Disclaimer: I own nothing except OC's

Katharine, Evy and Beni were following Imhotep into the ritual chamber. It was further and deeper underground then the three of them had ever gone before.

Katharine stopped at the top of the stairs looking around the dark yet majestic room in awe while Evy looked around terrified.

"Keep moving". Beni growled as he nudged Katharine in the back only for her to turn around and receive a right hook. Beni held his bleeding nose as he turned back around to see Katharine stomping down the stair with as defiant look on her face. No one noticed Imhotep smirking slightly as he watched his wife stomp down the stairs.

"You know nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance. Evy said as she looked at the pushy little man who only scoffed at her before turning to her in fear.

"They do"? Beni asked worriedly.

"Yes. Always"! Evy said as she walked down the steps following Katharine. Beni watched her go when a noise sounded from behind him making him jump in fright and run down the stairs.


Katharine was glaring at Imhotep as she watched him open up the jars and pour out the ashes when a gunshot echoed throughout the chamber. Everyone's heads shot up in surprise as a soft smile grew on Katharine's face.

"Rick". Evy heard her sister breathe in relief. Imhotep also heard his wife from behind him and a scowl immediately took over his features. Katharine watched Imhotep pour ashes out of one jar before he blew it towards the wall.

Katharine. Evy and Beni watched in disbelief as a supernatural groan sound around the chamber after Imhotep finished chanting the sacred words. Moments later the human carvings started to break away from the walls and walk towards Imhotep making the three of them back up very quickly.

"Bembridge scholars never wrote about this". Evy said as she watched with wide eyes.

"Will you stop mentioning those idiots"! Katharine growled, annoyed. Beni quickly grabbed onto Katharine's arm as they continued to back away.

"Let go of me". Katharine whisper shouted as she hit Beni across the face. Unfortunately she was distracted so when she turned back to the scene in front of her all she saw were the Mummies ( who she assumed were Imhoteps priests with how he was able to command them) walking away in the direction of the gunshot.

Katharine looked at Imhotep about to give him a piece of her mind when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and everything went black.


Tia was standing in her room watching as Nefertiri danced around in the new cloth that the maids had bought from the market that day. She was laughing at her sisters antics when her husband came into the room.

"My beloved". Imhotep greeted as he kissed her cheek.

"My dear". Tia said as she smiled up at him.

"I am afraid to inform you that I have business that I must deal with tonight and will not be able to join you until later". Imhotep said as he looked at his wife. Of course it wasn't actually business he was going to see Anck-sun-namun .

Many would not believe him if they found out but he honestly did love his wife. He still remembered the first day he had seen her. He had been meeting with the Pharaoh when a little girl ran up to him dripping from head to to.

"Papa, Papa. Tia's going to catch me". The little girl said excitedly as she sat on her father's lap.

"Is she now my sweet"? The Pharaoh chuckled. No sooner were the words out of her mouth when a young woman ran into the room, also dripping wet and had an amused and frustrated expression on her face.

"Nefertiri"! The woman said as she looked at the little girl making the girl squeak and run in another direction.

"I am sorry for her father". The woman sighed as she walked up the steps to the throne.

"My dear flower it is alright. It honestly delights me in seeing how close the two of you are". Seti laughed as he hugged his eldest turning her to face the young priest.

"Tia this is Imhotep the new high priest".

"Hello" Tia said sweetly as she gave a small curtsey.

"My lady". Imhotep said as he bowed and kissed the princesses hand making her blush. No one in the room noticed Perseus's resigned heartbroken stare.

Katharine woke up from her unconscious state and looked around confused. She quickly realised her hands were bound above her head and she was lying on a sacrificial table. Evy who was unconscious beside her on an identical table with her arms above her head was also laying next to a wrapped up female Mummy.

Evy started to squirm as she started to awake. When she did she blink dazed as she looked around only to look down to see a rat on her stomach.

"Eve's don't..." Katharine said as she saw Evy start to hyperventilate at the site of the rat only for her to flip to the side throwing the rat off but coming face to face with the female Mummy.

"... Move". Katharine finished grimacing. Evy returned to lying on her back with wide, terrified, unseeing eyes. Katharine bit her lip as she looked at her squirming sister. Not that the situation was funny but the current look on her little sisters face definitely was.

Katharine started to look around hurriedly when she saw the priest starting to surround them .

"Stay down". Katharine whispered receiving a shaky nod in return. Katharine lifted herself up as far as she could to see Imhotep walking down the stairs with the black book in his hands. Katharine gulped as tears filled her eyes.

She was chained down and couldn't do anything to save her sister. Her only hope was that Rick made it in time.

Katharine quickly laid back down as Imhotep approached the benches.

"Anck-su-namun". Imhotep whispered as he ran a hand down the female Mummy's face. Katharine turned her head towards Evy.

"Eve's, look at me okay. Don't worry about him just keep looking at me". Katharine murmured to her sister as Evy looked at her with frightened eyes reminding Katharine of the times Evy used to run into her room at night during a storm.

"It's going to be okay. I promises and I never break my promises". Katharine said as tried to calm Evy down. She knew she couldn't really promise that they would make it out of there alive but she was certainly going to do her damn hardest.

Imhotep watched as his wife once again reassured his sacrifice for Anck-su-namun with absolutely no regards for herself. He was starting to remember why he'd fallen so desperately in love with her when they'd first met oh so long ago.

"Rick! Jonathan"! Katharine yelled as Imhotep opened the black book.

Katharine stopped yelling for her brother and Rick when she heard Evy squeak beside her. Katharine looked at her only to notice that Evy was looking past her and turned to face the same direction.

"What the..." Katharine murmured as she watched the black fog go over herself and hover over Evy before it settled down into the female corpse. As soon as the black fog had disappeared entirely inside the corpse Anck-su-namun came to life with a horrifying screech. Katharine watched with wide eyes as it turned to stare at herself and Evy making Evy scream.

Katharine quickly look up when she realised Imhotep had moved and was standing above Evy's head. Katharine heard him chant something but was too preoccupied trying to break her chains so she could throw herself over Evy.

"NO"! Katharine screamed as Imhotep raised the dagger up high about to plunge it into Evy ...

"The book of Amun-Ra! I found it Evy, Katie! I found it"! Jonathan yelled excitedly from the top of the stairs halting Imhotep.

"Shut up and get us off of here right now Jonathan". Katharine yelled as she lifted herself up to see him.

"Open the book Jonathan". Evy quickly told him as Imhotep started to walk towards her brother

" It's the only way to kill him. You have to open the book and find the inscription. ". Katharine agreed. Everyone was so focused on Jonathan that no one noticed as Rick came around from the back and took a sword from one of the statues.

"I can't open it! It's locked with something. We need the key, Katie"! Jonathan yelled down to his sisters as he watched O'Connell get closer to them.

"Oh of course it is". Katharine mumbled in irritation.

"It's inside his robes". Evy yelled up to her brother as Imhotep started to ascend the stairs. Jonathan quickly disappeared into the tunnel as Rick jumped over the priests and broke one of Katharine's chains.

"Rick"! Katharine sighed in relief as she saw him. Katharine was trying to grab her dagger (which surprisingly was still strapped to her thigh) as she watch Rick fight the priests off. Katharine was trying to break the chains which had her feet bound as it was too difficult to grab her dagger otherwise.

Evy watched as O'Connell fought the priests off as he swung the sword of the sisters bodies when one tried to climb over them. Rick had just hit one of the Mummy's heads away like a baseball ( which received a small giggle from Katharine) and turned to the two girls smirking.

"Mummies". Rick said smugly as he broke the chains on Katharine's ankles and was about to break the one on her other hand when he was pulled down.

Katharine grimaced as she saw half of one priests body hold onto his legs while another grabbed onto his head and arms.

"Rick". Katharine mumbled when she saw another priest come forward with a stone tablet that he obviously planned to drop on Ricks head.

"Chop his legs off". Katharine said as she watched the priest get closer and closer.

"Why can't you"? Rick argued as he struggled with the two mummies that were currently holding him down.

"Because I can't do much chained to this bench now grab you sword and cut his legs from underneath him". Katharine said yelling the last part as Rick watched a decapitated hand grabbed hold of the sword he was using. Rick Immediately grabbed the hand and swung it around to the walking Mummy, cutting his legs off.

The Mummy gaped for a moment before falling back with the stone on top of him.

Rick was finally able to fight off the two half Mummies and quickly stood up to unchain both Katharine and Evy.

"How did you know that would work"? Rick asked as Katharine stood up and he moved onto Evy.

"I didn't". Katharine said quickly as she looked away.

"Huh". Rick gasped in disbelief as he grabbed a hold of her hand after he finished unchaining Evy. He turned her around to face him when the three of them heard a door open and quickly whirled around to look.

Coming out the door were Mummy soldiers holding spears, axes or sword while also hold a shield which had Horus on the front of it. The soldier Mummy's raised their weapons above their heads as they started to slowly walk towards the trio.

"Oh yeah this just keeps getting better and better". Rick grinned as he pushed Katharine behind him.

"Jonathan I am so going to kill you". Katharine yelled in annoyance.

"Do something Jonathan.". Evy pleaded as the trio slowly started to back away. Unfortunately right behind them was Imhotep while the Soldiers were in front of them.

"ME"! Jonathan yelled out from somewhere in disbelief.

"You can command them". Evy yelled shakily.

"You have got to be joking"! Jonathan said as he shook his head.

"Finish the Inscription on the cover you Idiot then you'll be able to control them"! Katharine yelled as she grabbed her dagger from its holster.

"Uh ... right". Jonathan said as he ran off to concentrate on the inscription. As scared as he was of these Mummies he was scared of Katie more so.

The trio had just backed to the edge of the stairs when Katharine was whirled around by the female Mummy who started to attack her with the dagger. Rick watched worriedly as the female Mummy lunged at Katharine with the golden dagger, who blocked her attacks with her own dagger.

Katharine disappeared from view as three of the soldier Mummies leaped across the pool of water or whatever it was. Rick didn't particularly care as he was too worried about Katharine.

Katharine was blocking off Anck-su-namuns attacks as she back away from the un-dead woman.

"Hurry up, Jonathan". Katharine yelled in annoyance as the Mummy chased her around trying to back her into a corner.

"I can't figure out this last symbol". Jonathan yelled around to his sisters.

"What does it look like"? Both replied. Katharine breathed as sigh of relief when she heard her siblings' voices which both also did unknown to her.

Katharine raised her dagger when she saw Anck-su-namun's dagger coming down towards her head. The Mummy was pushing down while Katharine pushed up but the dagger continued to get closer to her face until Katharine kick the Mummy away from her.

"It's a bird. A stork". Jonathan yelled out as he made a flapping motion with his arms. Evy who had ran away from Rick trying to find her sister screeched as she turned the corner to see Katharine fight the female Mummy off. The noise caught its attention and it started to towards her as Katharine sliced it in the back.

Anck-su-namun pushed Katharine away and into the wall and walked towards Evy before grabbing her in a chokehold and pushing her against an opposite wall. Katharine quickly stumbled to her feet and ran over to where the female Mummy was choking the life out of Evy.

"Ahmenophus"! Katharine yelled as she pulled Anck-su-namun off of her sister and motioned for Evy to run.

"Evy RUN"! Katharine demanded after she saw her sister shake her head in refusal. Evy frowned as she watched Katharine fight the Mummy off but ultimately decided to do as her big sister told her to.

Katharine heard everything go silent over on the other side of the wall and felt panic seize her heart.

When Katharine heard Jonathan yell out a command she breathed a sigh of relief but Anck-su-namun took advantage of her distraction and shoved her against the wall making her dagger fling from her hands.

Katharine dodged the dagger which Anck-su-namun kept aiming at her head as she watched the soldier Mummies stalk up behind her. Anck-su-namun quickly backed away when she noticed the soldier coming towards her. Katharine watched as the soldiers back her into a corner and proceeded to tear her apart making Katharine grimace and look away.

Katharine quickly grabbed her dagger from where it had fallen and rushed to find her brother and sister. When she turned the corner she saw Rick and Imhotep fighting as they backed away from Jonathan who was holding his neck.

"Katie. I've got it". Jonathan said as they proudly as he held up the key making her smile. Katharine quickly grabbed the book and handed it to Jonathan who hand her the key.

"Where's Evy"? Katharine asked as she looked around worried.

"I thought she was with you". Jonathan replied as he looked at Katharine with wide eyes. Both looked at each other as Katharine felt that all too familiar lump start to make its way up her throat.

"You can't get rid of me that easily". Evy said smiling as she popped up beside them. The three siblings shared as hug before Ricks yelling aught their attention and broke them up.

"Keep him busy dear". Katharine yelled out to Rick as he was once again thrown around.

"No problem". Rick groaned. Rick looked around to see Imhotep was looking at Katharine with confusion and hurt in his eyes. Rick quickly made Imhoteps attention turn back around to him and off of his girl.

Katharine quickly opened up the book with the key and both Evy and Katharine started to read the pages as quickly as possible.

"Hurry, Katie. Hurry Evy". Jonathan urged as he watched Rick get thrown around like one of Evy's rag dolls that their father had made her.

"You're not helping brother dear". Katharine said looking at the pages while trying to keep an eye on Imhotep and Rick's fight. Imhotep had just grabbed Rick in a chokehold and was lifting him of the ground when Evy yelled out in triumph.

"I've got it". Imhotep , Rick and Katharine turned to look at her as Rick face started to go blue.

"Kadish Mal, Kadish Mal , Paraduse, Paraduse". Evy chanted as the siblings looked over to Imhotep and the purple Rick.

Up the top of the stairs a chariot made of the same blue smoke as before near the pool made it way downstairs and heading straight towards Imhotep who threw Rick to the side as he stood still in fear. When the chariot passed through him he screamed in pain as if something were being ripped away from him. When the Chariot pulled away and made its way back up the stairs a screaming and terrified Imhotep was now in the coaches arms as the real Imhotep chased after the Chariot.

"I thought you said it was gonna kill him". Rick said as he stood beside Katharine as they watched the Chariot disappear and Imhotep make his way towards them.

Imhotep walked forward as Rick held his sword at the ready.

Only for a dagger to imbed itself in Imhoteps chest.

Rick, Evy, Jonathan and Imhotep looked at Katharine who still had her hand out from throwing the dagger.

"He's mortal". Katharine whispered as Imhotep pulled the dagger out of his chest and blood start to seep through his fingers.

Imhotep looked at his beautiful wife with such sadness as she looked at him with such coldness and hatred in her beautiful eyes. He walked backwards to the pool as he watched the man wrap his arms around his wife's waist and pull her close to him.

Imhotep walked into the black pool as he looked to his wife and swore to himself if he ever came back he would do whatever it took for his wife to forgive him so they could live as husband and wife once again. He knew Anck-su-namun would not be able to be in their lives but that was a price he was now willing to pay as the pain he felt at losing her was nothing compared to the pain at his wife looking at him with such hatred and having killed him herself.

As he started to sink into the water he yelled his parting words to the three that were surrounding his beloved Tia.

"Death is only the beginning". Evy mumbled as the decayed image of Imhotep sunk into the water.

The four of them stood quietly for a moment as Rick wrapped his arm around Katharine and laid his head down on top of hers as they breathed as sigh of relief. Unfortunately the moment didn't last long as the rumbling noise from above signalled that the whole place was crumbling down around them.

"Oh come on"! Katharine shouted in annoyance as Rick grabbed her hand.

"Time to go". Rick yelled pulling her along quickly followed by Evy and Jonathan.

The roof and walls were starting to lower around them as if someone had just pulled a lever for the whole place to collapse. Jonathan was trailing behind as he desperately held onto the gold book.

Jonathan tripped and fell over as he ran up the stairs which sent the book sliding into a pool of black he quickly got up and started to run away as Evy ran back over to where he'd fallen.

"You've lost the book. Jonathan I can't believe ..." Evy gasped in disbelief as she looked around. Katharine quickly ran back to her and grabbed her hand.

"You can cry about it later. Now come on"! Katharine said as she was pulled along by Rick again which subsequently also pulled Evy along. Jonathan quickly grabbed a hold of his youngest sister's hand so Katharine could have on of hers free so she could lift up her nightdress.

"Couldn't we just..." Jonathan said as he looked around the treasure room greedily.

"Jonathan"! Katharine yelled as she ran behind her brother and pushed him to keep moving. Rick was quick to grab her hand again after Jonathan started to move on his own and the four quickly made their way across the pathway which he roof was quickly falling down on top of.

"O'Connell Wait". Katharine heard behind her as she watched Rick reach his hand out for Beni to try and help him through the door. The was a resound slam as the pathway closed.

"Goodbye Beni". Rick sighed as he got back up and started to run with Katharine in front of him.

As they finally got outside and into the fresh air they had to dodge the collapsing structures that were falling all around them. As they neared the entrance the sand beneath them started to sink which made them run all the more faster.

They finally were outside of the city but kept running so that they wouldn't get caught in the sinking of the city. The four turned around to see Hamunaptra collapse in on itself and a wall of sand rise up to the sky as the city disappeared. The smoke from the sand lingered around making the place look as if it had just been hit with bombs.

The four of them stood their catching their breath when Jonathan screamed making the rest of them jump in fright. Katharine looked up to see Ardeth sitting on a camel smiling very smugly.

"Oh, thank you. Thank you very much" Jonathan said as he put his hand to his heart. Katharine started to giggle at her brother sending Rick into a fit of chuckles as well.

"Ardeth you made it". Evy said as she smiled at the man making him give her a small smile and a nod in return.

"You have earned the respect and the gratitude of my people". Ardeth said as he looked at them his gaze lingering on Evy.

"Yes, well. It was nothing". Jonathan said as he caught his breath.

"May Allah smile upon you always". Ardeth said as he kissed is fingers and pressed them to his head in a salute.

"And yourself". Jonathan gasped out as Katharine shook her head at her brothers antics. Ardeth started to ride off as Evy chased after him.

"Ardeth can we talk". Evy said as she put her hand on the camel. Ardeth gave a small nod as they both walked off to the side to talk privately.

"What do you suppose she wants to talk to him about"? Jonathan asked confused.

"Jonathan". Katharine giggled thinking he was joking as Rick shook his head at him.

"No seriously why"? Jonathan asked perplexed as he started at his oldest younger sister. Katharine looked at him for a moment before she gave a disbelieving scoff and started to laugh.

"Katie". Jonathan groaned as he watches Katie and O'Connell have a laugh on his expanse.

"She's in love Jonathan". Katharine sang to her brother whose eyes widened and turned back to look at the desert man and their sister.

"No. Really. No". Jonathan said in disbelief as he switched his gaze between one sister to the other. Katharine and Rick's chuckles slowed down when Evy came strolling back over.

"How did it go"? Katharine asked as Evy shook her head.

"The elders would not accept me as a suitable wife for the chief so ...". Evy trailed off as she looked at her sister with a small sad smile.

The four watched as Ardeth got onto his camel and rode away but not before he looked back over his shoulder his eyes solely on Evy.

"He's just leaving us here". Jonathan said as he watched the man disappear over the hill.

"Well I guess we go home empty handed again". Jonathan said as he groaned in disappointment.

"I wouldn't say that". Katharine heard Rick say from beside her making her look up at him.

"Oh please". Katharine heard Jonathan groan as he walked away rolling his eyes. Katharine leaned forward slightly as Rick leaned the rest of the way and gently touched his lips to hers.

Evy smiled as she saw her sister kissing the man she loved and had loved since she was a child before she looked away to give them a moment of privacy.

"How about you darling? Would you like a little kissy-wissy"? Jonathan said as he walked over to the camel before making a disgusted sound as Evy watched him laughing.

Rick pulled away from kissing her as she smiled slightly with her lips pressed together. She looked up at him to seeing him smiling at her with love in his eyes. The smile on his face immediately made Katharine smile back at him.

Rick helped her up onto his camel before he got on behind her. Evy and Jonathan watched (one smiling the other rolling his eyes) as Rick kissed Katharine again as the camel stood up. None of them noticed as they made their way back to Cairo that the three camels were loaded with bags of gold, thanks to a certain weasel.

AN: So how did you like this chapter.

It will be broke into 3 separate stories they won't all be on just this one. I hope you liked that little flashback of how Imhotep and Tia met I wanted to show just how much Imhotep loved his wife even though he was enchanted with Anck-su-namun.

Yes Imhotep will be working to be with his wife in the next one not Anck-su-namun but Meela/Anck-su-namun will still be there.

The new story will be up in a few days keep an eye out for it :).