Title:   "Return"

Synopsis:  The return home from Annuminas is met with anxiety, sickness and just a little bit of trouble…..

This is an AU story that does not follow the timeline of the book.

Rating: PG-13

Spoilers: Takes place after Return of the King.

Pairing: Aragorn / Arwen.

Disclaimer: I'm not Tolkien. I don't own these characters. (darn!) I make no money. Done for fun.

Additional Info: Movie-verse.

                           First story in this series "Restless"

   Sequel to "Revenge"

The above can be found here: http://www.geocities.com/maegovannen/lotrfanfic.html

The story will make more sense if read in the above order.

Archive: If you like, just tell me where.

'Return' Prologue

"If you are determined to set out for the White City immediately, you will do so with an escort from the Grey Havens." Cirdan stood next to Celeborn and stared down at the determined King. Arwen sat beside Aragorn, who rested in bed, confined there on pain of death, until he could stand and walk more than a few feet without assistance. "We realize you want your heir to be born in Gondor, but in the interests of safety and comfort for your pregnant wife and you, yourself, as you recover from your wounds, you will be given two elven high ships in which to sail."

Aragorn sat in silence and let the elf speak. He had been raised in knowing when it was prudent to interrupt an elf Lord and when it was wise to remain silent.

"It will cut the journey in half – if not more." Cirdan added, and with a knowing look directed at Celeborn, continued. "Every man or elf that wishes to return to the White City, will be welcome, by leave of the High King, of course."

Aragorn nodded and smiled.

"Cirdan and I will accompany you." Celeborn smiled and the excitement that lit in Arwen's eyes could be felt around the room.

"We wish to see your heir born and your reign solidified in this Kingdom, Aragorn," Celeborn continued. "This babe will be kin to the race of elves, and we wish to see him safely brought into this world."

Aragorn smiled warmly and nodded to the elven Shipwright. "I accept your offer, Lord Cirdan. We will make haste for the White City," he risked a glance at Arwen and was rewarded with the raise of a curious eyebrow, "when I am given leave to get up from this bed, and when Arwen is well enough to travel."

"I am well enough, husband," Arwen smiled, squeezing his hand. "The sickness will come and go, whether my feet touch ground or water."

Cirdan and Celeborn exchanged a knowing look. If the royal couple only knew….regardless of which mode of travel they chose, that returning to Gondor with Arwen heavy with child, would not be a pleasant or peaceful trip – in more ways than one.