HIIIII~ Rika here~ Welp~ Here's the last drabble~ Hope you enjoy OuO Also, please drop by our fb page and leave a like maybe~? ^_~

(Ahaha OOC-ness rules the chapter~!)

Credits to: Jamie S.E, one of my dearest friends. Thank Jamie~~ XD

Disclaimer: I do not own KnB. Tadatoshi Fujimaki does.

Read on~

Bright streamers and heart-shaped balloons filled the view. Everything was in pink and red, reminding Kuroko of the horrid event that was soon going to take place. Valentine's Day. The day every couple looked forward to, and the day the singles absolutely detested. He belonged to the neutral part actually, being the unnoticeable shadow he is.

It was always a known fact that Kuroko was not very fond of stuff like that and he was a bit of a tsundere, but no one dared speak that word in front of him, for they really would rather not receive an Ignite Pass to their abdomens. It was really surprising, the fact that the bluenette's small body held that much power, but that's currently irrelevant.

Valentine's Day was no joke at all. There would be tons of people coming to their school, after all they were famous. The Miracles were well-known, and coincidentally they were also very good-looking. Such overkill. However, Kuroko was blessed (cursed) with a very low presence, so people again, did not see him. So no flowers, chocolates or love letters to him. Calm yourselves fangirls.

Back to the topic, Kuroko was a bit antsy. That short redheaded captain was going to be swarmed for sure and he was a bit concerned. It's not that he likes the guy okay! He's just worried about his team mate… Okay fine. He likes Akashi. Happy now? Alright, continuing on, Akashi was the second most loved, of course just after a certain blonde model. The crimson-haired male was back to his middle school attitude, and he was less intimidating, making him the prey for those rabid fangirls. Kuroko shivered visibly at that and slightly looked down.

Also, it didn't help that his class was in charge of prom, the crowning event of the V-day. They had to decorate the large gym and he could not bail out of this one. He was forced to attend, courtesy of the redhead who happened to be the president of the class. And that was what he had been doing for the whole afternoon.

The bluenette grabbed a few streamers, planning to hang them, but he needed someone to hold the ladder. He glanced around the room, surprised to see everyone was already busy with something else. He shrugged, deciding to put it for later when a hand suddenly tapped him on the shoulder making him jump a few inches in the air. He whipped around, facing the stranger directly and was surprised to see Akashi standing there with a bright smile.

"I'll hold the ladder for you, Tetsuya." the redhead's velvety smooth voice called out, snapping the petite tsundere from his musings. Blue eyes snapped to heterochromatic ones.

"Hmph. Whatever." Kuroko averted his eyes from the other's. He climbed up to the top of the ladder, dragging the sparkly garlands up with him. He gently laid them over the pins the others previously embedded in the wall, feeling the redhead's orbs burning into him.

"Hey Tetsuya, what does it feel like having your life in my hands?" the redhead piped up from below, making the bluenette redden and let his tsundere instincts take over.

"Certainly not good. Who would want to leave their date to someone like you?" The words came tumbling out of his mouth, his face becoming more like a tomato by the second. Akashi chuckled at the remark, knowing full well that the bluenette did not mean it.

"I see. Well then… Would you—" the redhead purposely trailed his sentence off before making such a daring move. He pushed the ladder away, making it slam to the ground as he surged forward to catch the small teen in his arms. The azure-headed male closed his eyes as soon as his support disappeared, biting his lip and preparing for the pain that never came.

He experimentally opened an eye, the other following soon after. He blinked. He was suspended in the air and strong arms were wrapped around him, keeping him safe. He turned his head to look at his savior, his teal eyes widening as mismatched orbs stared deep into his soul.

"—fall for me?" and the redhead finished his sentence with a deep kiss, to which the bluenette gladly responded.

'He's mine.' the same thought rang through the lovers' heads as the kiss slowly became something else.

Hello~ Welp…this is the last one… hope you guys enjoyed ^0^ Thank you for reading! (I am not mad xD the chap just has to be like that)