They pulled into the Fablehaven drive and Bracken parked the car. She turned to look and him. They both knew what lied ahead.

"Please don't say anything about this curse to them. I don't want to burden them."

"Kendra," Bracken started to protest, "They're your family. You need support."

"I don't want to tell them today. They'll probably be angry enough with me for leaving without telling anyone. Please just don't say anything."

"Okay. I won't."

She unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled open the door handle. She was absolutely dreading what was going to happen when they went inside.

Together they walked inside the front door. They walked around the house before they found everyone sitting in her Grandpa Sorenson's office. She could tell right away they were all very angry.

"Before you say anything," Kendra started, "I practically trapped him into going with me. It's not his fault."

"Kendra, go upstairs." Her father spoke.


"Now Kendra!"

"I'm not a child! You cannot demand me to do things!"

Bracken touched her shoulder. "It's okay, Kendra. Do what you need to do."

She huffed and walked into the kitchen. She was awfully hungry.

She could hear the yelling while she munched on a sugar cookie she found in the pantry. She felt awful. She hadn't realized this was the reaction her rash decision was going to provoke.

She started thinking about why Bracken was letting her family yell. He was so much older than them. He had so much more experience than them in every aspect of life. Kendra wondered if he acted this way for her. Ever since she met Bracken he had acted younger than he was, but at Zzyxx she had glimpsed the older, warrior side of him.

She finished her cookie and wiped the dust on her pants. She couldn't let this go on any longer. Kendra walked back to her grandfather's study.

Eyes turned to her when she walked in. "Please stop yelling. I told Bracken I was going with or without him. It was stupid and reckless and I'm sorry."

"We were worried sick," Her mother said. You didn't even leave a note."

"I know, and I feel terrible." She turned and looked at Vanessa who had been lounging quietly on a chair the entire time. "Vanessa, I shouldn't have yelled at you like I did. You were just as upset as I was. I should have listened to the information you already knew. Bracken and I found out nothing new on our trip."

"I know you didn't mean it Kendra. I forgive you."

Kendra smiled, "When you go to find him in that prison. They should just let him go. I've paid the price."

Grandpa Sorenson eyes shot up at her. His fear was clearly written across his face. "Oh honey. what did you do."

She gave him a reassuring look. While she was awake in the car she had been thinking of a lie to tell them She believed she came up with a reasonable one.

"They wanted a cutting of my hair. Apparently, they can use Fairy kind hair for something, I guess."

"How strange," her grandfather muttered, "But non-the less I'm glad the price was not too steep."

"Me too," She faked a smile. "Now, can we please stop yelling. Everything was my fault. I'm not just saying that to get out of trouble. Honestly, do you think Bracken would ever come up with a crazy adventure that might put anyone in danger if it wasn't absolutely necessary?"

Her grandfather scowled, "No, I suppose not."

"Exactly, I dragged him into it. He came to make sure I didn't trip and fall, as always."

"Bracken," her father interjected, "Should have come to us straight away when he found out you were plotting something. That would have been the right thing to do in this situation."

"Dad- "

"No, Kendra, he's right," Bracken began, "however, with all due respect sir, as much as I have come to appreciate the company of everyone in this room, my frequent visits are due to her. This girl is the most driven person I've ever met, and if she sets her mind to something she is going to achieve it. So, my best judgement was to go with her, because if I betrayed her trust she would have found a way to go anyway, and it would have been alone."

Her father huffed and crossed his arms. "Whatever."

"And with that, it is really getting quite late I should probably be heading home, "Bracken said.

Her mother cocked an eyebrow, "I thought you were staying a few more days?"

"I think I've overstayed my welcome. I've really enjoyed myself however."

Kendra looked down. "Bracken- "

"It's really okay if you want to stay," Grandma Sorenson began, "Don't let the men drive you away. Both of you are safe and that's all that matters."

"There are pressing matters and I really must go- "

"Bracken, really it's okay- "Kendra started but was cut off."

"No, Kendra it's not," Bracken said a tad more harshly, "Can I speak with you a bit more privately?"

She nodded, "I'll be right back," She said to her family.

Kendra followed Bracken out into the gardens of Fablehaven. He wouldn't look at her. He had a stoic expression on his face. Kendra didn't want to hear what was about to come out of his mouth.

"She knows, Kendra. My mother is calling me back at this current moment." He put his fingers to his temples and rubbed. "Anastasia is throwing a fit." He sighed, "I don't know what's going to happen next. I just need to you stay safe. No more secret outings. At least, not without me."

"Bracken- "

He held a hand up to silence her. His face was washed with a look of pure exhaustion.

"This curse is tricky territory, Kendra. I don't know what it is or what it does, but I need to go back, and I need someone to lift it. At whatever cost. I promise I'm going to keep you safe."

Kendra didn't want Bracken to leave. All she wanted, more than she wanted anything in the world, was to go back a few days, back when they went swimming and she was teaching him board games. She wanted everything to be simple again. She wanted to remain in ignorant bliss forever. A tear rolled down her face.

Bracken took his hand and wiped the tear off her face. He smiled sadly at her. Her wrapped his large arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. He placed the lightest kiss at the top of her forehead. "It's going to be okay."

He pulled away after what must have been a minute but felt like a millisecond. He grasped her shoulders. "If you feel off at all, like this curse is affecting you in any life-threatening way, call on me. I will drop whatever I'm doing to try and help. Okay?"

She sniffed and nodded, "Okay."

"I'll see you soon."

He turned away quickly and began to walk away. She stayed standing still in the yard watching him until he disappeared into the nothingness of the forest. She couldn't find the will to move. She knew something was really wrong. Either Bracken had picked up an extreme cough since standing next to her, or his body was shaking with sobs.

Something inside of Kendra broke. He wasn't telling her something.

Was she going to see Bracken again?


Haha I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was a lot of dialogue which I'm kind of a fan of to be honest.

Also shout out to that one reviewer, roseannej, a few days who asked me to update. This is happening right now because of you! Be proud!