Hey everyone! I started writing this story, but ended up in a slump after writing the first chapter, and when I was about to continue writing it, the second game came out, and all my theories had been thrown out the window. So I'm rewriting! Also, I felt as if the original I typed up wasn't very well written. I have even better ideas for this story. Now I'm going to tell you a bit about this story. I'm planning on writing three "books". One for the first game, one for the second game, and one for the third. I know a lot of people have been saying the second game is a prequel, and I do like that theory a lot, but I also like certain aspects of it being an actual sequel. FNAF2 is going to be treated as such with this series. I have basic plot lines set up for this first story and the second, as well as a list of characters. I'm hoping to update at least once a week, and so far, I've been able to do that with another story I just started writing.

So enough rambling. I hope you like this story! Please review if you like it, or have any constructive criticism!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the portrayals of them, and a few extra characters I will be throwing into the story. And Wynn is not a real place that I know of. I simply thought it up and if it resembles an actual place, that is only a coincidence. Nor do I live in North Dakota, which is where the setting of this story is taking place. So if I get anything wrong about the state, please forgive me (and if you live there, please feel free to correct me and tell me about it!)

Also, trigger warning for a brief suicide mention. (I promise not to have any more of those mentions)

Wynn, North Dakota, was a small, quiet town. Nothing exciting happened, the town had no tourists except the occasional guest who had gotten lost on the highway and needed a place to spend the night. However, if anyone did come to the town, they didn't stay long. It was a very eerie place, they sky was almost always grey and cloudy. The grass was practically dead everywhere. The streets were empty, with the exception of people going to and from work or school. Very few people would be out at any other time. The buildings were dreary and worn down. The only thing that stood out about the town was a mural on a brick wall with four smiling kids on it. Even that was worn down. The paint had faded in multiple spots and was starting to peel in various places. It gave newcomers an uneasy feeling, as if something terribly horrid had happened in the town a long time ago.

And little does anyone know, something horrible and horrifying HAD happened in the town of Wynn a while ago.

The year was 1986, and Wynn was a colorful town, filled with bright smiling faces, and music played through the streets. The main attraction of the town was the local diner, known as Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria.

Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria was a magical place for kids and grown ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. The food was simply delicious, and many children loved the four main animatronics that had been showcased there. There was Freddy Fazbear, the leader of the gang. He was made to look like a brown bear with blue eyes and wore a top hat and a bow tie. Next was Bonnie the Bunny. He was a purple rabbit, with reddish eyes, and he had a red bow around his neck. He also "played" the guitar in the shows. There's Chica the Chicken, who was yellow and had big purple eyes along with a bib around her neck that read, "Let's Eat!". Last but not least, was Foxy the Pirate Fox. He was a red fox with gold eyes, an eye patch over one of them, and had a hook on one hand. They performed shows multiple times throughout the day, and thanks to some newer technology, they were even able to move around the dinner, much to the joy and excitement of the kids.

The owner of the restaurant was a kind and loving man by the name of Wallace J. Fazbear. He owned the place and his two sons, Percy and Philip, worked there as security guards.

Percy was the oldest of the two at the age of twenty-six. Many girls found him attractive and would always go to the restaurant just to sit there and watch him and giggle whenever he looked their way. Many people respected the young man and would always tell Mr. Fazbear just how wonderful his son was. Percy was smart, and if he had to be, cunning.

Phillip was younger, being only twenty-one. He did everything with a smile on his face and never cared for any of the praise he got from others. The young adult just went on with every day life, doing whatever he could to help others out.

No one could ever think of the two to do anything wrong. And that was true for Phillip.

Percy on the other hand, well, he's a different story.

As I had stated earlier, Percy was cunning when he needed to be. He was also sly and deceitful. And very skilled with sharp objects, and cleaning up any evidence.

The man was insane. He often fantasized about unspeakable actions, and the time he acted upon one was his down fall; slicing a woman's throat open after the two had gone on a date. It was his first kill, and it thrilled him. The sight of the blood, her screaming, and watching the life drain from her. He cleaned up nicely, and made sure no evidence that could go against him could be found. Even though Percy was insane, he wasn't stupid. The man never made a kill close to the time of his previous kill. People did noticed that these people had died, but never in the same way, and never around the same time as each other. So no one suspected anything, only thinking that these people had died due to natural causes, or by their own hand.

Wallace and Phillip knew nothing about Percy's violent habits. If they had found out, they would turn him over to the cops as soon as they found out. And Percy didn't want that. Or else he'd have to kill them as well. And even though he was a murderer, he had a soft spot for the "old man" and the "little bro".

Back to the original story. The year was 1986, and it was Kyle Sanders's sixth birthday. His parents had taken him and his siblings, Maria, Daniel, and Conner, to the pizzeria due to much begging of the children. Everything had started off normal, and everyone was in their upbeat, cheerful moods. Especially Percy.

He watched the eager children with a wicked smile on his face. The birthday boy ran around Pirate's Cove, swinging a wooden sword in his hand and pretending to be the brave Pirate Captain Foxy as his brothers, sister, and a couple other kids, played as his crew.

"I'll have great fun killing those four little twerps," Percy thought to himself, "But how should I do it? Knife, rope, gun, poison? Decisions, decisions..."

And idea soon came to Percy, and he got up, chuckling to himself as he made his way towards the back.

"But I want to eat!" Maria whined to her brothers.

The four of them looked very different from each other. They only shared a couple features: round face, big grey eyes, and their faces were sprinkled with freckles. Kyle had messy reddish-brown hair, Maria was a light blonde, and even though the two were twins, Daniel had dark brown hair while Conner had black hair, that looked dark purple in certain lighting.

"But Foxy is gonna come up soon!" Kyle pouted, as he had just sat down in front of the stage. A pretty woman with strawberry blonde hair announced that Foxy the Pirate Fox would appear in less than three minutes.

"Can't we just eat while we watch the show?" Daniel crossed his arms. He never understood why Kyle liked Foxy so much. In his opinion, Freddy was the best animatronic of the four.

"No! I've never seen this show front row before! It's my birthday and I want to see Foxy!" Kyle was about to throw a fit. Daniel and Conner shared a look and groaned in unison.

"Fine, we'll see Foxy..." Conner sat down next to his little brother. Kyle grinned to himself as the Daniel and Maria sat down as well. Not to soon after, kids stared filling up all the spots on the benches in front of Foxy's stage.

Being the youngest, Kyle always got what he wanted. Maria was only older than Kyle by two years, making her eight. Daniel and Conner were the oldest at twelve years old. Daniel was slightly older as he was born first of the two twins.

Just then, music started up and the purple star curtains were pulled back. Foxy stepped forward and took a look around the audience.

"Aye, maties! Who be ready to set sail on an adventure with ol' Foxy here?" the pirate fox asked the crowd of children. They all cheered loudly in unison, making some of the workers smile. Kyle was especially excited and when Foxy asked who wanted to be his first mate, Kyle raised his hand and practically jumped out of his seat and onto the stage. His reaction to when he was chosen to be Foxy's first mate made everyone smile.

Even though Maria, Daniel, and Conner didn't care much for Foxy's show, they enjoyed Kyle's excitement.

Through the show, Percy came up and stood in the back, but he had on a golden bear suit, one that looked similar to Freddy. The strawberry blonde noticed this and raised an eyebrow. The golden suit was hardly ever used, the last time anyone had brought it out was in the 70s. Percy raised the head up a bit to show her his face and winked at her. The woman smiled once she realized who it was.

Once the show was done, the children all ran off to go play or to go eat. To his luck, the Sanders children were still standing at the front of the stage.

"Percy, what are you doing?" the strawberry blonde tilted her head as she walked up to him.

"Well, we used to use the Golden Freddy suit to bring out gifts and stuff for the children. Since it's that boy's birthday, I decided to give him a little surprise. Don't you think that's a good idea, Maddie?" Percy explained.

Maddie grinned and nodded, "That's very sweet of you, Percy! Say, after we close, how would you feel about going out to dinner some place?"

"I would like that very much, my dear," Percy lifted the head up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Maddie giggled before walking off to watch the other children. Percy thought her a good target. He'd date her for a couple years, get her to trust him, and when the time was right, he'd kill her. He could have done it now, but it was time for the kids to die.

Percy watched Maddie walk away before turning his attention to the children. He noticed that they were arguing and a smile came upon his face. He loved it when people got into petty little fights.

"Come on! I just want some pizza!" Maria shouted at the three boys.

"But we want to play first!" Kyle pouted.

"Well, we can always play after we eat," Conner suggested.

Maria smiled, "I like that idea!"

"But it's my birth-" Kyle began.

"We know! But just because it's your birthday, you have no right to act like a little brat whenever we don't do something you want," Daniel knelt down in front of his brother. Kyle pouted as his three older siblings started to walk off.

"Hiya, kids!" Percy greeted the children, changing his voice to sound like a goofy cartoon character. The kids looked up at him with confused looks on their faces.

"Who are you?" Daniel's nose scrunched up. The four children had never seen this golden bear before, and didn't know whether to stay there or run back to their parents.

"I'm Freddy's younger brother, Goldie! I heard it was somebody's birthday today! Which one of you is Kyle?" Percy, or "Goldie", knelt down in front of the kids.

"I am," Kyle stepped forward. "Goldie" held out his arms to give Kyle a hug, which the young boy accepted.

"How would you and your brothers and sister like to have a very special surprise?" Percy stood back up and threw his hands up in the air.

"What's the surprise?" Daniel crossed his arms, pretending to be skeptical of it all.

"I can't tell you, or else it wouldn't be a surprise!" Percy shook his head. The kids all looked at each other, excited grins growing on their faces, "So, what do you kids say?"

"I want surprise!" Kyle shouted eagerly. Maria, Daniel, and Conner started to shout themselves, about how they wanted a surprise as well.

"Okay, then! Follow me!" Percy cheerfully stated and took Kyle's hand.

The four children followed "Goldie" to a back room. They were in for a surprise, but not like they were expecting. Percy opened the door for the kids and ushered them into the room. The lights were dimmed and they could barely see anything. Percy entered the room and shut the door, locking it.

"Where's the surprise?" Conner looked around, still eager to get a present, or some sort of candy.

"Oh, you'll get your surprise..." Percy stopped speaking in his goofy voice. Now, his voice was dark, low, and threatening. The kids froze up as Percy took off the head of the Golden Freddy suit and gave them all a wicked smile.

"Who... who are you?" Daniel stood in front of his siblings, putting his arms up to protect them.

"I'm the person your parents warn you about," Percy chuckled. The kids felt panic rising up inside them as Percy picked up a knife and started towards them. Maria let out a scream and ran towards the back of the room, grabbing Kyle's hand. Daniel pushed Conner to go after them and rushed towards the door. Percy grabbed the boy.

"Now, now. That's no way to behave, now is it?" Percy clicked his tongue. Daniel struggled to get out of Percy's grasp, but he could do nothing before something sharp, metal, and cold was slashed across his throat.

Screams came form the other three children cowering in the corner as Daniel fell to the ground, limp, blood gushing out of his neck and pooling around him.

"Who's next?" Percy held up his hands and grinned.

Conner pushed Maria and Kyle towards the door, "Get out of here!"

Percy went after Kyle and Maria as they ran, but Conner rushed into him, knocking the man down and causing him to drop the knife.

"You shouldn't have done that," Percy growled before grabbing Conner off of him and slamming his head on the ground. Conner let out a shout of pain, and Maria and Kyle could do nothing but watch another brother die in front of them. Conner struggled against Percy, but couldn't any longer once the man had wrapped his fingers around his throat.

The dark haired boy struggled and gasped for air. Kyle broke away from Maria in order to help save his older brother.

"Kyle, no!" Maria gasped as she tried to reach out for him. Conner was no longer moving, and Percy smirked to himself as he got up for the birthday boy to see. Percy put his hands on either side of Kyle's head, causing the boy to start panicking.

"Squirming won't make it any less painful," Percy drawled, tightened his grip and twisted the boy's head sharply to the left. Kyle didn't scream, only gave Maria a look with tear filled eyes as his neck had snapped. The man looked towards her, a wicked smirk on his face.

"It's just you and me," Percy picked up the knife and started to walk towards Maria slowly.

The young girl panicked, and went to open the door. However, it wouldn't budge. Seeing as she had only one option left, she started to bang on the door.

"Help! Help! Killer!" Maria was in hysterics, screaming at the top of her lungs. Percy almost felt sorry for her, but pity was a foreign feeling to him. He let her do this for a little bit longer before she fell to the floor sobbing. Once Maria did this, he walked up behind her, and held the knife up high in the air, before bringing it down on the girl, piercing her right through the back and through the chest. She left out one final scream before she slumped over, dead, like her brothers.

Percy looked around the room at the four dead children. Only two had blood shed. He felt as if it would have been more enjoyable if he sliced all four of their throats open, but he had to kill them quick after he lost the knife.

He shrugged and began to clean up, clearing any and all evidence he had to. Yet, he left the bodies there, for some unlucky soul to find in the morning, or in the evening.

"Where are my children?" Mrs. Sanders looked around frantically, panic overtaking her. Mr. Sanders had bags under his eyes and was on the verge of falling asleep. Phillip, Percy, Maddie, and Mr. Fazbear were trying to calm her down.

"Ma'am, do not worry. I'm sure they only got lost. I will go look for them if it will help any," Phillip held onto Mrs. Sanders's arm, trying to calm her down. He looked to Percy and raised an eyebrow. Percy shrugged, a confused and concerned, yet fake, expression on his face.

"Percy, weren't they with you last?" Maddie inquired, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"I thought they were with me. I was leading them to the old prize corner, since it was the one boy's birthday, you know. But when I turned around, they were gone!" Percy exclaimed.

"Oh, dear. Where could they have run off to?" Mr. Fazbear stroked his beard. The whole situation concerned him greatly.

"Let's go split up and look. Ma'am, you and your husband go home. We will call you as soon as we find your children and will bring them home," Phillip explained, smiling nervously.

"Please, Bella. We've been here for a long time," Mr. Sanders put and arm around his wife.

"Oh, alright... But please make sure they're okay," Mrs. Sanders hesitantly agreed to leave. Percy watched the couple leave with a grin on his face. He wanted to be the one to call them and inform them that their children were found dead. He wanted to hear their screams of anguish as the horrible truth was unfolded before them.

"Okay, everyone, split up and look for those kids! Phillip, you check Pirate's Cove and the kitchen. Percy, look around at the bathrooms, the stage, and the storage room. Maddie, you check the old prize corner and back room. I will check the office," Mr. Fazbear gave the group instructions. Percy laughed to himself internally when his father told Maddie to check the backroom. He was excited for her reaction.

So off everyone went, looking for the four missing children. Percy went around to the bathrooms and pretended to look around for them, knowing he would not find the children there. They were in the back room, dead. He patiently waited for them to be discovered, scenarios of how it would go down playing through his mind. Everyone had only been searching for not even ten minutes when a blood curdling scream came from the said back room.

Phillip ran there to see Maddie kneeling on the floor, one arm holding her stomach and her other hand on her mouth.

"Maddie?! What's wrong?!" Phillip knelt down beside her.

"T-the... the children... t-they... Oh my gosh," Maddie had tears streaming down her face. Percy and Mr. Fazbear arrived to see Phillip kneeling down beside the woman who was in hysterics.

"Where are they? Did you find them?" Mr. Fazbear walked over. Maddie nodded and pointed to the door to the back room. It had been cracked open, but almost shut upon Maddie seeing what was inside and jumping back.

Phillip got up and slowly made his way over to the door. He opened it just a crack and a gasp left his lips.

"Oh... oh my g-gosh..." Phillip stepped back, a hand over his mouth. He sounded as if he was going to be sick.

"What?!" Mr. Fazbear was getting impatient.

"They're dead," Phillip gulped. Mr. Fazbear's face paled. He himself decided to walk over and see if this was true. Upon seeing the four dead children, he froze. He had no clue who, or how it happened.

"Does anyone know what could have happened?!" Mr. Fazbear was furious. He looked to Percy, "You were last seen with them isn't that correct?!"

"I was the one to see them last, yes. But they disappeared on me. Someone could have taken them and killed them. You know I would never in my life do such a thing," Percy held up his hands.

"Well, something must be done. We will be closed tomorrow. Percy, I want you to contact the Sanders in the morning. Inform them about this tragedy if you would. Also, guard the pizzeria, make sure no one gets in... or out," Mr. Fazbear walked away from the door.

"What do we do?" Maddie stood up, thanks to some help from Phillip.

"Question people, get the police involved. I'm going to go call them now. We must find out who murdered these four children," Mr. Fazbear demanded. He headed towards his office, a grim expression on his face.

"Let's get you home, Maddie," Phillip walked her towards the doors of the diner. He paused by Percy, "Be careful, man. We don't know if the killer is still in the dinner or not."

"You as well," Percy nodded. As everyone went off on their own separate ways, Percy stood there and a wicked smile grew on his face as he looked at the four dead children one last time.

Within the next year, the town of Wynn went through drastic changes. Upon hearing the news about the four children being found dead, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders sued Mr. Fazbear and his company and took him to court. Even though Mr. Fazbear had no idea how the children had died, he still lost the case and the company lost quite a bit of money. The Sanders moved out of state not too long after the events of that tragic night. The news basically went national, and hardly anyone showed up the the restaurant anymore. It was very hard to convince people to show up there, even after Mr. Fazbear got the police to stand guard at the restaurant. Maddie quit her job at the restaurant, but still kept in touch with the family. She remained in town and started working with her father, who owned the local motel suites. She also took a part time job at the art and supplies store down the road.

Mr. Fazbear hired a man named Kenneth Ross to paint a mural of the four children who had died, even though the Sanders moved out of town. He wanted people to remember the children, and to hopefully guilt the murderer into confessing if he was haunted by their faces day after day. Kenneth and Maddie started to date each other after they had met when he went to go pick up some art supplies.

The days were long and tiring, people weren't quite as happy and upbeat as they had been. Sure, people had died before, but never like this.

But the thing that really made Wynn go down hill was an event that would haunt the town for years. They called it "The Bite of '87".

It was the fourth of July, and in attempt to get service up and running again, Mr. Fazbear offered the town a special dinner and firework show for the event.

Now, let me tell you one more thing before this story continues. The children's death wasn't the only thing that made business at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria go down. A couple days after the murders, the animatronics started to act glitchy. People complained that the robots smelled horrible and kids claimed that they saw blood and mucus around the eyes, mouths, and joints of the animatronics. Parents stated that they heard them say creepy phrases, such as, "Help me", or "Save them". Also, it had been rumored that gruesome and crude phrases, too appalling to repeat, had been made by the animatronics as well.

No one could explain any of it. Except for Percy, who could easily explain the smell or the blood and mucus. It was all because he stuffed the children into the suits. What was his reasoning behind it? He didn't know, the idea and the action amused him.

Anyways, Mr. Fazbear set up the whole event, and with much begging from him and his sons, people hesitantly agreed to go.

Percy watched everyone pile inside. He was going to pick a new target. Maddie had slipped through his fingers after she quit and started dating Kenneth. He still could have killed her, and Kenneth too. But he had to think on it.

"Percy, can you work Foxy's show? It's supposed to start in five minutes and I would run it, but dad wants me to make some pizzas," Phillip ran up to his brother.

"Sure," Percy shrugged. He made his way towards Pirate Cove and all the kids sitting on the benches stared at him as he entered.

"Is Foxy feeling better?" one little girl asked Percy as he walked over to the control booth.

"Yes, he is. We brought in the doctor yesterday for him," Percy nodded. The animatronics haven't been working very well since he killed those kids, and he was starting to regret shoving them into the suits. It caused lots of glitches. Maybe he'd take up the night shift again and take the brats out of them.

"A-a-aye, maties... w-who b-be- the killer- ready t-to go on an a-a-a-adventure- save them- with ol' F-Foxy here?" The curtains pulled back and the music started playing, but sounding not as cheerful, but rather creepy and haunting.

The children said nothing, feeling rather creeped out. A bunch of loud mechanical sounds soon came from the robot fox and the light in his eyes went out and the animatronic slumped forward a bit as he broke down.

"Oh great..." Percy rolled his eyes and got up on stage, "Everything's fine, kids! Foxy must still be a bit sea sick!"

"You said he was feelinh better," the girl from before pouted. Percy ignored her as he examined Foxy. The animatronic seemed to be fine, but the power switch had been turned off. The man had flipped it back on and Foxy's eyes light up. The kids cheered as he did so, but those cheers turned into screams as Foxy spun around and chomped down on Percy's head, biting off a chunk of his head. Foxy had bitten so far, he took part of Percy's brain off.

To everyone's surprise, Percy lived through the attack.

And what surprised everyone else even more, when he came to after his surgery, he admitted he killed the kids to his father and brother. Of course he was under the effects of the medicine he had been given, so he didn't even realized what happened.

Mr. Fazbear took no time to inform everyone and called the police on his own son, having them arrst him and put him in jail for life.

Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria did not close, but Foxy was put out of order. Even less people came to the restaurant, and after the news about Percy being revealed as the murderer, hardly anyone willingly went to the town.

As the years passed on, Wynn grew even more dreary and gray. Mr. Fazbear passed away in the year 1994, leaving the business to Phillip. He brought in various friends and family members to work there. Percy eventually went insane, even more than he had been, being such a threat to inmates and the crew working at the prison he was left to rot at, they put him on death row and had him executed.

Also, rumors had started going around at the pizzeria. As Phillip walked in one day, the night guard he had hired came running out.

"Those animatronics... they move at night," the security guard gasped out for breath.

"You're kidding me," Phillip raised an eyebrow. He didn't need anymore crazy stuff happening here.

"I swear. They were all over the place. I almost ran out of power because Bonnie and Chica kept standin at the doors last night," the guard explained.

"Did they try to hurt you?" Phillip walkrd inside. The animatronics were on the stage, perfectly still.

"No, but I got a bad vibe from them standing there," the guard answered, "Almost as if they wanted to kill me."

"What is it with death and this place?" Phillip groaned.

A week later, the very same security guard was found stuffed into a suit, dead. After two years of security guards quitting, or being found dead, Phillip decided to take matters into his own hands and took up the night shift himself. After seeing the true horrors of the pizzeria at night, he refused to let anyone take up the night shift. It was difficult staying alive each night. The animatronics came after him nonstop. It was quite terrifying seeing them standing at the door ways or staring into the cameras.

What horrified him the most is that even Foxy came out at night. You could hear the clanking of his feet as he ran towards the office. And everytime he pounded on the door, the energy would drain.

As the years progressed, the animatronics got more aggressive, and Phillip knew he couldn't survive much longer. When he came in one week, he took a long, shaky sigh and picked up a phone and hit "record".

"Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night..."