Chapter 5- Tears of sorrow and joy.

Slowly The Doctor stood up emerging from the shadows as she walked towards Amy, the tap of her boots caused Amy to turn to face the gallifreyan. As she does Amy's hand reached for something at the same time as The Doctor. the two women stand there, The Doctor with her screwdriver in hand whilst Amy was holding a revolver.

Amy looks at the woman and then at the sonic "Who are you, where's The Doctor?"


Clara emerges from the side of the Tardis only for the male to point a revolver at her

"Woah Don't Shoot" Clara said looking at The Doctor. "Doctor do you know who these people are?"

Amy looks at her "Did you just call her Doctor" she said looking at the impossible girl.

The Doctor took a deep breath. "Amelia Pond, The Girl who waited. It's me, The Doctor" she said looking at the fiery scottish redhead, her eyes filled with remorse as she looks at the slightly aged Amy Pond, her face reminded her of the Amy she locked out on Apalapucia.

Amy looked at the young woman in front of her stepping back. "No, No you're not The Doctor, The Doctor is a man, oversized chin, tweed jacket" before she could finish Clara interrupted "Bow tie, addicted to fezzes?"

Amy looked at Clara "yeah"

Clara slowly approaches Amy "He's regenerated since you last saw him" Clara says.

Amy looked at Clara then at The Doctor, then at Clara. "Ok then if she's The Doctor, she'd be able to tell something only The Doctor and me knows." She said still showing disbelief.

The Doctor began to search her mind thinking back of her time with Amy, eventually she found the perfect memory.

"The Silence. the day I put my life in your hand we swore that arrangement one of the first things we ever did together. We swore on the moment we sat in your kitchen and I was eating Fish Fingers and Custard." She said, a small smile on her face.

Amy looks at the girl, stunned, slowly her lip tremors "D. ?"

The Doctor's smile grows "Hello Pond" she says as she watches Amy's revolver clang onto the floor, the bullets in the cylinder falling out and rolling on the floor. The Doctor then felt winded as Amy charged at her and wrapped her arms around the female incarnation, The Doctor looks at Clara as she hugs Amy back.

After a minute or two of hugging Amy and The Doctor look at each other teary eyed. "Oh Amy I'd like you to meet Miss Clara Oswald, Clara this is Amy Pond" She said as a smile happens.

Before Clara and Amy can talk the male pipes up taking off his hat "Doctor, is that you?"

The Doctor looks at the man. "Rory?"

"yes Doctor" he took his hat off to reveal the slightly older face of Rory Williams.

The Doctor smiled "Ah ha, I never thought I'd see you two again" she said as she pulled them and Clara into an embrace. "Come on let's get out of the cold, into the Tardis." she ran to the familiar St John Ambulance embossed door and snapped her fingers walking into the old police box. Clara followed with Amy and Rory walking in last, they looked around in astonishment at the new Tardis console room design.

"You've redecorated" Amy said as she went around the new console, her hand sliding along the edge of the diagnostics panel whilst Rory looked around at the upper level that was littered with half empty bookcases as half the books were on the floor due to The Doctor & Clara's crash landing.

"I think I preferred the old look" Rory said only to be met by a shocked expression from The Doctor's feminine face.

"I spent hours working on this you know" she exclaimed before returning to the central console. She looked at Amy and Rory as they looks at the various levels Rory walking up and running his hands along the spines of the books.

"So what caused you to change?" Amy said looking at The Doctor's youthful and feminine complexion before The Doctor looked at her. "Since I last saw you in that graveyard I've died twice, the raggedy me died of old age on a planet called Trenzalore whilst my last me. Who you would've liked a bit. He was shot by a dalek." She said looking at the console thinking back of his life since Amy and Rory departed giving a sad smile thinking of all the happiness yet all the losses since.

Amy rest a hand on her back before looking at The Doctor. "Well I'm glad to see you again raggedy man" she said, causing The Doctor to turn and hug her again. "Oh Amelia Pond I missed you as well." She replied before snapping back into normality and rushing around the console "Right then so what to do now then" The Doctor said looking around in her ever erratic fashion.

"I dunno" Clara said jumping from her seat before Amy looked at Rory as he walked down the stairs "Well you could come and help us" He said looking at The Doctor immediately catching her attention.

"Okay then so what are you dealing with then" She said wondering what was going on in 1950's New York City for Amy and Rory.

Amy looked at Rory and Rory looked back at Amy before saying in perfect unison.
