"I might just win this one." He said abruptly, breaking Clarkes concentration yet again. He liked messing with her head almost as much as he liked messing with his hair, which was already an unruly mop of tangles on top of his head. Clarke always had her hair tied back in a bun or ponytail as at work she didn't have time to worry about it.

"You wish." She teased, moving her piece forward calmly. He'd never beaten her before. He went to pick up his piece and winced, the fractured rips a heavy reminder of why he was here, playing Clarke at chess in a hospital bed, rather than at home with Octavia.

"Usual wager then?" And she nodded, watching as he delicately placed his piece which she quickly took. He never thought too much about the game, so she always won. Still he put up a good fight.

"What pudding cup of yours will I be taking today then?" She mocked him, enjoying the look of dissatisfaction on his bruised face. The cut below his eye was almost healed now, but he still looked injured.

"When I get to take you out, what are you gonna wear?" He retaliated.

The same bet had been placed after the third game they'd played, and therefore the third game Clarke had won. If she won, his daily pudding cup for dinner would be her's. If he won, which he claimed he would eventually, she had to accompany him on a date when he was discharged from hospital. 14 games later and Clarke was 14 pudding cups richer.

Bellamy insisted they play every time she had finished a shift, so she stayed for an hour or so instead of going home, because he was good company.

Bellamy Blake had been placed in the hospital after a car accident 3 weeks ago. His broken ribs meant he couldn't move much, and he'd been into surgery twice now to sort out some internal bleeding. He'd had dozens of stitches but despite this seemed to be desperate to take Dr Griffin out on a date since the second she'd placed an IV drip in him on his first day at the hospital.

The hospital was a lonely place, so despite saying no to his advances because he as a patient, Clarke still spent her time looking after Mr Bellamy Blake. She'd been transferred to his case after a few days, and was even enjoying the company of his sister Octavia outside of the hospital.

With Clarke spending so much of her time with Bellamy, Octavia had taken it to introducing herself and seeing to it that they became friends and so she could make sure Bellamy was okay. Raven, Clarke's room mate, a technician who worked in the hospital, had soon become friends with Octavia as well, which pleased Clarke as Raven didn't get out too much. She was forever staying inside to look at some gadgets she'd been given, or designing something for the hospital.

Clarke couldn't deny that she liked spending time with Bellamy. He was light-hearted, spirited and was highly intelligent. He was a mechanic and had even offered to look at Clarke's car when she said it was making a funny sound.

The Ark, the hospital Bellamy was staying at, was a huge center with many different departments. Clarke liked working there, her love for helping and healing people couldn't serve at a better place, and despite it's dreary nature sometimes, it was a loving atmosphere to be in, something Bellamy always commented on.

"I'll get you in..." Clarke examined the game board. "4 moves. Then your pudding cup is mine Blake."

"In your dreams Princess."

Bellamy had began calling Clarke princess since they'd watched Beauty and the Beast together. Clarke had admitted her liking of disney movies, and Bellamy asked her to bring in her favorite. When they'd watched it Bellamy had claimed that he was the beast, trapped looking ugly in his cuts and bruises, but with the loving hand of his princess, Belle, soon he would be restored to his usual handsome self. He'd asked his 'belle' for a kiss to make him better again, which she'd obviously declined. However it didn't stop him from calling her princess at every opportunity.

Truthfully she liked it.

Sure enough, in 5 moves Clarke had once again defended Bellamy.

"I hope it's chocolate today." Clarke mocked. "I know it's your favorite.

"I'll get you one day Clarke." He promised, and they chatted about chess and pudding until 6:30pm rolled around and food began to be handed out. Clarke removed herself from her perch at the end of Bellamy's bed where she'd been sitting to play and sat at the chair next to him. His food was given as well as two cups of tea. Clarke wasn't in visiting hours, but being staff it was allowed.

Being humiliated for the 15th time was not a strong point for Bellamy. He thought even by luck he would have won a game by now, but no chance. She was too good. Still, wonderful Clarke was worth the humiliation if he finally won and she'd spend the evening with him.

The pudding cup wasn't chocolate but Clarke still rubbed it in her face as she ate it.

"Ah, the sweet taste of victory." She mocked, and Bellamy looked at her, and never wanted to stop. Her radiant blonde hair was tied up, her eyes were blue mixed with grey, like the ocean, and her face was delicate. She was beautiful and fascinating. As much as he liked looking at her, hearing her talk was better.

She loved art and old books, things Bellamy liked but hadn't focused on it the past too much. She taught him countless things about them, talking about them with passion he couldn't understand.

He looked forward to their chess games, the hospital could be a boring place. Luckily she gave him books to read while she was away, and Octavia visited him almost every day although he told her not to. He was slightly worried about her though. He didn't want her to be spending all her time with her boyfriend Lincoln. He was a few years older than Octavia and he was so worried he would break her heart. The loved the fact Clarke and her seemed get along so well.

"You're staring." Clarke points out and he averts his gaze quickly.

"I enjoy looking at beautiful things." he comments and she gives him a small smile.

"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow Mr Blake." She gets up and packs her bag while Bellamy finishes a spoonful of his meal.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Princess." he waves slightly but twitches as he moves his arm too much. He watches her wave back, then walk about, leaving Bellamy to consider the concept that he might be falling in love with his doctor. That he might be falling in love with Clarke Griffin.

I hope you liked it, I'm very excited to have started writing this fanfiction. I understand details aren't perfect, and there may be the wrong use of American words in here as I'm English, so if you notice anything, please do tell me. If you did enjoy it, please review, that would be awesome! Thanks!