Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

Chapter 17

As the smoke cleared, the nations could see that Canada and the Queen were both alright, only Canada looked once again different. He was no longer as tall, and looked exactly like he did before the entire mess by returning to his normal nation appearance. Upon seeing this, France asked, "Canada, you're back to normal? But how?"

Canada looked at them blankly, then at the frightened look on the Queen's face. At last he replied, "I-I don't know."

"It must have been the smoke. For fairies in my and my brother's lands smoke can be a powerful opponent. Add to that the cleansing properties from the silver chain and power from the iron cross Prussia also decided to add, and our little fire must have had a very…potent effect on her spell," England explained.

"So then that smoke was enough to break the spell?" America asked.

"I knew my well thought out plan was going to be awesome," Prussia boasted.

"Oh please, you were making all of this up as you were going," America critiqued.

"No, I was just making you believe so. Think, if I had not made that deal and gained her trust then I may have been stuck in the dungeon with you guys. Instead, I was given the awesome ability to go around here as I liked and do what I liked. I may not have known as much about all of this fairy stuff as England or Norway, but I still knew that my cross would have some effect on the fire. And then here we are. You all are welcome," Prussia explained.

"Again, you came up with it on the go and got lucky," Norway stated.

"However the plan came about, it did, and that is all that matters. And now that Canada is back to normal I suggest we leave," England ordered.

Following England's order, Canada turned from the Queen and began to walk towards the other nations. He stopped, however, when the Queen timidly reached out for him. Upon seeing that she had his attention again, she ordered, "No, Matthew, stay here. Please. You belong to me."

Canada could not help but look at her and think how differently she seemed so suddenly. No longer was she the intimidating, powerful ruler she was yesterday, but acted like a scared child. Confused, he looked again to the other nations, only for the troll to grunt out, "The smoke again. Temporarily sapped her powers."

"Again, you guys can praise my awesome skills with smoke-making anytime now," Prussia commented.

"We should get out of here before she regains her powers then," Germany replied.

"But what about her? Is it alright to leave her here?" Canada asked.

"I think maybe we should do something to stop her from trying something like this in the future. After all, she does still know all of our names," Norway commented.

"Mon ami, you can't be thinking of harming such a pitiful creature right now?" France asked slightly disgusted with the idea of hurting a currently harmless and distraught girl.

"She still has most of her guards and servants to look after her. Now let's go," England ordered yet again. This time the others followed him, all seven of the nations, and quickly made their way out of the castle.

As they were headed out of the front door, the guards returned to the throne room to find their Queen silently sobbing on her throne. Upon seeing that the nations were no longer with her, they asked if they should get them back to the castle before they got too far away. In response she said, "I'm through with those lot. Let them go if they want. Those horrible nations, that horrible England. If it was not for all of them Canada would never have been able to resist my spells. Just let them go and leave me be!"

The nations fled from the castle and to the exit to their world as quickly as they could. In what felt like hours the day before, took only now a matter of minutes for the nations to reach the table near the entrance to the final tunnel. Now there was no food or servants waiting, and once they stopped they noticed how bleak the world seemed now.

"Something doesn't seem right," Germany commented as they rested for a moment.

"This world is tied to the Queen. The Queen is grieved at the loss of Canada, and so the world must also grieve," Norway answered.

"Doesn't seem really fair for the world," America commented. Deciding to not waste too much time, the nation's then headed into the tunnel and eventually out into their world.

The nations entered the world to see that it was a sunny fall day. Scotland was seated in a chair in the yard, reading a book. Once he saw them suddenly enter from the hole, he placed his book home and commented, "I was wondering how long you lot were going to spend in that hole. And I see that you got Canada all fixed up nicely."

"Hello, Scotland. And how long were we gone this time?" England asked. Due to the issue of time differences, England had long made it a habit of asking one of his brothers to take care of things while he knew he was gone. This time it was Scotland's turn.

"A little over one year. It's been a boring year, but you lot most likely have a lot to catch up on," Scotland answered.

"One year!" America asked in disbelief and dismay. He was not looking forward to one year of piled up work. Looking around at the others told him that none of them were looking forward to it either.

"I suppose I should tell Japan that I could not get him any pictures," France commented.

"At least I still have all of my notes on world. Of course, now that I'm back here I really do not know what I plan to do with them," Germany replied.

"You could probably publish it as a fantasy book. Now one would expect it of you so it would be even more awesome," Prussia offered with a laugh.

"And what about you? I mean, with that deal you made. Won't you just die if you stay in this world?" Canada asked Prussia.

The nations stayed silent as Prussia thought about this, only for him to at last answer, "I think whatever life I would have had in that world would not have been so much fun without everyone I care about there. So, I guess until I do die you guys will just have to sin up as much of my awesoness as you can."

"Well, that is all very well and good, but I believe that it would be best for me to go check at my home for a while," Norway answered only to then head to his house. After he left, the other nations each congratulated Canada on his freedom from the curse before also leaving. Everything was back to normal, and everyone now had a lot more to do.

And so we will leave the story finished. Thank you to all who read, favorited, subscribed, and reviewed.

As always, please review~