I don't own hetalia. sorry it took so long to update my internet is crappy but thanks guys for the reviews :)

They arrived at America's house a little later. America was grateful the meeting was in the states this time it meant less traveling for him. He guided Prussia inside his apartment. "Okay so make yourself at home! I need to go pack some stuff so ill b right back." Then America took off down the hall.

Prussia silently wandered around the apartment. It wasn't big like he was expecting. There was main room, two bed rooms and a bathroom. He walked in the main room bout to turn on the TV when something caught his eye. There were two nail polish bottles sitting on the coffee table. He quirked his head to the side and picked them up.

"Hey America! Did you have a girl over recently?" he asked still examining the nail polish bottles which were a sparkly red and blue.

America came back skipping from the bedroom he was in with his suit case. He was wearing a pair of short shorts and a hoodie, the kind with the arms chopped off.

Prussia had to stop himself from jumping the poor boy. "W-well the awesome me wants to know why you have nail polish." A soon as he said that America blushed bright red.

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "oh uh those are mineā€¦ sometimes I like to cross-dress cause I represent the men and women of my country and since they're both equal sometimes I dunno it happens?" he laughed awkwardly.

Prussia smirked. Goddamn America and his cuteness. He better hope that this doesn't get out to japan or Hungary though, I should probably warn him.

"Ok so you ready to go I have a plane waiting." Prussia asked grabbing Americas hand and gently pulling him out the door. America smiled brightly and skip alongside Prussia.

"We should see if japan is on when we start playing because we could totally kick japans butt!" America exclaimed still holding on to Prussia's hand tightly. "Man, I hope he doesn't make fun of me though." America pouted.

Prussia glanced over to America. "Why would he make fun of you? Do I need I beat him up?" he said possessively.

America laughed. "No dude I'm just worried h might make fun of my new cat additions. But I don't think he will japan not like that." He hummed to himself. "Oh is that the plane yours!" America said pointing and practically vibrating with excitement.

Prussia smirked. "Sure is. Come on let's go!" and they both took off running to the plane.