AN: Hi guys! Long time no see! I just wanted to thank you all once again for reading my story, and for all the lovely comments you have all left for me! I honestly don't know if I would've finished it if it wasn't for your constant motivation and amazing reactions! I wanted to let you know that user annhug, suggested to me a writing contest to submit OBATW to, and I have. The contest will be going on until next week and I would appreciatete it if you could vote it up or leave a review (totally optional). Thanks again for reading my story and for giving it so much exposure, you are all amazing! :D

Here's the Link: stories/32408?utm_source=shared_web&justSignedUp=true

(PS: As some of you may have known, I did start another PJO story, and haven't updated in forever, I want you all to know that I haven't given up on that one, I just haven't found the right time to write. College is exhausting!)
