Even though deep down I was mad about yesterday, today I was at the top of my game. Tonight the Bulldogs were going to win, and that's why I was happy today. I was not in the mood to see Troy today. What he did yesterday's crushed my heart, and it was Valentine's Day.

First period was okay. I mean it was nothing compared to the game I knew we were gonna win today, but still okay. Second to the rest of the day was the same. Boring school that never got entertaining.

School was over but we still had about thirty minutes until the game started. I was emptying my bookbag and putting the items into my locker. Just then, my phone buzzed. I had turned on my phone to reveal the message. Newt had texted me that him and the rest of the team were on there way to the Lone Starcade and I should join. I quickly shut my locker and left the school.

I entered the Lone Starcade and found that it was no one there. There were hearts covering the walls and the place was decorated red and pink. I continued to look around and I saw Troy sitting at the table we sat on our first date. "Yeah, Bella's here..bye dad." Troy finished on the phone. I took a seat next to him, as he put his phone away.

"Hey Bella!" He said excited to see me. "Troy." I replied. "Hey, I'm sorry I flirted with Charlotte. You know what they say, you don't know what you have till it's gone." Troy said. I gave him a cold glare as he chuckled. "Look," he said getting closer to me "I know I broke your heart, and I'm sorry. So, to make up for it I got you this." He said as he pulled out a gold necklace. "I'm not interested in anything you have for...Oh my god Troy!" I said turning to him.

I turned my back to him and move my hair out of the way. He placed it around my neck gently, and I put my hair back into place. I turned to him and looked to him happily. "I love it!" I said. "Bella, I'm so sorry I hurt you, I've never felt worse in my life." Troy said. "It's okay, I forgive you I mean it's not like I was gonna stay mad at you forever." I said happily.

I looked down at the necklace. It was three gold hearts with blue and silver gems on the middle heart. "Troy it's beautiful." I said. "Like you." He said as I looked into those eyes I loved so much. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours. He leaned in and our lips touched. His hand gently caressed my cheek as we pulled apart. "I'm still in love with you." He told me. "I never stopped loving you." I said. I quickly looked at my watch and started to leave. "We should go." I said. "Why?" Troy asked me. "We have a game to win remember?" I replied. "Right, let's do that." Troy said.

We left the Lone Starcade quickly and headed back to the locker room. When we got there it seemed like the whole team was waiting for us. We quickly changed and got on to the field. The game went by fast, and we were so close to winning. As usual, I passed the ball to Troy and he caught the touchdown. We won the game and it was amazing, there was confetti and cheers. Of course, being me, I yelled "Shabooya!" And Troy did that cute little dance he does when he's happy.

After the game, I was still on the field. I was just taking in all that happened this week. Troy walked up and sat next to me on the bench. "Hey!" He said happily. "Hey." I replied. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" He asked me. "You mainly." I replied truthfully. He was a major part of this week. "Like I said I'm totally sorry for what I did to you. I don't even like Charlotte, and she's nothing compared to you." He told me as I blushed.

We changed out of our football gear, and he walked me home. On the walk home I was really cold and started shivering. Troy placed his jacket on my back and I put it on. "I told you, that you should keep it, you might get cold. Plus, it looks great on you." He said as I chuckled.

When we got to my house, my mom was there waiting for me. "Hey honey, hey my future son-in-law!" My mom said. "Mom we're not married." I said a little embarrassed. "Well, not yet." Troy said as he laughed. It is wrong to think a laugh is really cute? Troy went home after that. This was the best week of my life! You know except for the the break-up and all the crying. But other than that, it was amazing. I have my first boyfriend and I'm totally excited. I thought this would be the worst Valentine's Day ever but it wasn't...it was totally the best.

You remember when I said that things between me and Troy would never be the same again? I was right but, that's actually a good thing now. Like I said: Nothing can make my life better right now.

I know for some of you, it's really said seeing this story end but, if you want me to do a Newt/Sophie or Sawyer/Sophie or Sawper/Pepper or Pepper/One Of Sophie's Brothers let me know in the reviews bye!
