I can't believe I'm doing this... So, this is actually an old idea that I had for Yu-Gi-Oh, but this version is revamped and isn't as OC-Centric, which is the problem I had in bringing it up...

*slams head on nearby table* I have too many muses to deal with...

Do not own anything that is familiar to Yu-Gi-Oh!


Secret Puzzle

The Most Beautiful Gift

It was a stupid mistake.

"Shut up!"

A stupid mistake, a misunderstanding, that's all it ever was.

"You must control yourself!"

That's what my father would tell me, anyways.

"Don't tell me what to do, vile man!"

It's a cycle of something that I hadn't quite understood at the time.

"Your daughter; think of your daughter!"

I was too young then.

"My son is dead because of that beast! That thing is not my daughter!"

Way too young.

"Leave me be! I have no need for you and your whorish dick tonight!"

I tried asking my father why mother was so angry all the time.


I didn't ask again after watching him break down into tears that first time.

"It's okay, sweetie, it will heal."

He was my hero, my shield, my sword, my everything.

"Would you like a bedtime story?"

I looked up to him with everything in my heart, sometimes forgetting that I used to have a caring mother.

"Do you promise to be quiet?"

Then it would start again; the yelling, the hitting, the sobbing.

"Yes, Papa."

My father never hit her back, firmly believing that women were not to be struck in any way, shape or form.

"Good girl."

As I grew older, I saw my mother less and less; something I'm shameful to admit that I was happy about.

"When will Mom be home?"

My father taught me the wonders of puzzle, the happiness when you put the last piece in and see what you have created for the rest of the world to see.

"That's my daughter, always solving puzzles!"

He would smile at me and praise me for solving puzzles.

"That's her, isn't it?"

I got so good at it that I entered a small scholarship to earn some money for college.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie; you did real good."

I didn't win first, but my dad was so proud of me that he brought me this puzzle from the attic.

"My great-great-great grandfather solved this once a very long time ago; I want you to have it."

It was a beautiful box; golden and brown, shining and showing off the hieroglyphics that were wrapped around it.

"I know if anyone can solve it again, it would be you."

That gift was the most beautiful and meaningful thing that he ever gave me besides being there for me.

"I love you, Papa."

However, that puzzle cost my father his life; I don't know how, but I knew it deep in my heart that if I didn't solve that puzzle, my own will follow soon after.

"Now we have things to talk about, young lady."

I grew accustomed to the meaning of fear with my mother around now; she was the only one who would take me in with everyone else dead in our families.

"Don't you dare break another rule again!"

The puzzle was what brought me joy and happiness again and again, no matter how frustrated I got when I couldn't put in a piece night after night.

"Be careful, pretty girl, or you'll be joining your whore of a father in the grave."

It was almost found by her clients a few times, but I got away with it; it seemed like the puzzle didn't want to be found either.

"Don't break her, you hear me, I need that thing for money!"

I was so close to solving it that I nearly grew careless; my mother almost found it.

"What is this, money, doing in your room?"

I grew so adept at lying that they were all I believed in for a while.

"It is only a project for a scholarship, mother."

I didn't solve it for a week afterwards, trying to be extremely careful in bringing it out.

"Here's the little whore; have your fun and leave the money on the bed."

However, I grew so restless, that I said screw it and decided to solve it right after my... usual, night.

"Just one more piece; come on, you can do it."

In a way, the golden puzzle - for it could be nothing else but gold it was so beautiful and heavy - took away all my worries and thoughts and fears.

"You're so pretty; I wonder what the history behind you is."

I would whisper to it, acting like it was a real person, one of my few friends that didn't move away or go to college.

"And there we go, the piece fits perfectly!"

I don't know what it was, but that puzzle took my away from my mother, away from that life that I hated oh so much.

"What's going on, where is the whore?!"

It took me back, further and further until I was standing in a place that I wholly unrecognized.

"Where am I?"

It looked like the pictures my father showed me of where his great-great-great grandfather used to live before he died of heartbreak.

"Hey, ya lost or somethin'?"

That's where my story starts; standing in the middle of an old place, being taken in by strangers, and somehow with the puzzle wrapped around my wrist as a bracelet.

"Where am I?"

It's interesting, really.

"Ya really don' know?"

I wished I had the guts to go to my father's grave one more time.

"Please, tell me!"

I wanted to thank him for giving me such a beautiful gift.

"Well, come on, follow me, and I'll introduce ya to my friends while I tell ya where ya are."

And for giving me a second chance at true life.

"Thank you so much, Mr...?"

I should probably thank the puzzle, actually, since it has all this power to do whatever it did.

"It's Jounouchi, no mistah about it!"

Or maybe it's all a hallucination, made to make me go insane.

"Thank you, Jounouchi; my name is Kaliyah."

I don't care anymore; it made me happy.


Okay then... Wow, this is turning into something OTHER than I thought it would 0.o However, I am liking it so far :D Hopefully, you guys will too.

So, this is, officially, my first M - rated fiction. I rated it Mature because there are going to be scenes of abuse and implied rape. I am so sorry to everyone that has read my other stories; this one will be more sad and twisted than normal. I am very reluctant to write this, but it has intrigued me, so I'll be continuing this story. There will be warnings before each and every chapter (even if it's a happy, fluffy chapter) and before each section containing such implications so you may skip over it if it makes you feel queasy.

Well, with that out of the way, I hope you all enjoy this story of mine!


SetoXJounouchi, AtemXYugiXYami (this will be the one I'm focusing on), MarikXMalik, BakuraXRyou, HondaXOtogi

...This is going to be a lot of work...