Valentine's Proposal

Annabeth woke up feeling slightly dizzy. She hated Mondays a lot. Even though she liked learning, she never liked school. It was a bad way to learn, she thought. She was never bullied by anyone in school. She was a bit popular; the intelligent blonde Annabeth. But she always despised school.

Mondays, She thought.

She was wearing a white tank top and some long sleeved pajamas, and her blonde hair was all frizzy. Then she did the first thing she always did in the morning.

She opened her cellphone and texted her best friend; Percy Jackson.

Hey. You awake? Come by my house at 7:30 she texted.

The usual routine. Texting her best friend, waking up, and eating breakfast. All was well until she checked the calendar.

February 14

Valentine's Day

Damn. There is going to be so much drama for today. It's not like Annabeth has a crush, unless you count that Brandon guy from 8th grade. It's not a surprise a lot of guys like Annabeth. Every year or so, a couple of guys would send her love letters in class, (given by the teacher) and she would read them and it would say mean, dirty stuff about them wanting to make out with her.

Not today, she thought. Because she doesn't have a crush on anyone. She's too focused on her studies.

She ate breakfast alone when she realized her brothers were on vacation with her stepmother. And that her father was on a business trip. Then she received a text from Percy.

B there in a sec. Got 2 dress frst.

Her best friend was always there for her. She cleaned up and went to her room to dress in her usual checkered-buttoned blouse and faded jeans with her sneakers, and fixed her hair. Hey, she doesn't have a crush, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have to look good.


Percy's Dark blue convertible was parked outside her house as she looked out the window, and there was her best friend. Wearing a sky blue T-shirt and a dark blue hoodie and some faded jeans like her with sneakers. He smiled at her through the window.

"Ready, Wise Girl?!" He shouted at her through the window.

She smiled back at him. "Yes, Seaweed Brain!"

Seeing him always brought happiness in her heart. They had been friends for 11 years. And best friends never leave each other. She ran outside and locked the door on her house and went inside the driver's seat of Percy's car.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Percy said, grinning at her.

"Ugh. I hate the day already." Annabeth scowled as she folded her arms.

Percy chuckled in reply. "Ah. You always do, Wise Girl. But it's just a pretty average day to me. Nothing new."

"Except guys and gals making out in the hallway." Annabeth added with a smile.

"And girls screaming like girls." Percy added.

"And guys getting friendzoned."

"And chocolates."

They both laughed in unison, and shook the thought. Annabeth knew her best friend pretty well unlike any other girl in the world. Well, except his mom, Sally Jackson, but still. You could call her the walking Percy Jackson Encyclopedia. That's why it didn't take her a minute to recognize the immediate shift of Percy's face.

Something was bothering him.

"Something wrong, Percy?" she asked. She immediately regretted it.

Percy just scratched the back of his head as he blushed a bright deep red and smiled weakly. "Uh, yeah. Let's just go to school, okay?" He stepped on it and drove.

Annabeth never liked it when Percy was upset or feeling down. It took away all the fun. She started analyzing in her mind what was Percy thinking right now. Then she realized Percy was holding a heart-shaped box with a red ribbon.

"It's a girl, isn't it?" she asked.

Percy blushed even more.

Annabeth never thought, that her own best friend, the great and mighty Percy Jackson, had a crush. She was partly happy for her best friend. That he found someone that he could love. And partly disappointed, because he never told her. Personally, Annabeth never had time for love, as she always focused on her studies. But this girl must've been special that she made the Percy Jackson blush.

"You never told me, Seaweed Brain!" she playfully punched his shoulder as she smiled. "Do I know her?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

"That depends." He replied weakly. He was nervous.

"Depends on what, Percy?" she asked mischievously.

"Look, let's just get out of the car and go to class, okay, Wise Girl?" he assuringly told her.

Oooohhhhkay, Annabeth thought. Whoever this mystery girl that Percy liked, he really didn't want anyone to know. Not even his best friend. This girl must really be pretty, Annabeth thought.

She got out of the car and walked alongside Percy to Goode High. And like she predicted, students were already making out in the hallway. Other students who weren't making out were shooting glances at the pair.

People always thought that after years of friendship, Percy and Annabeth would be dating. Hell to the no, Annabeth thought. She would always see Percy as nothing more than a friend, and the thought of dating Percy was horrible. She wouldn't deny he was attractive, or handsome, or sometimes, hot, but she always saw him as a friend. Fortunately, Percy thinks the same way of me, she thought. But if she only knew. . .

She went to her locker immediately which was 1 locker away from Percy's. She was happy for her best friend, but she couldn't help feeling curious to who this mystery girl was.

"So are you gonna tell me or not?" she asked with seriousness this time.

"You'll know by the end of the day, Wise Girl. It's—just, I'm nervous. What if she, you know, doesn't like me back?" Percy said with worry.

Annabeth didn't like Percy as a crush, just a friend, but what was not to love about Percy? He was handsome, tall, he had the most gorgeous eyes, and his black hair just made him even hotter. Annabeth knew this because dozens of girls had asked her for Percy's number, and she knew a lot had crushes on Percy. If this mystery girl doesn't like back Percy, then that girl was the dumbest person on the planet.

"Relax, Seaweed Brain. She'll come around. But it'll be better if you tell me what she looks like." Annabeth said as she grimaced.

Percy turned to Annabeth and closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. "She's in our class." He said.

Annabeth was disappointed with the lack of info. "That's it?! There are lots of girls in our class."

Percy rolled his eyes. "She has long, curly hair, that makes her look like a princess. I know it's cheesy, but I'm calling it." He raised his hands in defense.

The only girl Annabeth could think of was Rachel Elizabeth Dare. She had long, curly hair. Fiery red hair, to be exact, and if you put a tiara above her head, she would look like a princess. And she could understand why Percy would have a crush on this girl. She was beautiful. Annabeth thought about how Percy and Rachel would look like dating, and she figured they'd make the perfect couple.

At least better than Percy and Drew Tanaka. But that's another story.

Annabeth still wasn't sure if it was Rachel. "Is that it?"

"Erm, no."

"Then tell me more, Percy!"

Percy bit his lip and then took another deep breath. "She. . . has a taste for modern art. She's super smart, and I've known her for a lot of years."

Definitely Rachel, Annabeth thought.

Rachel had a knack for art, especially painting, and she was 1st place in the Arts and Crafts competition this year. Rachel was super smart, too. Her intelligence even rivalled Annabeth's. Rachel always had high grades. And in Annabeth's calculation? Rachel and Percy met a year after she and Percy met. That's a lot of years of friendship.

Rachel, to Annabeth, was a friend. They sometimes hung out together a lot, and knowing Rachel, she, sometimes, talks about Percy. Now she understood what Thalia meant about 'shipping'. Wanting two people to be together. In a way. . .

She shipped Percy and Rachel. And it made her squeal like a fangirl on the inside.

"I know who it is." Annabeth said, smiling smugly at Percy.

"W-wh-what?!" Percy stuttered.

"It's pretty obvious." Annabeth said with the smug smile retaining.

"But anyways, Perce, I gotta go. English class in less than a minute. See ya." She patted Percy on the shoulder and left him there, speechless.

"Okay, class. So I'm giving you Valentine's Day gifts from your, er—anonymous admirers." Ms. Dodds said in the front.

Annabeth could barely look at the pile of chocolates, bouquets, roses, and love letters sitting in front. But the only thing she had focused on was Rachel. Annabeth wanted Percy's 'proposal' to be a success, and if it wasn't, she swore she was going to punch Rachel Dare in the face. If Percy didn't get this girl, she would have hated it. She already 'shipped' them. And it hated her guts to see Percy upset.

Her seatmate, Thalia, Percy's cousin, or her "other best friend", nudged her shoulder.

"Hey, you see Percy's box of chocolates? Do you know who he's giving it to?" Thalia whispered/asked.

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare." Annabeth replied with a smile on her face.

"Rachel?! Wow. I never thought he would like that redhead, that Kelp Head." Thalia smiled back. "He told you earlier?" Thalia asked.

Annabeth wasn't so sure about that. Percy only described the girl, but he didn't say it was Rachel. But Annabeth was pretty sure it was Rachel.

"Uh, yeah. He described her. Perfectly." Annabeth lied.

"Wow. It'd be weird seeing them together though. A black haired kid and a redheaded girl. Gotta respect, Percy though." Thalia chuckled.

It had begun.

Ms. Dodds had been handing out the gifts. Annabeth knew she was going to get a ton, but she waited for Percy's gift to arrive at Rachel's desk.

First one getting gifts was Piper McLean.

She received only one, a love letter, but it was obvious who it was from as the letter had the logo of lightning.

"Your brother is smoooooooth." Annabeth whispered to Thalia. Thalia merely grinned.

Second was Clarisse La Rue.

She received a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates from many admirers, but it only took the class a minute to analyze that all her gifts came from the same guy.

Third was Luke Castellan.

He received four love letters, from a couple of girls. Luke turned his back at them after reading the letters, and winked at Thalia. Thalia winked back.

"What was that about?" Annabeth asked with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, nothing." Thalia said, as she begun daydreaming.

Then it was Rachel's turn.

Annabeth heavily anticipated Rachel's reaction. But she was worried Percy wrote something inside that might not really impress Rachel. She wanted Percy to be happy. She wanted Rachel to like Percy, too. She waited as Ms. Dodds went up to Rachel.

Annabeth could see Ms. Dodds holding Percy's box of chocolates with a letter taped on it, and she was just waiting for Ms. Dodds to just give it.

Then Ms. Dodds did something that surprised Annabeth, giving Annabeth the 'O-face'.

Ms. Dodds went up to Rachel but didn't give her anything.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Maybe next year." Ms. Dodds simply said to Rachel. Rachel didn't react. She just scoffed and went back to doodling.

Annabeth didn't understand. Was it a different girl? One thing was for sure, she was wrong. It wasn't Rachel. Ms. Dodds was still holding Percy's box of chocolates, and she was still heading towards other girls.

Annabeth had a million questions in her mind.

Who was it? The only girl Annabeth knew that had long, curly hair that Percy knew was her, and Calypso. Calypso, was super smart too. She wore glasses and had even higher intellect than Annabeth and Rachel. But did Calypso have a taste for modern art? She didn't know. Maybe it was her. But there was a catch.

Percy had only met Calypso last year. Not a lot of years. There was only one girl that Percy had known for a lot of years, had long, curly hair, had a taste for modern art, and was super smart. But it was impossible! It could've been—

Ms. Dodds had approached Annabeth's desk.

"Here you go, sweetheart." Ms. Dodds said. Ms. Dodds spread Valentine's gifts on Annabeth's desk.

Annabeth's table was filled with two love letters, a bouquet with flowers, and to her surprise, Percy's box of chocolates with a love letter taped to it.

No. It had to be a mistake.

"This isn't mine." She told Ms. Dodds.

"Beg your pardon?" Ms. Dodds replied.

"This isn't mine." Annabeth repeated.

Ms. Dodds chuckled. "What do you mean it's not yours? It has your name on it."

Annabeth looked at Percy's box of chocolates. In full ink, Percy's handwriting was on it. It said:

To: the most beautiful girl in the universe, Annabeth Chase

It was Percy's handwriting.

A million things filled her mind as she read that. She couldn't believe it. It was impossible. Everything didn't make sense. Yet everything did make sense.

Did Annabeth have long, curly hair? Check.

Did she have a taste for modern art? Check. Architecture, definitely.

Was she super smart? Check.

Did she know Percy for a lot of years? Yes.

Hesitating at first, she decided to open the letter.


Well, how's that for a first chapter?

Don't worry. If you liked it, then don't worry. Updating daily. ;)

IF you didn't, then flame. I don't care.


Chapter 2 – The Letter

Annabeth now knows that Percy likes her. And she certainly doesn't like him back. How will she tell him without upsetting him? Find out on the next chapter!
