Wow, it has been a long time since I updated this. Hello readers! *waves*

Guest: First answer will be shown soon! Second answer...sorry, that's incorrect. *Hint* Read Illusions.

Anywho, let's get this show pony on the road shall we?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Danny Phantom, only this plot, and so far, all of the OCs.

Making the same request as the previous chapters if any of you want to take my offer: PM me one or several of your OCs that you'd like me to put in this story. I'd like to feature many characters, but don't know if I want to go through all the work creating every little character on either side.

Chapter 3:

"So, what happened that got you banished?" I asked my brother as he lead up farther away from the city.

He was silent for a while and his face darkened. "I was doing my daily cleanup when one of my tools slipped and fell, hitting a secret panel that opened a door. Curious, I set my tools down and went to check it out...when I entered, I spotted a ghost behind a glass wall with scientists surrounding it."

Sam and I stopped and stared at him. "Go on," I prodded.

"It was strapped up, and being tortured. I knew something was going on...Before I knew it, I heard a voice from the speakers talking about an intruder and I ran, eventually I ended up out here."

I frowned and then looked at the ground. "So Vlad's just as guilty of tampering with the Ghost Realm as we are," I said.

He nodded before he shook his head. "Come on," he said he ran off. After a glance at Sam, we raced after him, eventually finding him in front of a large metal building that had weeds out front, and a few caved in seemed stable, enough.

"What is this place?" Sam asked.

"Every revolution needs a base, doesn't it?" Danny said.

"Yeah, but-" Sam began.

"This isn't everything, wait till you see the underground bunker," Danny interrupted.

"Well then, lead the way brother," I said, indicating the building.

He grinned. "My pleasure."

Kyra flew through the swirling red and appeared on the other side where a male with red and black hair, black cape, shirt and blue jeans stood. "Did you get it?" He asked, his red eyes trained on her as he tapped the red time staff in his hands.

She grinned and held up the USB and he gave her a smile back. "Good job, Kyra."

"Thanks Dad," she said.

"Let's go take it to Danny," said a female with multi-colored hair, purple-silver eyes, and a multicolored outfit.

Kyra nodded and followed her parents through the tunnel, out of the 'Porting chamber" as it had been named - both for teleporting, and housing the ghost zone portal. The old bunker had been remodeled and now every wall, floor, and ceiling was covered with metal that blocked ecto-energy signatures from being traced from outside.

She rocked as she walked, humming softly as she undid the illusion on her hair - her hair was shining, multicolored hair in all the colors of the rainbow. As they walked into the main room, she waved at the other teens: Ava, Alex, and Ethan Fenton; Victor and Xavier Renno; Owen Jackson; Lucas and Alyssa Walker; Skylar Triffle; and Bella Yellt - some from different time zones then this one. Not all of their parents could come though, because Cain and Clockwork said it might disrupt the time stream.

She smiled faintly as she recalled how she had her parents first arrived:

Kyra emerged from the red swirl of her father's time portal and blinked at a desert landscape. In the distance, a dome of glowing blue energy pulsed. Trixie, Kyra's Mother, stepped forward to address her husband.

"Are you sure this is the right place Cain? Did you take a wrong turn?" she asked.

Cain looked at her and took her hand with his empty one. "I haven't taken a wrong turn, Trix. There is a Danny here, just not the one we're familiar with. He's in trouble...and he needs help."

"Well, what can we do, father?" Kyra asked.

Cain smiled at them and then pointed toward some gleaming metal in the distance. "We go there, he is seeking others to help with his revolution, and he will need our help to gather the rebel army."

So the three headed toward the metal and soon came upon an older metal building that wasn't in the best shape. Cain nodded at them to follow and led the way before a girl with black hair and blue eyes stepped out.

"Stop right there!" she shouted in a clear voice.

Cain raised his hands. "We mean no harm, we are simply here to help."

"How do I know you're not working for Vlad?" she asked.

"Work for Vlad? Who would do that, he's such a dreadful person, I should know," Trixie interjected.

The girl still glared at them with her pale eyes. "Danny!" she shouted, her eyes never leaving them. Soon, Kyra sensed a new presence and turned to see the halfa phase through the ground.

"A halfa!" Kyra said, her eyes brightening.

"KYRA!" Cain snapped, causing her to hunch her shoulders. Then he turned back to Danny. "I'm sorry for my daughter. To be honest with you, we aren't from here."

"What do you mean?" Danny asked. "Most people are dead, at least everyone outside the city."

"You aren't," Kyra pointed our under her breath, her mom smirked at her.

"We come from a different time zone. I hope you've heard of ClockWork?"

"I know him," the girl spoke up.

Trixie tilted her head.

Cain nodded, as if he knew this already. "Anyway, there are many different time lines, we have come from one where there was never this war, and where you are married and have children. In that time line, we met as teens and are friends."

"Or as close as a Ghost and a Halfa can be," Trixie said.

Danny nodded slightly and landed on the ground. "And do I have a twin in any of these time streams?"

"Yes, many of them. Some of them male, some female."

"Which means that I have been in one," the girl said.

"And you are?"

"Diana Fenton."

"Ah, yes. In one Time Stream, you were raised by Clockwork and named Luna Nyx."

The girl nodded, excepting this.

"So why are you here?"

"To help, we can pull in different people form different time streams who have the potential to help with this revolution. In the end, they will return to their original time stream so as not to create to many paradoxes."

"Well, if you're telling the truth, then come on in," he said.

Kyra pulled out of her reminiscence when she heard her name called. She blinked. "Yeah, what?" she asked the speaker, Danny Fenton/Phantom of all people.

"You have the information?"

"Oh, yeah...right," she said sheepishly, blushing as she held her hand out with the USB.

Victor snickered and she glared at him as she backed up to stand with the other teens, her skin shimmery since unlike the others - she was all ghost.

Danny plugged the USB into the computer and the adults bent over to look at the holograms. Kyra heard Lucas talking with the Masters' brothers and Alex Fenton. Lucas then spoke to Kyra. "Want to go do something fun?"

"What do you have in mind?" Kyra asked, curiously.

"We don't know yet," he said.

She glanced once more at the adults who were in discussion before she nodded. "But I have to be back here by a 10, my parents might be traveling to another dimension to bring more for the revolution," she said.

"Okay, we'll make sure you get back by then," Lucas said before he waved his hand and most of the male teens exited with him. Feeling honored to be the only girl, she followed behind silently, careful not to hint to her parents that she was sneaking off. While they weren't as hard as Skylar's mother, they still didn't like her potentially abusing her time and illusion abilities or going off to act like a Juvenile delinquent.

"Why weren't you there, you dolt!" shouted a female voice.

"You know why, Gretchen! I wanted to be, but mom had us doing other things," responded a male voice angrily.

"You mean power control?"

"Exactly!" the male shouted.

"Enough you to, shouldn't you be fooling around with the ghost strapped in the basement?" said a male with flaming white hair and red eyes as he walked in - it was Dan Phantom.

"Mom's interrogating her," Gretchen responded.

"Ah," he responded.

The boy nodded. "So did you really capture a rebel?"

"Yes, but the girl got away."

"It was a girl?! Was she cute?" the boy asked, his flaming red hair flickering in excitement.

"What does it matter to you? She's a rebel, and you're working for the government."

"Yeah, Damien," Gretchen sneered.

"Aw, stuff a sock in it sis," he grumbled, glaring at her red eyes with his gold ones. She smirked back at him and place her hands on her hips, her short white hair flopping into her face.

"Make me, furnace," she said.

"Why you!" he shouted before he flung himself at her. She just stuck a hand out and tapped his forehead, making him collapse to the ground and pass out as she took the memory of her angering him.

Dan smiled. "Good job, Gretch," he said.

"Why thank you father," she said with a grin, looking down at her little brother.

Well, that's it for now! Hope you enjoyed this installment. Don't know when I'll write the next one, but I hope this helps for those of you who have different romances then Danny x Sam, which is the one for this timestream.

Anyway, please review, favorite or follow.

Until next time!

~ Frostbite711