My's been such a long time. It felt like this was on 2 year hiatus or something...I keep wanting to update but it seems that 24 hours a day still isn't enough...or that I'm using too much of that time for academics when I don't need to. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, and I'm certain you want to get to the fanfic.

So, here is the next chapter the the agents of Kingsman's tale.




Maleagant, Red and I made our way down a suspicious flight of stairs, they were rather…old and rusty…As if no one has been here for some time. Before us was the very collection of Raven's personal play toys. Around us were different types of guns, bombs, rifles and odd colored chemicals even.

"This must be the development room." said Red, "they test all types of things here. It's rumoured to be radioactive." she continued. "No one's allowed here unless they're a scientist or Raven herself…but this room has been closed for some while. Detecting too much radiation."

"She's a mad-woman." commented Maleagant.

"Thought we already established that…" said Merlin, who I'm guessing is trying to identify everything we see before our eyes.

"Red, Red. Come in. This is Bloodshed. Team Sky training room is empty. Taken down the agents there, coast is clear. Over." said Red's transmitter. She took it out her belt and put it over her mouth, masked by her infamous dark red mask.

"Morgana and Maleagant both in the development chamber." she said. I looked at her, confused on what she meant.

"Development chamber?" I questioned.

"Yes," she said, rather calmly explained.

"There is a secret door on your left, Maleagant." said Merlin. Soon 'Bloodshed' repeated the same thing- that there is a secret door somewhere in this room. "Stand still while I scan it." said Merlin. "Passcode is 82470"

Maleagant carefully pressed the nearly unnoticeable buttons on the wall. the door slid open, revealing a large circular…prison. Much like the Macalla that came crashing down, but this was no Macalla. This is something else.

The three of us advanced. We soon heard familiar voices. "Eggsy" said the voice of Lanelot, "Morgana, Maleagant and Red are on the other side of where you are now. My glasses detect their heat signatures." she said.

"Alright, watch out." said Galahad. A deafening sound rang in our ears, as he stepped kicked the metal scraps out of the way. He made his way towards me, holding the back of my neck, "you okay?"

I nodded. Maleagant signals for us to move out. We found ourselves in a seemingly empty room, with high technology like in head-quaters. But as we proceeded, we never thought she would outsmart us…


The smell of death filled their noses as a slick figure stood in front of them. "Well, isn't it great to have all of your greatest forces against mine?" she said. She wore a black blazer to go with her pencil skirt, her hair neatly placed on her shoulders, her lips red as blood, hair as dark as the shadows of evil, and eyes wide like a sleepless maniac.

"Put your hands in the air." said Red as she held her gun aimed at her former mistress. Raven's lips twisted into an inhuman smirk, her arms raised as a clicking sound echoed the room.

"Get out of the room!" cried Guinevere as she pushed them out the broad 'window', looking out to the snowy mountains. The screens broke, electric shocks were sent all over their bodies as they landed on the dirt. They were back outside, somewhere far, far away from Buckingham palace.

Sparks flew out the mountain-like building as the flames consumed everything inside.

"The flames…they…they are able to consume almost anything…nothing firerpoof works against them…" panted Red as she sat up. Her eyes caught on something bright. The fight wasn't over just yet, the sparks traced down onto the floor and raced closer towards them. "It's not over yet, IT'S NOT OVER." she screamed.

The Kingsman agents sprang up and sprinted towards the heel tracks. In the distance was Raven getting off a motorcycle and onto one of the helicopters. The other one was aiming directly at them with heavy artillery.

Explosions and fire consumed everything around them as their ears rang a painful pitch. Everything happened so quickly it almost seemed slow. The dirt flying up into the sky, as the flames surrounded the agents. The empty land was now covered with fire, the smoke it created making it nearly impossible to see. Their lungs burned as they kept running, covering their mouths and noses with their sleeves.

Guinevere knew she had to put a stop to the agents behind her, and at the helicopter above them.

"Eleanor…Charles…" she cried while running, the daughter and father turned their heads

"never stop fighting for you happiness" she said with a small smile. She took out the fire sucking weapon that would convert the fire around one onto the device, but, that also meant saying goodbye to the world.

"VICTORIE, NO!" cried Charles.

She activated the device, the air around them grew cooler as the flares entered the device, burning the Queen of Kingsman along.

"MOTHER-" another grenade hit their side. Eleanor's leg stung as her ears committed suicide. She watched her mother turn into dust as the fire surrounded her body. Her figure slowly disappearing, the storm of fire decreasing.

Victorie had no regrets. She'd do anything as long as they were safe. She knew Raven had already thrown away her most precious and dangerous weapons, her only defence was simply everything left of her. Only her tanks, helicopters, guns and missiles. Things that Kingsman deal with every other day. The fire was feeding off her body. Destroying her lungs and every other organ along with it.


She threw the device into the air, making it collide with the helicopter, causing it to explode. She fell to the ground. Eyes open and emotionless. Her chest wasn't heaving like it was a while ago. Her lips chapped. Her arms burnt and her hands brown from the fire.

The agents behind her were all the same. Their bodies red with flesh as the smoke danced around them.

Eleanor's heart clenched as she awoke from the gas that messed with her brain. She rushed towards her mother and kneeled beside her. She screamed her name, trying to forbid the tears to leave her eyes. Charles cupped her face and kissed his wife's forehead, chanting the same words over and over. "I can't lose you, I can't lose you, not again, please…not again."

The ache in Eleanor's heart was destroying her. The painful memory of his wife's death will haunt him for life. He was so badly injured by his wife's death, he paid no attention to his bleeding guts. The blood escaping Victorie's burnt arms will forever stay on his hands. He kissed her forehead again and again, making up for the things he'd done wrong.

Roxy's eyes were wide with shock, her hands covering her mouth as water filled her eyes. Eggsy panted and blinked countless times to keep the tears from flowing. He, too watched the light leave her eyes as she sacrificed herself for him. Red's head was down, memories of her General Ingrid ran through her mind, then, memories of earlier that day, where her General was no longer Ingrid, but became the true Queen of Kingsman, saved their asses countless times.

Eleanor hands were shaking so much. A little too much. The compassion in her eyes were gone and replaced with hatred. The burning feeling on her leg moved upwards to her heart.

She could no longer hold it in anymore. She had to let go. She had to set the beast free.

In the distance were Raven's army. With their tanks and everything. She hoisted herself up and walked past the agents.

"Ella…Ella, where are you going." said Charles, "ELLA COME BACK" he shouted. She ignored his every attempt to stop her. She ignored Roxy's hand holding her back. She ignored Eggsy cupping her face telling her to stop at her footsteps. Instead of listening, she flung them off her body and ran towards the attacking herd of agents.

Her bullets danced through the air, hitting every single one of her targets. She made her way through the seemingly endless agents, curving bullets, and inserting them into their heads.

"Eleanor, stop, you can't get to her." Eggsy cried, as he tried to catch up with the agent's speed. "You can't stop her. It's too late."

The blood dripping from her arm didn't stop her. The pain in her foot didn't slow her down. All she felt was rage. All the daggers in her only made her more thirsty to kill. Her need for revenge was washing over her. The effects of the gas had gone too far.

"Ella! Stop, you'll never get to her!" Cried Lancelot as she tried to fend off the incoming agents.

She kept going, not even resting for one second. Her enemy was right in front of her, but there were so many things holding her down, physically, mentally and emotionally. Raven was only so far away, but yet, so many dead and burnt bodies lay in her way. Her mind was set to kill, but she knew her mother would never want her to do this. Yes, Victorie was an agent, but she knew when to stop attacking. Eleanor knew what this meant when she…no, let's rephrase that - if she manages to return to head-quaters.

Her glasses would be taken away. She would be stripped of weapons and forced to live her old life. Yes, that does sound more charming than killing her way towards Raven, but she just had to avenge her mother.

As the helicopter rose higher into the skies. The more frustrated she got. Running her knife along everyone on the apposing team, regardless of what they were trying to do.

"Eleanor, stop!" cried Merlin, who was on the plane above her. "Ella, you're reaching 80%" He knew he had to put her down before the gas was in full effect.

She knew what she had become - an emotionless killing monster. An assassin with one mission: to kill.

She couldn't stop. Her inhuman side of herself took over. She liked the pain, as if it recharged her and made her feel young. She wanted to destroy every living thing in sight. No matter what the cost she had to face, she wanted to simply kill.

"Eggsy, Roxy, get out of her sight! She's reaching 90%"

There was so much blood spilled as she stood where the helicopter took off. She was out of grenades so she simply fired her gun countless times, aiming at her enemy, reloading it and continue firing. Of course she knew there was no use, but it was the closest she got to revenging her mother.

She dropped the gun. The blood tickling her fingers as they too, fell drop by drop. The countless bodies lay there, motionless, expressionless. Dead. A tear escaped her eye as it fell onto the ground.

She looked around her. "What have I done…" she muttered.

Eggsy and Roxy had their taser guns aimed at her. Eggsy was still in shock of what she had created. Hundreds of bodies lay sprawled on the ground. Maleagant on the plane was simply too injured to react, his breathing uneven as tears rolled down. He couldn't lose his wife and daughter on the same day…he couldn't afford to lose the only biological trace of Victorie Crestfall to death.

"What have I done…what have I done…wha-what…" she sobbed and chanted as she sank onto her knees, trying to wipe off the blood of others she had murdered. "What did I do…what have I done…"

"Merlin…?" said Roxy, "how is she?"

"Decreasing to 70%…68%…65%…" he answered as he kept counting.

The Eleanor they saw was becoming weak. Becoming more vulnerable and human. Her tears washed away the blood, but some were still tainted on her hands. The cut on her elbow didn't sting anymore. The burnt on her leg no longer mattered.

The only thing on her mind was how she was going to cope with herself. What was she going to do now…