A/N: Welcome! So, each chapter will feature Ema spending some "quality time" with each brother in their own individual event. I will try to keep everything as accurate as possible with the limited knowledge I have ^^;; I've only seen the anime and browsed the wikis and such. Let me know if there are any glaring errors. The quality of the piece may not be up to par; I've been out of the fic writing game for yearrrrsss. (And hopefully I'll finish this friggin' project for once -_-)

Shout out chibidumpling1198 for helping me edit this chapter! Beta Readers are awesome :D

First up, Masaomi! Enjoy!

Masaomi idly tapped his pencil against the yellow ledger. His brown eyes carefully scanned the list before him, checking and double checking it for accuracy. On top of being a medical professional, he ran the household alongside his brother Ukyo. While Ukyo took care of the shopping trips, Masaomi created the lists of items needed for the house. It was the least he could do, since his schedule rarely allowed him to plan errands. He had to delegate tasks to his siblings, else he would be in over his head.

"Laundry soap…" he mumbled. Lifting his pencil, he circled the words and made a quick note next to it. His little sister, Ema, recently suffered an allergic reaction to the detergent. He remembered when the poor girl came to him in a panic, her skin covered in red welts. He quickly advised her to go see a dermatologist as soon as possible and at her insistence, swore not to tell anyone else about her ailment He leaned back into his chair and recalled her smiling face. Soon, a small smile graced his lips, happy that he had been able to bring relief to the young girl. She always worked so hard to help around the house and to care for her newfound family. He wished that he could spend more time at the house, especially with Ema. Despite his best efforts, his desire to see her grew stronger with every precious moment he spent with her. Like his brothers, Masaomi was enamored with the girl, though had a better time hiding it. At least, from Ema. He was pretty certain that Ukyo grew tired of his frequent check-ins whenever he had a late night at the clinic.

A timid knock on the door pulled his attention away from his thoughts. He checked the digital clock on his nightstand. Who would ask for him at 11:30 at night? Did Wataru have another bad dream? He stood up from his seat, dropping the pencil onto the notepad before making his way over to the door.


She stood silently at the doorway, clutching a small bottle of cream in her delicate hands. Her eyes were downcast and she shifted her weight nervously as she spoke.

"Um I-I'm sorry to bother you but….can I come in?" She looked up at him briefly, before her eyes flickered back down to the floor. Maosami furrowed his brows in concern before stepping aside to let her in.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked in a hushed whisper. Earlier in the day, she had confirmed that she did indeed react poorly to the laundry soap. The outbreak was mild and she had received the proper medication to treat it. Did her condition get worse? The young girl soundlessly stepped inside. Masaomi suddenly became aware of how unkempt he allowed his room to become. Shyly, Ema fumbled with her bottle before asking, "C-could you shut the door?"

His heart raced briefly. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he heard her correctly. Masaomi eyed her flushed face carefully before closing the door. Now they were alone together, in the confines of his bedroom. The logical part of his mind reminded him that perhaps Ema needed his medical expertise once more and that's all she came here for. But for a small instance, he believed that maybe, she wanted to be alone with him for another reason. That she came to his room in the middle of the night to….

No. That's impossible.

"Ema, is everything alright?" Her nervous behavior did not escape him. She was clearly upset over…something. She bit her bottom lip before looking up at him. He felt his breath hitch at the sight of his adorable sister looking so vulnerable. He wanted to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay, even without knowing what she was so distressed about.

"Masao-nii…" she began meekly. "I-I need your help again…um…" She cupped the bottle in her clasped hands.

"O-of course, Ema-chan, what can I do for you? Please, you don't need to be embarrassed." He hoped that his words brought comfort to her. Her face reddened once more before she continued.

"Um…I need help putting on the ointment. The doctor said it should help with the redness." Masaomi smiled and put an affectionate hand on her head. He felt silly for getting so worked up over nothing. Part of him felt slightly disappointed that he couldn't do more for her, but he was still glad to assist her in any way that he could.

"Go ahead and have a seat on the bed. I'll go get my gloves." Ema smiled gratefully at her older step brother, her shoulders visibly relaxing. She gave him a small nod before sitting down on the mattress. The pediatrician slid open one of his desk drawers and pulled out a box of latex gloves. They were handy to have around the house, especially since Wataru had a tendency to fall and hurt himself over and over again. Besides, the sight of blood frightened him. Touching it would be the last thing he wanted to do. He put on his gloves with a snap and took a seat next to Ema. The scent of honeydew wafted to his nose. Masaomi tried to loosen up the tight knot in his chest. He was a professional, so he had to retain the calm and focused demeanor he usually had with his other patients. He couldn't think about the fact that it was Ema in front of him and how much he wanted to encircle his arms around her waist and press his lips to hers.

She still had some residual pinkness in her cheeks. She handed him the bottle of ointment before turning her back to him.

"I can't reach my back," she simply said before lifting up her shirt. His eyes widened as he felt his face heat up. Everything started to make sense now. Of course, she would be embarrassed to ask him! Where else would she need help applying the medicine? Her arms? Masaomi could only stare as, bit by bit, she revealed more of herself to him. He eventually spotted the straps to her bra. Sweat started to form upon his face, his breath caught in his throat. He was lucky that she was facing the other way. He gulped before putting some of the ointment on his hands.

His trembling fingers lightly touched her skin. Ema inhaled sharply at the cold salve. Instantly, he pulled his hands back. Masaomi hesitated to continue.

"A-are you ok?" he stuttered. She turned her head to the side and nodded.

"I was just surprised, that's all," she replied in her soft, whispery voice. The doctor took a deep breath through his nose in an attempt to relax his nerves. Gently, he rubbed the lotion into her back in small circles, starting from her lower back.

"Ah!" Ema let out a small whimper when he touched on of her red spots. He knitted his brows and stopped once more.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay."

Only with a small nod from Ema did he continue. He worked his way up, running his fingers along her spine, tracing her shoulder blades. He tried not to shake so nervously, but Ema's mewlings and gasps made it hard for him to focus. He had to bite his lip every time she shivered. His professional demeanor deteriorated with each stroke of his hands, every intimate thought that crossed his mind. He felt the warmth of her skin radiate through his gloves as he silently rubbed her back. At one particularly sensitive point, she involuntarily arched her back.

Why him? Why?

He couldn't discern whether or not the opportunity had been a blessing or a curse. The other brothers, Kaname especially, probably wouldn't mind having Ema trembling under their touch in the privacy of their rooms. At the same time, though, Masaomi couldn't exactly have his way with her. He had to constantly remind himself that he was helping her, healing her. But each time a tiny moan escaped her lips, his mind played the most sinful scenarios.

In reality, the job only took about a few minutes. In Masaomi's mind, it felt like an eternity. Finally, he reached the nape of her neck. He leaned forward wordlessly, his lips almost touching her ear.

"There," he whispered, breathless. "All done."

Ema smiled, unaware of how mentally taxing the task was to her dearest brother. Her clothes cloaked her body once more. Masaomi sighed. He was both relieved and disappointed that he was no longer distracted by her flesh. The brown haired male disposed of his gloves and handed the ointment back to Ema. She seemed more relaxed that when she had come in earlier. A small blush dusted her nose as the pair made their way to the door.

"Thank you," she said. "I didn't know who else to go to."

"Oh, it's no problem." He smiled at her as casually as he could.

"Um…is it alright that I come back again tomorrow night? The doctor said I need to apply the cream daily."

His eyes brightened at the prospect of another nightly visit. "Yes, of course. Whatever I can do to help."

The brunette held the bottle to her chest and smiled gratefully. Masaomi returned the smile, his eyes locked on hers.

"Sleep well, okay Ema-chan?" He gave her a playful pat on the head. The young girl nodded affirmatively, still holding her smile.

"Good night, Masaomi," was the last thing she said before exiting the room. After a beat of silence, Masaomi shuffled to his bed and fell face first into the sheets. He rolled onto his back, covering his face with his palms after realizing what he signed up for. The next few nights were going to be long.

"But then again…" he whispered to himself. A blissful smile played on his lips. He couldn't pretend that he wasn't excited.

The sound of knocking interrupted his thoughts once more. Masaomi practically leapt onto his feet, secretly hoping that Ema had returned to him. He pulled open the door and his face fell. It was Ukyo.

The blonde brother arched an eyebrow at Masaomi's disappointment. "Sorry to bother you, but did you finish the shopping list?" It took the elder brother a second to compose himself.

"Ah, yes. Yes I did." With slumped shoulders, he retrieved the shopping list from his desk and handed it to Ukyo.

"Mm, thanks." Ukyo briefly glanced over the list. "By the way," he began, peering at his brother above his glasses. "Do you know why Ema was down here so late? I passed by her on my way over here." Masaomi froze in place, his hand rigidly cupping the doorknob. He tried to find the right words to answer his questions without outright lying to him.

"She ah…she needed my help. With something." He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to avoid eye contact with his sibling. The lawyer pressed his lips together momentarily and decided not to question him any further.

"I see. Well, good night Masaomi-niisan."

"Good night." Masaomi closed the door with a little more force than he intended. Pressing his back to the door, he let out a puff of air in relief. Unfortunately for him, Ukyo had grown skilled enough to read the emotions of his brothers. There was no doubt that the blonde would piece together what was happening. Masaomi groaned. Really, there was nothing to hide. She needed someone to assist her and, as a big brother, he had to offer her his services.
