A/N: hey everyone! I'm really sorry about the wait. I've been really busy since school has let out, and it's not going to get any better. I'm going to let everyone know that the next update will be in August. So here is the next chapter! (I know it's pretty bad, but I wrote it in a rush on my way to train with the Sate Highway Patrol for a week. The next chapter will be better, I promise!) remember to review after you read and have a great day! - Drew

After a long day at the mall, Gibbs carried a sleeping Tony back into his house. He gently laid the boy on the couch before returning to the car to bring everything. They spent the whole day buying all sorts things. From clothes to toys, to some of Tony's favorite foods, to things to decorate his room with. Gibbs chuckled to himself as he carried everything in. He normally hates spending any time shopping at all, but with Tony, it was fun. He never knew a kid could be so intrigued by stores.

Gibbs put away all the food first, and realized the this was the most food he has had in his fridge in a long time. He gave a small smile, knowing that Tony would be eating more now than he was allowed before. At the thought of the boy, Gibbs poked his head around the corner and checked to make sure that Tony was still asleep. He smiled at the sight of the boy sleeping peacefully on the couch.

After the food, Gibbs moved on to Tony's clothes. He sorted them into smaller groups so he could wash them. Gibbs was in the middle of starting a load of darks in the washer when he heard someone shuffling to the doorway. Without looking up, he knew that a certain five year-old was up from his nap. "Hey, Buddy. How'd you sleep?" He asked, finishing that load before facing Tony.

Tony yawned, rubbing his eye with a fist. "Good." He mumbled, sleep lacing his voice.

Gibbs chuckled as he walked over and scooped the boy into his arms. "Come on, Tony. Let's go set your room up. How's that sound?" He asked.

The sleepy child nodded his agreement and mumbled incoherently against Gibbs' shoulder.

They pair went upstairs to Tony's room and spent the rest of the afternoon organizing and going through everything they had gotten when they were out. Losing track of time, Gibbs didn't realize how late it had become until he heard knocking at his door. Gibbs stood up from where he was playing with some toy cars with Tony and headed towards the stairs. "I'll be right back, Tony. Stay here in your room, okay?" He said, waiting until he saw a nod to move to get the door.

He opened the front door to see Tom, Mike, and Ducky standing on the other side. He smiled at them, letting them in. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

The three men looked between each other before Tom spoke up. "We're here for a cookout." With that, the other two men held up bags with all the supplies needed to grill out.

Gibbs smiled at his friends and coworkers, but held up a finger to pause them. He walked over to the stairs and shouted up to the second floor. "Tony, you have some visitors! You might want to come down and see who it is!"

Within seconds, the four adults could hear a pair of feet running over and down the stairs. The running stopped at the top of the stairs, and they all heard a gasp of surprise. "Tom! Mike! Ducky!" The boy exclaimed, running the rest of the way down the stairs and right to the middle of the adults.

Tom bent down and scooped Tony up, giving him a crushing hug. "Hey, Buddy. How have you been?" He asked, lightly tickling the boy's sides.

Tony squealed with delight and squirmed, trying to get away from the tickles. After a few minutes of the mock torture, Tom let him go, and he ran back over to Gibbs. "Daddy, what are they doing here?" Asked, holding onto Gibbs' pant leg.

Gibbs tried to stifle a laugh at the shocked faces of his friends when they heard Tony say 'daddy'. He looked down at his son and smiled. "They came over for a cookout. Is that okay?" He asked.

Tony made a show of thinking about it before he smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that's okay!"

The four adults chuckled and Gibbs ruffled the boy's hair. "Good, because they were going to stay either way."

The group walked through the kitchen and outside where Gibbs had his grill stashed. They took turns playing with Tony and getting everything ready to be cooked.

After everyone had stuffed themselves with food, the group relaxed outside, watching Tony try to catch lightning bugs.

Throughout Gibbs's three month leave, they tried to have a cookout at least once a week. Tony loved every second, and the pair bonded over everything they did. When his leave was almost up, Gibbs knew that their relationship as father and son would be alright.