This is just a little something that I wrote inspired by some fanart (actually I think Yana drew it) It's not canon and it incorporates my OC in it but yeah def not canon. It also doesn't go along with my story. Like at all. But I felt compelled to write it down somewhere after seeing the drawing. Enjoy

Christmas is in less than two weeks. But this year there was no celebration. The elaborate mansion remained cold and dark. It's been five years since I've left London. It's been five years since the incident. I didn't know what I might be expecting but I decided to return again. I won't say one last time because for me, time is limitless.

Five years ago a certain demon had fulfilled his contract with his master. Five years ago the young master disappeared forever. He knew of course that when the contract was done his soul would be consumed but he still decided to bind it. The few years that they had spent together would have been a blink of an eye to the limitless lifespan of a demon but somewhere something must have been off.

The kid was no ordinary kid; he was a young noble who tragically lost his parents at an early age. Yet despite the setbacks he continued to run the family company, with the help of a demon. While doing so he was also seeking revenge to whoever was responsible for his parent's murders. On the way he must have touched one of the demon's cold, cold heartstrings. Demons are ruthless and cold but even they must feel loneliness in their long, long lives especially when they lose the closest thing that's ever come to be considered a friend.

He was scared. I knew it. He was afraid of what he was feeling for the young Earl. In his moment of rashness he ended it. That was what was supposed to happen anyways. Those were the rules. But he could have prevented it. He could have held on to the fantasy for a little while longer. But there's no going back.

Cold wind whipped at my face, the snow blurring my vision. I knew he was here, I could feel his presence. There in the cold, cold snow was a tall, shadowy figure standing in the exact spot the earl had sat years ago. This was once his workroom, where he would disappear to for hours and where he'd take his tea. Now only a small table remains, covered in snow. The shadowy figure reached out a hand, setting something on the table. I stifled a gasp. It was a cake, like so many that he had made for the young master before. He set it down. Suddenly the table disappeared, the cake crashed onto the floor. The sound lost to the wind. The figure only stared.

"Sebastian." I said softly.

He turned and fixed his red, red eyes on me. It was full of sadness. He gave me a small nod to acknowledge me. Then he turned and disappeared into the snow.

Sorrow seized me as I watched him disappear. Today Earl Phantomhive would have reached the age to marry. Today would have been filled with many celebrations. Today would have been Earl Phantomhive's 18th birthday.