Author's note:

Hey! Well, let's just say I have always wanted to do a story with either a matchmaker or a soothsayer...and this has both! There's like a 99% chance this story is better in my head though, but oh well. Hope you guys like it!

Chapter 1- The Soothsayer

Tigress was walking into her room. They had all just finished training, like always, she pushed herself to perfection, and therefore, she was exhausted.

Some questions had been going through her mind though. Like, why was the Soothsayer watching them train? She seemed like a nice person, well, she made that assumption because she heard that she helped Po. She wasn't able to find out exactly how, but Po speak really well of that goat. She chuckled at the memory when Po called her sir… and said that the beard was the thing that made him confuse. She chuckled out loud.

"What's so funny?" Po asked, who had just entered the barracks. Tigress turned to look and the memory was even clearer now. She continued laughing.

"Nothing" She answered, trying to compose herself since she didn't wanted to mention what had happened, at least not the peacock's name. The villain who caused her nightmares for weeks. The one who almost killed Po. She shrugged at the memory.

"What is it Ti?" Po asked again, now he wanted to know what was going through her mind that made her go from laughing to sad.

"Well, I was remembering the events from Gongmen" She answered quietly.

"And why is that funny?" Po said, that was not something anyone dared to speak out loud, much less, joke about it.

"NO, I mean, remember when we were captured the first time?" Po nodded. "And you confused the Soothsayer because of the beard?" Po nodded again, and then it clicked. He started laughing. Soon Tigress was also laughing along with him.

"Yeah, why do you think she was here though?" Tigress asked, trying to calm Po down. Po was trying to catch his breath, but in between, he managed to answer,

"She told me she was going to see what we needed, like, what we need in order to improve"

"Oh" Po nodded, they remained quiet for a while.

"So, is she watching us train… to help us with techniques or something like that?" Tigress asked, not getting the idea.

"Well, I think is not like Kung Fu based, I think is more like, an improvement to our person or our life"

Tigress nodded.

4 days passed and the Soothsayer was still there…. She had already had a chat with Shifu and each member of the 5 except Tigress. After the chat they all ended really happy and satisfied. Of course, Po wasn't going with the Soothsayer, the goat knew he was walking down the right path, not that the others weren't, but she could give them advice, just like she did with Po.

"Hey, Tigress, wanna play checkers?" Po asked her, he could sense she was tense about something.

"Sure" She got off the Swinging Clubs thing, (Still bad at names) and started to walk to the barracks with Po.

"So, why are you so tense about? I mean, if you want to talk about it" Po offered. Tigress sighed, opening the door for Po's room, she got inside and started taking out the checker board.

"Well, Don't you think is weird they haven't called me out? There might be something really wrong with me" Tigress answered, setting up the game.

"Nothing is wrong with you, you are probably last just because it was random. Not intentionally" Po explained, starting to make his first move. Tigress felt more relaxed, Po always made her feel this way. She smiled, but as soon as she was going to make her move on the chess board, Viper came running in (or slithering, you know what I mean) she barged into the room, she was panting, but she seemed happy and anxious at the same time, her eyes met Tigress's, Tigress felt the anxiousness and weird feeling come back to her, and suddenly, she started to feel dizzy.

"Tigress, the Soothsayer wants to see you! NOW!" She shouted. Po's eyes darted to Tigress. Tigress stood up carefully, losing trust in her own legs, thinking that any moment now they were going to collapse. She didn't know why, but the idea of knowing your future, or those things just seemed too… weird for her. Maybe because she was more of an action girl. She waited for the thing to happen and she knew exactly what to do. She didn't needed to be told what to do.

But maybe Po was wrong, maybe the goat would just tell her how to improve a certain kung Fu technique and it would all be fine.

She walked to the hall of Warriors, she quietly opened the door and peeked inside. She saw master Shifu and the Soothsayer talking. She closed the door behind her, then walked towards them. Master Shifu turned to look at her, his face was serious, no surprise there. The Soothsayer also looked at her, her face seemed gentle and nice. But Tigress still felt like she was going to be judged my any wrong moved she did right now.

"Take a seat dear" The goat told her. She had the bowl thing in front of her, and the other things, Tigress assumed, that she used to tell one's destiny.

"So Tigress, as you might have heard, the Soothsayer is here to inform what each one of you need to improve" Master Shifu said, Tigress was starting to look relieved.

"And no, not in Kung Fu" Tigress's perked up "Is more like in your own person" She sighed. The Soothsayer shook her head.

"You were the last one for a reason Tigress" 'Oh great' Tigress thought.

Tigress immediately hold her breath and started to breath slowly, trying to make no noise. Her posture was straight and she had her hands on her knees.

"Tigress, don't worry. I know you are nervous about this. But this will be for better, and I won't do anything to hurt you or your reputation if that's what you are worried about"

Tigress gave her a reassuring nod, saying that she understood.

"Very well. Let us being" She plucked one string of fur from her arm. Tigress didn't flinched. She was looking curiously at the Soothsayer.

The goat set it on the bowl. She stood up and looked at Tigress, analyzing her. She looked into her eyes, which honestly freaked Tigress out. She sat back down, she leaned towards Tigress and ripped part of her vest. Tigress wanted to protest, but she kept her mouth shut.

"I see you are really obedient Tigress, and loyal to your friends" The goat said, putting some dust thing into her bowl. As soon as she put it, there was smoke forming, Tigress watched, her eyes wanting to search for something in the cloud.

The Soothsayer started moving her hands around.

An image of a tiger, much like Tigress, appeared. The image was surrounded by other creatures, Tigress assumed they represented her friends. But all of the sudden, all of them disappeared, and the tiger was left alone, kneeling down.

Tigress felt sadness, and even more when she remembered that it represented her. However, the picture (or you could say the smoke), started to get brighter. A heart started to form. The smoke started to disappear, both Shifu and Tigress turned around. But the Soothsayer continued on looking, and saw something that the other two had missed, just like with Shen, the Ying yang symbol appeared.

The goat gasped. She looked at the tiger who had missed this information. She turned to the masters.

"Well, is obvious what we have to do" Master Shifu stated. Both females looked at him.

"Tigress, the thing you need is love. Not like friends or family, which you already have; but you need someone special in your life" The goat said, starting to pack up the things. Tigress nodded, somehow the image of Po popped into her head.

'Hold on, why had he not appeared in the image where the rest of the five did?"

"Therefore, Tigress, you will be going to the match-maker" Shifu ordered her, he stood up. But the goat and Tigress widen her eyes. The goat knew who Tigress belong with, but she couldn't tell her, she had to find out by herself… but a matchmaking appointment will just complicate things for the tiger.

Tigress quickly stood up. She shook the dust from her vest. She looked at both of them,

"Fine, I need 'love'. But I am definitely NOT going to the matchmakers. NEVER" She marched out of them room, leaving both of the adults standing.

"She is right, I know who she loves, and who she belongs with, she won't find the right guy through that" She took her stuff and went started to make her way outside the Jade Palace.

But Shifu wasn't convinced, if she wasn't going to go, he would bring it here.

Well, hoped you guys liked it! Tell me what you think! I will be updating soon, I think. Anyway, if you have any suggestions for this story, please tell me, I might use them. Oh yeah, this is going to be a TiPo story… just so you guys know. Oh and I have a poll on , so please chrck that out!

-Peace out :)