"How did you get here, child?" Gandalf the Grey asked in a soothing voice, while all the dwarves and their hobbit were sitting in a circle around the human girl.

Thorin huffed a breath. The human girl who appeared in a beam of light, had already showed such magic that Thorin, for all for being an almost two hundred years old, never have seen before. It seemed for a moment that the ginger female would overpower them, but then the wizard disarmed her, and now held her magic twig tightly in his fist. The girl was glowering at him, and if Thorin didn't know better, he would bet that she could set the old man on fire.

Come to that, she probably could.

That was one of the reasons why sitting in a circle around her was probably a very stupid idea. There was no telling if it would stop her if she truly wished to run.

"Answer me, young lady, or so help me!" finally Gandalf's admittedly not very large patience broke and he snapped at her.

"I don't know!" She hissed in answer, eyes darting around, stopping for a moment on Dwalin, as if- Yes, Thorin was positively sure she was accessing everyone's level of danger, and soon will make a run for freedom. So the dwarf leader moved from his standing position near Balin to the burglar, effectively closing the ring. Bilbo was the weakest link, and now Thorin killed her only chance. And she knew that as well. She sent him a glare and uttered. "I fell, most likely."

"Fell from where?" Bofur asked, his hat flaps moving worriedly.

"From ministry. Department of mysteries," she answered, though her words barely made sense to anyone. "We were running from Death Eaters, and Dawlish knocked me into this table with what looked like time turners. Next thing I know, I am here, and you are attacking me with your" she waved her hand trying to encompass them all. "With your axes and swords! I'm not even sure you are real and not a figment of my imagination! Who the hell knows what is in that damn department!"

The Company reacted as predicted, with various "We are real!" and "You're a figment!" with a great deal of "Oh come on!ยป Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror sighed, and was about to ask one of relevant questions, when the hobbit beat him, loudly proclaiming:

"Who are death eaters?"

Surprisingly, the hobbit's loud question silenced everybody, and even the wizard turned and deigned the hobbit with a small smile. Meanwhile, girl's face hardened and, if possible, she tensed even more.

"They are You-Know-Who's servants," she answered with much hate.

"Erm, excuse me, but I don't know who," Master Baggins again voiced everybody's thought, and this time girl's brow furrowed in confusion and irritation.

"Well, you know, You-Know-Who," she repeated again.

"Sorry lass, but we really do not know who you are referring to," ah, finally Balin decided to join in this not very successful interrogation.

"Dark Lord! We do not speak his name!" The ginger hissed, pulling at her ginger ponytail.

"Dark Lord? Sauron?"

After a long and confusing explanation about two different time lords, about magic, and about why the hell a 15 years old was fighting against dark wizards, the Company, plus Gandalf, decided that Ginny (girl's name was revealed during this conversation) simply cannot be left on the Green Road.

"Will you at least give me my wand back?" She sweetly asked Gandalf once it was established that the dwarves really needed to move.

The wizard thoughtfully harrumphed. "Depends. Will you promise me to not use it against us?"

She looked concentrated when she answered.

"As long as you lot don't attack me, I won't."

"Good! But just to be on the safe side, I won't give it back to you until I'm sure in you!" With that wizard quickly moved to the head of the group, living Ginny gaping like a fish.

"Don't worry, miss Ginny, he does that all the time," their burglar spoke to her kindly, making her jump a little bit and she had to look down to meet the hobbit's eyes. Thorin was still leaning on his new sword (so what if it's elvish, it was an amazing sword) and watched the girl, trying to guess if she really wouldn't hurt his company. But she was looking at Bilbo with amusement, and tried to smile at him, though her smile was wan.

"It is not very reassuring. I don't want to go defenseless."

His mind made, Thorin took one of his hidden knives, and tossed it her. She swiftly caught it and stared at him.

"What is this?"

"A knife. So now you're not completely defenseless."

If looks could kill, Thorin'd be dead.

"What are those?!" Ginny's hiss was loud enough that Thorin could hear it, but it was Dwalin who answered. "Orcs. Keep quiet, lass, and don't stick your ginger head out."

"Stick my-! Gandalf, give me my want back right now!"

Whatever exchange the wizard and the human child have, it is lost to Thorin, as he could hear a warg approaching them. Thorin look meaningfully at Kili and his nephew was already notching the arrow, when suddenly the ginger jumped from their hiding position beneath the boulder. She waved her wooden stick and Thorin, along with the whole gang of them, watched in astonishment as thin silver-like ropes escaped from the end of it and wrapped around both warg and its rider in a vice grip, making them fall down to the dwarves' feet. The dwarves killed warg and its mount within moments, quietly, and once they are dead, Thorin realized that mere moments have passed since Ginny jumped from the hiding place. Everyone was quiet, and the unnatural stillness was interrupted only by wind's howling.

Somewhere far from them Thorin could hear other wargs and orcs chase Radagast.

"Come!" Gandalf was the first to recover from stupor, jostling the dwarves into running. Thorin spurt into action, snagging Ginny's elbow, unwilling to let this child far from him.

After Gandalf tricked them into going to Rivendell, after the dinner with only some leaves to eat, after the council with elf Lord Elrond that only resulted in decision to stay in elven city for two more weeks, only then Ginny made herself known. She hadn't been invited to the council with Elrond, but nonetheless, when Thorin was about to retire for the night, she stepped from around a pillar, face hard.

"Is there any way for me to get back?" She demanded without a preamble, eyes flicking from Gandalf to Elrond.

"Ah," the wizard sighed startled, and Thorin felt irritation at him, so before the man could try explain Ginny, Thorin interrupted him.

"No later than today's morning Ginny Weasley appeared within our camp in a beam of light. She claims to have come from another world, and by mistake to that."

"There was a battle, and a lot of dangerous magical artefacts," she said when the dwarf glanced at her. "If there is a way to get back, I need to find it! My friends were surrounded by our enemies, and I don't even know whether they made out alive! And if they have, they probably think me dead!"

She had her hands crossed over her chest, a posture made to intimidate, but her tense stance betrayed her fear and anger. With no small amount of amusement Thorin thought that even her fire-red hair looked angry, sticking in every direction from her messy ponytail.

Meanwhile, Elrond sighed.

"I am only confident to say that you are not a solitary case. I do not see why Mithrandir didn't tell you this though," there was a slight jibe in Elrond's voice.

"It seems that wizards of Gandalf's like rarely like to share important information regarding others," there was venom in her voice.

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about!"

"As I was saying," for just a moment Thorin felt sorry for Elrond, for it seemed that the elf had to deal with Gandalf far more than Thorin. "There are several cases of people appearing from other worlds. And all of them, without a fail, appeared within a day's proximity to Rivendell. I do not know why so. However I know that it always took great magic to bring them back. And I am not sure you will like what I will tell next."

"Please tell!" Ginny proclaimed just as Thorin grumbled "Get on with it!"

The elf ruler eyes them warily for a moment and then sighed. "The only source of magic that is fit to send you back is from a dragon-hoard."