Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me. Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling.

(A/N: And here's Part 2!)

Hermione woke up to the smell of peppermint. Sniffing, she yawned and blearily opened her eyes. Looking around at all the decorations Hermione tried to remember where she was. Oh! Christmas!

Instantly, Hermione leapt out of bed, and pulling on a bathrobe, rushed to the small tree she had in the corner of her room. There was a tree in the common room, but both Draco and her wanted to open whatever presents they had received in the privacy of their own room. Well, sort of.

Hermione went to her small tree, adorned with little cats and books and other whatnot. She always loved this, although she missed opening them with her parents. Hermione let a small smile show on her face.

About fifteen minutes later, Hermione walked into the common room, with her new books (courtesy of Ron and Harry) and her new Weasley jumper (lavender with a silver H). She thought back to the anonymous peppermint perfume she had gotten. Whiff of Winter. It had been so expensive. Yet, someone... She shook it off. It was no doubt for her. After all, that's what the note said. But who?

"Oh. Granger. Didn't expect to see you down here this early." Draco's sleep-ridden voice broke Hermione out of her thoughts. She looked up at him and her lips parted slightly. She didn't realize how he managed to look so good in the morning. His disheveled blond hair was so perfectly tousled and his eyes, drowsy with sleep but yet still sparkling so brightly. Merlin.

"See something you like, Granger?" his pale orbs positively glowed and a smirk played across his face. She snorted.

"Hardly." Maybe.

"Well anyway, let's get to breakfast." He said, and brushed past her. She looked at his hand and realized he was holding the book she had bought him. It was on advanced potions and potions combined with healing techniques. Draco always did say he wanted to redeem the damage his father had made on people by being a Healer. She pointed and cleared her throat.

"Ah, yes." Draco looked down at the book and a small, real (no not the smirk this was real and true and bright and she had brought it) drifted across his features. "Thank you, Hermione."

And he was gone, his cloak billowing out behind him. (Was that just something all Slytherins learned or what?) Hermione sighed, "You're welcome." He called me Hermione.. Does that mean...?

The day passed by normally. She spent the day with Ron, Harry, Ginny, Luna and Neville. It was nice, it really was. A great dinner and everything, and yet nearing the end of the day, the food she had consumed earlier on sat heavily in her stomach. It was nearing the ball. Normally, Hermione would have been able to pick her own date, or such. But, in order to promote house unity, McGonagal had decided that the Head Boy and Girl had to go together. Which meant she had to go with a certain Slytherin.

At first she had fought this, and so had he, but McGonagal was extremely firm on it. So, they had to comply. It wasn't as if she had managed to start crushing on him. So of course, her emotions were a ball of knots. Ginny managed to pick up on that emotion when she zoned out, and squeezed her hand. Hermione shot Ginny a reassuring smile. Ginny grinned back.

"Don't worry, Mione. He won't recognize you when I'm through."

"That makes me worried."

"Aw, come on Hermione! It's like what those muggles say, relill!"

"It's 'chillax' Gin."


Later, Hermione looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn't even recognize herself. Her hair was down, in long luscious locks. With not that much Sleak-easy! Success! Her dress had a halter top and was lavender. She wore earrings, but couldn't find a necklace good enough. I wish I had that peacock...why does everything I want have to be so expensive? Hermione had also sprayed herself with the peppermint perfume she had received for Christmas. Taking a deep breath, she made her way down the common room stairs. And there he was.

Draco looked up at her as Hermione entered the room. Breath, Mione, breath. He looked fantastic. His robes fit perfectly, and they were embellished with silver and he had a lavender corsage. Their eyes locked together as Hermione came to stand by him.

"You look good." he said, smoothly, smirking a bit.

"Not so bad yourself." she said, back. He grinned and reached for something behind his back.

"Here, I saw this in the store and I thought it would look good on you." It was the necklace. The necklace. The peacock one. Merlin.

"Draco, you shouldn't have." she said, flushing. He smiled. Another genuine oneā€¦

"Well, its not like I couldn't." and there's the arrogance. Hermione shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"And I see that you're wearing the perfume I got you as well."

"That was you?" Hermione asked, once again surprised.

"Who did you think it was? Weasley?" he said impudently.

"Shut up, Malfoy."

"You wish, Granger."

And so it began.

(A/N: This is my favourite Harry Potter pairing! It's slightly AU but not much. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate any reviews too!)