I have no idea if this has already been done but if it has I would still want to write my version of this. I was inspired by the scene where Hook asks Emma if the Peter Pan stories also describe him as devilishly handsome and Emma replies with something along the lines of "If perms and mustaches are your thing," and Hook of course has no idea what perms are so I thought Emma showing him the Peter Pan movie would be hilarious! Anyway this is just the prologue!

"You ready kid?" Emma asked her twelve-year-old son as she walked into his almost empty room in their old New York apartment.

"Almost," Henry answered from his room. "I can't quite decide on what to do with these dvds. They're all cartoons and I don't think I've ever watched these."

Emma examined the shelf in front of Henry. "I don't think we ever watched these, I think they must be a part of the fake memories we were given after Regina broke Pan's curse."

Emma had just found a new place for her and Henry in Storybrooke and they were finally moving out of her parents' place but first Emma had decided to go back to New York and pack all of the things they left behind when they had rushed off to Storybrooke with Killian after she had regained her memories. They weren't going to take everything with them of course just the most important stuff. But as Emma was looking at the titles of the dvds she got an idea.

"Henry I think we should take these with us. At least all the Disney ones," she said.

"Why?" Henry asked. "They're just a bunch of kids movies and I'm not a kid anymore."

Emma smirked. "Oh these aren't for you," she said and removed one of the titles from the shelf and handed it to him.

Henry looked down at it.

"Snow White And The Seven Dwarves," he read. "But isn't Disney known to drastically change and sugarcoat every known fairytale?"

"Yes," Emma said, "they are. But how do you suppose your grandparents would react if we showed them this movie?"

Henry seemed to finally understand and grinned at his mother.

"You're a genious. I'd love to see their faces".

"Alright kid, wrap them up, we're taking all of these back to Storybrooke."

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