UPDATE: This story is currently active. Happy to announce that Darkraven1990 will be my beta.

Keep your eyes open as this story will continue progressing!

On a side note, I've had recent activity with unfriendly PMs and reviews I've taken down that irk me. If you don't like my story or how Nehemia is portrayed as a gossipy girl, etc, don't read my story. It's as simple as that. My writing comes from me, and if you want to insult my grammar and how horribly I write, note that I've put it through several processers first which have cleared my writing. English is also my native language and saying "really really really bad grammar" is kind of hypocritical, don't you think? For your sake I've re-edited my first chapter, but if you want me to do so, there's nicer ways out there. PR is important, and words are mightier than the sword.

I write for myself, not to please certain writers out there. I'm sorry if I offended some of you readers, but it also pains me to think that my writing can be so easily belittled and disparaged without a second's thought. I'm sorry if you don't like my writing, my thoughts, my grammar, or the way I portray the characters. I love constructive criticism, but there's a fine line between threatening me by saying I should kill myself and suggesting.

I refuse to let these setbacks affect my writing. I've been with the ToG for a very long time. I'm not going to give that up despite threats.
