Zoe smiled looking in the full length mirror. Today was the day that she would forever remember, the day she joined her life with Wade's. Over the past year there had been a lot of panic that had went on not just over the wedding but everything in life it seemed. Over the summer they had flown to New York to attend Justin's funeral. Ariel had shut herself off for the longest time during that period of her life; she hadn't even opened up in therapy. The only one to really get through to Ariel was Braxton. They had built a bond that didn't look like it was ever going to be broken. They had all been worried about her, but slowly she had come back to them. Braxton had tried to stay out of trouble but it was by far way too easy for him to get into trouble, it was like the trouble just came to him.

But after all of that they were stronger as a family for the downs that they had to go through over the last year. This was the moment where they were going to be bring them together officially, it was the icing on the cake for them. This was the moment that they had been waiting for over the last year. This was the moment that was going to change their lives but at the same time it wasn't going to change anything about their lives.

"I wasn't happy when you told me that you were taking Ariel and moving down here," Candice stated with a sigh, standing behind her daughter. "The whole idea of it was just beyond ridiculous; I had high hopes that you would come back home," she spoke holding her hand up seeing that Zoe had something to say. "But now that I've seen how this place makes you and Ariel, this place was made for the two of you. You've made a wonderful life here for Ariel and yourself. Now that you're marrying Wade the wonderful life is only going to grow more. I'm happy for you," Candice told her with sincerity in her voice.

Zoe smiled blinking away the tears that wanted to escape. There was no way she was going to ruin her make up before the ceremony even started. "Thank you, Mom," Zoe replied hugging her mom tightly. "You have no idea how much I needed you to say that, it really does mean a lot to me," she said softly. Candice smiled, dabbing at her daughter's watery eyes. "I love you Mom."

"I love you to sweetheart. I've only ever wanted the best for you and I honestly thought this place was going to bring you down, but I was the one in the wrong, it's made you better," Candice said, placing the veil atop her daughter's head. "Wade despite his many flaws; I don't know a better guy for you to be marrying today." Zoe smiled a light blush coming to her cheeks, she didn't know a better man either.

"You ready Zoe?" Harley asked stepping into the room.

"Yes," Zoe said taking a deep breath. "Thank you for everything mom," Zoe said, walking out with Harley. "It is okay that I start calling you dad now right?" Zoe asked as they got into place. Harley smiled holding his arm out for her to take. Zoe easily slipped her arm through his.

"I've wanted to hear you call me dad since I learned that I was going to be a father," Harley told her. "It was you that needed to get use to the idea of having me as your dad."

"You've been an amazing dad to me since I showed up here over two years ago now. So much time has been taken away from us, I'm just happy that I've been given a chance to know you, to know who my dad is."

"You've brought a joy to my life, you and Ariel both," Harley smiled.

"She loves you just like I do."

"I love the both of you very much," Harley told her in reply. "Are you ready for this?" He asked her as the music started up.

"It's now or never, right?" Zoe questioned with a bright smile on her face.

"Right," he answered.

"Let's do this," she smiled taking a small step forward.

Wade stood next to his brother and George, Braxton joining them. He smiled watching Ariel walk down the aisle tossing the rose petals. He straightened up hearing the music change, his eyes locking on Zoe. For a brief second he had forgotten how to breathe.

"What's going on here?" Wade asked amused leaning against the wall, seeing Zoe and the kids covered in what looked like flour.

"We are trying to make the greatest dad this side of the mighty Mississippi breakfast in bed for Father's day and you ruined that," Ariel replied.

"Yeah dad, go back to bed wouldja?" Braxton asked in his most demanding voice.

"Okay, I'm going," he chuckled. He winked catching the thank you Zoe mouthed. He plopped himself down on the bed turning the TV on.

The breakfast wasn't the best but he ate every bite of it with a smile on his face. He had enjoyed his day. They had spent lunch with Jackie and Earl and dinner with Norma and Harley. Wade had enjoyed being at home eating dessert the most though he did have to admit that it was the handmade cards he cherished. He couldn't ask for a better way to spend Father's day, then with his kids and his fiancée.

"Wade, do you take Zoe to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Reverend Mayfair asked.

"Heck yes I do," Wade grinned.

Zoe woke up to an empty bed. Taking a quick glance at her fiancé's side of the bed she spotted the little note with mom written on it. Sitting up she opened the note. 'We love you' was written on the top part of it. Below that 'Follow the path' was written. Confused Zoe put the note down and looked around the room. Her confusion turned into a smile. Slipping from bed Zoe followed the path of flower petals to the bedroom door. From there she followed the arrows, leading her outside. She smiled seeing her little family sitting at the picnic table with breakfast.

"Now isn't this a splendid surprise," Zoe said, resting her hands on top of Wade's shoulders. He smiled kissing her fingers.

"Nothing but the best for you," Wade responded. Smiling she sat down.

"Thank you for this," she said looking at the kids.

"You're our mom, of course we're going to do something special for you," Braxton replied. "Happy Mother's day," he tacked on, handing her a card that was filled with love and appreciation.

"We couldn't have asked for a better mom, thank you for everything that you've done for us," Ariel said, handing over a card to show just how much she loved and cared for her mom. Zoe smiled, getting up and giving both of them hugs.

"I couldn't have asked for a better mom for Braxton then you, Zo. I love you so damn much," Wade told her sliding a box across the wood of the picnic table. "To show just how much you mean to all of us."

With shaky hands Zoe opened the box to see a Star of David necklace with not only her birthstone but the kids' birthstones as well. "It's beautiful and you guys are just so amazing," she told them wiping away her tears, the grin never leaving her face.

She could spend time talking to her mom on the phone and they could spend time with Norma and Harley and they could have a wonder feast with Jackie and Harley but that would never compare to her own breakfast with her family. She was truly blessed to have each one of them in her life.

"Zoe, do you take Wade to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Rabbi Paymer asked.

"I do," she smiled.

"By the state of Alabama we now pronounce you husband and wife," Reverend Mayfair said.

"You may kiss your bride," Rabbi Paymer told them.

Wade wasted no time in pulling Zoe in for a heart stopping kiss as their family and friends cheered for them.

They had danced their first dance as husband and wife. Zoe had danced with her father; Wade had even danced with his mom. They had a special little dance with the kids. The flowers had been tossed, the garter tossed as well. Cake had been eaten and smashed in each other faces. Love and care had been shared. Smiles worn that had hurt their faces but they couldn't stop from smiling.

"I don't want to ruin this time," George spoke getting their attention as they took a break from the dance floor. "But I figured you would both want to sign these now," he told them referring to the papers that they needed to sign to adopt Ariel and Braxton.

"I'm ready to make it official," Wade stated with a grin. "Are you Mrs. Kinsella?"

"More than you know, Mr. Kinsella," Zoe smiled. It was strange being referred to as a Kinsella but she loved it. Dr. Zoe Kinsella sounded rather lovely to her.

"Great, just sign here," he told them, pointing to the places on each piece of paper that they needed to sign at. "I'll get them filed away but congratulations on everything, you both deserve it," George told them walking off.

"How does it feel?" Wade asked, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Amazing," she whispered leaning back into him. "Purely amazing."

Wade nodded in agreement. To be here was simply amazing. They had made it through so much to get to this point and that had made it that much sweeter to finally be standing there as husband and wife.

Being told that you were going to be a father again that was a priceless moment where nothing could possibly go wrong. His life was cloud nine, for all of that to be taken away from you in a blink of an eye was just wrong and it felt like his heart was being ripped right out of his chest and to not know how his wife was doing because the doctors wouldn't let him in to see her or tell him anymore was slowly killing him, all he could do was sit in the stupid uncomfortable chairs the stupid hospital had to offer. If he wasn't sitting he was pacing the room. Jesse and Lavon had tried to get him to relax multiple times.

"She's my world now and I can't relax until I know what's going on. I lost my baby, the baby I won't ever get to know, I can't lose Zoe too, not after everything," he gulped, falling to the floor holding his head in his hands. "You can't understand what I'm going through," he sobbed. "I can't go through this again," he whispered looking up towards the heavens.

I'm sorry for leaving it off this way, that had never been my intentions to do, it was just the best place to add in the miscarriage that I've had planned since it had been brought to my attention a while ago. I promise that I won't be leaving any of you with questions for too long. The first chapter of the sequel which is called A Beginning to End will be posted on Monday at some point.

Thank you to everyone that has read, alerted and favorited this story. It means a lot. A major thank you to the following people for leaving reviews.

yotoots, Honay 1x11, Celia Toma, Simone, KSD17, daisesndaffidols, cadenf, zade12, CalleiaNeal1988, Neecee81, alli211, MusicLuver21, Daniela34, JB, Terinkaa, Zade all the way, DixieFlowers, cailley1995, Dixiefan100, TeamZade, LongLiveTheHart, and to the multiple guest reviewers I can't thank you enough for the wonderful feedback that kept this story going.