Written: 9/21/15

Author: Sarak May


Warnings: Lots of food references

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor the cover photo

Summary: It's the fated meeting!

Year 847 Age 13 (Sasha's POV)

Maria! My legs are melting like butter on a potato. Butter on a potato. Potato. I'm hungry.

I was slowing down and bumped into a short … what?


I turned to find to two short little children.

How cute!

"Hey, Hag! Did you hear me? Move."

Not cute! Not cute!


They ran past the whole herd of trainee's strait to… Levi, the protégée of camp. You could practically see the annoyance radiating out of him when he turns towards them. They passed him easily but Levi ran after them lecturing in a loud voice "You brats!"

The black haired one started running backwards "What ya going to do about it? Pass us?"

Levi ran to pass them, but every time he sped up they matched pace, leaving him always a yard behind.

By the end Levi was sweating like an onion and mad hot like a pepper and the two children were cool as cucumbers. Maria, I'm hungry!

That night we had stew it was hot and warm during the cold night with aching muscles and noodle legs. The mushrooms were amazing and the potatoes sublime. (Sasha… Sasha!)

Oh! Sorry, I'm getting off topic. Any who, during dinner Eren spilled Levi's tea on Mikasa's handkerchief (that we learned later was her friend Isabel's who died.) She became so angry we ran till we saw morning!

That was the first time Mikasa and Levi ever met. Trainee troupe #104 always remembered never to judge a book by it's cover afterwards.