HEY guys I'm back here and continuing my work on this wonderful website, so let's not delay and get right to it!

Humphrey, Kate, and Raven all casually walked into the valley. They made a big circle around the enemy camp. Several of them glared at the three but took no action. They took a small stroll around the valley and took note of how many guards there actually were.

"We need some more information." Humphrey said to the two.

"How are you going to do that? This place is loaded." Raven said.

"By doing what I do best in most situations." He replied.

"And that is?"

"Talking of coarse!" Humphrey said cheerfully. He walked around the corner and found a guard patrolling an area.

"Hello good sir! How might you be today?" Humphrey asked, smiling with wide eyes.

"Fine, move on." He said without hesitation or moving his head.

"So how did you come of your position in the great Goth's army?" Humphrey said, still trying.

"I am busy, carry on I said." He replied sternly.

"Busy doing what? What else are you going to do? Sit here all day and pretend you have an important job? I mean seriously, they have you guarding an empty materials den!" Humphrey chuckled.

"Oh I guess your right," He sighed. "I joined when Goth came to my people. He at first was very hostile, but showed us an awesome power, one that was untouchable by unchosen wolves." He said.

"Oh and who might be unchosen?" Humphrey asked curiously.

"Anyone who thinks they might be able to defeat Goth, or anyone who's dead." He said.

"So this power, what does it do?" Humphrey asked.

"It shows us the way. Each of us chosen have a fragment like this one in my ear. We can feel it telling our minds what to do. It's almost an art really." He said.

"Do you miss your old pack?" Humphrey said finally, waiting for the right time to say it. The guard seemed confused.

"I have no memories of my old pack. Nor my family. But this is good. Our power shows us the way." He said.

"I see. Well it was good talking to you!" Humphrey walked away and the two girls followed. After they were a good distance away, they began to whisper.

"So what do you think their power is?" Raven said.

"Sounds like mind control to me." Kate said.

"There has to be more to this. That thing on Goth's neck has to be the key to all of this." Humphrey said. They all walked back to their dens.

Meanwhile, with Zane

Zane had the armor and the gun, he was disguised. Suddenly another guard came to him.

"You are relieved, Gerald. Boss wants to see ya." He said. Zane only nodded and trotted into the base. He walked past many wolves and guns. This place was almost untouchable. But he still spied several places where vulnerable. He went to the main truck and knocked on the door. A slider opened and they saw him. The door opened and they invited 'Gerald' in. Goth sat in a large throne, with a human by his side.

"Sit down, Gerald, I have something special for you." Goth grinned. "There are a few wolves that have been walking about and looking suspicious. Interrogate them and find out their business. Only report back to me if you find anything that could harm our operation. We need the ritual to go smoothly." Goth said.

"Yes sir." Zane said.

"What was that?" Goth said.

"I mean yes my lord." Zane said, hoping that's what Goth wanted.

"You are free to go." Goth said. Zane left in a rather hurry. On his way out he saw a room labeled 'experimental' and there was a small window. It looked like weapons of mass destruction. Zane looked quickly and left. He had plant of information for today, now he needed to tell the others.

hey guys sorry for the short chapter but it's been sort of a long night. See yall later!