Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or anything except the stuff I write down in a book that is not Fanfiction, haah yes I have my own stuff I work on but this is, The concept that I took this from is : Sagistic2034 at s/9369148/1/Uzunami-Clan

Also to anyone out their who wrote a Naruto joining the Akatsuki, too many of them (Deadpool yells out SPOILERS)

On the other hand this is what I wanted to write for a while sure, I hope you enjoy

Also please review but hell no flaming my Grammar is terrible.


Konohagakure, The Hokage office three weeks after the failed Sasuke Retrieval mission.

Lady Tsunade the Fifth Hokage sat is silent thought in her office, she was waiting for Shikaku Nara to enter her office.

As a Nara she knew he would be a tad late, therefore she knew that she had a reason to be cross with him.

The door to her office opened and a scarred spiky haired man walked in "You called for me Lord Hokage."

Lady Tsunade gave a nod and then said "How is the situation with Naruto?

To this the Nara said "Why don't you call in the Anbu you posted on him, I'm sure they can tell you."

To this Tsunade raised her eyebrow and said "How long have you known?"

To this the Nara answered "Since you just told me."

She cursed herself, she had fallen for the his trap, sure he was a slacker, but he was also a tactical genius "I'll let that one slide, tell me how has he been?"

To this the Nara sighed and said "Well apart from refusing contact with anyone other than the Ramen Shop man and his daughter and the two from the Hyuga he has been well socially withdrawn."

Tsunade sighed and said "That is to be expect of him, after all."

To her sigh the Nara responded "You shouldn't create such troublesome situation for yourself."

See looked at him and said "I am Hokage, there are many things I have to do and do not wish to, this was among one of them."

The Nara said nothing to her he just looked at her and waited for her to come up with some justification for what she had done.

When she failed to come up with one he said "If I recall the report it said that it was likely that he would be unfit for action."

Tsunade looked at him and said "What they say on paper and what they say are two different things."

To this the Nara shrugged and said "If you feel any pain or regret about what you have done then it is your due, good day Lady Hokage."

He gave her a polite bow and left, she could tell that he did not support her decision. "Shit what crap have I gotten myself into?"

The Nara was right she was to blame for this, it was her decision after all.

Her mind drifted back to her choice two weeks earlier, could she have said something different, what went through his mind when she said that.

Two Weeks earlier

"I am sorry to inform you of this Naruto, but you have been deemed medically unfit mentally, to continue to serve in the Shinobi forces."

The only expression on Naruto's face was a blank one, one that wished for this all to be some sick joke.

"Um, Granny Tsunade, this is a joke right, you're not really kicking me out?"

Giving a heavy sigh Tsunade said "I'm sorry Naruto but that is what I am saying, I'm sorry that it came to this after all you've done-!"

Naruto did not even wait for her to finish he had already taken of his head band and dropped it on the floor of the office.

Tsunade was shocked that he did not put up a fight or even try to argue with her. "No Mam, I'm the one who is sorry, after all I've done."

With that he turned and left her office, she was stunned by what he had just done, she thought he would at least argue or give her time to explain.

Shizune came in through the door "Tsunade something is wrong, Naruto did not smile at me or greet me when he walked past, what's more he does not have his headband!"

She stopped when she saw what was lying in the room then she looked at Tsunade.

"Please tell me that what just happened did not just happen?"

Tsunade could not meet her gaze, instead she looked down at her desk and said "I'm sorry but it did, his mental state is not healthy enough for us to have him as a Shinobi."

Just then a small annoy voice came out "Hey Grandma lady, what did you do to Naruto, you big jerk he is not even talking to me when I say Hi!"

This was the voice of Sarutobi's grandson, he was not happy, he was angry enough to burst into her office and say this to her face!

"What's done is done, I will not revoke the decision I have made."

In the mean time Naruto had left the building and was on his way home.

Kiba who had now healed from his injuries looked at him and said "You Naruto, you want to go train, I mean it can take your mind of things."

He notice the missing headband and asked "Naruto what happened, where is your headband.

To this Naruto gave his friend a blank stare and said "I'm sorry Kiba I am, but I'm not fit to be a Shinobi, Lord Hokage's order."

Now Kiba may have been dim, but he knew that there was no way Naruto was okay, he was being way to polite.

At this moment Shikamaru popped up and said "Dolt where is your headband how do you intend to be Hokage when you can't remember it."

He looked at the almost soulless look Naruto had on him and said "Hey Naruto, what about your dream?"

To this Naruto said "My dream has been taken and shattered."

Shikamaru now knew something was wrong and asked "Naruto don't kid around, what the hell after all we've been through what's happened, don't tell me you quit being a Shinobi!"

To this Naruto shook his head "I did not quit, I was deemed medically unfit."

The calm nature and face that he put on did not suit him at all, in fact he kinda made the face of a man who had nothing left to live for.

It shocked Shikamaru so much that he actually ran up to Naruto "Wait, Naruto this can't stand I'll have a word to my Father about this, he is a clan head."

To this Naruto shook his head "It is no use I am not a Shinobi any more, Lord Hokage's word is law."

Now Shikamaru could not say anything in reply to that.

"Naruto what the hell has happened to you?" Shikamaru thought this as he and Kiba watched Naruto walked back to his apartment.

Kiba looked at his friend "I'm going to tell my Mom and about this bullshit, she can't do that to Naruto!"

Shikamaru wanted to tell his friend that he was right, but he knew that what Naruto had said was true.

Naruto now saw in his apartment and went through all the useless trash he had, his picture, his tools, his scrolls all of it they were of no use to him now.

He didn't even need his orange jumpsuit, taking it off he was now in his regular black shirt and short green pant he wore under it.

Putting it all in a bag he decided to take all of it and put it into the trash. He heard a knock on his door, opening up as he was about to take out his trash he saw Neji standing their.

It was clear that he had obviously run over here, though he kept his clam composure, Naruto could tell he was worried.

"Naruto, Naruto is it true that you are no longer a Shinobi, tell me this is some sick kind of joke!"

Looking at his friend he said "No Neji, it is not a joke, I thought so at first to, you can ask lord Hokage if you really want."

Neji saw the bag Naruto was holding grabbed his arm "Naruto it all aside just because one woman told you, you're not worth it!"

Naruto knew what Neji was trying to say and he looked at his friend and laughed.

"Neji, you recall how you said I would never understand having a mark that set me aside from everyone else?"

Neji raised his eyebrow and then asked "Wait, what that has to do, with this?"

Naruto smiled a mirthless smile and said "Neji, since the day I was born I was hated by all in this village, in my childish mind, I thought if I became Hokage I would be given some credit or at least some recognition and kindness."

At this point Neji did not know what to say. "Neji, I was hated because the fourth Hokage chose me as his Human sacrifice to stop the Nine-Tails."

Neji did not faze with this he looked at him and said "What of it, you aren't him."

Naruto stopped smiling and said "Neji, you and I may know that, but may others don't and don't care to."

Neji looked on at shock as his friend walked past him and proceeded to take out the trash.

As Naruto went back inside his house he said "I was declared medically unfit in my state of mind, no one else was, there is only one reason for that."

Neji just stared as his friend walked inside and close the door.

Neji did not know what to say, nor did he know what to do.

He would have asked Naruto about his Nindo, but he knew the answer he'd get.

"Shinobi are the ones who have them, I am not one, any more."

He now looked at the sky "Perhaps Gai Sensei would know what to say to him?"

With that he went off to find his Sensei and ask him about a solution.

Naruto at the moment heard him leave and sighed "I'll just go get some ramen then come back home."

Naruto opened the door to find Shizune at his door step, he close the door behind him and walked right past her.

"Naruto, wait, why are you ignoring me!"

To this Naruto did not answer, he just kept walking. Shizune ran up to Naruto to try to grab his hand but he simply moved it out of the way.

"I'm sorry, I really am, you should probably do the things your meant to for Lord Hokage and all don't bother about me."

What struck her was that he no longer called Tsunade by her name.

Naruto headed to his favourite place Ramen Ichiraku, he sat down their and asked "I'll have the regular."

Teuchi, who had practically watched the boy grow up said "Hey what's happened, you never come without a smile?"

Naruto sighed "You'll hear eventually, I don't really want to talk about it, well now at any rate."

The owner respect his wishes and said "Ayame make, double this poor guy's been through something."

Naruto looked up "I can't pay for two sir?"

Teuchi shook his head "You need not worry this one's on the house, you should cheer up a frown does not look good on you!"

For the firs time since before he entered the Hokage's office Naruto managed a smile.

"Thanks old man, you are the only guy who truly understands me."

Present Day

Naruto's day consisted of reading books in his house, walking around his house, going to Ramen Ichiraku, speaking with Neji and going back home to sleep.

One of the Anbu assigned to him said "He just does the same thing every day, is he on to us, no he is only a child?"

To Naruto this was not his concern, he did not know and at this point he did not care about anything.

The only thing he cared about was how he was going to get his next meal.

"I'll ask the fox him he has any advice, he may not like me, but he may be willing to help me?"

Closing his eyes Naruto concentrated so that he could enter his mind-scape.

Within Naruto's mind

"Hey you there at all I could use your advice." Naruto said this to a lard gate with a seal on it, behind the seal two massive red eyes opened.

"Why would a being as weak as fragile as you think that I would help you?"

To this Naruto said "I won't say were the same, but man we are in the same body after all, you could you know help out?"

To this the massive nine tailed demon fox said "Why should I, you are my cage and your Fourth Hokage my Jailer, what do I owe you?"

To this Naruto gave a sigh and said "You don't owe me, but man can you at least help me survive?"

To this the demon fox gave a loud laugh.

"I may perish with you, but it will be only a matter of time before I revive, while you do not."

Naruto sighed and said "Sorry to waste your time, then I guess even we can't be friends."

He heard the fox snort as he left his mind scape.

"Well that was a waster of my time, guess I'll just go to Ichiraku's again."

Naruto now yawned and stood up from where he was sitting and went to open the his door to go out.

He was glad that there was no one outside and he went with some of the money he had saved up from his days as a Shinobi.

Reaching Ichiraku's he said "I'll just have the what you give me thanks."

Teuchi who had heard the news knew that the boy must be hurting and did not grudge him his monotone voice.

"One bowl coming up, Ayame Naruto's here."

Tuechi's daughter came out and greeted Naruto "Hi Naruto, come on you can be open with us here, I mean I feel like your older sister cooking for you everyday!"

At this Naruto did smile, a little but only a little "Thanks you guys."

Naruto then waited until he was served paid and then left he headed back to his house.

"I guess I'll waste away until I die, I think many people would like that."

He now saw the Hokage monument.

"I don't care about it any more, after all the best dreams are the unattainable kind."

Naruto now saw that Kakashi was looking at him, he ignored it and went on "He only cares for you now that Sasuke is gone, after all he did spend the month train him over than you."

This voice in his head was right about that. Naruto sighed and said quietly to himself "I guess I can't win, not in a village filled with prejudice pricks."

Naruto then looked with scorn now in his heart at the Hokage's office.

"If I was not being watched would I leave, the only people I talk to are those in Ichiraku's.

He was right about that, the only people he had not refused to talk to was them "If I can't be a part of this village why should I stay?"

In Amegakure

An orange haired man in a black cloak with red clouds stood within the rain.

He had just received a report of what was happening within Konoha.

"So it seems that the container of the Kyūbi has been removed from the Shinobi Corps in."

He said this while he looked out at the rain a blue haired woman came to his side.

"What do you make of it, do we intend to capture him?"

To this the man just shook his head "No, we don not, I do desire that you pay him a visit, but do so outside of your uniform."

She raised an eyebrow at this and asked "To what purpose do I go to visit him?"

The orange haired man took in a deep breath and said "If he still desires to change the world like was reported he will join us."

The Blue haired woman now spoke again "Do you believe that he will trust us, I would assume you will keep that we will extract the nine tails from him a secret?"

Her leader shook his head "Oh I intend to reveal to him our plans, he has no future left in Konoha, he knows that, we can give him one."

The blue haired woman looked at her leader and gave a polite bow and left, her hard task lay before her.

"What will happen if he accepts, on S Rank are allowed to join us?"

Konohagakure Five days later

Naruto had done his usually shun everyone except Ichiraku's. He was used to being ignored so it was kind of strange when his friends tried to give him attention.

The only one of them he did give time of day at all was Neji, two reasons, one Neji was branded just like him, two Neji had made sure that he could see Naruto with Hinata every day.

Yeah so he gave her time of day too, but they did not really speak, she would only listen and stuttered to him.

Neji at least would talk and ask him about what he was doing.

"If you are desperate I can ask my uncle to let you work as an attendant to Lady Hinata?"

Naruto looked at Neji and said "I am quite sure that would not go down well and you have others in your clan to worry about killing me in my sleep."

Neji sighed he had not got a smile out of Naruto the whole time, the only time he did show any signs of it was when he was at Ichiraku's.

Hinata on the other hand had blushed deeply when the thought of Naruto as her attendant appeared.

"I guess you two should be off to train again, I can't stay here all day either."

Neji nodded, he knew that Naruto was right, he and Hinata did have to train also Naruto could not sit around at Ichiraku's all day.

"I'll see you again tomorrow."

Neji and Hinata left Naruto who just looked at Teuchi "Hey you know me, what do you think I should do."

To this the old man had no answer but said "I think you should try to find your own reason, if you take a cause given by another it will break when you need it most."

Suddenly a women with blue hair some sort of flower in it and orange eyes walked inside. From her dress she could have been any one.

"Ah a new face what could I get you?" Teuchi asked as he saw a new face.

To this she replied "Get my what you think would most suit me."

Teuchi looked at her then said "Alright its coming up, be right back."

Running in back the Ramen store owner was going to prepare the meal himself.

"You must be Naruto Uzumaki, am I right?" Naruto who was just about to leave stopped when the woman said his name, their was not hate in her voice.

"You're not from around here are you, lady?"

To this she said "Oh no I'm not, but I would prefer to talk to you, it took some trouble to deal with the masked me who were shadowing you."

At this Naruto looked at her and knew that she could not have just said that out loud.

"You are perceptive, even for a child, you have a resistance to illusions." Naruto now had no doubt that he was under some type of Genjutsu.

"Who, who are you." To this she looked at him and said "The villagers where I come from refer to me as Lady Angel."

At this Naruto knew that she had to have some skills, she just took down a masked squad Anbu his he recalled the term.

"I should ask more of what do you want with me."

Then she smiled at Naruto it was captivating, though Naruto knew he should resist due to the fact she could be an enemy "I was sent here to extend an invitation to you Naruto."

To this Naruto did not know how to respond to this, he was invited to something.

"Um, what do you mean by invitation?"

He did not know what to say to what he heard next "I am here to give you a formal invitation into our organisation, I believe you met a few of our members, Itachi Uchiha was one of them?"

Naruto stood at her in the Genjutsu for what felt like a minute before he responded.

"Why, why would I want to join you?"

To this she said "We can give you a future a goal, what can this place give you?"

It was a fair call, Naruto knew he had spent what almost lost a month of his life to his own self depression.

"What makes you think I have not found a purpose?"

To this she gave a chuckle and said "From what we have gathered you are no longer a Shinobi dismissed on a whim, also your own teacher neglected you in favour of another."

All that she said was true "You have been mistreated by all the villagers and Shinobi save a few, not to mention the fact that had elite Shinobi watching you just in case you attempted to leave."

When she put it that way it did sound shit very shit in fact.

"Those two from before and the two people in this store, they're the only people you talk to I guess."

Naruto could not help but nod, she was right about that too.

"But you Akatsuki tried to kidnap me, you just want what is inside of me for a weapon."

To this she replied "Not as a weapon, but the Kyubi as well as the other tailed beast can be used to stop the constant wars that ravage our world."

Now Naruto and asked "Why would you want to stop that, why do you wish for wars to stop?"

She now looked at him and said "I lost my parents and my best friend to war, I do not wish to see anyone else become an orphan because of it."

Naruto was shocked he did not know if she was lying or not, but something told him that she really had been an orphan.

"Wait hold up a sec, why did you invite me, I mean I am not even a ninja any more."

To this she raised an eyebrow and said "Why do you really think those masked men were placed to watch you?"

A certain voice in Naruto's head said "They were there because the village still needs the container of the Kyubi alive, they were there to stop you from having any freedom."

This voice was not the Fox that was inside him, it was his own, part of him that he had been longing to let out.

"What would you do to me if I were to decline?"

She looked at him, "I would leave you, though I do wonder what they will do with the Anbu I killed, perhaps they would take you in for questioning?"

That would be putting it mildly and Naruto knew it, deep down for some reason he felt as if he did want to leave with her.

The voice that he had kept silent was now saying "Those who hated you and feared you are chaining you to this place, even the Hokage loathes you, for what you had no say in or control over!"

Naruto closed his eyes and attempted to release the Jutsu, he was successful and now looked at the real lady who was eating her Ramen.

He did not know she had let him out and he did not know that she knew what he would ask her next.

"So just asking if I were to go with you, how would you get me out?"

To this she did not answer him until she had finished her bowl.

Paying for it she turned to Naruto and said "If you come with me you can find out, do I take it that you have are going to accept the offer?"

The moment of truth had arrived and Naruto knew he can't stall it any longer the voice within his mind pushing him on, he did not want to know what the fox would say, nor did he care for it.

"I guess if I want to do anything with myself then I would have to agree with you, there is nothing that will help me here, I have no dreams or desire left here."

She now stood up and so did "I must say for us to leave peacefully you must come with me right now."

She offered him her hand and Naruto was a bit hesitant to accept but he did.

"All that I have left is nothing to do with Shinobi training, I cast that aside some time ago."

She gave him a nod and now the stepped out of Ramen store.

Teuchi had heard it all but remembered none of it, she was not a S rank missing nin for nothing, she also had left precautions just in case as well.

The sad truth of the matter is that it was not anyone of any higher rank that noticed Naruto was gone.

The next day this was discovered by two Genin who were the only ones to visit the boy everyday.

Okay how was that, I mean was it alright, I know it is pushing it but think of it if Naruto came to the conclusion that he was being tied down by the village

Well thats all from me for now PLEASE REVIEW I mean it, but no flaming thats cruel