Dear OCDDegrassi and Misslovegood00
I am sorry for the long hiatus this story has. I will finish it eventually, so it's not abandoned, however it will probably take some time.
Love and blessings,

I feel something isn't right
I think it is this world
When there's nothing left to fight
We all fall down

Ayria 'Post apocalyptic girl'

Monday, 1 September 1995

Yes, ma grandmère was a magical creature. And before you to ask, mon grandpère did not survive their relationship, regrettably. He was a kind man, but he to was blinded by her beauty and to overlooked all of her less agreeable characteristics. One was that she to throw with fire when she angry, another that she couldn't cook, but the most important one of all was that she just wasn't to suit for being married to a human wizard.

They usually do not marry, Veela. They are still strong beings in their harpy form, but not the strongest. Most of their power they to derive from a rare, different kind that most do not see as power at all, and herein lies their strength. They to derive their true strength from their beauty. It is the most enchanting beauty known to mankind. One look at a Veela and most wizards are like under the Imperius Curse, completely confused as to what has happened to them. They feel to be touched into their deepest core, they confuse the Veela's beauty with true love... And then they make anything for her. Anything!

But when Veela do marry, they to lose some of that charm. It's because when you do a Marriage Vow, the Marriage Vow protects the lovers from unfaithfulness. That makes it possible to stay to married for life. It is therefore necessary that a Veela loses a bit of her power during the Marriage Vow. At first, ma grandmère did not mind. She was in love after all. It does not occur very often, but some of the Veela are able to fall in love and she was one of them. But when she had sit at home while mon grandpère was to work as a Dragon caretaker, she to start to feel trapped. Since she wasn't a witch, their was no magical job she could make, and she to hate it. She blamed mon grandpère for making her life miserable. That wasn't fair, he made all he could to do her life comfortable. But for her, that wasn't enough!

And so, eventually... It to became a fight, and no matter how many dragons mon grandpère had made tamed, an angry Veela he could not beat! She was merciless, and killed him. After his death, she received a child. Ma mère. Ma grandmère was remorseful, and made shed many tears. She to raised ma mère on her own, which was quite difficult at times, because she had to control her outbursts. But she made a good job anyway, or so ma mère says. She inherited mon grandpère's money and it was enough to live from and pay tuition fee and school supplies for Beauxbatons.

At Beauxbatons, she to meet mon père. Most boys to were instantly in love with her because of her looks, nevertheless not he. You think, he was blind the day he met her. He was just to been hit in the eyes by a nasty curse and did been recovering in the Hospital wing. Ma mère was there too; she was, too, hit by a curse that caused her to be temporarily paralyzed. She was afraid that she would never recover. Mon père to reassured her and to cheered her up by playing games with her. She wouldn't say her name, afraid that he might instantly fall in love with her just like every other boy, and that she wouldn't be able to know if his love was genuine.

Because she was starting to fall in love with him she did something sneaky; she to secretly put spells on him when he was asleep so his Blindness Curse would last longer. The Healer at the hospital wing to been completely at loss why every time his curse seemed to be wearing off, it got worse another time!

Well, after ma mère was to be sure that mon père did not had know about her true identity and his affection for her was genuine, she to stop her spells. And when he was finally able to see again, he smiled 'more broadly than she had ever do someone smile', or so she did always tell me. From that moment they were to be in love, and it to lasted, even when they had both to graduate from Hogwarts and ma mère set up her own cleaning business and mon père became Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the French Ministry of Magic. They married and got me and Gabrielle.

We to lived in a beautiful house with lawn all around, near a beautiful forest with unicorns in it. Sometimes we gone unicorn riding there, and subsequential I would to go with Gabrielle; I always to looked after her, because she was so small and precious. I went to Beauxbatons, I always loved the education there. If I am honest, I to think Beauxbatons is a better school than Hogwarts. But I had loved the Triwizard Tournament. It did been a great chance for me, very a good one. Directly, I think it to been one of the best adventures of my whole life.

I am like Britain. So I think, I stay some more time here. But if I want, I genuinely need to improve my English... And they may offer me a job at Gringotts too if I can. I genuinely wanted to do a thing more dangerous... or how do you say it? Challenging, but now money I need it is. I to cheated a bit, I used part a Translation Charm on this letter! But I think it did gone wrong!

I will to be grateful forever if you could help me with this and point out my horrible English mistakes, Bill!

