a/n: Hey guys! I'm sure not many remember me/this series anymore and are maybe following me/it? Well, sad to say I'll be dropping this. I have, for a lack of better word, lost interest both in this fic and writing for the fandom.

No, I have not lost interest in the fandom altogether and no, comments won't bring me back to writing but thanks anyway!

It was good while it lasted and if you see me lurking, then hey yourself.

Since ffnet does not allow author's note for sole updates, here's the actual content. A poem.

Sachiko we beg of you

Please hear our plea

Sachiko we beg of you

Oh please don't kill me

Your revenge grew stronger

For you thought it was right

But no, your dear mother

Was drowned out by the light

Red, red, red

All the colors you see

Black, black, black

Your blindness led you to be

And then you brought nine friends

Filled with hope to escape

Not knowing, the troubles they have to face

One, hanged by her best friend

Next thing you know, another one's dead

Flew against the wall with such superhuman speed

Poor thing though, she was so carefree

A boy with hidden desire

To find his precious love interest

Unfortunately, though, that led to his madness

The teacher is the next one to go

Determined to bring her beloved students home

And as the remaining five return

They soon discover just one thing

Once you escape the school

You'll only be mistaken for a fool