I'm sorry that this is so late, RL caught up again. I'm glad you liked Ecthelion's part, and thanks for the comments. :) I will say, Glorfindel is different from my regular Glor, just to warn you.

The Fire's Embrace; Glorfindel's dying thoughts.

I can no longer feel anything; the fire has burned everything from me. I can't see anything, for the fire took my eyes. I cannot move, speak, and soon, I will not be able to breath. Numb, that is all that is left to me. It is so strange to feel nothing, and yet everything. I thought I heard Ecthelion telling me it would be all right. Perhaps he is right. There is nothing more I can do as I plummet. I'll be dead before I hit, the fire is eating slowly through what remains of my flesh and muscles. Thank Eru, I went numb for the pain was unbearable. Now I only have to deal with the pain in my soul.

Ecthelion would say this was unlike me, that I was immune to pain. How little did he know about what I hid from him. But that was only to protect him, but there is no need for that now. He's gone ahead of me, my dear brother of the soul has left me, yet his mental touch lingers. I felt no fear as I faced the Balrog, nor when I began to fall with it. I only felt peace for what I had to do, that is Ecthelion's last gift to me.

Maybe it is good that it ends now, and in such a way. I die with honor, where I've felt I've had none at times. I know they tell me that I am honorable, but my past tells me else wise. I only hope I have made amends for what I have done.

Ecthelion knows nothing of it, as I know nothing of his past. We have always agreed to leave the shadows be, and we have kept that agreement. It is for the best. He would have left me had he known what darkness lurks in my soul. I know I'm called the golden lord, but I'm not so sure it applies to me. My past, unknown to all, haunts me still, even now, at my death.

But such morbid thoughts serve only to make me bitter. Ecthelion would say this was not the Glorfindel he knew. No, the Glorfindel he knew was cheerful, taking any burden with humor. But he does not know that he was what made that Glorfindel. I was a bitter Elf once, and a cold one at that. When I met a sorrowful Elfling on the road, my life change. Ecthelion was that child, and he turned my life around. I became more cheerful, for his sake, to save him from the sorrow that tried to consume him. In a way, he saved me too. I was once told we couldn't be separated. Seems like this is the truth, for I am now following him into death, by the same type of demon that slew him.

It is amusing, however, that the hair I was named for was part of the cause of my falling. I never thought my hair was a danger to my health. If I could laugh at the thought, I would, but I can barely breath as it is. The fire must be reaching for my lungs now, and yet, I can't feel it. Am I still falling? I can't tell, not that it matters.

I hope that what is left of my people, not just the house of the Golden Flower, but also the others for which I fought for, will survive. Gondolin must be remembered, even if I am not. I pray that traitor is forgotten as well, and that he rots in Mandos's Halls. I know it is not well for me to think such things, when he did it because he was driven mad by love. I can understand that, but he sacrificed us all for that forsaken love. I do pity him, only slightly, but it is there, and I find I do not hate myself for it.

Tuor will have to lead them on, and I pray that his family survives. They must, for I sense what Ecthelion sensed, they carry the hope of Arda's future, and we desperately need that hope in these dark times. I sensed that the moment I saw their son, but their son is not our true hope. No, it is the one to come after him. I sometimes have visions of this child to come, and each time my heart is lightened with it. It is a brief peace, but it is a welcomed one. Sadly, I will not be here to see this child, so why would the Valar grant me such visions? It doesn't matter, for the Valar work in strange ways.

My breathing has quickened, my heart is beating quicker, and I can suddenly feel the flames, the rocks below, and the demon at my side, but there is no pain. Then my soul lets go of the flesh and I soar, free.