Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.





"Thank you. Now Ginny, were you in a romantic relationship with Mr. Potter?" Mr. Ulex asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"Would you ever hurt him?" He asked.

"No." She said.

"The defense rests." He said knowing he had already lost but still tried to do his job by making her look innocent.

The prosecutor stood. "Miss Weasley, did Mr. Potter ever ask you out?"

"No." She said.

"Then how could the two of you be in a romantic relationship?" She asked.

"He is my destined love. I could see it in his eyes. He loved me. There was no reason for him to ask me out." She replied.

Many looked at her in shock. Harry wished he was surprised. He wasn't since she had managed to get herself pregnant with his child despite them not having sex. The twins were also unsurprised. Harry put a hand on their hands. He knew that this whole situation was hard on them. No matter what happened Ginny was still their baby sister. They squeezed his hand, thankful he was there.

"Did Mr. Potter ever tell you he was gay?" Mrs. Night asked.

"Yes. He told the whole family when they confronted him. I knew it was a phase. I wasn't worried about it." The redhead said.

"Did you and Mr. Potter ever have sex?" She asked.

"No. He kept hanging out with the twins. It was annoying. They were constantly getting in the way of Harry and I's relationship." Ginny said.

"Did you steal his sperm?" She asked.

"Yes." She said.

"How?" She asked.

"I stole it during the summer before I had gotten pregnant. I started to sleep under his bed when he first stayed with us the summer before I started Hogwarts." Harry wished he could unhear that. "I couldn't do it at school due to the spells. One night he had a wet dream. I knew it was about me. He had woken up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I went to leave when I spotted some of his cum on the bed. That's when I had the idea. Harry would spend more time with me if I had his child. I collected it and left. Luckily he had a lot of wet dreams so I collected so much. It took a while to get pregnant." She revealed.

That made Harry sick. He wished he never learned any of this. George wrapped his arms around the fourteen year and pulled him close.

"Did you get pregnant when you said you did?" She asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Did you tell Mr. Potter?" The prosecutor asked.

"No. I couldn't get him alone. The twins were always around." She said.

"How did you hide it?" She asked.

"Through complex glamour. I had some charmed jewelry that I used." She said.

"That type of jewelry is expensive. How did you manage to get a hold of such jewelry?" She asked.

"I stole it from a shop in Hogsmeade. I'm top of my year in potion so I made polyjuice potion. I stole hair from a slimy Slytherin. They would think they were the ones to steal it. I did this before I was pregnant. The book I had read said that polyjuice potion could cause miscarriages. It was the third Hogsmeade weekend I believe." She said.

Somehow the thirteen year old could still shock them. How could none of them have seen this? She not only managed to get pregnant and hide the pregnancy for a long time but she also stole from a store and blamed a Slytherin. The headmaster recalled exactly what she was talking about.

A store owner had contacted her and told her one of his student's had stolen from her. She had identified Astoria Greengrass. He had searched through her things and talked with her. He had determined she was innocent and so had Severus. They were still looking into the case and now he knew what happened. He wondered how they had failed her.

"What happened after Mr. Potter found out you were pregnant?" She asked.

"He was confused. He had no idea what my parents were talking about. He denied that we were in a relationship or that we had sex. He told them he was gay but they didn't believe him. The twins almost ruined it but I had already had a backup plan for if they believed Harry." She said.

"How did the twins almost ruin it?" Mrs. Night asked.

"They gave proof that I lied. They showed that it would have been impossible for Harry and I to have sex when I said I did." She said.

"What was your backup plan?" She asked.

"I read about compulsion charms. I used them on everybody but the twins." Ginny informed the room.

"You used compulsion charms on your family?" She asked in shock.

"Yes. After my parents saw me try to kill the failure it snapped them out of it. I wasn't there to continue to spell. From what I hear it is still affecting Ron." She said.

It took a few minutes for the room to shake themselves out of shock. The prosecutor asked about what happened at the hospital. Afterwards she was given the anti-serum. The wizengamot didn't leave. The temporary head stood up. Everyone looked at Lord Abbott.

"We find the defendant, Ginevra Margret Weasley guilty of Line theft, illegal use of potions, robbary, and attempted murder. We also find her guilty of attempting to use one of the unspeakable curses." He said.

"Did you decide on a punishment?" Madam Bones asked.

"We are torn between hospitalization and imprisonment. We leave that up to a healer." He told them.

"Alright. Bring in a mind healer to assess her." The woman said.

"Yes sir." A man said.

He left the room and shortly returned with a healer. The man had informed her of what was going on. She walked over to Ginny. A privacy ward was placed. She cast spells and asked questions. After a few minutes the ward was removed.

"Well?" A woman dressed all in pink demanded before the healer had a chance to speak.

"Sit down Umbridge!" The judge hissed.

"Humph." The woman glared as she did as told.

"Healer Skye?" Madam Bones looked at her.

"She has the mental capacity to know right from wrong. She also has the ability to choose. When it come to Mr. Potter, however, her obsession clouds her mind." She told the room. "She still has that ability to choose."

"Then she is sentenced to life in max security in Azkaban." The woman said and Ginny was taken away fighting, screaming, and crying. "Court is now adjourned." She said before the room began to empty.

"Can we go now?" Harry asked itching to return to his son.

"Yes." Albus said. "I'll come with."

"You just want to see my kid." He said in amusement.

"I do." The elderly wizard confirmed.

"Come on then." He smiled.

"Of course."

They made their way through the crowd of people and press. They flooed to the Weasleys. The twins had used themselves as shields so that they couldn't get to Harry. Once there the teen went upstairs while Albus sat on a couch and waited.

"Harry." Luna hugged him the minute he entered the room.

"Hey Luna. Hey Nev." He said as he hugged him back.

"I'm glad she's gone." The blonde said.

"Me too." He didn't blink at her knowing.

She released him and Neville handed him Orion. "Here you go. He just woke up."

"Hey baby." He kissed his son's head. "I missed you."

"He missed you as well." She told him.

"The headmaster is waiting downstairs to meet you." He told the baby.

They walked downstairs. Harry stood in front of Albus and smiled at him.

"Headmaster, this is my son Orion Arthur Potter." He introduced his son.

"He's gorgeous." He told him.

"He is." Harry agreed.

"May I?" He asked holding out his hands.

"Yes." He said.

The raven haired teen handed him Orion. He cradled the baby in his arms. Albus noticed that he really did look like the Prewitt twins with Harry's coloring. He also looked like Harry. It was his eyes that caught his attention.

The baby's right eye was starting to turn green. His right eye looked to be getting bluer. Of course Harry's child would take after him and be unique. He rolled his eyes fondly.

"Figures." Albus snorted.

"What?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Orion's eyes." He said. "Look at them."

The father did and gasped. "Wow. His eyes are two different colors." He said.

"What?" Molly asked and went over for a closer look. "You're right."

The others looked at the baby as well. They were amazed by it. None of them had ever seen a human with two different colored eyes before. It made Orion look even cuter in their opinions. They soon went back to what they were doing. They had all been to the healer and now they were trying to keep busy so they didn't think about Ginny and what she had done. After a few hours Albus handed the baby back to Harry.

"I must leave." He told Harry.

"Okay." He said.

The wizard walked to the floo only to stop and turn. "Poppy and Minerva are going to be so jealous."

"Huh?" Harry looked confused.

"They have to wait to see Orion." He said.

That got the others to laugh. "Of course."

"Bye bye Orion." He said to the baby.

The baby cooed before turning his attention back to his dad. Albus pouted much to the amusement of the others. He huffed before leaving.

"What a silly old man." The green eyed teen told his son.

Orion cooed and put his fingers in his mouth. Harry smiled at him before he grabbed his bottle and began feeding him.