile which she immediately returned. They sat on a bench and started talking about superheroes, Caldera and Kaz's family.

"Your mom is so nice! Your dad too." Said Skylar. "Oh and your brother's really cute."

"JULIAN!" said Kaz louder than he wanted. "Skylar, Julian's a player!" he warned her.

"Quite a warning coming from you!" she replied laughing a bit.

Kaz frowned before replying: "Touché."

Skylar saw how his face fell and wanted to cheer him up.

"Well, he's probably not as good as you at singing!" the words escaped her mouth before she even realized it.

"What? You said you didn't hear!" said Kaz shocked.

"Sorry! I didn't want you to feel embarrassed!" said Skylar embarrassed herself.

"Well, you're not doing a very good job!" stated Kaz.

Skylar started laughing and soon Kaz joined her.

"I'm not, am I?" said the pretty girl. "Look you don't have to be embarrassed, sure it was a little bit off key but I really enjoyed the song. I thought it was really sweet!"

"I just said words that rhymes, that's all!" said Kaz blushing.

They headed back to Kaz's house and called it a day.

"Well, I had fun today…thanks again for the ice cream." Said Skylar standing on his porch.

"You're welcome and yeah it was fun!" answered Kaz. "Maybe we should do that again sometime."

"Yeah, definitely!" replied Skylar.

They both awkwardly waved goodbye before Kaz entered his house.

Do you like my version of how she heard him sing?

Next chapter will be based on the real episode!

Please review!