Domestic Bliss - Chapter 5


I place the navy and pink plaid fabric around my neck, my fingers deftly folding the flat sides into the bow tie shape. I grasp either sides of the bow and tilt it slightly so that it no longer looks crooked. I flip my collar of my pale pink shirt back down and tuck the bottom of it into my gray dress pants.

I look into the full length mirror hanging from our open closet door, and give myself a once over. My hair is slightly damp from the shower and twisted up into a small, sloppy 'man bun' (as my lady calls it) at the top back of my head. My face is freshly shaved, my shirt is buttoned and tucked in, and my pants are tailored tight to my body, just slightly pulling across my thighs. Hopefully my lover will notice.

I reach for the hanger that holds the gray jacket that matches my pants and slide it onto my shoulders.

"Mah, mah, mah," I turn as I see my woman step out of the bathroom we share, nearly fully dressed and ready to go, "Don't yah look handsome?"

She approaches me, and I tilt my head down to kiss her cheek. As my lips brush her soft skin, I feel her squeeze my ass. "Chere," I look her up and down, not bothering to hide the hunger in my eyes, "Yo' look as beautiful as ever."

And I mean it, this one takes my breath away. She is gorgeous.

She's wearing a dark purple dress, that I swear I've seen before but can't remember, and it fits her body like a glove. It's stops mid thigh, giving me a very nice view of one of her best assets, those perfectly sculpted creamy white legs. I drag my eyes away from those thighs, following the dress upward around her hips, past her breasts, to the high collar that goes nearly up to her chin.

Aware of her eyes on me, she twirls slowly and I take in every inch of her delectable body. The high collar of her dress contrasts to the back of it, where it dips down to the small of her back, leaving me staring at her naked shoulder blades and thinking about running my tongue over them. The dress covers her ass completely, but it's tight enough that I can enjoy the silhouette of her round curves.

As she finishes her turn and her eyes meet mine again, I notice that I'm licking my lips, "Mon amour, yo are stunning."

As if seeing the heat in my eyes, she winks at me before heading back into the bathroom, "Just wanted tah make sure that mah arm candy could keep up with meh in this dress."

I smirk, but follow her towards the bathroom, and lean against the doorframe, watching with interest as she starts pulling a brush through her long hair.

As if I'm going to be offended by her referring to me as little more than a trophy husband. I don't care. I will be whatever she wants. I will be everything.

"So," my eyes drag themselves up and down her legs as she leans slightly over the counter, still messing with her hair, "Does little Kitty have any idea about de surprise?"

"Ha!" Rogue lets out a bit of an unladylike snort and shakes her head. She gives me a sideways glance as she pins her hair at the top of her head. She's left her long hair down, and it's curling slightly at the ends, but she's pinned my favorite white streaks back so that they're not hanging in her face. "Does Kitty have any idea that Piotr rented out the whole restaurant so that after he proposes, all her friends and family can jump out and surprise her? No, Remy, she has no idea."

I smirk at the look on her face, as if my question was so ludicrous.

"it's hard to believe, but I have t' say dat it's about time. De big guy has been worrying bout dis night fo weeks."

She grins at me as she starts putting some kind of make up around her eyes, "Kitty is gonna freak out. And then she's gonna cry."

Obviously, I give Rogue the most skeptical look I can, "Kitty is gonna be de one cryin'? Chere, we both know dat yo might want to go easy on de makeup because you are gonna be cryin' yo eyes out."

She looks at me indignantly and huffs, "Ah am not!"

Yeah, right. And I'm the Wolverine.

I watch as she continues to primp in front of the mirror. The days of her wearing lots of makeup have passed, so I'm always fascinated when she does and all the work she puts into it.

My eyes follow down the view of her back, enjoying the view of all that pale skin. That has been an advantage of moving in together; the sex has been amazing.

I look lower and keep my gaze firmly focused on her ass. It really does look great in that dress and if I have to spend the evening with all of her family, I'm glad that I'll have something to keep me entertained. I could enjoy that view for days.

It would take less than two seconds to pull the hem of her dress up to her waist, slide her panties down, and take her as she bends over the bathroom counter. She's all ready leaning towards the mirror, in prime position. It would be nothing to strip her right here. I could grab her hips instead of her hair, and then she'd still be ready in time to leave.

She's talking at me again and I haven't been listening.

I look at the mirror and see her reflection making eye contact with me, "What was dat?"

She rolls her eyes a bit, but continues to put on make up as she talks to me, "Are yah surprised that Piotr is gonna propose?"

I shrug, not especially. Pete mentioned the idea to me a few months ago, wondering what I thought. I'm not going to stand in the way of his happiness, so I told him to do what he felt was right. "Non, he's been tinkin bout it for a while."

"Do yah ever think about getting married?"

The question makes me pause and I stare at my woman critically. She's so focused on the stuff she's painting around her eyes, that I doubt she's doing more than just making conversation. Any other time - and there have been many - that I've heard that question from a woman, it has been a trap. Women always do that, try to rope you into these seemingly innocent conversations about "the future" and "where this is going." It's ridiculous. You fuck a woman more than five times and she practically hears wedding bells.

That's why it's an advantage to fool around with lots of different women. You make no promises about it. It'll be one night, great sex, but please don't feel obligated to stay for breakfast the next morning.

Things were always different with Rogue, though. I can't pinpoint why exactly. Maybe because I was her first? And those first few weeks of learning how to deal with her mutation was as much of a group activity as it was personal for her? Maybe because we started when we were so young? I don't know. I don't really care. I'm not going to waist my time dissecting our relationship. There's only two things in my life that I'm absolutely sure about. One of them is none of your business, and the other is that I will never stop wanting Rogue. We're connected, always have been, and I will never let that go.

I mean, she's so focused on the task at hand that her comment seems off hand.

The other reason I can promise you that I'm not being pulled into something is that my girlfriend is the most commitment-phobic person I have ever met. It took years for us to move in together, and that was only because I built a house specific to her. It was hers weather she wanted to live together or not, but I didn't present it that way. I wasn't going to give her a chance to back out.

See, if Rogue has an opportunity to do so, then she will.

When we first started whatever it was we had, things were different. She showed up at the pool hall I used to frequent in New York. She beckoned to me with one little finger and led me outside. At this time, we were still kind of on the opposite side of things, so I should've been weary… but she looked so good in that tiny black skirt and combat boots that I followed her behind the brick building.

She looked nervous. You could see the tension in her shoulders, the biting of her lip, her fisted hands.

I leaned casually against the brick behind us, and cocked an eyebrow. And waited. I waited for her to gather the courage she needed for whatever she needed to say. And, while I did so, I basically leered at that little tight body. Rogue has always been extremely attractive, and I enjoyed that fact, drinking her in from her infamous white streaks to those heavy boots.

Her normal bravado was missing. I knew this girl, had seen her enough to know that she was a bit of a bruiser. But something had her out of her element, out of her comfort zone.

The she came out with it: sex. She wanted sex. She wanted to experience what people do every day, and she thought I could help work around her mutation.

I couldn't say no. It sounded dangerous, it sounded sexy, it sounded like the thrill of a lifetime. Trying to get us both off, and risk the chance of death or an incredibly painful coma at the same time? What a rush.

Of course, then she mentioned that she was a virgin. There's no shame in that, everybody starts somewhere, but Remy doesn't normally do virgins. They're clingy and weird and don't understand that "making love" doesn't happen all that often or for their first time.

But, on the other hand, that meant she'd be tight and I all ready knew I couldn't turn her down.

I stood forward, taking a step towards her, and placed a gloved hand on her cheek. She shivered at the motion and I all ready felt it going straight to my dick. I let my thumb brush her cheek and land on her lips. She whimpered. It was the hottest thing I'd ever heard.

I dropped my voice down low, and tilted my head toward her, letting my lips brush the hair on the side of her face. "Chere," I whispered, "Yo got yoself a deal."

I started to walk away from her, leaving her face flushed and chest heaving a bit with the exertion of her breathing hard.

After a moment, she seemed to gather a least a little bit of her composure. "Hey!" I turned as an angry voice shouted down the alley at me, "What?! Are yah just gonna leave meh like this?!"

Always leave them wanting more.

I turned my head slightly, just so she could see my smirk, "Don't worry chere, Remy'll call yo."

And I did call her. I invited her over to my apartment and showed her just how creative I was. When I commanded her to strip, she was terrified. Her skin was dangerous, and she was worried about contact. I pointed out that I was doing her a favor, and I deserved to see the sexy, little body that would be mine to play with.

It was a bit of a rough start, but after we were about two orgasms in, she would do whatever I wanted. Her body was pliable, and easily bending into any position I suggested.

Those first few weeks - months? - were definitely just physical. I don't know when the change turned to something else, something deeper and more emotional. All I know is that two years later, we found ourselves wrapped up in each other's bodies, skin to skin for the first time, on a secluded beach in the middle of the Caribbean, and I never wanted to let her go. If I could've kept her riding my dick with her tits pressed up against my chest for our whole lives, I would've been happy to do so.

Maybe that's when I knew?

We were pulled apart again; her in New York, me in Louisiana, but fate brought us back together. And I surely wasn't going to let go.

Rogue is primping in the mirror, and I have my proof (or lack there of) when I turn the question back to her, "I don kno. Do yo' ever tink about it?"

The panic is almost immediate. Her eyes grow wide and before she can start stuttering, she jabs herself in the eye with the pencil she was using on her eyelids.

"Dammit!" She closes her eye tightly for a second, and presses the heel of her hand against it.

"So," I start again, before she can change the subject, "Do yo?"

"Remy," she's leaning closer to the mirror, focused on the eye appearing a bit more red than the other. She begins to sweat, I see it across her hairline, and then she begins to stumble over her words, "No. Yes. Wait, I mean no. I don't know. Maybe? One day? A long, very long, so long I'm not thinking of it, time from now?"

I knew that might throw her. I'm telling you, commitment terrifies the girl. I don't know why. Maybe because the people that raised her ultimately abandoned and/or used her? I'm sure that could've caused some issues.

She pulls away from the mirror, and turns to face me. She lets out a slow breath. Her lips twist and she seems uncharacteristically nervous. My woman is pretty much unflappable - I mean, she will run into a fight, fists up ready to go - but you ask her one question about marriage and she's totally shook up. Too bad I didn't know that years ago.

She bites her lip, and squints her eyes a bit before attempting to smoother her face back out, "Ah'm happy with the way things are right now."

I don't bother to pull myself up from where I'm leaning against the door frame, but I nod in acquiescence, "Me too, chere."

"But," she pauses and looks at me somewhat intently, "if Ah did ever think about it, a long, long time from now…Are yah," she stops and reevaluates what she wants to say, "Would yah be open tah that?"

I look at her intensely for a second, knowing this isn't easy for her. Her and I don't talk much about the future, or at all really. (Mostly because I don't want her running for the hills.)

But if she's looking for some kind of reassurance from me? Some kind of commitment? She's got it.

Rogue has always been the endgame for me.

I step away from the frame and see her stiffen as I approach her. I place a hand on the bare skin of her back and lean down to kiss the top of her head.

"O' course, chere. If dat's what yo want."

I turn to leave the bathroom, to let her finish getting ready in peace and I hear her exhale a huge sigh. I look over my shoulder to see her whole body sag in relief.

I head downstairs, figuring I can try and clean up a bit before we have to go.

It's not that I don't believe in marriage. I just don't believe in legally binding documents. They mean nothing. I mean, what weight does a piece of paper hold? Answer: None. At least not if it's a forgery (which, chances are, it is).

But I guess that doesn't matter. Some people believe in it: Petey, Kitty, Rogue. . . It means something to her.

If Rogue wants to get married, a year or ten years from now, she just has to say the word.

I would marry her now. If she asked, I would.

It makes me wonder if she's looking for some sort of commitment, maybe subconsciously. I doubt she'd ask about it otherwise. Well, whatever she wants, she can have. I'll commit. I am committed to her, to us, to the life I can only build with her.

I wait patiently for the few moments it takes for Rogue to finish getting ready and join me in the kitchen.

She seems a bit more composed now, and I can't help from look her up and down.

"Chere," she looks toward me, "Dat dress really is something else."

She winks at me, and it seems that she's relaxed. Not making a big deal out of it is the best idea, and I can see that moving the conversation along has helped her feel back to normal.

And I'm not being facetious; she really does look like sex in that dress. She's added a pair of black heels to the outfit, and it's an incredible turn on.

Frankly, those heels are my favorite outfit when we're having sex.

My eyes linger on those hips of hers before sliding upwards. That high collar makes me want to just peel the dress off of her, and I'm sure her naked should blades are going to make me feel the same way. Her eyelids have dark purple brushed across them, making her green eyes pop. Rogue doesn't wear makeup all that often - I guess her bare face is making up for the years of goth makeup - but it looks nice on her. Her red lipstick is what really gets me, it's like a bullseye, and I want to kiss her.

I step into her personal space, and push her backwards until her backside bumps into the kitchen counter. I thrust my hips forward so my pelvis is cradling hers.

I know she can see the desire in my eyes. I can't hide it. I can't hide my hard on either.

"Remy," she starts as I bring my hand up to her face.

I run my fingers down her cheek and stop when I get to her chin, grasping it in one hand. I tilt her head upwards as mine tilts down, and our lips meet in a blistering kiss.

Her lips are soft and I pull the bottom one between my teeth, nipping at it lightly before crashing my mouth back onto hers. My hand wraps around her and I splay my fingers across the delicate skin on her back, feeling the warmth there.

As my lips start to travel downward, looking for the spot on her collarbone that always makes her melt, I feel a hand on my chest. It just makes my body respond more and my hips push harder against her.

She pulls away, now using both hands on my chest to push me back. "Remy," she takes a deep breath to compose herself, and calm her arousal, I assume, "We don't have time for this."

She probably right, but I drag my eyes down her body anyway, just so she's aware what's in my head, "Time fo what?"

She rolls her eyes, but her annoyance is ruined by the smile on her face, "Yah know what. Now, go wash my lipstick off your face so we can get going."

I grin and do as I'm told, even though there's something a little sexy about a red lip print smudged across my face.

I offer to drive as we head out the door, and I watch the creamy skin of Rogue's legs as she slides into my sports car.

It doesn't take long for us to drive into the city, but we do have to park in a parking garage a couple of blocks over. We are not going to ruin Pete's big surprise by Kitty noticing our car.

She walks next to me, matching my pace despite her choice in footwear.

We pass a handful of other people on our way to the restaurant, but luckily none of them are Pete or Kitty.

Walking past a bar, the man who is exiting takes the opportunity to whistle as we do so.

Now, to be honest, there is a 25% chance he's directly it at me, but judging the way I feel Rogue stiffen next to me, I guessing that's not quite the what's happening.

I pause as Rogue swings her body around.

Yeah, he's definitely leering at her.

I know what you're thinking. You heard about the Halloween party, Rogue told you about it. You know the thieves were catcalling her in her sexy little costume. What she probably neglected to mention were that it happened when her and I kissed, when I slapped her ass, when the two of us walked in together. We were on display - as a couple - and to my people, that was a big deal. That's what it was. It was the both of us, she wasn't singled out.

And, sure, she was in that little costume - that sexy costume I want her to put back on so I can take it off - but it's one thing to be in a safe space, not on the street and being treated like you're around for someone else's amusement.

I'll be honest with you: I liked showing Rogue off. She's the best decision I've made. That's the thing about thieves; we've made a career of taking things that we can't have, that don't belong to us. Showing up with Rogue makes me feel badass, because every single thief in the place could try to take her, to steal her for themselves, but it wouldn't happen. She might be on the fence about a future for us, but in the present I'm hers and she's mine. I know she feels like connection between us as deeply as I do.

"Chere," I warn slowly as she stomps us to the man that whistled at her.

The last man who catcalled her ended up with a black eye and a broken nose. Granted, it was Claude and he thought it'd be a funny joke when he saw her mount her bike at the train station after work one day. He was a bit sore - literally and figuratively - for a few days, but now he thinks that Rogue is totally badass, so it's fine.

"What?!" She turns to me, eyes narrowed, clearly not happy with my interruption.

"Jus gonna remind yo not t' get blood on yo' dress, we don' have time to go home an' change."

The man she's approaching doesn't even look worried. If he had any idea who he was dealing with, he would.

I see her posture change slightly, clearly taking my words to heart. She sticks one very pointed finger at his chest and her words are angry, "Ah'm not hear for yah to look at. Ah'm my own person, and yah need to learn to respect other people."

She turns around, looking pleased with herself.

"Ha," The man laughs out loud and directs his next comment towards me, "You should learn to control your girlfriend!"

I shake my head, because he got off so easy. Why couldn't he just left things be? "She belongs t' no one."

Rogue looks at me for a second, "Ah promise Ah won't get anything on mah dress."

I nod, but I'm sure she doesn't see it, because she's all ready whipping her body back towards the guy. He's about to find himself at the end of her right hook.

"Shit!" The man curses, and grabs his broken nose with both hands.

He's about to snarl something else at her, but she interrupts, "Yah better put ice on that as soon as yah get a chance."

Nothing is sexier than know Rogue can take care of her self.

She falls in step next to me, not a hair out of place, and takes my arm. "Yo' okay, Chere?"

She smiles at me, "Always."

I smirk at her, "Yo kno, if you got blood on yo dress, I'd be mo' den happy t' take it off of yo."

I feel her elbow me hard in the side as we approach the restaurant. We sneak around the back, and before she can reach for the door handle, I push her gently against the brick wall. Conscience of her bare back against the rough surface (which wouldn't bother me normally, but I can only imagine what her family with think if she showed up with her back all scratched), I only push her back slightly. I place my hands on her hips, thumbs running back and fourth over her. I place my lips near her ear, licking the shell of it, "Yo wanna get out o' here?"

I feel another uncomfortable elbow, this time in my stomach as she pushes me back.

"Now is not the time, Cajun!" She says it as if she's scolding me, but the heat in her cheeks tells me a different story.

It's those heels. They make me want to rip her panties off with my teeth.

We head into the back and find ourselves surrounded by her family. She's immediately drawn to Jubilee and Amara, talking excitedly, no doubt about Kitty.

I watch her backside as she approaches her friends. The lack of panty lines make me wonder if she's decided to wear anything underneath.

I see Bobby look her up and down (as does Ray, but again, he tries to be subtle), but when he turns and his eyes meet me, he runs the opposite direction and buries himself in the crowd.

"Ay mate!" Johnny slaps me on the back with one hand. 'You made it!"

I smile happy to see him, even happier that Pete will have more than just Kitty's extended family to celebrate with.

Someone started shushing us and the voices in the back room seem to disappear.

I hear loud squealing from the next room, no doubt Kitty's enthusiastic response to Piotr's question.

"Come on!" I hear my woman's voice as she pulls her friends and family into the adjoining room. I wait for the squealing to quiet down before I sling an arm around Johnny's shoulder and drag him along with me.

"Petey!" We find Piotr, the big guy is always easy to spot, and slap him on the back. John pulls him into a hug and I do the same. It's definitely a moment worth celebrating, "Congratulations, homme!"

I see Rogue across the room, grinning at Kitty, eyes clearly wet and holding back tears. I told her she was going to cry.

The party goes on for a few hours, and all I can think about is peeling that dress of my woman's body. As much of a good time as we're having, I can't wait to get out of here.

Rogue approaches me and wraps her arms around my neck. I can feel her body heat and the scent of her skin is damn near intoxicating.

"Yah wanna get out of here?" She signs as the words escape her lips, and it makes them sound breathy, like the way she moans during sex.

She doesn't even have to finish the question for me to grab her arm and pull her out of the restaurant. It takes minutes for us to run the few blocks we walked earlier.

We're in the car, and I'm speeding home. The air between us crackles with electricity and sexual energy and I just want to take her to bed. She slips down the visor and reapplies her lipstick while looking in the mirror. She can try and act normal; I'm more than aware of her squeezing her thighs together. She only does that when she's really horny for me (otherwise she'd just take care of it herself).

We stumble into the house, hands on each other's bodies as my lips crash against hers. She's unbuttoning my shirt as we fight to make it up to the bedroom. She throws my bow tie onto the stairs and pushes my shirt off my shoulders.

I dig my hand into the hair at the back of her neck, holding her lips captive against mine, as one of her hands slides up my chest, and the other hand tugs on the hem of my undershirt.

My tongue fights with hers as my hand finds the zipper on the back of her tiny collar. It takes a moment for it to get undone, and her top falls open, hanging from where the dress fits snugly around her hips.

Her breasts look fantastic. I cup them in either of my hands, and the flesh fills them comfortably. As I squeeze them a bit, I hear her groan slightly. I pinch her nipples between my fingers, and I hear a shape intake of her breath.

I need to get her into bed, I need to be inside of her.

I move my hands to her hips and slide them around to that perfect ass.

"Jump," I command her and she responds with out thinking. As she wraps her legs around my waist, I hold her under her ass and my lips find a way to her collarbone, licking and nipping as I walk backwards into our bedroom.

I lay her on the bed, and stand back up to remove my clothes without preamble. Her eyes are on me and I like the way it feels when she looks at my skin.

She wiggles her hips out of the dress and drops it on the floor next to the bed. I was right about earlier: no panties.

I unbutton and unzip my fly and let my pants fall to my feet, before tearing off my undershirt and boxer briefs.

"Leave the heels on?" So hot.

She winks at me in response.

I step towards her and grab an ankle. I kiss the inside of the ankle, and kiss along the inside of her leg as I crawl into bed. I repeat the process with her other leg, and feel her begin to squirm as I get closer to the apex between her thighs.

She's all ready wet.

I use my fingers to spread her folds before dipping my tongue inside of her. I immediately feel a hand on the top of my head, urging it back down. She moans and I want her to go wild. I look up from between her legs to see her eyes closed and a hand balled around the sheets. I taste her again before replacing my tongue with two fingers. I move my lips to the clit and suck gently while her body writhes beneath me. I hear her moan something similar to my name and I suck harder, flicking her most sensitive part with my tongue.

I pump my fingers faster within her and lap at the juices leaking around them before going back to the clit. I start sucking again, hard enough to be too much for her, but enough that I know it'll work her off quickly.

Her breaths are ragged and I feel her thighs tighten around my head, trying to keep my face pressed against her. I can feel her thigh muscles near my ears quiver.

"Oh, Ohhhhh," She moans at me and her hips start rocking up against my face, in time with my fingers.

I can tell the moment she comes, she presses herself hard against my face, while her hand presses hard on the back of my head.

She shouts out loud, and then her whole body slumps. She half-heartedly waves a hand at me, trying to give her space to recover. I give her what she wants, and slide my fingers from her warm body, bringing them to my lips to lick them clean. I love the way she tastes.

After a moment she sits up, and pushing me backwards, presses a quick closed mouth kiss to my lips. She then kisses my cheek, my neck, my chest, my stomach.

She runs her fingers though the curls nestled around my dick. I feel her mouth move downward, and I know she's about to blow me. Not yet.

I tighten my arms around her and roll us over so I'm back on top. I bend my bend down and kiss her deeply, pressing our bodies together. I feel my dick so close to where it wants to be, and I rotate my hips, pressing them against her, looking for a bit of relief.

I'm not going to fuck her tonight.

If she wants commitment, assurance of something deeper, I'll show her exactly how I feel about her.

I reach down to grab my cock, giving it a few tugs, before positioning it at my woman's entrance. I burry myself within her with one long, powerful thrust.

I hold myself in that position, buried to the hilt, without breaking eye contact. I rock my hips slowly, and she wraps her legs around my body. I can feel her heels digging into my back.

She lifts her hips to meet mine, and she tries to increase the pace, but I don't let her.

I rock back and fourth, enjoying the slow, deep thrusts. It's not easy to hold back, but I do so, slowly building her up to another climax. I feel her walls tighten around me, and she orgasms around me. I don't stop; I continue to thrust into her as she's coming.

"Remy, Remy, please," her voice is breathy and desperate. I doubt she even knows what she's begging for.

I thrust harder until I feel something coiling tightly within me. I grind my hips against hers and press our lips together as I come deep inside of her. I don't break eye contact the entire time.

I collapse on top of her, pulling out, and breathing heavy. After a moment, I roll off of her and onto my back.

She lies on her side next to me and tucks herself into my side.

I look at her body, and I know I'll be able to go again soon. My hand absently strays to her breast and I roll the nipple between my fingers.

Her hand is on the side of my neck and we're kissing again. I left my hand drift down to her velvety folds again, sliding a couple of fingers in and out. She gasps in what sounds like surprise, but she should've expected as much. I add a third finger and feeling her around me gets my blood flowing down to my cock again.

I roll onto my side so that we're facing each other. My right hands continues pumping its fingers in and out, and slide down the bed a bit so I can wrap my lips around a nipple. It hardens in my mouth and I lap my tongue against it.

I want her so bad. I remove my fingers, wipe them on the sheets, and then wrap my arm around her waist to pull her closer to me. I grab my dick and put it where it has to go, sliding right into home.

The position forces me to grind my hips into hers. Without the ability to thrust hard, I'm just rocking my body against hers, and it could take a while before it makes me come. I don't mine.

She sighs, hand on my chest, and her eyes start to close in pleasure.

"Chere, look at me," I make the request and she does, eyes staring into mine, as we're almost nose to nose.

"Yeah?" Her back arches as my hand makes it's way between her legs, trying to rub her off once more before we climax together.

"I love yo."

Her eyes close as the build up happens, "Ah love yah too."

I wake up to the sound of the shower. Rogue has to get up early for work, so these days she's been known to beat me out of bed.

We spent most of the night making love. I get off three times and there's plenty of evidence of it in our sheets, and my woman came six times. It was a pretty satisfying night.

The shower stops running and I lay in bed until I see Rogue exit the bathroom, fully dressed.

"Mornin' sugah," She gives me a quick peck on the lips before rushing out the bedroom, "Sorry-running-late-bye!"

With that she's gone and I hear the door slam downstairs as she exits through the garage.

I take my time getting up, feeling more than relaxed from our activities. I saunter into the bathroom and take care of business. I turn to the sink to wash my hands and catch my reflection in the mirror. There's red smudged across my lips, as well as on my cheek, neck, and chest. Seeing the perfect little lip print on the inside of my left pectoral muscle gives me an idea.

I brush my teeth, and wash my face and neck. I smooth down my hair before grabbing a pair of underwear, sweat pants, and a zip up hoodie.

I figure I can just shower when I get home.

I scarf down a banana before heading out of the house.

It doesn't take me long to reach my destination, knowing it'll be fairly empty at 10:00 am.

I walk in and am greeted by a friendly face, "So what'll it be?"

I grab the zipper pull at the top of my hoodie, and drag it down to the bottom, revealing my bare chest, and indicating the mark on it.

The man nods, "Same color?"

I pause to think about it as I slide the sweatshirt off my shoulders. I shake my head, "Non. Can yo' do purple?"

"Sure," The tattoo artist nods in response and indicates which chair I should take a seat in.

I get comfortable as he runs a razor over my already smooth chest. The tattoo guns kicks on and I hear the steady buzz.

"This your first tattoo?"

I nod, but I'm really not worried. The pain can't be worse than anything I've felt before. I'm sure the artist can guess as much, as close as he is to the mangled scars on my chest. It'll be a nice change, Rogue's lip mark right over my heart.

The artist pauses for a moment before he gets started, "She must be some girl."

"Oh," I grin, "Yo have no idea."

Whoo! So that's it, friends! I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

It sounds like our Remy finally found his happily ever after :-D

Reviews = Love