HUD: Don't attack! I promise this is the LAST NEW CHAPTERED FIC (for awhile). This will start my rotation for updates over again. Enjoy!

Kakashi didn't really have a problem, just a lot of time of his hands. And money. And it revolved around his favourite hobby. So maybe it was a problem, but no one knew and Kakashi was fine keeping it that way. He was a very private person, even with his adopted nephew living on the floor below him. The Hatake Mansion was beautiful, and Kakashi had fought hard to keep it that way - he hired a butler, maid, groundskeeper, interior designer... Anything to try and restore it to its former glory. It had worked, and he felt even better that he had someone to share it with.

Even if said someone was a tumultuous teenager with a silent sulk even stronger than Kakashi's tardiness. The combination seemed to get them into all kinds of trouble, especially the situation they now faced.

Kakashi wasn't one for schools, being a naturally gifted man and literally out of high school before he turned thirteen. He knew the importance, and Sasuke was a smart enough brat that he shouldn't be getting himself into trouble. That seemed to be the way it went, however - the smartest kids usually either keep their heads down and got bullied or became the bored bullies. As is this case.

Mr. Umino was Sasuke's homeroom and literature teacher. He was incredibly kind and patient almost all the time, even when Kakashi never failed to turn up late for their meetings. He seemed to have a knack for the tough cases, Kakashi would give him that.

This time he was pushing an hour late when he strolled in, giving a half-hearted wave to his audience. Sasuke sat at a desk closer to the door and hardly acknowledged his uncle when he walked by, half eaten bag of Doritos and Mountain Dew can sitting neatly on his desk. The brat and reason (as Sasuke says) for their meeting sat two desks down. Naruto Uzumaki.

God, everything about him was simply too bright for Kakashi. The programmer literally spent hours staring at a screen in the dark - ah, privacy - of his home. The damn kid was all blond hair, big grin, bright blue eyes, and too much orange. He looked like a traffic cone!

Kakashi said so and was rewarded with a not-so-subtle fist bump from his ward.

"Enough of that," Mr. Umino said sharply, casting a narrowed glare at Kakashi and Sasuke and a concerned one to Naruto. "We're here to discuss Sasuke and Naruto's behavioral issues in homeroom and other places in the school. Thank you for finally joining us, Mr. Hatake."

Kakashi had taken the free seat between the teens. He never did remember those desks being quite so small as he stretched his legs out and grazed the end of the teacher's desk. "Maa, my car stalled out so I had to walk. Then this small elderly lady needed her sidewalk swept - "

"I'm just going to stop you now," Mr. Umino said, holding up a hand. Kakashi allowed his response to die. "We've already lost two-thirds of this scheduled meeting waiting for you. I don't want to be here all night listening to you."

Well, that's fair. Kakashi saw his point. "Then, do continue."

The teacher nodded and straightened in his desk. "It seems that no matter what I do, these two seem unable to be in the same room. I've sat them on opposite sides of the class, suggested the same to the rest of the teachers, and have even assigned a monitor to their free period and lunch. They always seek each other out."

"It's that Sasuke-bastard, Mr. Umino!" Naruto announced, slapping his hand down on his desk. The cookies he had messily strewn about bounced slightly.

"Naruto!" Mr. Umino snapped, leveling his earlier glare at Naruto now. The teen seemed to withdraw, frowning with his face reddening from shame. "Anyway, we're here to discuss some sort of diplomatic resolution."

"Why is Sasuke in your class, anyway?" Kakashi interjected. "He's placed in the top five percent on several mock college entrance exams. Isn't there an advanced placement class he can be in?"

Kakashi realized exactly how that sounded the moment it left his mouth, and, of course, by then it was too late. The teacher went rigid for only a second before his calm (and definitely now scary) smile was in place.

"Sasuke has actually failed his last three exams and midterm," Mr. Umino said conversationally. He moved a few papers around on his desk, pulling out each paper accordingly and moving around to drop them on the desk Kakashi sat at. Kakashi blinked, visible eye unseeing.

Yes, that was Sasuke's handwriting with his name, and date, and period. Then nothing else on each page. It's like he didn't even try to answer the questions. Kakashi turned towards his nephew and held up the latest, the midterm, with a large, red zero. "Really?"

Sasuke blinked and looked down to his lap, pale neck flushing in shame. Kakashi was beyond furious.

"Seriously, Sasuke? Have you even been trying?" Kakashi put the pamphlet back down and shook his head. "Why haven't I heard about this?"

"Well, funny you should mention that, Mr. Hatake," Mr. Umino said. He rummaged for another few pages. "Ah, here are the progress slips I sent home with him as well as the actual report card. All signed by you."

Kakashi was dumbstruck. He never saw any of that. This time he rose from his seat and strode up to Mr. Umino's desk. The teacher blinked, surprised, and gently handed the pages over. Kakashi eyed each one, a small smirk on his face.

"These are good, I'll give you that," he said, dropping the pages back down. Kakashi turned and leaned against the teacher's desk, folding his arms over his chest. He heard the man squeak indignity but ignored him. "Those aren't my signatures."

Sasuke frowned and sunk further into his seat, entire face now red. Naruto was grinning like a loon. "See? Told ya it wasn't me! He picks on me all the time! I'm just defending myself."

"Not about you right now," Kakashi said curtly. He turned his heavy gaze back to Sasuke. "Explain. Now."

"What for? You don't care, anyway," Sasuke answered. Kakashi blinked, suddenly dumbfounded. The kid didn't think he cared? This suddenly seemed like a conversation better had at the mansion.

"I don't have to defend myself to you," Kakashi snapped. Oh, totally at the mansion.

"Mr. Hatake - " Mr. Umino said behind him, and Kakashi looked carelessly over his shoulder. "My desk, if you would?"

"...right." Kakashi didn't realize he was now practically sitting on his desk. The papers were pushed almost against the teacher's chest and Kakashi managed to catch a picture frame from falling off the edge. "Sorry, Mr. Umino."

Mr. Umino blinked, his cheeks tinting red slightly. Kakashi smirked softly - that look was new and not at all unwelcome, helping cure some of his annoyance. The teacher cleared his throat as Kakashi righted the picture and moved back to his seat, filing the image away for later.

"Well, I've got an idea," Mr. Umino said, now under control. "If Sasuke is able to perform to his previous standard, I would be able to go to the principle and request a transfer to a higher class. In the meantime, I think structured time together is a good compromise for them."

"What!? Why?" Naruto wailed. Kakashi began to nod.

"Yeah, I can see how that would help," Kakashi said. He turned towards Naruto and smirked. "Since it's your fault that Sasuke is failing, you get to hang out with him and help him study."

"WHAT!?" Naruto squeaked. Kakashi saw Sasuke perk up beside him but refused to spare any attention on him.

"That's not fair! He can't tell me what to do! Iruka!" Naruto's blue eyes were wide and shiny with tears. He was on his feet and ran towards Mr. Umino's desk. "He's totally gonna hit me, Iruka! Please, anything but that."

Iruka Umino, hmm? Kakashi watched the boy dive behind the man's desk.

The teacher sighed but smiled, patting the teen on his head. "Naruto, Sasuke isn't going to hit you. You'll both be supervised while you're together," Mr. Umino said gently. Naruto rubbed his face angrily. "And I agree with Mr. Hatake. Both of your grades have been slipping. You both need to learn that you'll be around people you don't like your entire life. It's easier to try and set aside your differences. Maybe you two could even become friends."

"I'll never be friends with him!" Naruto screamed. He couldn't fight his tears any more, wrapping his arms around Iruka's shoulders and burying his face in his neck. Mr. Umino sighed, wrapping his arms around the shaking boy's shoulders. Kakashi felt himself surprised; he looked sideways at Sasuke, wondering what the other boy's opinion was.

Sasuke sat rigid, still staring at his hands. The flush from earlier was still lingering, but he seemed unperturbed by Naruto's obviously odd display of affection. Kakashi felt like he was the only person uninvited to the party.

"Maa, it can't be that bad," Kakashi said, tapping his fingers on the desktop. "You don't have to live with him."

Something that sounded suspiciously like a hiccuped laugh came from Naruto. Iruka looked over and smiled wanly, obvious thanks in his gaze. Kakashi felt his stomach flip. Huh.

"I'll be there with you, Naruto," Iruka said. He patted the blond one more time, then pushed him back. "Go back to your seat, now." Naruto sniffed and slowly took his seat. Kakashi had to stop himself from shaking his head - he knew they were freshmen, but that kid acted like he was barely out of elementary school.

"We can start tomorrow, if that's alright with you, Mr. Hatake?" Mr. Umino said. Kakashi pretended to think about it. He didn't have a damn thing to do - ever - but he didn't need to know that.

"I can work something in," Kakashi said. Sasuke snorted beside him, but he ignored it. "When were you thinking?"

"Noon, perhaps? The library seems like a suitable location," the teacher said. Kakashi nodded.

"Sure, we'll be there," he said, standing. Kakashi plucked a pen from Iruka's pen mug and his small stack of post-it notes. After jotting his number down on it, Kakashi replaced each item where he found it. "Here's my cell, in case something comes up."

Iruka nodded, that faint blush returning. Kakashi couldn't help but feel like it was quite becoming on the tan teacher's face, highlighting that faint horizontal scar across his cheekbones and nose. "Ah, thanks. Here's mine." Iruka pulled the one Kakashi wrote on off and scribbled his out before passing it over. Kakashi smiled and nodded, folding the note and tucking it into his pocket as he pulled his keys out.

"Tomorrow, then." Iruka nodded. Kakashi smiled again and turned towards Sasuke. "Up, Sasuke. We're out."

The teen nodded and stood, throwing away his snack in the trash can by the door. Kakashi offered a wave over his shoulder as they left. Iruka waved back slowly.

Once they were alone and buckled into the car, the tension finally capped. "What are you thinking, Sasuke?"

The boy frowned deeply, turning to look out the window. "Nothing."

"Yeah, that's pretty obvious," Kakashi said. Sasuke kept his gaze on the window. "No, picking on that Uzumaki kid. It's not like you."

"How would you know what I'm like? You hardly come out of your office - "

"Now is not the time to be a pissy teenager at me, nephew," Kakashi said curtly. Sasuke's tirade ended abruptly. Kakashi sighed, feeling the temperature drop more from Sasuke's mood than the pending rainstorm outside.

"Yes, Uncle," Sasuke answered, voice monotone. Kakashi rolled his eyes and shoved his free hand through his hair.

"Hey, now. Not that, too," he said, voice softer. "You're staying with me because you want to, remember? I'm not forcing you to be here. You can go back - "

"No." Well, then.

"Then what's bothering you?" Kakashi asked, eying the teen. Sasuke sighed.

"That boy...he distracts me."

"What about him distracts you, specifically? I know he looks like a traffic cone, but he seems nice enough," Kakashi said. He flipped his wipers on, fending off the oncoming rain pellets.

"He's annoying."

"Okay, I'll give you that. What else?"

Sasuke sighed. "I...don't know, exactly. Everything?"

"Not a real answer, Sasuke. There's got to be something." Kakashi pulled onto the highway, speeding up to keep with traffic. He rolled his eyes when a semi blocked his merge, making him slip between two lanes to get around riding the shoulder.

"...I don't know, Uncle," he whispered. Kakashi had to strain to hear over the rain. "Something about him gets under my skin."

"I know you aren't a bully, Sasuke," Kakashi said. He took their exit quickly, barely slowing as he turned onto the main road that lead to the Hatake Mansion. A light stopped him, giving Kakashi a moment to look Sasuke fully in the face. "You can tell me."

Sasuke blinked at him, his deep garnet eyes matching Kakashi's left one. Kakashi had been very close friends with a late member of Sasuke's family when they were younger. There had been an accident, they were foolish teenagers, and Kakashi had lost all vision in his left eye. His friend, Sasuke's relative, was far worse for wear and a breath away from passing in the hospital when he offered what he could to repent. Kakashi had refused, but a very young nurse performed the corneal transplant regardless.

Without it, Kakashi would have never been able to do what he loved again, programming. He was grateful, but grudgingly so. Without much pushing, he agreed to be the godfather to Obito's unborn nephews, to be what he couldn't. That was how Sasuke came to be with him - his parents were dead, and with his older brother off in another part of the world, Kakashi's home was all he had left.

"I know, Uncle," Sasuke whispered, looking down at his lap. Kakashi turned left at the light and headed down an isolated road.

"What is it, then?" He asked. There, at the very end, sat the gate to their home. Kakashi pressed a button on his keyring; a moment later, the gate began to move.

"...I can't explain it," the boy answered. The gate closed swiftly behind them as Kakashi pulled up the long driveway to the mansion proper. "I just feel...anxious around him, and he gets on my nerves. Because of our last names, he's always by me in all of my classes, but even when he's moved I still can't focus."

Kakashi began to smile. The garage door opened as he slowed, pulling the Charger in smoothly. He was starting to figure it out, now - it was like reading underneath the first wave of code to its true source and function. He parked the muscle car and sighed. "Sasuke, do me a favour?"

"Yeah?" He said, looking back over. Kakashi grinned.

"Tomorrow, be nice to the kid. See how far that gets you, and see if he still annoys the shit outta you. If you feel different, we'll talk about it. Trust me."

Sasuke looked dubious, as if the idea of Naruto not annoying him was foreign. "Uh, sure?"

"Good talk, kid," Kakashi said, ruffling the spiky mess of Sasuke's hair. The teen huffed and shoved his hand away. "Go inside. Mr. Ukki probably already has dinner ready." Sasuke nodded and climbed out of the car, messenger bag in tow. Kakashi watched him walk through the door to the kitchen before he climbed out himself.

As he locked the car and pushed the keys into his pocket, his fingers brushed the post-it note Sasuke's teacher had given him. He pulled the bright green sheet out and unfolded it.

865-3407, Iruka

Just Iruka, huh? Kakashi couldn't help but grin. That man was certainly kind, but he seemed to have a feisty side with as quick as his wit was. Kakashi liked that. He pulled out his mobile and programmed the number in, shooting over a quick text to say who he was. He couldn't help but feel anxious, waiting for a response.

Kakashi had met him before, of course, at the beginning of the year and during a few open houses, back when Sasuke was doing well. He felt terrible, not noticing the obvious changes in Sasuke and completely being ignorant of his failings. These meetings could be good for his shut-in nephew, who seemed to want to take to Kakashi's antisocial and hermitic lifestyle.

Kakashi wasn't going to complain if that meant he could spend a bit more time with the cute school teacher. He discovered today that he rather enjoyed the way a small blush could illuminate the man's entire face and make his deep chocolate eyes shine. Too adorable.

His mobile vibrated, pulling him from his thoughts. Kakashi looked down.

Thank you, Mr. Hatake.

Please, call me Kakashi.

There were a few minutes before the answer came. Kakashi, then. I'll see you tomorrow.

Kakashi grinned, feeling like he just won something he wasn't aware of. He pushed his mobile into his pocket and headed in after Sasuke.

Mr. Ukki did, in fact, already have dinner ready. Sasuke was eating at the counter, telling the older gentleman about his day. The butler smiled at Kakashi when he rounded the corner, his eyes crinkling from years of laughter and joy.

"Ah, Master Kakashi," the man said, nodding his head slightly. "Master Sasuke says the meeting went well?"

"Yeah, aside from the fact that this kid is failing," Kakashi answered, heading straight for the fridge. Mr. Ukki's gasp was astounding.

"Master Sasuke! You are better than that!" The man said, scandalized. Kakashi snickered slightly as he popped the cap off of a bottle of hard cider.

"That's what I keep telling him, Ukki. I dunno what's gotten into him. But his teacher is willing to work with me on it, so by the end of next semester, if Sasuke's grades are where they should be, he'll be in AP," Kakashi answered. The butler huffed, nodding.

"Good!" Sasuke had the decency to look ashamed. Ukki had become more of a grandfather than a butler to them both, and Kakashi always felt the same whenever he disappointed the man. Utter shame. "You are a Uchiha, and the nephew to a Hatake! You have the ability to be anything, boy."

Sasuke nodded, pushing a few peas around his plate. "Yes, Mr. Ukki. I know. Kakashi is going to help me."

"I will help as much as I can, Master Sasuke," the man said. He smiled warmly, pushing his small glasses up his nose. "All you need to do is ask."

Sasuke nodded, and Kakashi and Mr. Ukki shared a smile. He moved to the stove, eyeing Mr. Ukki's homemade chicken pot pie. "I'm gonna take this to go, Ukki. I have some work to do."

The butler nodded as he fixed and passed a heaping plate. "Be sure to eat it all, young master. I noticed needing to take in your suits a few inches."

Kakashi waved his hand dismissively as he took the plate. "Just a high metabolism, Ukki. I'm fine."

"Humph," the butler said, raising an eyebrow. Kakashi suddenly felt the tables had turned on him.

"Fine, fine. I may be down for a second plate," he grumbled. Ukki grinned and nodded.

"Good to hear, Master. Go on, then. Master Sasuke and I have plenty to discuss." Kakashi scampered away, hitting the stairs hard to escape what he knew was going to be a thorough ribbing by the old man.

Once he was safely in his office, the door locked behind him, he sighed. It was only around seven, which meant he still had about two hours before his favourite program came on. So he actually had to work.

Kakashi finished his old app idea while eating, drew up some engineering schematics for a new solar panel, and generated a new 3D model for a self-walking dog walker. Even he found that one too farfetched, especially when Pakkun was almost dragging his ass around in the still slick grass just minutes later. For being such a small pug, he was a brat.

Once he was done bathing the little runt (dove into mud and drug Kakashi right along with him) and then himself, it was finally nine. He quickly sent over his app and solar panel scheme to his PA and logged online.

Kakashi was sure to use a private and new server every night, and never on Wednesdays. Mr. Ukki and Sasuke conned him into playing a board game that night every week, and after much fuss Kakashi actually didn't mind. He made up for it the following Thursday.

Online sex shows were all the rage now, and Kakashi found himself to be poorly sucked into the craze. He was never shy about his enjoyment for porn, almost always carrying the latest Icha Icha Paradise novel. He was a man for technology, usually preferring to download books, but not those. He displayed them proudly on his one bookshelf in his office, dispite Mr. Ukki's distaste. The butler didn't mind, as long as Sasuke never read them.

When Mr. Ukki accidentally stumbled across the browser history on the main server, Kakashi had to teach the teen the beauty of private servers. He found it infinitely hilarious.

He skimmed the online list, looking for his favourite. There were several people taking advantage, mostly foreigners. This, Kakashi found after he himself had contributed a small fortune, was a very viable source of income. He didn't give his tokens to just any camwhore, though. Just one in particular.

Eros was his username, and damn was it a perfect fit. The man (whoever he was) was literally the epitome of sex and carnal desire. Kakashi waited, settling comfortably in his large office chair. The towel from his shower hung loosely around his shoulders and over his bare chest. He was patient.

Finally the feed turned on, the camera settling on a spacious purple comforter with several decorative throw pillows and soft lighting from candles. Eros never used full lighting, but Kakashi was fine with it. The darkness was alluring, ethereal - and very complimentary. The man himself settled into view, sitting on the edge of the bed. He always wore an ornate silver mask, laser cut in several swirls and designs, and obscuring the upper half of his face. Kakashi thought the style fit him. If Kakashi ever threw a grand scale Victorian party, he knew who he would invite - it would end up being one-on-one, but whatever.

Eros smirked, white teeth barely visible. "Good evening." Kakashi kept his finger on his mouse, hovering the pointer over the 'tip' icon. Someone jumped the gun (not him) and already threw in five bucks. Eros smirked wider and chuckled. "Thank you. I've hardly done anything."

The eager viewer wrote an answer, making the beautiful man chuckle again. "Well, I suppose I could for you." He pushed his long, dark hair from around his face and began to slowly unbutton his shirt. Kakashi squirmed in his seat.

The fabric rustled softly as it dropped to the purple duvet. Eros rolled his shoulders, dragging his nails along his neck with a sigh. "Much better. Any requests?"

Kakashi's hands flew to the keyboard. Suck your fingers. He watched the man look to his right, reading. He smirked again, devilishly, and nodded. "As you wish."

Eros ran his thumb along his bottom lip, tugging slightly on the skin. He pushed his index finger in slowly and parted those sinful lips with a breathy sigh. He added his middle finger. When his tongue worked between the digits, Kakashi's free hand fell to his lap. The sweats he had pulled on after the shower suddenly felt far too tight and warm.

The man pulled his fingers out with a pop, saliva trailing in a long string from his moist lips to his slick fingers. Kakashi forgot how to breathe. He did, however, manage to leave a very sizable tip. Eros smiled and blew a kiss. Kakashi groaned - he knew every other person watching saw the same image, but damn did he not feel like it was just for him. He stroked himself absently through his sweats, giving a soft sigh. God this man was gorgeous.

Eros trailed his moist fingers down his neck and clavicle, looping small circles around his nipple. He pinched and groaned, and Kakashi was right there with him. His fingers continued down, dipping teasingly below the waistband of black lounge pants. "Who wants to see more?"

Tips lit up the chat box, Kakashi's the lead in amount. He absently wondered if he was putting someone through college with the amount he gave this man every night. But he didn't care. He was gorgeous and perfect, and it wasn't like Kakashi was dating anyone to spend it on, anyway.

"I was hoping you would say that," Eros purred. He always spoke low, his tone breathy and a seductive tenor. He looped both his thumbs beneath the waistband and pushed slowly. Oh shit, he was already naked. Kakashi drew in a sharp breath, the soft strokes over his sweats increasing in pressure as Eros' erection stood against his firm abdomen.

Kakashi couldn't help his strangled moan as Eros began to slowly stroke one long index finger from base to tip. He was clean shaven, smooth, and obviously took pride in his appearance even outside of his little hobby. He bit his lip teasingly, eyes hooded and impossibly dark, and Kakashi felt like he was the only person in the entire world.

When Eros wrapped a palm around his shaft and swiped his thumb over his own tip, Kakashi felt himself do the same. Eros pulled his thumb back, a long string of precome trailing with it, and pushed between his lips. God, what Kakashi would give to pull that thumb between his lips.

After a soft pop, Eros freed his thumb and smiled coyly. He paused, dark tresses falling over his shoulder. "Well?"

Tips lit the chat box, and Kakashi couldn't help his snort of laughter. He never paused his steadily increasing pumps, giving his wrist a lazy twist as Eros took his own length in hand again. The man sighed, eyes fluttering close. Kakashi felt himself shudder.

Damn, Eros was just too perfect. Kakashi knew, being a programmer, that the Internet was full of fraud and lies, but he couldn't bring himself to believe that this sexy angel was anything but truth. Sure he hid behind a (beautiful, hot, mysterious) mask, but Kakashi didn't blame him. Hell, if he ran into Eros on the street he doubted he'd be able to speak coherently, let alone not be a total creep. He was protecting his interests, all while keeping all of Kakashi's in mind.

Eros' moan pulled Kakashi back to the present. It was deep and throaty, pushing Kakashi to speed up his strokes. He couldn't tear his eyes away; Eros was still reading requests. Kakashi couldn't give any more, now too far gone, but he did keep up his tipping finger.

Eros flicked his eyes towards the centre of the camera and directly into Kakashi's gaze. It was as if he was looking purposely at him, and that was all it took. Kakashi came with a muffled groaned, free hand away from the mouse and slapping over his mouth. He bit his finger and gasped, the sharp flash of pain escalating his orgasm. Kakashi slumped forward, forehead pressed to his cool desk, as he attempted to catch his breath. He was idly glad for the sweatpants, but just as quickly annoyed as he felt the sagging cloth press against his hand, sticky with rapidly cooling semen.

After stripping off the pants and wiping his palm, Kakashi settled back in the chair now naked. Eros' show was almost over - Kakashi kept up his tipping, adding a few extra from having to move away. Finally Eros came, breathless and flushed beautifully. Kakashi would have worried the chat/tip box would become over clocked from the traffic if it wasn't like that every time.

Eros blinked and smirked as his chest still heaved. He brought his soiled palm to his lips and flicked his tongue out quickly. Kakashi sighed, chin in his palm, as he watched Eros clean himself. He was aware that this didn't help his perverted persona, but he figured he could allow himself a few minutes to bask.

"Any final requests?" Eros asked, voice slightly raspy from his earlier moans. Kakashi typed quickly, and his response was the first one. Eros smiled softly, and Kakashi couldn't help his stomach flip, no different than every other night. "Certainly."

He lifted his index and middle finger to his lips and pressed gently before holding his fingers towards the camera and blowing softly. Kakashi sighed, letting his eyes slide close. "Always an evening kiss. Good night, my sweet."

The feed ended, freezing on the soft emotion playing in Eros' eyes. Kakashi opened his eyes, blinking softly. He always asked for the same thing, and Eros was always happy to give. He gently touched his fingers to his screen, hovering just over Eros' still puckered lips. Kakashi pressed his fingers to his own lips and sighed. He always wanted to screen shot that image and tuck it away for later, but he never could dredge up the courage.

"I suppose I'm off to bed, then," Kakashi muttered after grudgingly checking the time. Sparing another moment to stare, he closed the private server and put his desktop into sleep. He gathered his soiled sweats and wrapped the towel around his waist, shutting off the light as he headed into the hallway.

"Pakkun," Kakashi whispered. He waited a moment before whistling, and soon the small pug was darting up the too tall stairs to the third floor with his clipped nails clacking on the hardwood. Kakashi smiled at his doggy delight at seeing him and scooped him into his free arm. "Let's hit the hay, huh?"

The dog yipped, to which Kakashi pressed a finger to his lips. The pug blinked. "Shh, Ukki and Sasuke are sleeping."

The pug seemed to nod, making Kakashi chuckle. He padded them down a few doors to his master bedroom, pushing the door open. Parkin jumped down and made a beeline for Kakashi's too large bed, using a small ottoman to launch himself onto the plush duvet. Kakashi smiled and shook his head as he began to shut the door behind him. He paused, looking over his shoulder one last time at his office, three doors door and diagonal from his room. What he would give to have Eros here, physically - what he would give.

Capture my heart with another kiss tonight, Eros.

A/N: Comments, concerns? I would really appreciate some feedback on the, ah, smut. It's only, like, my second time ever writing it. So that would be awesome. Thanks!