A/N: Hey ho! I'm giving simple stories a try (since most of my stories are rather dark or serious). Since I had no idea for the penguins, I figured I'll just have to play with this trio!

This will be a collection of short stories. Mostly it will be friendship related, there will be some light romance and it will get a little heavier somewhere nearing the end.

I hope you like it. P.S. Thanks Layla for the advice! *gives virtual hugs and cookies*

Disclaimer: I do not own Penguins of Madagascar, especially not the characters.

Chapter 1: Still the Same

Phil has been pestering him about it all week. It was no surprise, though.

Mason knew his brother had the best time in middle school, what with being one of Coach Blake's favorites and nominated every year for class clown. But once they entered the chaos of high school was when things turned for the worse for him.

Middle school was different. Phil had friends who came over their house and wreck their room, he was a B straight student, and he even had a crush on that lovely Leeves daughter, Lulu. Mason used to wake up with a random AC/DC song and Phil's sock on his face, but in high school he always woke up with an empty bunk above him.

At least, things got better in college. Lulu made a reappearance, and everyday since, Mason could swear that his brother's cheeks were almost as red as his flaming messy hair. With a few nudge from friends and alike (although the twins never took Marlene's advice, the only close female friend they have in college) Phil finally got himself a lunch date with Lulu, and things got better even further.

So now, five years after they got their degree, with a ring into the picture and a perfect job to occupy each of them, life just got better yet again for Philip Pane.

"How did your first day went?" asked Mason, flipping through the TV channel as his twin brother texted his middle school friends about the upcoming reunion, elated.

"Honestly, I don't remember a thing," Lulu replied with a bored sigh. She just came home from her karate practice. Her body was slumped against the couch, her gi was already dumped in the washing machine, but her black belt was tied around her head. The boys weren't allowed to ask.

"Really? Well, I remember being stuffed in the locker. And I remember that time when Phil accidentally went to the girl's bathroom." The last sentence earned him a slap on his arm. Mason just winced as he rubbed the red spot and Phil gave him a sly look before returning to his smartphone.

Lulu told him to put the remote down as they settled for an old TV series rerun. The show was about four ordinary kids who enrolled in a boarding school full of superhero children and they ended up being the school's elite espionage force. Their main task was protecting the students from Dr. Franco Bluejoe, a mad scientist who wanted to turn the students into his minions. The three of them were (and still) big fans of St. Mad's School for Immortals. Mason clicked on the channel just in time for Kowalski's famous declaration of love for Doris; it was Lulu's favorite scene. He turned around towards his future sister in-law who kicked them both out of the couch so she could have it all for herself to watch her start to fangirl. She was mouthing the lines perfectly, her eyes never left the screen, and for some unknown reason a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. That scene didn't end on a happy note, though. Because Doris didn't – can't – love him back. It turned out that she was actually Bluejoe's sister, and she was working for him. Even so, after Kowalski left with a broken heart, she made a promise to never hurt him in any way while still working for her brother. She couldn't fulfill it, of course, because Kowalski was injured pretty badly in season 3 and he almost died. Mason had been skeptic about that odd promise from the very beginning, but Lulu had always been supportive of it.

"Why would she promise to do such an impossible thing?" Mason had asked back in middle school.

"It's a human thing, Mason. When it comes to your feelings," she started, trying not to wake Phil who was sleeping in the tree house, "…everything is worth the risk."

Lulu had also said that he would never understand, because boys will still be boys, and although Mason felt a little bit offended he agreed completely.

"Hey Mason, do you remember our class' time capsule?"

It took Mason quite some time to remember, but Phil remembered immediately. His hands shot straight up and he waved it around in excitement. He motioned about the first A+ he got on Biology being in there, along with his locker combination, a photo of his basketball championship, and his secret letter.

"What secret letter?"

Lulu perked up upon his confusion. "You know… that anonymous letter thing our class did. We wrote an anonymous letter and address it to someone, and when the time capsule is opened again we would read it together."

An old light bulb of memory flickered on in his brain, causing a short flashback to play in his mind. He remembered putting an essay that Mrs. Gray praised to no end in Literature class and his student of the year medal in that bright orange box, but no secret letter.

"Huh. I don't remember putting a secret letter in there," he said.

"I didn't do it either. It was optional," Lulu reminded him. "So, are we going to chat about some old letters or are we going to watch Immortals?"

The twins grinned. Mason made a run for the kitchen to grab popcorn and soda, Phil grabbed more pillows and reset the heater, while Lulu wrapped her body with an old blanket. As the marathon rerun played on, they also talked about Immortals' fanfictions and unsurprisingly came up with a crazy super long idea about what happened to Skipper in Denmark.

"Oh no, we are not killing him."

"Why? It would be super tragic! Plus, we can make Rico find out that his mom is actually a superhero but he didn't inherit any of her powers."

Phil slurped on his soda and he glared at his fiancé with disagreement. His hands moved around, and both Lulu and Mason translated it as, "Ok, the Rico idea is pretty good. But not the other one! He always dies!" Mason's thought was similar.

Lulu's eyes twinkled for a bit, and Mason felt the urge to add another thing, "And we're not killing Private either.

Annoyed that her future brother-in-law figured out her plan, she crossed her arms. "Oh, alright. But if we ever write this, I get to make Koris endgame."

The twins rolled their eyes upon seeing her fangirl grin.

"Oh please, at least it's better than Phil's sick obsession with FrancoxDoris."


A/N: Yes, I mentioned fanfiction in a fanfiction. Haha. Sorry Luna for the … you know *wink*

Thanks for reading. Review, maybe?