Hey thanks for reading! Sorry for the long wait :( I feel really bad rn but I'm really sorry I was busy with school and other things also thank you so much for all your kind reviews and

A guest called AusllyAddict asked if this was a Liv and Maddie crossover? Well, it's not really one it's just that I mentioned Liv Rooney because I think Laura Marano and Dove Cameron would make great best friends and I also thought I needed a singer so I choose Liv Rooney becuase her character seemed perfect for the person I was looking for! So no it isn't a Liv & Maddie crossover but Diggie and Maddie will be mentioned a long side of Liv.

Ally's P.O.V.

I was really excited for Trish and Dez's wedding but I was scared at the same time. I was happy because I could see my two best friends getting married. But, I was scared about Austin as Trish said in the letter Austin was happy about the fact I had Abbey but what if it was just a lie? And about 1 week ago when I was talking to Trish at least I thought I was talking to Trish there was also Austin and Dez in the room and I basically admited to Austin that I still love him right infront of him. But, I guess he was happy because about 1 hour later I got a text from Trish saying:

''I've never seen him so happy in his life when you said I love you too him and that you really miss him.''

Well, that was really sweet but I'm still scared. I want to start over with Austin and maybe we will be a happy family with Abbey. But, that's one in a million chances that that will actually happen.

Anyway Alice was also invited to Trish and Dez's wedding because she was my sister so Trish and Dez knew her. Too my suprise Liv also got invited because when Trish went too LA for 5 months when I had my first ever tour she meet Liv there and Trish became her manager since Liv is a really good singer and Liv was on a tv show show called 'Sing it loud' which I really loved and Liv knew who I was because she was an Austie since the beggining and she was Team Ally too when I became famous and she was even on one of my concerts in LA.

I must have been day dreaming because the next thing I know is Liv screaming:


and my coffee spilling all other the table.

''What Liv?!'' I said kind of frustrated and annoyed at her since she caused me to spill my coffee.

''Sorry about the coffee!'' she said pointing to the spilled mug laying on the table. ''and who's picking up Abbey and Scarlett from day care?''

I don't think I told you about Scarlett named Scarlett because Liv's favourite color is Scarlett red. She's Liv's daughter and she's got dark brown hair after her father and her hair is also curly like Liv's. She's only 2 months younger than Abbey because Scarlett was born on the 15th February.

''Uhmm, I'll do it!'' I said since I have nothing else to do and I think Liv was busy because she looked really impatianet so she was probably hoping I'll say yes.

''Omg! Yess! Thank-you! I still need to pick up my dress for Trish and Dez's wedding from Tiffany's!(1)Wait, Ally don't you need to pick up your dress from anywhere?''

Yes, I was right she needed to do something that's why she was looking at me so impatiently. Also, about the dress? Wait.. do I need to pick up my dress? Oh, no not yet. I haven't even bought a dress yet.

''Ha ha you welcome and no I don't need to pick up my dress I haven't found a dress yet. Anyway, how does your dress look like?'' I just causly said.

''Awwe, Alls. We need to look for a wedding dress since the wedding is in 1 and a half weeks and we have too be there in about a week! So, we'll go dress shopping today or tommorow. And, my dress it's light sky blue dress a few cm above my knees maybe five and it's sparky at the top and it's only got one strap on my left shoulder and it's really really pretty!''(2)

''Yah sure we can go dress shopping but I've searched everywhere and I still can't seem to find a good one. I've only found a dress for Abbey.(3) Awwe, Liv your'e going to look beautiful in that dress I can already see it suits you a lot!'' Yeah I've searched everywhere for a dress for myself. Shops, the internet and I can't seem to find a good one. But I'm looking for yellow. Yellow maybe Austin's favourite colour but... I just like yellow. OKAY?

''So, you want a yellow dress?'' What?! What?! What?!

''You were thinking out loud again! Seriously Ally you need to stop doing it ha ha. So... You want to look good for Austin?''

''Uhm, I need to pick up Abbey and Scarlett! I'll see you later Liv!''

As I walked away I could feel my cheeks all red and Liv smirking in the corner of my eye.

''Don't denie it! I know you still love him!''

Well yes, maybe I still love him! So what, It's not like it will change anything? I will always love Austin as a friend. Maybe not as a boyfriend but he'll be my bestfriends forever..

-line break-

Austin's P.O.V.

I can't wait for Trish and Dez's wedding. I'm so exited but I'm annoyed at the same time. Like I'm super exited because of Ally and I'm annoyed because what if that little girl just doesn't like me? I would hate of Abbey hated me since I'm her father I want her to like me! I wonder what she's like. All I know is she has a really cute voice and she calls Ally 'Mommy' and that she will be the flower girl along with Ally's roomates daughter that apparently Trish knows that's why she invited her to her and Dez's wedding. I'm also annoyed with other reasons that you don't need to know about... (You may find out at the end of this chapter but If I'll becruel you won't xD)

Anyway moving on I know that Ally still loves me because she said it other the phone I'm so happy! Like I love her back but you see it's not that easy. Love isn't just an open door. Life's not a fairytale. But I'll try my hardest even though there's onee problem standing in my way..(Omg I'm such a tease xD)

-line break-

Still Austin's P.O.V.

I drove my car to Trish and Dez's house to talk to them about their wedding because I was probably more exited then they were.

*knock* *knock*

''Coming! '' That was probably Trish.

''No! Don't open the door my magical unicorn will fly away!'' Oh, Dez. Same old Dez.

''Shut up Dez! Go outside to the dog!'' Gotta love Trish so much.

Finally the door opened reaviling a really stressed out Trish.

''Oh hey, Austin.'' She said.

''Hey Trish! You okay?'' I asked concered for my other best friend.

'' Yeah I'm fine! Why are you here anyway?''

''Me and Dez are going suit and tie shopping. Since Dez couldn't pick a suit or a tie when we went a week ago and a week before that so yeah..'' I said kind of awkwardly, wait doesn't she know? Ooops, I guess It kind of slipped that Dez hasn't got his suit and tie yet. Trish already looks really annoyed.

''What?! Are you being freaking serious? That stupid red head doof hasn't got his suit and tie yet?! The wedding is in under 2 weeks and he hasn't got a tie and suit yet and he's the one getting married?! For Gummy bears' sakee!'' Wow she's really really mad.

''DEZ! Get your ass down here right now!'' Ooops, she's very very very annoyed.

''Yeah Trish?'' He looked so scared and his voice sounded really shaky. I've never seen him so scared in his life before.

''Why don't you have that stupid suit yet? I asked you 2 weeks ago and you said you did!'Never lie to me ever again! And now get your ass too that shop know before I rip your hands and legs out and make it into a milkshake!''

Wow, she looked so pissed that you don't even understand. Dez still looked scared.. Should I feel bad because I don't think I should..

-line break-

Ally's P.O.V.

I picked up the girls and went back home. Liv still wasn't back yet. That's strange she should be back by now.

''Where's my mommy? Auntie Ally?'' Scarlett asked me.

''She went to the shop, honey. For her dress. She should be back soon.''

She nodded and ran over to play with her Barbie dolls along with Abbey. I started making food for myself and the girls and Liv and as soon as I started making it Liv came through the door.

''Sorry Ally, I went to get my dress and I saw a really pretty yellow dress over there so I decided to get it for you because I thought it would look really good on you and I was stuck in traffic so I'm really soorrry.''

''It's fine Liv. So let me see it!''

She took the dress out and it was beautiful. It was a dark yellow. and the top was covered with sparkles and there was a sparkly strap on the left arm . (4)

''So, do you like it?'' She asked me.

''Liv... I don't know what to say.. I love it so much.''

''Awwe, yayyyy. I had a feeling you would like it. It's yellow'' She said slightly nudging me.

''Oh, just shut up.'' I said jokingly while rolling my eyes.

''Don't denie it Alls. I know the truth.''

Oh, she's starting again with that? Like I'm not denieying I still have feeling for Austin after 4 years because it's true I still love him.

''I'll just finish dinner Liv''

She nodded while still smirking at me. I finish dinner and hand everyone a plate we ate in peace and after that someone knocked on the door. I was slightly confused and looked towords Liv who had the sam expresion as me.

''I'll go get it.'' I said to her. I walked other to open the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I would never see him again...

''We meet again Ally Dawson'' I was speechless. I can't believe he had found me.

It was...

-line break-

Austin's P.O.V. (It's kind of short)

We arrived at the mall. And when to the shops to look for a suit for Dez and myself since I haven't got one either a long side with Dez. Trish is still really mad at him that he hasn't got the suit yet. But, she shouldn't worry that much we've got the ties. I just got a plain dark yellow one(His tie will be the same color as Ally's dress) and Dez got a crazy coulorful one(5) that I don't think Trish would like. We then went to look for a suit I found a really awesome all black one which perfectly matched my yellow tie. Dez got a purple suit(6)... Don't even ask he said it really matched his tie and Trish would love it but I don't think Trish will like that idea. But Dez always wanted a wacky and crazy wedding and guess where they are getting married at? A zoo.. yes. A zoo. You read me right Trish loves leapord prints and wild animals and Dez is just a wacky random person. No offence Dez. While we were still trying our suits on I saw someone walk over.

Oh no! Could it? Ugh, I completly forgot about her! All that was on my mind was . . .Ally. Like 24/7 and I completly forgot about her..

''Hey Austie''

...My girlfriend.

Hey! So it took me like 3 and a half hours to write this chapter and sorry for the long wait for this.

If you actually read this story you must be dying to know who stood by the door when she opened it? You've only had one clue it's a guy. Well, well? Who could it be? Review who it could be. First person who guesses it right gets a shoutout in the next chapter!

I actually left two cliff hangers in this chapter. Oopps, sorry not sorry. Your'e probably wondering who this mystery girl is? We only have one clue: She's Austin's girlfriend. Hmm..who could it be? Well, I know. Review who it could be. First person who guesses it right gets a shoutout in the next chapter!

Okay!So, now! The numbers in the ()

(1) Tiffany's- That's a dress shop.

(2) Link to Liv's dress- .

(3)Link to Abbey's dress(and possibly Scarlett's sice she'll be the flower girl too)- albu_389711913_00-1.

(4) Link to Ally's dress-

(5) Link to Dez's tie- . /colorful_warped_rectangles_patterned_tie_custom-r6fe21ab769244f58838fcdd5611923af_v9whb_8byvr_

(6) Link to Dez's suit- .

(7) I didn't put a 7 there but I just wanted to make sure you know who Scarlett was well Scarlett is Liv's daughter. Her full name is Scarlett Amanda Rooney.

Also check out my new story 'I hate you! But I kind of love you'! There's only an intruduction posted today. I'll try and post the actual chapter tommorow or Thurday or Friday.

Also I'll try and update my other story 'Just rememeber I'll love you forever' either tommorow or Thurday.

I don't own anything except for Tiffany's, the characters of Abbey and Scarlett and the storyline.

Please review I want to know your opinions.