I don't own anything!

Chapter 21


Ally and I were at the beach soaking up the sun; of course she had to push me in so I needed to dry off. We were lying down on a blanket she had brought, and our fingers were intertwined. I looked over at her, and found her with her eyes closed. She was wearing a bikini, and it really brought out her skin tone.

"Want to go for a walk?" she open one eye and looked over at me, to give me what do you mean kind of look.

"Why, its warm here and I just got relaxed babe"

"Okay well I'm going to go walk" I got up from my spot just to be pulled down by Ally; she reached up resting her hand on my face. Ally leaned up kissing me gently; I could test the cigarette smoke. I wasn't a big fan and she knew that.

"Stay baby, and relax with me" I rolled my eyes and played down beside her again, this time putting my hands under my head.

Ally and I have a certain connection; I can feel it I just don't know what it is. We have been dating for just over a week, and I know she makes me happy. Sometimes I find her annoying, but she makes up for it by doing cute things like today. She picked me up with a car full of panic stuff, to take me out on a picnic date. I was thrilled because I love the beach, and picnics.

It was little moments like not going for a walk with me, or just not wanting to do things I wanted that made me think that we don't work as a couple. I looked over at her again; she had her eyes closed and was now probably asleep. I got up again; this time didn't turn back and just keep walking down the beach till I found a rock to sit on.

I watched the waves coming and going, and listen to all the joy everyone was having today. Lately I have been trying to be anywhere but home, my parents needed to just break already. Ally never asked anything about them, and she doesn't question why I haven't introduced her to them. In fact I don't think we even ever talked about my family. She has told me about hers, and they seem pretty great. My family isn't the best, but I think that's because my parents don't work anymore as one.

A couple walked past me laughing, I looked over to see Ally still asleep where I left her. I wonder if Ashley would be like her, or would she have followed me. I miss the nights curled up to Ashley, and waking up knowing she was going to be staring at me. I miss feeling eyes on me when I was at her café, I could sense her watching me. The night we finally made love was the best night of my life, but now I'm just another one night stand to her.

I reached down to grab my phone as it was buzzing,


"Hey Spence, want to come over for a movie night?" I haven't hung out with Kyla since I started dating Ally, I had missed her.

"Sure, sounds fun"

"Ally can come to if she wants" I looked over at Ally, surprising she actually noticed I was gone and was coming over.

"I'll ask her and let you know. I'll be there at 6 is that okay?"

"Yes, I'll order pizza!" I laughed at how excited she got over her favorite food, I said goodbye and hung up the food.

"Who was that?"

"Kyla" Ally sat down beside me, kissing my bare shoulder and intertwining our fingers.

"What did she want?"

"She is having a movie night and wanted to know if we would want to come"

"I'm not feeling a movie night"

"Well I said I would go, you don't have to though"

"I thought we could stay in and have an alone time since my parents are gone" I rolled my eyes; Ally was a horn dog also.

"Maybe another night"

"Fine" with that said she was walking over to our spot packing all our stuff up; as I sat there I wondered if this was really going to work between us.

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