Fairy Tail

Lucy's POV

It was a nice summer day. I was walking with Natsu and Happy to my mom's grave. When we got there. There was a statue of my mom and her name written below; Layla Heartfilia was carved on the rock. Natsu ran over and tripped on Happy's tail and fell (more like flew) into my mom's statue. Then the statue fell and broke on top of Natsu.

"Oh my god! Natsu are you ok?" I asked looking carefully at him.

"Yeah. I'm fine" Natsu said rubbing his head.

"Natsu. You broke the statue!" Happy said.

Then I walked over to the statue and saw a brown notebook in the pile of rocks.

"What is it Luce?" Natsu asked as he walked over to see what it was.

"I think it's a notebook. Looks very old and dusty though."

"Read it"

Then I brushed of the dust. Layla heartfilia was written on it. I was confused right now.

"I think I should go home and read this tomorrow. It's getting very late."

"Sure no problem. Me and Happy will take you home"

"Aye sir"

Then we all walked to my apartment. When we got there I gave Natsu a peck on the cheek and said goodbye. Then Natsu and Happy left. I put the notebook on my desk and changed into my pajamas. Then I went to bed.

A few minutes later…

When Lucy had grabbed the notebook and took it home. She didn't know that her mother put a dream type spell on it. The spell allows a person related to the owner of the notebook to dream the part were the owner wants them to dream. The notebook started to glow a golden color. Then a swirl of gold dust from the notebook drifted towards Lucy and entered her head.