I don't own Fire Emblem

On a Private Jet headed towards Plegia City

Robin closed the book he was reading and opened the shutter on the window, the city landscape was a silhouette in the sunlight. He sighed. It was a year since him and Tharja investigated the Black Wyvern Nightclub. He really didn't want to be there, but Senator Validar was paying him large amounts of money to do one job as well as paying for most of the repairs from the damage done to Ylisstol during the Grimleal attack.

To Robin, all of this seemed like a ploy for Validar re-election, though it didn't matter to him. His father jokingly called him a patriot, the word lingered whenever he said it. Lost in thought, Robin was startled by a flight attendant. "Sir, we will be landing shortly, please buckle your seatbelt." She requested with a gentle smile. Robin buckled up, smiled back and watched her as she walked past him and poked Orton, Validar's lap dog in the shoulder. "Sir, can you please buckle your seat-belt?" She asked him. Having just woken up, He fumbled his seatbelt and clicked it in after the third try. Orton purposely tipped his empty wine glass so it fell on the floor. The woman bent over to pick the glass up, giving him the opportune time to glance at her rear. Robin shook his head at the dirt bag's antics.

Validar waited on the airstrip for Robin and Orton to get off the plane. A limousine behind him, as well as his bodyguard. As Robin stepped off of the Plane, Validar tapped the top of the limo, the driver stepped out of the vehicle and power-walked to Robin. He took one of Robin's suitcases and began to walk with him to the car. They placed the luggage into the trunk and the driver opened the door for both men.

They sat in silence for about a minute before Robin broke it. "This job… is it legal?" Validar smirked.

"Technically speaking, yes." He replied, pouring himself a glass of scotch. He held out the bottle, Robin declined. "Though it is frowned upon by few."

"Why?" He asked. Validar crossed his legs.

"If the cartel knows your face, your loved ones will be in danger, and believe it or not, not many people like dying. During the raids, Los Carniceros neutralize threats before they have time to act. Your job is to get a package they are delivering before they make the drop off. This is your job and yours alone. The rest of the team has their parts. Ah, we're at your stop." Validar handed over a couple of files. "Don't contact me until the job is done."

"Wasn't planning on it." Robin replied wittily. He left the limo, the driver handed him his luggage. Robin placed his bags on the ground and pulled his wallet for a tip. The driver walked away without the money and drove off. Robin stood with a ten in hand, coughing as the exhaust cleared from his view. "Asshole." Robin looked at the luggage, which was picked up by a lobby boy.

"This way, Sir." Robin nodded, then froze. He felt like he was being watched. He turned to his right as a motorcyclist in black sped off. "Something wrong, sir?"

He shook his head. "No, it's fine." 'Damn, that was odd.' Robin followed the lobby boy to the entrance of the elevator. The lobby was extravagant. It was clearly expensive to He grabbed the bags and handed the ten meant for the driver to the kid. The lobby boy handed him the keys to his room.

"Top floor." He said.

"Thanks." The teen walked away as the elevator doors opened. Robin walked through the doors and pressed the 32nd floor button. On the 3rd floor, the doors opened, a large, dark-skinned man entered the elevator. He wore a black suit with sunglasses covering an eye wound. Robin had recognized him immediately. "Basilio?"

"Robin." The agent nodded in succession.

"What are you doing here?" Robin asked.

"That's classified." Basilio said sternly.

"I see." Robin and Basilio stared coldly at the elevator door. They both began to snicker. "You've always wanted to say that haven't you.

"Oh, yeah. Totally worth it. It's good to see you." They both shook hands.

"How's Flavia?" Robin asked.

"You can ask her yourself. She's at the pool doing laps. I was going to go to the bar, join us tomorrow when you're ready, will you?" Basilio requested. Robin smiled.

"It will make my time here less aggravating. Sure, I don't see why not." Basilio glanced at the elevator floor numbers.

"Top floor, huh?" He asked raising is eyebrows.

"Yeah." Robin sighed. He hated heights. The doors opened. It was a long hallway with a single door at the end of it. Basilio had a hearty laugh.

"Enjoy the suite." He said as the doors closed.

'Validar, got me a suite? How sweet of him… dammit, I should leave the puns to Henry. Seriously though, if he thinks he can just throw money around and win me over, then he has another thing- holy shit…' Robin was in awe when he opened the door to the suite. A full sized bar to the right and the biggest bed he had ever seen to the left. The entire northern wall was glass, giving him the full view of Plegia's beautiful skyline. Robin scanned the room while heading towards the bed. He spotted a letter with a box next to it. He put down his luggage and opened the letter.

I know you aren't particularly fond of me, but this was given back to me after your mother left. I find it more fitting with you.

-Validar. P.S The message etched in the box was for your mother, so this doesn't get weird.

'How could this get any weirder?' Robin looked at the box and picked it up. He slowly opened it, revealing a gold necklace with a small amethyst in a gold locket. The message inside was etched 'To my love'. Robin closed the box and placed it and the letter on the end table, then sigheds. He laid on the bed after he had emptied his pockets. He began to read the files on the men he would working with as well as the notes about the drop off point. The bed was comfortable… too comfortable. About an hour later, his eyes became heavy and sleep overtook him.

Hours went by before Robin was woken up by his phone vibrating on the table. He answered with a mumble. "Hello?"

"It's Orton. It's time. Meet me down in the lobby." The call ended.

'Well, time to get to work.' Robin said to himself.

To Be Continued…

So glad I could get this prologue out. This is one of few spin-off stories I am planning, so this doesn't count as the official sequel. Thanks for reading and don't forget to review as well. I am open to ideas and don't forget to follow me on tumblr additional stuff. It's fireemblemypd.

Mattariago Out!