"Hurry up, Felicity! Get this damn door open!" Oliver snapped into his transmitter.

"I told you this system had crazy levels of encryption, it's gonna take as long as it takes," Felicity replied, surprised by Oliver's tone.

"Fuck it," Oliver growled. He drew an explosive arrow as he backed up out of the blast radius.

"What the hell are you doing?" Roy snatched the arrow from him. The aggression he sensed, rolling from Oliver in waves, was unfamiliar and unsettling. "They can't know we were here, man. Stealth!"

Oliver snarled at the shorter man, but calmed slightly. Roy put his gloved hand on Oliver's chest, and Oliver took a deep breath. The concern Roy felt forced Oliver to lock down his impatience.

"Okay. I'm okay," he said. Roy frowned, never having seen Oliver so close to losing control, but he nodded. He stayed close to Oliver's side anyway, though.

"Got it! You have a go," Felicity said.

The two men entered the building and moved silently through the corridors. They retrieved the piece of tech they were there for, planting the dysfunctional replacement, then retreated. As they moved through the city back to the lair, Roy watched Oliver. The bigger man took longer jumps, ran faster, pushing himself harder than Roy had ever seen.

Back at the lair, they got out of their gear after sending Felicity home. Roy saw the telltale flushing of Oliver's chest and sensed his restlessness.

"Ollie, you know you're going into rut, right?" Roy tried to make the comment conversational, but he was nervous, and of course his mate could feel it.

"I can't be. I'm on suppressants," Oliver replied, sounding testy.

"You're showing all the signs, man. If you wanna try to head it off you could go to the doctor or something, but I think it's probably too late."

"Too late? What do you know, you're a fucking omega who thought he was a beta!"

Roy tried not to let the sneering tone and lash of resentment bother him. Oliver wasn't in control the way he usually was.

"I've seen ruts. In the Glades, no one could afford suppressants. We stayed out of their way, Oliver. The things an uncontrolled alpha can do in rut are..."

"I know the danger! That's why I'm on the goddamn pills. I'm not in rut; I'm not some animal that's going to tear the building apart, okay? Just leave me alone, damnit!"

Roy left, but followed Oliver when he exited the lair and headed for a seedy nightclub. He was pretty sure that the heats they'd shared were partly to blame for inducing Oliver's state, so it was his responsibility to watch out for his lover and mate. Oliver had taken care of him when he was out of control, so even if this got violent, Roy owed it to him. He'd been beaten before. Never raped, but since they were mates it couldn't be called that, could it? Roy's stomach clenched at the memory of a male omega left bleeding and barely alive after a rutting alpha was done with him, something he'd seen more than once growing up. Sometimes the omega lived, sometimes he didn't. In honesty, a cold, sick terror welled inside him at the thought of Oliver unleashing all his alpha strength and violence on him, but Roy owed it to him. He'd take the pain. He would do anything for Ollie.

Entering the club, Roy carefully kept tabs on Oliver as the man moved through the club. He watched him get a drink and toss it back like water, then prowl toward the dance floor.

Jealousy clawed at Roy as Oliver drew a girl in a short skirt to his chest and started grinding on her in barely a semblance of dancing. The woman seemed to enjoy it until Oliver started nosing at her throat, then she began to struggle. Roy shook his head and moved in. The helpless beta female was starting to panic when Roy got close enough for Oliver to catch his scent. He unceremoniously shoved the girl away and grabbed Roy.

"We should get out of here, Oliver," Roy said. But he sensed how far gone the alpha was and tried to figure out how to get him someplace safer and more private. His apartment wasn't far, but with the growls rising in Oliver's chest, he didn't know if they would make it there.

When next Oliver shifted his grip on Roy, the smaller man twisted and got away from him. Oliver snarled, and Roy headed for the door, sensing the alpha following with relief. They were attracting attention he didn't want. An alpha in rut fucking an omega could start a riot in a place like this with inhibitions lowered from alcohol and lots of sexual energy and pheromones in the air.

The moment he cleared the door, Roy broke into a run, knowing there was only the slimmest possibility he'd outpace Oliver. His only chance was in being smarter as the alpha hormones narrowed Oliver's thought process to needmatefuckNOW.

Roy dodged over and around obstacles, heading toward his home, overheating quickly as he exerted himself, really hoping Oliver wouldn't catch him and fuck in in some filthy alleyway. He heard the alpha behind him and poured on his speed, using every parkour trick he'd ever known to foil his pursuer.

A block from his house, a heavy weight slammed into him as Oliver caught up. The dirt and weeds of a back garden seemed a better surface to skid across than asphalt, but Roy really didn't want Oliver tearing into his ass to happen with an audience. He writhed in the clutching embrace and turned face up beneath his mate, sweat stinging his eyes as he tried to focus the man on top of him.

Desperate to try to get through the haze of lust enshrouding Oliver's mind, Roy wrapped his arms around Ollie's neck and pulled himself up to kiss him.

The shock of the kiss seemed to work. Oliver's arms loosened, just holding Roy instead of crushing him.

"Please can we do this at my place and not right here?" Roy begged as their lips separated. Oliver grunted, burying his face against Roy's neck. His hips rutted against his lover, but Roy could feel that there was a bit of higher brain function happening. "Please, Ollie? Take care of me?" He tried, reaching for the protective side of his mate.

It worked. Oliver surged to his feet and threw Roy over his shoulder, running for Roy's house. Roy groaned as his breath wooshed out each time Oliver's stride jostled him.

The alpha burst through the front door, lacking the wherewithal to stop and let Roy unlock it. The momentum bounced the door against the wall and then mostly closed again, Roy saw, craning his neck as Oliver carried him into the bedroom area and upended him onto the bed where he bounced, the cheap old frame creaking ominously. It was unlikely to survive the night.

Roy was unfastening his jeans and trying to get them off his legs so Oliver wouldn't rip them as he was his own, the sound loud as the alpha shredded the denim pulling it free with manic strength.

Seeing the massively engorged erection that Oliver was sporting, Roy rolled over and reached frantically for the lube beside his bed, fear knifing cold through him at the thought of being taken with no prep. Unfortunately, Oliver seemed to see the movement as an attempt to escape and he roared and lunged for Roy, yanking on his ankles and spreading his legs wide.

"Oliver! Wait!" Roy shouted, but there was nothing left of restraint from the alpha. He crawled up between Roy's thighs, lifting the omega and shoving hard against him.

"Shit!" Roy cried as the steel hard tip of Oliver's cock jabbed against his perineum. But the next attempt was dead on, and Roy braced himself for being torn open.

Instead, Oliver slid in smoothly, ecstasy making Roy scream as his upper canal was breached, causing a gush of slick around Ollie's cock.

Roy had no idea how, but his body had gone into a spontaneous heat, and instead of horrific pain, he was catapulted into the intense pleasure of a full mating. Awash in it, Roy writhed and humped back against the brutal pounding Oliver was giving him.

The coupling was completely animalistic, and when Oliver's knot swelled and he locked in place, the sounds they both made as they came were inhuman. Roy shuddered and clenched and wrung climax after climax from Oliver until it felt like his guts would burst from the amount of semen inside him. They both came until they were exhausted and lost consciousness.

It was still night when they stirred, and Roy wriggled and heaved to roll the heavier man off of him. Oliver groaned.

"Told you: rut," Roy croaked, his voice nearly gone from screaming.

"It's never been like that for me," Oliver growled back hoarsely.

"We're just fucking lucky I went into heat or you might have fucked me to death," Roy said. His breath caught in his throat at the truth of that statement.

"We're mates. Of course you went into heat. Our bodies know each other."

"What!? That's a...thing?"

Oliver barked a laugh. "I'm gonna get you Alpha/Omega Relations for Dummies, man. I know you thought you were a beta, but you seriously need to educate yourself about your own dynamic, and mine. Kinda important stuff."

"You coulda told me," Roy gasped. He couldn't believe that Oliver had kept something so basic from him.

"Nah. Chasing you with all that adrenaline mixing with your heat hormones... That was the ultimate high."

"Do not tell me you planned this, Oliver!" Roy wasn't sure if he was begging or just appalled.

"Not really. Just took advantage of the situation," Ollie confessed, chuckling at what he read as indignation on Roy's face. "You've never had sex like that before, ever, and you know it."

"You're right: I've never been afraid I was about to be raped to death by the person I'm in love with!" Roy rolled off the bed. "I don't consider that having anything to do with sex, though," he spat over his shoulder. Slick and semen gashed down his thighs and he hurried to the bathroom, locking the door behind him before he started cleaning himself up with shaking hands.

Oliver was stunned. He couldn't believe that Roy had really been that afraid of him. He stared at the closed bathroom door and finally got up.

"Roy..." He knocked. "Baby... I can't begin to apologize enough..." He tried the knob and found it locked.

Roy angrily threw the washcloth he'd wiped up with at the door where it made a sodden thudsplat, then turned the shower on.

"Roy! Come on, Roy! R-" Oliver cut himself off. He listened to the splashing in the other room and sighed. He stripped his shirt off, then went to the kitchen and cleaned himself up as best he could with paper towels. He stripped the bed, groaning when he saw he needed to scrub the mattress, too. He got as much of the slick and come out of the material as he could, then put a towel over the spot and remade the bed with fresh sheets. When he heard the shower cut off, he went back to the bathroom door.

"Roy? Love, please, please open the door," he said quietly.

Roy had calmed down a little, and he sighed heavily as he dried himself off and listened to Oliver's pleas. Wrapping the towel around his hips, Roy unlocked the door and opened it. He stared defiantly at his lover, whose contrition was painted all over him, from his sad eyes to his slumped shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked softly.

Roy huffed. "Yeah. You know I am. But that was a really shitty thing to do."

"Tell me how I can make it up to you?"

Roy shook his head. "You can't. We just have to move on." He brushed past Oliver and went to get some water. Ollie followed and put his hands lightly on Roy's waist while he drank. He leaned in and kissed the back of Roy's neck, sliding over to the bond bite scar and nuzzling it.

"Let me try? There's something else about a spontaneous heat that I want to show you. Something good."

Roy set his glass down and turned to look at Oliver, his wariness sending another stab of regret through Oliver. "Tell me. I don't think I'm up for anymore surprises."

"Your body stays in heat positioning," Oliver said immediately. "We can make love like we do when you're cycling, only you'll actually be aware completely and have normal sexual control. I'm close enough to rut that I can knot you again. I've...never gotten to do that before, have mating sex when we're both fully in command of ourselves. It's something I've dreamed about doing, though. With you."

Roy's eyebrows rose. It sounded amazing.

"Yeah. Yeah, Ollie, let's do that," he said breathlessly. Oliver smiled and hugged him.

They laid down on the bed, kissing and touching as they normally began non-mating sex. Even though Oliver had told him his body was still responding like he was in heat, Roy was surprised to feel dampness between his asscheeks. He was glad the towel from his shower was still around his waist, and he untucked it and pushed it so it was flat under them, hooking a leg around Ollie's thigh as soon as he was completely naked.

"Oh, yeah, love," Oliver responded, sliding his hand down to cup Roy's ass and pull him tighter against himself. Roy's hips rocked lazily and Oliver broke away from his lover's mouth to start to work down his neck, sliding further, rolling Roy onto his back. He stopped and sucked the younger man's nipples, then continued down.

Some omega males had exceptionally small dicks, but Roy was only a little below average. Still, it was no strain for Oliver to suck him in completely, and Roy called out to him. Oliver could smell the slick he was producing and he moaned around the mouthful, sucking harder while he slid his hand up the inside of Roy's thigh to rub across his opening, cupping him, skidding up to hold his balls, then back, his middle finger pressing in and Roy's ass opening like a hungry mouth before it. Oliver moaned and Roy rocked back into the penetration, then up into the wet heat of Ollie's mouth.

"Fuck, Ollie, oh... Yeah, finger me... Up... In... Oh god! Yes! Ah! God! S-so good..." Roy twisted, caught between the pleasure front and back. As Oliver breached his upper canal with just one finger, the sensation focused in at that point and the blowjob became incidental. Before he presented as an omega, he'd never have believed oral sex could be totally secondary to anything else. He'd spent many hours of his young tween and teen days in pursuit of girls and boys who were rumored to give it. But the hidden opening inside him was a whole other level of ecstatic experience. Lights burst across his vision as Oliver made little circles within the grasp of his upper sphincter and he jerked and twitched as sensations chased through his body, obliterating any sense of time or location. All he craved was more.

"God! Oll-" Roy writhed and whimpered. Oliver released his cock and concentrated on his fingers, sliding a second in, as far into that secret heat as he could, then bumping past his slick glands and curling over Roy's prostate as he withdrew. Roy made sounds that were positively otherworldly, and Oliver found his vision starting to wash red as his rut lust returned; muted, but still powerful.

Roy bent his legs and dug his heels into the mattress so he could fuck himself onto Oliver's fingers, and that was as much as Ollie could take. He lunged up, landing hard on Roy's body, chest to chest, and he kissed him with fierce devotion as he desperately lined himself up with Roy's sloppy, drenched ass, and shoved in, impaling him, the drive home punching the air from Roy's lungs so he couldn't make a sound as Oliver lay panting against Roy's chin.

Roy could barely see through the tears in his eyes as he tried to look at his lover. "O-Ollie..." He gasped. "So... Oh, Oliver, you gotta... Fuck, love, please, just-just-" Choking on a sob, Roy fell silent. Oliver nosed Roy's jaw, then moved to speak against his lips.

"Move?" Oliver asked. Roy clenched on him hard and twisted unexpectedly, rolling them until he was atop the bigger man.

"Or just let me do the work this time," Roy smirked. Oliver barked a laugh and bucked his hips, making both of them gasp in pleasure.

"I'd rather we did it together," Ollie replied. Roy's eyes rolled back and he nodded.

"Works for me," he said, rocking just to feel Oliver's hardness shift and stretch his inner opening. Slick dripped down, but he didn't care if he had to burn the damn mattress later: this was so worth it. He was usually out of his head with need at this point in a round of his heat, so he planned to make the most of the opportunity. Rising up on Oliver and sinking back down, feeling the pressure of the head of his lover's cock rubbing past his upper opening, Roy sobbed in rapture. He felt like he could implode on that one spot, every bit of his awareness shrinking as he moved less than an inch, up and down, popping Ollie in and out of that powerfully sensitive sphincter.

Oliver grabbed Roy's hips, grounding him and steadying him. It felt amazing to him as well, but he could tell that Roy was almost lost in it.

That grip extended Roy's awareness back to more than the singularity of ecstasy inside him. He opened his eyes and looked down at the gorgeous man below him and gave him a shaky smile.

Oliver guided Roy's movements, shifting into proper, long, gliding thrusts together and almost apart: over and over. Their breaths were gasped and panted together, and they maintained eye contact, creating a timeless flow of collective perfection. Holding off as long as he could, Oliver eventually felt his knot begin to swell.

Roy got a mischievous look in his eye as he felt it, and he rode it several times, popping it in and out of his outer opening as he had the head of Oliver's cock in his inner hole earlier.

"Fuck! Roy! God, don't-don't hurt yourself, baby... Ngh!"

Roy settled down, feeling the knot swell inside him. It was another ecstatic sensation, full and fulfilling, and he leaned forward to kiss Oliver and share the moment. Then he squeezed his body on his lover, and rocked rapidly, sending them both into dizzying orgasms; Oliver pumping his own fluids out into Roy, and Roy's body spasming in response.

When the omega's body calmed, he decided it was time for real payback and started clenching on Oliver, wringing climax after climax out of him.

"Ahh! Roy...shit! That's starting to fucking hurt, damnit!" Oliver groaned his complaint after eight...or nine(?) times. Maybe ten? Roy laughed, and that tightened him on Oliver, which set him off again. His balls were aching, burning like he had smoldering charcoal briquettes in his sack instead of testicles. "Please, babe, I'm sorry I scared you. Really."

Roy swallowed more laughter, understanding that Oliver's pleas were heartfelt and he was actually causing his lover pain. He sighed. "Okay. I suppose I forgive you." Laying down against Ollie's chest, Roy tried to relax and wait for the alpha's knot to deflate. His lover's strong arms around him, and his powerful hands gently caressing up and down his back were immensely soothing and felt as lovingly intimate as anything he'd ever done for Roy. "Oliver..."

"Yes, babe?"

"I've never trusted anyone the way I trust you. The fact that you were in control of yourself enough in a rut to make sure that I was okay, even if you didn't tell me that, it's just so..." Roy choked a little on the lump that formed in his throat. "I love you, Oliver. Always."

Oliver cupped Roy's face and smiled at him. "I love you, too, Roy. Always." He touched the bond scar on Roy's throat and nodded. "Always."

A/N It seems there aren't too many Alpha rut stories out there, so I had to explore that. I'd started this chapter months ago, but the big news of Colton Haynes (Roy Harper) coming out publicly regarding his sexuality as well as his struggle with anxiety got me back to finish it. I have no idea what I might write next in this verse. It's fun, and I'm willing to entertain thoughts or suggestions from readers. I'm not going to make it mpreg, though. Not my cuppa. Thanks for reading!