After a never ending day in the arcade, it was finally closing time. Felix's heart fluttered the though to see his beloved wife again. He race to the tram and waited for Ralph to bored.

"Somebody is a little too eager if you ask me." Ralph hop in the tram.

They started to move. "Oh I'm just excited to see calhoun, that's all."

"Are you gonna ask her out?"

Felix look way from the question, trying to avoid it.

"Oh come on Felix. Ask her out."

"I'll think about."

"You're really gonna think about asking that one of kind women out."

"Maybe she not into me."

"Did you kiss her or did she kiss you first?"

"Well I just peck her on the cheek then she pulled me up and kiss me."

"She into you then. Come on, give yourself some created. You have a chance to ask her out. Do it!"

The tram came to a stop when they reach Game Central Station. They both got off and walk toward the entrance to Heros Duty.

"Are you gonna go in there or do I have to force you to go in?" Ralph trying to be encouraging.

"I can handle it. How about we meet you in Sugar Rush."

"Where did this confidence come from?"

"No idea."

Ralph smiled. "All right, I'll see you and your girlfriend later." Raph wink at him and walk to Sugar Rush.

Felix shook his head and went into Hero Duty. When he got there, he was extremely careful where he was walking down the dark hallway.

All of sudden, something grab him and slam him against the hard mental wall in the small alley. It was too dark to see unit he felt some warm lips crash into his. He knew who it was.

"You gave me a heart attack Tammy!" Felix pulling away. His eyes finally adjusted to the darkness.

Tammy taking a deep breath. "Sorry short stack. I been waiting for that all day."

They both smiled at each other and kiss once more.

She pulled away. "Ralph told my men about the kiss we shared at Sugar Rush. I think they are getting suspicions about us."

"I know. He told me this morning. Tammy, I know we promise to tell everybody when we're ready but if we don't tell them soon it's gonna turn into a disaster. We have to tell them soon or else."

She let out a sigh. "Give me time to think of an opportunity when we can tell everybody."

"We don't have much time until everyone figures it out."

"Give me until the end of the week and I should have an idea."

Felix nodded. "Alright! By the end of the week. Come on, put me down and let's head to Sugar Rush has friends."

"I don't think that's a good idea."


"We can't be seen together in public because if people see us, they will know there's something going on between us. And I know that kiss we share will get out sooner or later. It probably is already. It's for the best Felix."

Felix disappointed at the fact, but he knew she was right. "I want to see you everyday though not to mention your lips are so irresistible."

Calhoun blush. "True. But for now, let's just stick with snaking off to each other games. Will take turn."

Felix nodded with agreement. "So tomorrow your come to my game?"

"Yes. But since you're in my game, do have a minute?"

"I can't. Raph is waiting for me in Sugar Rush."

Calhoun smirk. "I'm only asking for a minute."

"Tammy, you know I need longer than a minute."

Calhoun laugh. "Perhaps...!" She smirk. "But I need some fixing."


She step be hide her and put her hand on a wall. It shortly scan it and a secret door open beside it. It was revealed to be a hidden room.

"Whoa!" Felix surprize at the sight.

Calhoun just smirk and threw him in the room. The door shut tightly behind them.

About 20 minutes later, Felix arrived at Sugar Rush and the races already stated. Ralph was

leaning on the handrails watching the race on the TV screen.

"How did it go?" Ralph ask with his face glued to the screen.

"Oh umm she wasn't there. She was already in the watch tower. I couldn't go up there." Felix hop next to Ralph on the handrails.

"Sorry buddy. Maybe tomorrow."

"Ya maybe."

Ralph glacé down at him. Felix had a very satisfied smile on his face which was still covered with honeyglow. He raise an eyebrow.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

Felix totally not paying any attention. He was thinking about other things.

"Felix!" Ralph shook him a little bit until Felix snap out of it.

"What?" Felix looking up at Ralph.

"You were in a daze. Are you ok?

"Oh I'm better then ok Ralph."

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"I'm just thinking of *giggles* happy things!" Felix still having his satisfied smile while leaning against the handrail with his hand on his face.

Ralph and Felix continued to watch the race but Ralph kept a close eyes on him. After they watch a couple laps of the race and saw Vanellope won the gold.

They went to greet her at the finish line. Vanellope jump and hug Ralph with happiness. "Did you see me Ralph! I was lighting on the road."

"Yes I saw you and so did Felix." Vanellope look up to see Felix standing behind Raph and went to hug him also.

"Thanks guys for coming. Where calhoun? You told me she would come." Vanellope cross her arms.

"Couldn't come today."

"Again? This is the second time. What's is she doing anyway? It's not like she doing anything important in her game."

"She is doing a lot of important things in her game. She making sure Cy-bugs don't escape again and have the same episode we did couple days go." Felix putting his hand on her shoulder.

"I guess. By the way, I heard from a little bird that you and her were K-I-S-S-I-N-G on the rainbow bridge." She elbow Felix arm.

Felix pulled on his collar and gave Ralph a dirty look. Knowing he told her. "Don't always believe what you hear."

She just rolled her eye. "By the way Fix-it, can you help me with something."

"Sure! What is it?"

"It's my kart. One of the wheels has become loose. Can you fix it?"

Felix smiled widely. "Well of course I can. They don't call me Fix-it Felix Jr for nothing." He reach for his toolbelt to grab his hammer but felt a empty place where his hammer is suppose to be. He look down and saw his hammer was gone. "My hammer. I lost it!"

Felix pancing and looking all over the place to see if it fell off.

"Felix come down. Where the last place you had it?" Raph ask.

"Well... I remember having it after the last game and I safely put it on my toolbelt then you and I left to go to Game Central Station then..." Felix had a sudden flashback of how he lost it. When his wife and him were having a romantic interlude. His hammer must of fallen off in the process.

"Oh I know where it is." Felix making something up. "I put it on my nightstand because I needed to polish it tonight." He tried to make it sound convincing.

"See. Problem solve."

"I can ran and get really fast?"

"Don't worry about. I'll use one of the dozens extra we have here." Vanellope smiled.

Calhoun was cleaning the little mess her and Felix made in the secret room. She put all the pillow back on the couch until she notice something shiny stuck in one of the cushion sides. She pick it up and immediately recognize the shiny object.

"How can Felix forget his hammer?" She face planted herself. "Great! Now I have to go return this to him." She grab her hoverboard and took off to find her husband.

After a nice evening with Vanellope the two men said goodnight and went back to the their game.

"Thanks for coming with me to Sugar Rush buddy." Ralph said while they got out of the tram.

"Anytime." *Yawn* "I'm gonna go get some shut-eye. I'll see ya tomorrow brother."

"Night." Ralph waved.

The two parted and went to their separate home.

Mary was just watering some of the flowers outside the penthouse. Until she saw something zoom in the game. It came to a stop in front of the penthouse just couple of feet from her.

She gasp in fear. "Oh please dont hurt me." Mary begging on her knees. "I have no money on me but I have a ton of pie's. Do you like pie?"

"Im not here hurt." Calhoun finally spoke.

"Oh!" Mary quickly got back on her feet. "Well do you want pie anyway? We have a ton of it."

"No im actually here to see Felix. Is he home?"

"Sorry sweetie, you just miss him. He was really tired when he got back with Ralph but very happy though, more than usual. I wonder why?" Mary looking up to his apartment window.

Calhoun just smirk at the question. "Oh I know why!" She said to herself.

Mary turn back around. "Oh golly! Where are my manners? My name is Mary by the way. And you are?"

"I'm sergeant Calhoun from Hero Duty. I help Felix find Ralph when he went Turbo the other day."

"Oh I heard of you. Felix can't stop talking about. You two must be the very good friends then."

"You're absolutely right. Were best friends." Calhoun smiled trying not to laugh.

"Well since you are a good friend of Felix, I guess I can give you an invitation to a surprise party were throwing Felix and Ralph this Friday night. Its will be so much fun. You have to come!"

"What's the surprise party for?"

"All of the Nicelanders thought it was unfair for Ralph not to be invited to the anniversary party and Felix didn't get much out of it. So the we decided to throw them a surprise party. Will you come? You can bring everyone from your game."

Calhoun look up at Felix's window and then had an idea. "You know what, ill be there with my entire game."

"Yay!" Mary handed calhoun a invitation. "Wear something formal please. It's at 9 o'clock sharp."

"Alright. i'll see then." Calhoun waved good-bye to Mary. And started her hoverboard up. She pretend to leave the game and waited for Mary to go back inside then she zoomed by Felix window and put his hammer on the window ledge with a note. Then she zoomed off to her game.

Felix woke up to the noise of her hoverboard and ran to the window to see what it was. He saw Calhoun zoom right out of his game. He saw his hammer on the ledge and quickly grab it.

"Thank you Tammy!" He hugged his hammer. He then notice the note that was attached to his hammer and read it:

I figure out a way to tell everyone about us. I'll tell you tomorrow. Love you.

PS: Next time, don't remove your tool belt at all. *wink*.

Felix smiled and placed his hammer right next to his toolbelt. Then hop back into his bed. The bed was very cold without calhoun warm embrace. Felix dream of his wife next to him and hope that everyone will be happy for them.

A/N: I'm so sorry about the last update. I just got home from vacation then I just got a brand new job. So I been super busy. Don't worry! Not only I'll finish this story but I have fun idea for a sequel to this one. Thank you for all your patients and I'll try to get the chapters out has soon has I can. Until next time, Honeyglows!