-Sasuke and Sakura correspond through letters.-

The lovely ohsolovablekk requested a letters prompt where Sasuke and Sakura write to each other while he is travelling (postwar). But I thought it would be fun to collaborate on this one, so I've brought in one of my fave sasusaku prompters/writers.

arigatosasusaku is writing Sakura and she can be found at arigato-sasusaku dot tumblr dot com

I'll be writing Sasuke and my blog is merinxd dot tumblr dot com

All letters will be improv to make things more interesting and do not have prior planning. (Aside from the name!) Hope you enjoy this. It should be fun! :D

All replies can be accessed at our blogs :)

This will be updated as it's written.


#[two months in] [sasuke 01]#

Dear Sakura,

It's been awhile since we last talked. How are you? How are Naruto and Kakashi?

It has been eight weeks since we last saw each other, but it feels longer. Things seem to be okay on my end.

Thankfully, I made it through the Land of Fire without incident, and enjoyed a brief time in the Land of Frost.

I am now in the Land of Lightning. I thought, perhaps, that it might have been foolish to choose this as my first destination; but I want to face things head on while I'm out here; I want to do things differently to before.

When I arrived in Kumogakure, I was wary, but the people surprised me…

It was strange, to be accepted by the public, and there was no resistance to my presence. I have officially been welcomed as a guest of the nation, and it seems to be going well.

Of course, there are bridges to mend. I would be foolish to think otherwise. I am confident, however, that I will leave here successful.

Naruto has proved himself right so far; the people of the shinobi world are starting to act differently. The leaders of this region reflect the change that Naruto speaks of, and I hope to see similar results in the Land of Earth, after solidifying my relationship here.

I will remain in Lighting for as long as I need to, before moving through to the sound; I hope that it is sooner rather than later.

Before you ask of my travels there, I will apologise…

I cannot tell you where I am going, in the Land Sound, or how long I will be there. Though, I will say that Konoha has connections everywhere, and I am Konoha shinobi.

I tell you all of this, Sakura, so that you know that I am safe. I want you to know that I have severed the dark connections of my past, and you and Naruto do not have to worry.

Team seven is in my thoughts,

Send my regards,



Ps. Tell Naruto that he better be training hard. I am.