Notes: I am writing this a as special request from maxxx7491. So enjoy. And thank you to all the fans for your loyalty and support (and yes that is a quote from yours truly).

Finally, the day had come, shore leave. The entire Normandy SR2 crew fled the ship, heading to Purgatory to unwind; everyone save for Commander Shepard. He was back at the ship filing reports for the council. They wanted extensive, analytical data on every mission. John Shepard had no choice but to oblige. Tali'Zorah vas Normandy SR2 had offered to stay on the ship with him and help, but he insisted that she go be with their friends. They had been dating for a year and she knew that being with him would be difficult, but she Tali like a challenge. Plus he did save her life a few times.

However, being a girl friend to the famous and sometimes infamous, Commander Shepard was not all it was cracked up to be. Ever since they had started dating, Tali had been feeling like she was living in a giant's shadow. Every time they docked, news reporters want to have at him, forcing Tali to stand off to the side while they attempted to chew Shepard up and spit him out. And if it wasn't the reporters, it was other admirals, captains, and politician inviting him to these stuffy banquettes, for more analytics, or logistics. Then there were the fans, swarming him like sharks smelling blood. By the time he made it back to the ship, he was exhausted, too famished to cater to his girlfriend, let alone, satisfy her needs.

Their relationship was stressful, but despite its blemishes, Tali really loved him. She admired Shepard like no other man she had ever admired before. He had this charisma about him that she had been drawn to since the day they met. The two were unsure about dating at first, due to the fact that Tali didn't even know if he was in to her. Once they made their feelings prevalent, there was the whole issue of the crew finding out, and how they would react. It was a small ship by comparison, so being the first to find out about a new relationship amongst the crew was like finding a million credits.

Tali knew that Commander Shepard had a lot on his plate, and he didn't get much shore leave. But despite all that seemed to be pit against them, she couldn't imagine herself with anyone else.

As soon as Tali entered the double-decker club, it was to the bar so she can down as many drinks as she could. The quarian was wearing a form-fitted dress that was cut high above her thighs. All she needed to do was bend over and her goodies would be on display. The dress was dark and sparkling, cut to reveal a bountiful supply of her chest, teasing any admirers.

Sitting at the bar with the rest of the Normandy crew, they took turns ordering rounds. Garrus had been the first one at the bar. He usually was, being a heavy drinker and a bit of a loner at times. He had a lot of demons to chase away and the alcohol did just that. The turian, deemed the commander's right-hand, didn't like to talk about all that he'd been through. But rumors had it that while doing cleanup on Omega, Garrus had gotten himself into some deep shit. Having a squadron of his own, they all were killed, and he found himself backed into a corner on his last whim. That was when Shepard found him.

Seeing him plotted at the end of the bar, drinking who the hell knows what; Tali rushed to sit next to him.


Not even looking at her, he replied. "Tali."

After about the fifth shot, Tali was feeling it, the room spinning, voices fading in and out. She hated having such a low tolerance to alcohol. Garrus was laughing at her, his finger pointing in her direction, a smug look on his rugged, plated face. She waved the turian off, ordering another round in an attempt to prove that she was not a lightweight. The other crew members were laughing at her as well, which made it even harder for her to prove her point.

The eighth round was her last. By that time, she couldn't even sit up straight. Jacob had to keep holding her up. She moaned loudly, her voice lost in the sea of techno-alien music.

"You're done." Jacob Taylor chimed, the way he did after firing the kill shot. Glancing at the other crew members, he stated, "Who's going to take her back to the ship?"

"Already! Such a light weight!" Dr. Liara T'soni sang. She was one to talk. The young, blue asari had been sipping all of her drinks, still chipping away at her third shot.

"I'm not doing it." Miranda Lawson stated bluntly. She used to work for Cerberus, a rogue-militant group that originated on Earth, but now she was a little bit of anything Commander Shepard needed her to be to get the job done; the same as with Jacob Taylor.

"Well, someone's got to take her back to the ship. She can't go alone." Jacob proclaimed with worry.

"Let's just vote on it." Communications Specialist, Samantha Traynor quipped.

"That's a great idea." Jacob responded, still holding up the suitless quarian.

"We take a vote!"

The rest of the crew kind of murmured these gruff responses. No one objected to the idea, but no one was too eager to leave the club either. It had been a long two months bouncing from space port to space port, ducking and dodging bullets, and now all they wanted to do was relax.

So when it came to voting, they did it the old fashioned way: names in a hat. Joker provided the hat, of course, and he looked weird without it. Unlike Tali who looked amazing without her environmental suit on. Thanks to bionettics immuno-boosters, a monthly injection was all a quarian needed to be suit-free.

Now with her face finally exposed; her skin as flawless as still milk, creamy with a light-purplish hue. Tali's eyes were slightly bigger than a human's, having double pupils and two sets of eye lids. Her face was narrow and looked as if it had been chiseled out of stone. The quarian's hair was silky and purple in color, somewhat matching her skin.

"And the lucky, or should I say unlucky winner of tonight's baby-sitting duties goes to… Garrus Vakarian!" Joker, the ship's pilot sang.

"Wooo, congratulations, Garrus!" Several other crew members exclaimed, clapping their hands.

Garrus's head dropped. He didn't want to be the one to take her back to the commander like this. Downing his last shot, Garrus suddenly stood walking over to Jacob who was more than happy to hand over the quarian.

"You take good care of her now, Garrus!" Jacob jested.

"Make sure you carry her with both arms." Traynor then said in an equally jovial inflection.

"If she pukes, just hold your breath and keep on trekking." Joker the proclaimed.

"Oh, don't be sad, Garrus." Miranda then said. "It's only a twenty minute walk back to the ship. Then again, with the traffic, and Tali in that drunken state, it should take you about forty-five minutes, but I'm hoping for an hour!"

"Laugh it up you guys." Garrus barked, now holding the quarian upright.

They begin moving toward the door.

"Bye, Garrus and Tali!" remaining crew members sang in unison.

Garrus could only growl in response as he and Tali headed for the door.