I take a deep breath. Should I say something? Should I sit down? No. I can't just sit here and watch my future disappear!

I stand up and clear my throat. "I object to this marriage." I say and I can tell you, I'm doing my best not to run out of the room.

Angelina shots me a death glare. Okay, I'm so dead. "Who are you and why are you objecting MY wedding?!" She shouts. Phineas looks at me and grins brightly.

"My name is Isabella Garcia Shapiro and I can't let you marry Phineas, because… because I love him!" I tell her proudly as I walk up to her.

"Aww, you love him, huh? Well I'll tell you something. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. HE LOVES ME. Now beat it, before I beat you! Up." She says while gritting her teeth. The crowd gasps.

The old lady from earlier walked up to us. "What did you say your name was?" She asks with a hopeful glimpse in her eyes. "Me?" I ask as she nods. "Isabella Garcia Shapiro." "Who are your parents, dear?" She asks. I lower my gaze to the floor. "My parents were Vivian Garcia Shapiro and Adam Garcia Shapiro, ma'am." I answer, confused.

Her eyes widen. "Do you happen to know where your mother came from?" She asks. "No, she doesn't remember where she came from. She woke up on a boat that was on its way to this country when she was 16 and she couldn't remember anything from her past. All she had was this amulet, and when I was 16 she gave it to me." I say as I show her the amulet.

She gasps. "That amulet belonged to my daughter! Her name was Vivan Garcia and she was to become the queen of Spain. But on her 16th birthday, she disappeared, and my niece Rosalinda got to take over the throne. You're so alike her and she gave you the amulet. Which means… You're my granddaughter and the true heir to the throne!" She says. Okay that was pretty much to take in… Wait, did she just said that I was the heir of the Spanish throne?! "No,nonononononono, you must have taken the wrong girl! I'm everything but royal!" I burst out.

"Yes you are! I know that face so well, those eyes, that headshape, that nose! You're the Queen of Spain!" She says happily and hugs me. "Oh, I never thought I would meet my grandchild! Isabella… It's beautiful. You're beautiful!" She says.

So after all these years I've finally found out where my mother came from, but she never got to find out herself. It's so sad…

Suddenly, Angelina shouts "NO! She can't take MY throne! My mom didn't hire a hypnotist to give that Vivian amnesia and send her out of the country for this! I am the soon to be queen!" She screamed. She realized what she had just said and clasped her hands over her mouth with wide eyes. The King and Queen of Spain had their 'You just told everyone our biggest darkest secret' looks.

"I just said that, didn't I?" She asks. Her mom nods. "Dang it." She says as the guards walk up to her. They take away her and her parents. I turn to my grandma. "So, what does that mean?" I ask. "It means that you're moving to Spain and will be crowned as the queen!" She says.

"Wait, am I moving to Spain? But, I can't just move away! What about you?" I ask as I turn to face Phineas. He looks at me sadly. "I guess we can't be together after all. You have your own country to rule." He says. "I will have money, glory, servants and a country. But I won't have you, and that's all I want." I say.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head, and I smile.

Oh whatever, I think I can live with it." I say while looking at my nails. Phineas looks heartbroken. "W-what? You're just gonna let it go?" He asks with a weak voice. "Well… on one condition." I say. "What's the condition." Phineas says while looking at the ground. "You will be my King." I say and smile to him.

He looks at me with hope. "Really?" He asks. "My country has all the money you need for your debts, and I would be honored to share my life with you." I say. He looks at me and smiles. "Well then, I'd be honored to be your King." He says as he walks up too me and kisses me. I happily kiss him back and the crowd goes wild.

From that day on, we ruled our kingdoms as one, forever known as King Phineas and Queen Isabella. We got the beautiful princess Marie and the nieces Thomas, Xavier, Fred and Amanda. And, do I even have to say it?

We lived happily ever after.

The end

So what do you guys think? I will put down a lot of work on my new fanfic "My life as Isabella Garcia Shapiro" so I kind of wrote the end of this a little fast. Please review and give me suggestions to new stories! Thanks for this time!

I wrote everything myself, most of the ideas you guys suggested was already a thought. But I'll write down those who suggested the things I've actually wrote in the story so you won't feel like I stole your idea without you getting any cred for it.

TheNargana, I actually got one idea of you and that's the Isabella related to the Spanish family thing, so thankyou so much! You deserve the attention!

Monkey lover 911

